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The Withered Forest

Diran the Thief

Future manga artist
And I finally made it. The Withered forest... or at least what’s left of it. I don’t really... remember why I wanted to come here. I just had this... feeling that told me to go there and eventually I made it. But what I do remember is what people say about it. The amount of bandits that live there. And many enigmas that roam there. But that didn’t stop me from going. Although the journey wasn’t easy... or enjoyable. I was attacked by countless of monsters and bandits. The wounds... the things some of those monsters have injected in my body. The pain was unbearable. Although all I felt through my life was nothing but pain. I could barely stand up because of it. But other than that I pressed forward.

Each stepped hurt more than the last. My vision was blurry... I couldn’t feel my limbs. It hurt so bad... I fell on my knees and crawled forward. Why am I going forward? What reason do I have to keep going? But whatever it was that was driving me... it certainly drove me to my death. I couldn’t move... I couldn’t breath... I couldn’t feel my heart beat. Was this what death felt like? They always say that when you die you see a light. But I saw a tiny bit of light that was immediately swallowed up by darkness I’ve never seen before. A darkness so dark... it’s indescribable. But I saw... something or someone approaching me. I could feel my limbs again. My vision was clearing. The pain was gone. Put what I was seeing was two red eyes, constantly getting closer and closer. Eventually it stood right in front of me. I was frighten, in fact I couldn’t say a word. Then just... out of no where it grabbed me and... it lifted me in the air. After that, something... extend from it’s body. I watched him slowly tap the top of my head. Then it started to push on my head more and more. Eventually it started to cut through my head then to my body.

I stood up and breathed heavily. The pain... the wounds. They were gone. I could feel my heart beat again. I had this sudden voice in my head that... sounded like instructions. “Ten days... The giants of the Withered forest elements must be freed.” What did it mean? What could it mean? Thinking about it, I rubbed my head then I felt this scar. I never had this scar before. It ran down from my head to the middle of my torso. But that was the least of my problems. There was... another feeling I had. Something told to go... somewhere. At this point, what did I have to lose? I just... went with it.

Eventually, I came across this building that was the size of a house. But what’s a building doing in the Withered forest? Let alone being in a forest. I went inside it and saw a few desks, chairs, clipboards and... something in a pod made of metal. There was a little window and I wiped it to see through it. When I did I saw this woman inside. Her eyes closed. I looked under the window and this glowing... pad said “Containment pod unlocked.” On the pad was some numbers and over those was a sign that said “Unlock, Yes or no.” I... pressed yes and the pod opened. The door to the pod slid open, a bunch of slime drained out and the body of that woman fell with some tubes on her body detached from her body. She fell out but I catched her. Her body was all slimey but I managed to hold on to her. Then... she began to breath and her eyes slowly opened.

Plot explanation: For this RP, your character will be the mysterious person. As you may have read you came out of that pod that contained you. You have no memory of what or who you are. However your character can be what you want. You know, what hair colour you want, what kind of species you want to be (Example: Vampire, angel, etc. I’ll allow any other species from other series or one you made up.), the size of your bo- uhh eyes. You get the point. The character can be the way you want it to be.

Just of a bit more of explanation: The story will be set in a fantasy world, it will be a dark story and the things we can do are limitless. Sound cool to you? Alrighty then. Character description first. Then we can start. (Also I don’t mind if you want to do third person RPing)

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