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Fantasy The Witch Trial

everyone was in the catacombs. shiro went berserk destroying the catacombs in a fight with an ancient beast that was sealed. we saved a senior. after that idk
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So do any of you guys have plans for your characters? As in sideplots or character arcs? I have some things planned Klef.

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Holy shit! I've missed so much (I've realized that I hadn't press "Watch thread" sorry!). Can someone tell me a summary of what happened?
@-@ a shit ton has happened, but um well classes have started and we found one of the missing seniors not that your character knows that there are people looking, we explored the catacombs only for someone to virtually destroy it and we got new people
Yoghurt said:
Stop embarrasing me. ;w;
You wanna know an embarrassing thing that happened to me once?

Okay so me and my sister got one from school one year and we fell asleep because we we're tired. So our other sister, comes to get us and it's like 7:50 pm but we thought it was am. So we freak out and put on our uniforms and grab our backpacks and are like freaking out. So our sister doesnt take us to school and we're like !!!!!! But she told us that it was pm not am. So we we're embarrassed.

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