Literature The Wild Hunt (by Elspeth Cooper)


Oddball and author
Songs of the Earth
Trinity Rising
The Raven's Shadow

Do those names ring a bell? Welcome to The Wild Hunt, an in my opinion amazing series of books that's nearing its conclusion.

A long time ago, back in 2011 when the first book was released... I bought it on a whim, flipped through the pages... and then tossed it at the back of a closet, completely forgetting about its existence until the day I moved out. Then, I placed it in my bookshelf and left it untouched for another year or so. Now fast forward to more recently, where I picked up the book and actually started to read it. It didn't take long for me to be hooked. I wasn't even done with book 1 yet and I had already ordered book 2 and three online. Then the same thing happened with book 2... I left it untouched, not giving myself the time to read. Fast forward a little bit again. Book two is finished, I've started the third... and I'm eagerly anticipating the release of book 4 (the final one) (The Dragon's House)

I love the development of the characters, and how recognizable some bits of the setting are. Sure, things are clearly inspired of other things (looking at the Nordic warriors with horned helmets here)... And some of those points certainly irked me. Especially when it was too obviously based off things we know but given a tiny little twist. It's fantasy, so I've got to accept those bits. And I do, really. The storyline is great, and I love how you get to see different points of view, (presumed) villains included. You learn things might not all be as black-and-white as you at first assume. The story hasn't failed to completely draw me in. This to the point where I completely skipped dinner. Imagine starting to read around 5 when you get back from your classes and think you're gonna read for an hour before cooking... and the next thing you know it's past 9.

Several moments are worth a good chuckle, some left me in tears. Elspeth Cooper hasn't failed to surprise me with the story and twists. I like where it's going, even if I've got no real clue yet where it's headed. I'm really curious where book 3 will take me, and when book 4 will be out. On the one hand I can't wait for the story to conclude since it's so epic... while on the other hand I don't want it to be over BECAUSE it's so good and I hate saying goodbye to a good series. I can always re-read, sure... but I've got to wait for years, literally... Curse you, mind that remembers so many story details that re-reading is hardly any fun.

Is anyone else here reading this (awesome) series and have an opinion to share?

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