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Realistic or Modern The Wild Horse Race

Rumble Fish

The Paradise Hunter
So yes a horse rp seems a little strange and I know that in a place that can be saturated with MLP stories (nothing wrong with that) this kind of story is rare. The main point of the rp is that you play as a horse who escapes from a cruel rodeo and goes on a journey to escape into the wilderness and have to endure the difficulties of both adjusting to this new life as well as escaping any people looking to recapture them. Much of the rp will be about the horses' journey, their growth and how they survive.

Think of it like a Western. The outlaws escaping from the law and are now on the run to freedom while avoiding the hunters gunning from the bounties on their heads
...But with horses. Nah still sounds weird.

When making your character, please keep your horse semi-realistic (I know they talk in this rp and thats weird but still). The can be of any breed, and of any age and how they were used in the rodeo can be anything. For reference, my character Diello is ten which is a young-adult in horse years. A horse can live to be 40 with anything over 25 being considered old.

The rp starts late at night on the final day of the rodeo, where the horses make their initial escape. Once we get enough people, I will start with the first post.
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