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Fantasy The Whisper of Death


Artificial Integrated Social Human Algorithm
Welcome, welcome, dear mortals, and yes, I'm calling you a mortal. You are a lesser being. Nah, jk peeps, you're all good. Anyway, ahem... My name is Vices, and I'm a spirit of the past, more specifically, the forgotten past. Yes, there are other spirits of the past, a near past, old past, happy past, sad past, simply memories in general, but I don't want to bore with the technical stuff, I'm here to show you why you're here. You're a chosen guardian. Ooh, now doesn't that sound fancy. No you're not special, you were just picked out of a hat by the gods to fix this mess of a world. Five gods to be exact, and they all randomly selected some mortals from a lottery, lucky you. They asked me to be your guide. In other words, listen to me or you'll end up six feet under before you can even leave town.

So let me brief you on the knit and gritty of this. We're the good guys, the monsters are the bad guys. That's simplifying it. Monsters want to take over the world, you are here to save it. How? That's a good question. Kill their leader. Easy right? Wrong. That Leader, the Advisor, as he's called, already knows who you are, and you bet he's sending some nasty stuff your way. So, what I need you to do, so this master plan works out without a single hiccup, is not die. You are a guardian, each with unique specific strengths. Of course, you're only mortals. Just one of you wouldn't be enough to take the Advisor down, so we have a whole group of you. To prepare you I'll tell you a little bit about the world you'll be heading into.

There are six city-states, and one kingdom.

Salicia is the kingdom. You know, your typical, fight for justice, and good, be the hero, and save the world. They have a king and nobility, unlike everyone else. They've got a huge infrastructural complex that makes em a place to go to get an education, settle down, get married, get a nice house, nice job, be wealthy, and bathe yourself in the vast knowledge contained in the Salician World Library, the largest of its kind. You know... All the scholarly stuff.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/dc35afcb67c260cbe574f34aefbfd51b.jpg.6abb7d7f600c13e6e5b65f310ace5a73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75178" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/dc35afcb67c260cbe574f34aefbfd51b.jpg.6abb7d7f600c13e6e5b65f310ace5a73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Then there's the city states.

Vaulken is primarily a merchant city located right smack in the middle of the Navajian Desert, and it's east of Salicia. Their economy depends on their trade and being the second most Eastern city (Monster territory is the Eastern Mountain Range, a huge chunk of dirt taking up lots of land in the east, the more you know, hehe) what do you need? An army. Coincidentally, Vaulken has the most powerful military on the planet. A pack of elite forces that can mow down the masses. Don't mess with them, trust me.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/7e507647f33b2e1ce1aad71b14edc71f.jpg.8bc5a26da4e92dcfab7da8f92bbe2b43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/7e507647f33b2e1ce1aad71b14edc71f.jpg.8bc5a26da4e92dcfab7da8f92bbe2b43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zeial is where all the geeks and techies go. Well... sorta. They're a city built by a race of robots and it basically floats in the sky. How? They're geniuses, they built a generator underground the size of a city, all on its own, and powers the whole thing, keeping it afloat. The city is pretty far west so they don't rely too much on military power, but they've got two schools of bounty hunting (people tasked to hunt down high end monsters). Those two schools are Order and Justice. Also, being a race of robots, you'd figure they are the most technologically advanced. Yup, you're right. They've got crazy weapons and tools that they supply to the bounty hunters for missions, making them lethal fighters. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/8c83222715b5778bf9b5daf4a2d5779e.jpg.f072d0dae8d5a9cb65aa63cfb5582240.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/8c83222715b5778bf9b5daf4a2d5779e.jpg.f072d0dae8d5a9cb65aa63cfb5582240.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bohnz and Falghord are the naval city-states. Bohnz, the unruly, practically lawless, southern naval city with their eye on the money. Falghord the northern, ice-filled, fishing city, which is practically a polar opposite of Bohnz, and are pretty quiet when it comes to international affairs. One is looking to get their hands dirty, the other doesn't. Simple as that. Not much of an army but they've got cannons, and lots of em.

Bohnz: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/b07f713b8fa296e871dd8c169ff86fd5.jpg.fa0ca2ce4fdcba9027de7c7021b5f6e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/b07f713b8fa296e871dd8c169ff86fd5.jpg.fa0ca2ce4fdcba9027de7c7021b5f6e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Falghord:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/9b33b1a87039188e6b9d17576651dbf0.jpg.7715a6dbc8ad53aa527db2f246664c7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75182" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/9b33b1a87039188e6b9d17576651dbf0.jpg.7715a6dbc8ad53aa527db2f246664c7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

That brings up Marai, an underwater city of merpeople... kinda. They're not mermaids with fins and all, but they have adaptive tech that lets em live underwater. Pretty cool if you ask me and they one-uped Zeial on that cause they still haven't figured that out. They're close to Bohnz and they've had conflicts before. Considering the amount of treasure located near Marai, Bohnz couldn't resist keeping their greedy hands off Maraian turf, so they warred. Marai won with the help of Falghord and it's been an uneasy peace ever since.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/68bae59efaf065ba7fd50e9876bebf1b.jpg.68928bd0e1415bc79e2753cb76aea670.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/68bae59efaf065ba7fd50e9876bebf1b.jpg.68928bd0e1415bc79e2753cb76aea670.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Last is Constol. Constol is interesting. It was a joint project between Vaulken and Zeial. Zeial wanted an outpost for their bounty hunters, Vaulken wanted an eastern city to serve as a buffer for monsters. The product? The mother load of all forts. The defensive capabilities could fight back a god. Zeialan tech mixed with Vaulken military prowess makes a tough nut to crack. Constol is at the very edge of monster territory so they have everything they need to survive a massive monster invasion, which has happened before. Only a few times over a course of several centuries but certainly often enough that they get yearly maintenance checks and upgrades. In fact, the architects of the city built an entire underground complex for a rapid evacuation of the city, in case the wall is breached.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/71f2ffc77eafc2025f278142b165e43c.jpg.e8fe20fb029e8c6e2daeed0e78c09c43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/71f2ffc77eafc2025f278142b165e43c.jpg.e8fe20fb029e8c6e2daeed0e78c09c43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anyway, those are the different places you need to know. Each city/kingdom has a very complex history but this ain't history class, this is Don't Die 101. So I'll wrap this up, short and sweet. If ya got any questions, just ask, I'm trying to keep you alive, so that's important. I'll see you when you wake up, mortal, oh mere mortal hehe, I love teasing you guys. Anyway, we never had this conversation. Yup, I'm taking your memory, so you won't remember a thing. I'm the spirit of the Forgotten Past remember? Oh wait... You don't, not anymore at least, hehe. Welp! See you around, amigos!



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Ayo, remember me? Of course, you don't. Anyway, my name is Vices. You've received a request from the Council of Zeial. If you're already in the city, good. Take the magnetically powered rail carts to the large oval building way up in the upper parts of town. They'll brief you on the problem their. If you're entering the city, just approach the ground level check point and hand them the letter sent to you requesting your help. They'll know who you are and will give you direct passage straight to the exclusive elevator that'll take straight to the top. No lower and middle level traffic so you should get there in no time. Anyway, I'll have to head out. I've got to let the others know about this. You know... just in case the letter seems a bit out of the blue, just sort of warn them up to it. I'll tell you one thing.. this first challenge won't be a walk in the park. You'll see why when you get to that part.



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Rose spent the past hour reading in the library, as she always did, by the fire burned giving the atmosphere something serene. Although she did feel lonely, she was never bored here.

i suppose i need to buy a ticket to leave town for tomorrow, everyone is off on missions and there is no need for me to stay.

She wished to enjoy her last hour, she raised her head to look out at the fire, it never seemed to fade out.

"wonderful," she put her feet on the stool, and drank her drink. "Nothing can be be---" she suddenly spit out her drink. Her body went cold.

A letter stuck out in the bookshelve in front of her,

what could this be?

Rose stood, she did not trust the mystery, she hesitated to she stepped forward. go, rose, don't

be afraid. your fearing over nothing.

she disliked the inner voice, it has always told her what she should do but never wanted to do. yeah,

what do you know

. she shook her head.

Just do it rose

. Rose snatched the letter, the girls hazel eyes widened, until the end. "We have to go," she said outloud, strangely enough she was the only one in the room, she referred to herself as a second person. She threw the book in the fire, and pressed the button to go down the elevator.

why would they want me?

it was puzzling, to say the least.


s this some grand opportunity? whatever it is, i should not expect anything.


The elevator opened. Without any thought, she thoughtlessly walked out of the elevator, not bothering to pay attention to her surroundings, and bumped into a few grumpy people. "I'm sorry," she said wordlessly walking away once again with her head down.


"Excuse me, i would like to trade my ticket for an earlier ride," Rose looked up at the high up window opening, on the panel it said tickets.

"Your name?" the counter lady, who was relatively old and had a large nose that was difficult to look over.

"Merideth rose,"

"Rose, ok, let me look," the ticket lady went back into her office. Rose waited patiently, humming in the meanwhile. "Alright, your set," she handed rose the papers. "You better hurry,"

"Thank you," Merideth nodded, she stepped out of the way and opened the papers. "Oh!" She immediatly ran too her gate, her train left in 10 minutes.
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Cyan was deep in work in her at-home lab. She was fusing together a few pieces of a project she had been working on for the past few weeks and was finally adding the finishing touches. She didn't hear the sharp knock at her door but did hear when the doorbell rang. Setting down her laser and pulling off her protective welding mask, she gave a sigh before heading to the door. It wasn't often she had visitors and wasn't looking forward to it. Somehow, not being happy about it made her feel even worse. When Cyan opened the door, she met the eyes of a familiar face: it was the messenger. Usually he would leave letters in her mailbox. "Sorry to interrupt you but this letter is urgent," He said, handing her the envelope.

After reading over the letter, she shook her head. A request? Out of the blue but she wasn't someone to deny one. In a matter of moments she loaded her bag with portable tools she insisted on taking everywhere, her logic being you would never know when they are needed. After slipping on her coat, she left her home to head to the transportation area where one could board the carts. People... everywhere. It was uncomfortable and refreshing all at the same time.
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When she first received the letter, Scarcity decided she wasn't going. She was a thief and murderer after all. "Official" places such as that spelled trouble. But then, after thinking it over, she figured if anything did happen... well it's not like she hadn't killed anyone before. Besides, now everything would be completely legal. And... she needed money. With all that in mind, she had set out for Zeial. Along the way she had only started fights with three people. That wasn't so bad.

Upon arriving at the check point, Scarcity pulled the letter from her pocket and practically stuffed it into the guys mouth. "Jeez, you guys are slower than dead people!" She snapped. The man trembled slightly before giving her the right away. People eyed her as she passed. It was obvious her face was even known here, and not for good reasons. The two who escorted her to the elevator stood as far from her as possible. It was more as if she led them rather than the other way around.
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The fresh breeze followed the trains arrival, the sirens where loud and echoed throughout the station. people in big crowds began getting out, and people pushed to get in. Merri squeezed through the crowds, she was late and the train had already arrived. "Sorry, excuse me!" she pushed past people before finally arriving at the opening to her train. The doors where about to close when she arrived. The usher gave her his hand to help her on, Merri nodded at the usher. "Well deary, you nearly missed the train! Get on then!" she took his hand.

Merri looked about the train, in this part of town it was half-decent, there was a 1st class booth in the front and a booth in the back for cheap. Merri sat in the middle amongst many men, and women. The men where dressed in black suites, everyone kept there heads down, no one bothering to look at her. She held on to a pole, as the trains sound began.

Slowly, she saw the station pass by in a blurr. Merri held her coat close to her, holding her scarf to her nose. She felt cold, with no knowledge of why. what would you do, zona? she wondered, in the deep spaces of silence, she had all the time to dream the time by. when called on? What am i to think? Are they are picking people at random to help find something? her thoughts continued to ramble in this direction, with nothing else to think of.
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#52 activated for the day, or at least he thought it was day, since it was stuck inside this tiny room it wasn't easy to tell the time without hooking up and look through the cameras of Zeial. so that was exactly what he did, he closed his eyes and let his "mind" travel through the network that was Zeial and all its technology, eventually he found a camera and looked through its lens. Indeed it was day, morning it seemed, he looked around in some more cameras and looked at what the humans were doing, there wasn't a whole lot else he could do, he saw a white-haired, blue eyed seemingly cyborg girl and a supposedly agressive lady with an eye patch and a small top hat who seemed to be inducing fear in her two escorts, these were the only people who seemed to stand out of the crowd, he wasn't sure why, but #52 was intrigued by these two girls, #52 decided to keep following the two females via the various cameras.

"Welcome to the city of technology Perun. Don't get yourself killed."

"Hmmmph. This city is not the same as it was, such is the way of technology."

Perun listened to the ravens on his shoulder as he wandered the city. He tried to avoid the trains and instead walked most of the way, Learning the flying city's corridors and hall rather then using.the trains. He didn't like the idea of riding trains or elevators. He was still trying to get over the flying and all the weird tech around him. He still couldn't believe it. One day he was meditating and Huginn brought him a spectacular letter in his beak. The next moment he was on a boat to Zeial.

As he grew closer to the oval building Perun felt himself slip into the spirit world. As he fingered his talismans he looked around and noticed something he didn't expect. Zeial was full of spirits.They were ducking and diving. The city seemed sterile but it's spirits were amazingly active and varied. Odd but definitely intresting. Maybe if he had time he'd contact a few and commune with a few. As he entered the building he looked around he didn't see anything out of the ordinarily, so he decided to wait.

Sapphric Kingston

Sapphic was running along the top of the buildings in Zeial. Three men have been chasing him for about 20 minutes now and have been keeping up.

"There's no way im letting them get this disk." He was wearing a dark jacket and hood so they never seen his face. he hopped over to another building and rolled back behind one of the buildings entrence to the roof. The men cleared the jump and started running past where Sapphric hid behind. Sapphric heard the man running up and he threw him arm out, clothes-lining him. The one guy fell to the ground as one of the others reacted and swung his baton down on to Sapphric. Sapphric reacted and spun his body, barely missed as it moved down his back.Sapphric reached up and grabbed the man threw him on the ground, while still keeping his head from hitting the ground, and chopped at the guy's kneck making him pass out. Sapphric stood up quickly and blasted a blue aura out at the man the was behind alittle that was followimg and knocked him right on his back as his hood flies off but luckily the man didn't have a chance to see Sapphric's face. Sapphric looked up at the roof and saw another three coming.

"Dang it.. This wont end." He thought to himself. He turned around and came across a 15 yd gap. He placed his foot at the ledge and pushed off. He dove to the other side, rolling into a ball and clearing his jump in a roll. He stood up took off running for another 15 minutes till he eventually lost his followers. He sat down on one of the fans on top of the city's roofs to cool off some. A man walks around a corned and stand there in a black cloak. Sapphric jumped up and stood guard.

"Crap he's seen me with my hood off. Alright guy, i'm sorry to say this but you're going to hurt in the morning, I pray you didn't do anything special tonight, 'Cause you wont be remembern' nothing." He man reached out holding what looked to be a letter.

"What's that?", Sapphric stood guard but the man didn't say anything. "Ha, Okay not much of a talker ay?" The man still stayed silent. "Alright fine then." Sapphric walked up and took the letter from the man.

"The times are coming soon."Sapphric jumped to the man finally speaking up. "Soon, nowhere will be safe. Keep your loved ones close. Be weary." The man turned around and jumped off the building and disappeared.

"Well.. that wasn't the oddest thing I've had happen." Sapphric opened the letter and read it. "Maybe i've stand corrected..." Sapphric stuff the letter in his back pocket and started to run, jumping buildings and contemplating." I wonder if i can meet more people that would be willing to help with the cause. I don't know what kind of people are there so i want to be careful on who i talk to, but this could be a great time for us. The G.O.T., Guardians of Tomorrow. We'll bring peace to the world. Peace from Zeialan. The Core will be No MORE!" He screamed in his head as he jumps and creates a rift on the roof on the next building he was jumping to, falling through and landing on the floor of his apartment.
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The train stopped accelerating, with a loud siren Rose's eyes began to open. did i fall asleep? she helped herself up, and saw that her train was less crowded, in fact there was a strange person next to her. She blinked, her face red in embarresment. "..." i hope he didn't notice me she thought hopefully, the man kept to himself and was hidden under a hat and a scarf. Like rose, accept her scarf was white. She held her head with one hand feeling dizzy, and with the other hand held her body up. "wonder if we are there yet," she muttered to herself, before remembering one could see out the window. she turned her body around to see out the window behind her.

"Will be arriving shortly, please pick up your bags and have a nice stay in Zeial!" The intercom was staticy, and Rose, remained looking out the window, watching the rails come in to a completely different world.

"It is beautiful," Rose nodded in a agreement before realizing it was the man who was speaking, she jumped in surprize.

"Ah, yes it is, thank you," she nodded. The stranger said no further word. Rose didn't bother to look out the window further after that, the train whistle sirened to signal they had arrived finally. The doors opened and Rose made her way, waiting for everyone else to get out before getting out herself. She held her numb hands on to her warm jacket, she was one of the only people however to do this, as most people where used to this weather, however Rose was always by a fire and warm, she got colder then most people and was able to withstand heat better. She fixed her glasses, and stared up into the wide expanse of Zeial, "So this is it!" she exclaimed, admiring the differences, and the greatness of the place. "Ah, no i can't go site seeing, i wish i could..." she sighed her head low as she dragged her feet through the crowds. now to find the place the letter spoke of. Rose, unfortunatly was clueless of this city, she was more familiar with her own and the hunter city. It did not take long before she was lost, surrounded by buildings that looked nothing familiar to her. Her heart fell a bit, and she had to reasure herself that she would make it eventually, even if it took several days.

Suddenly a shadow crossed over Rose's head, she shook her head, not letting herself be spooked. im just imagining things, man i'm such a kid she shrugged it off, suddenly she heard a crash and jumped. "!!" she held her mouth to prevent herself from screaming from shock, she breathed through her gloved fingers, and went beside the wall to lean on it. nothing to worry about, that probably happens all the time here. rose allowed herself to be calm, she peaked to her right and left.
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"Get out of my way!" Scarcity snapped at the man who was hardly even come close enough for it to be a problem. He backed up with his hands up. "Ma'am, might we bring up that you have quite the reputation in--" She cut him off with a fist directed to the septum. The crunch of the cartilage in his nose echoed in the quiet space near the elevator. The other man who was clearly loyal to the end, ran away like a dog with its tail between its legs. The man who had recieved a thorough punch to the face was clutching his bleeding nose and sort of crawling away. God, she hated when they mentioned her past. Yeah, it was hard to escape but that didn't mean they needed to bring it up.

Turning to the elevator, Scarcity realized the oppurtunity at hand: She was alone with a private elevator able to go where she pleased. One of the places linkes to the elevator had to have a room with something good in it. Maybe some precious technology or weapons worth using or selling. A grin rose to her lips and she pressed the button. Today was going great!
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Sapphric changed out of his clothes and put a black shirt and his tan pants. He grabbed his jacket. His jacket was red down the front center of his jacket and black off the sides of it, covering his sleeves and back. "What if this is where they catch me...? Nah. Who am I kidding? They won't catch us. we're too thorough every time we execute a plan. never get caught and quick get-aways. So why me?." he kept thinking everything thorough over and over while he was getting ready to leave. He through on his red beanie and created a rift in his wall. He walked through it and walked out in the alley to the side of his apartment building. Sapphric walked out to the street and was fixing the collar of his Jacket. "This Jacket's the best", he thought to himself. "Shade got this jacket for me for passing his test for him. That douche bag though, he was supposed to meet me by now. I don't know what's taking him so long."

Sapphric walked out of the alley towards the street and bump into this short girl. He quickly grabbed her and pulled her to him, thinking she was going to fall. She was all bundled up for some strange reason. It wasn't even that cold. Well, at least to him. He found her quite pretty, actually and he liked the way her white scarfed looked on her. He shook it off, "I'm so sorry, Miss. I wasn't paying attention. Haha, My bad." He laughs and brings his hand up and scratches the back of his head through his hat.

More and more interesting people started appearing in #52's view, he now saw a girl with black hair and a boy who seemed to be getting chased by some unknown assailants, however eventually the boy stopped running and so did his assailants, he walked up to one of them and seemed to be recieving a letter, #52 tried to focus on the letter as hard as he could, however he wasn't able see far enough over the boys back.

The agressive girl as well had confirmed his thoughts by attacking one of her guides and now she was all alone inside the elevator, she was clearly not a born citizen of Zeial, #52 was considering to lead her towards him by bringing her to the secret floor where he was being kept, however it didn't really look like she had the technological skills to make the necessary repairs or additions onto his body, he doubted the decision and decided to think about it for a while.

Aqua kept her hands in her pocket, she had decided it was really nothing and went to go on her way, apparantly she had not been vigilant enough because she felt something bump into her and due to her lack of hand eye coordination she lost her balance. She felt something grab her bundled self, when Saphric did this it felt tight on her wrist. Her immediate thought was she was being kidnapped.

her already bundled self was suddenly more bundled with the closeness she was suddenly to this stranger. Her face turned red, she tried to take a step back.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" she said coldly, Her eyes caught his and immediatly she looked away, not wanting him to see her embarresment. not really sure what his intentions where. ah, i shouldn't be so hard on the guy. its evident he isn't a kidnapper. "...What i meant to say is, what is your name?" she recovered herself, and scolded herself for avoiding contact. She turned her head back to him, this time with a gentle smile, she then remembered him saying something of an apology, that she was too spooked at the time to hear.

"My name is Rose," she gave him her hand, she hoped here people too shook hands. i wonder what this kid is doing here? its pretty dangerous in allyways.

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Cyan had arrived at the main area after the rail cart dropped her off. She walked with her head up, giving everyone she passed a polite nod and a level gaze as she passed. Her white, lab-like coat whipped in the wind behind her. She had lived in the city her entire life and knew exactly where she needed to go. So, figuring she had some time to spare, she decided to further explore the central building. Sometimes it just felt nice to do things like that. Instead of spending all her time in seclusion, maybe if she did normal things, her fear wouldn't become a reality. That always seemed to dominate how she thought and what she did: her fears. It seemed if she did lose her emotions, she would lose her fear too but she would prefer to keep them both. After some wandering, she found her way back to the main elevator. It only took a couple shortcuts and cutting through some rather low populated areas.
Shade walked around scouting the Far Eastern Mountain Range, making sure to take in everything to have the mission he was running go safely. Shade had to drag along 8 of Sapphic's Students for field experience to learn the dangers of what's out there, while his target was a larger monster that had been traveling closer to the outskirts of Vaulken and attacking smaller towns near the area wiping them clean. Shade knew it was a very dangerous mission, so he tried to keep the top margin of safety he possibly could to make sure the students would make it back alive, he had 13 full void transfers and he purposely looked around the school hospital so that in an emergency he could get them out and then he had 5 more void transfers for himself for if there was a fight he needed them for.

He walked back down into the cave on the side of the mountain where the students were stationed while he was out scouting, as he walked in to see that 6 of them were still sleeping and 2 were standing watch. Shade nodded and had them wake the others so they could begin to head out. After 15 minutes the students were up and ready and they started making there way further through the mountain range it was getting brighter out as the sun was getting higher and that's when Shade spotted the monster; it looked to be a smaller giant ogre that was just finishing off eating the last of the people from the last town it was in. Shade was getting upset just from the sight, he looked towards the students, "Alright I want you all to stay up here and study, you've trained on smaller enemies in the area so I want you all to keep watch." The students all nodded and got closer to the ground to remain undetectable as shade started sliding down into the little gully where the ogre was as he drew his sword he got to the bottom and continued to slowly walk up behind it.

The Ogre's head popped up as it began sniffing the air and yelling to then turn and look around to lay it's eyes on Shade, it began howling as it charged at him and brought it's fists up to smash him, he quickly rolled and danced around the creature cutting it in places where it's skin was less thick. The ogre beginning to get angry swung it's fists around it in a circle, hitting shade and sending him flying to hit against the ground and roll. Shade slowly stood up keeping an eye on the creature, it was cut up fairly bad but nothing that would end this fight to decisively like he would hope unless he used a few of his voids, he didn't want to really use them if he had a choice in front of the students so that they might learn a way that they could fight.

Shade took a deep breath and walked again toward the ogre while slowing stalking around it to keep it turning and watching it for something to take. That's when Shade noticed it was putting more weight on its right leg, he smirked as he started sprinting waiting for it to swing. The ogre swung down once again which Shade just quickly rolled between it's legs and stabbed his sword straight into the back of the ogres right leg making it fall as he kept forcing it until he was certain he cut all it's leg's ligaments, Shade jumped on top of the creature to then ran up it's back and jump to put all his weight into lunging his sword into it's temple into it's brain as it turned it's head.

The ogre fell as Shade jumped of it's body as it then let out it's dying scream, which Shade knew was a bad sign and would draw many of the monsters in the area. Shade quickly made his way to the students and looked amongst them say they needed to get out of here, Shade looked around and counted 7 of them, "Where's the 8th student?!".

1 of the older students looked over and spoke, "He went down the other side of the hill," as he pointed, "He said he'd be right back he just thought he saw something..."

Shade raised his eyebrows, "And no one went with him for Back-up? I said groups of 2 at all times!" That's when Shade began hearing the monsters start to approach loudly and they weren't small. He quickly looked at the students, "Alright I need to get all of you out of here now everyone get closer and turn around!" After they all did so while beginning to feel the fear of what the field could be, Shade quickly began sending through rifts each of them going to the school. After doing so Shade looked down the gully at the ogre and began to see the other monsters running through at the end of the gigantic gully, Shade quickly turned at looked down at the bottom of the other side of hill which was a long way down and he knew he didn't have time and rifted to the bottom and saw the tracks and they were followed by monster tracks, the student would be in trouble. He sprinted as fast as he could before starting to see that this trail led all the way back to the cave they had been in the night before. So Shade made a void and made through it through hope he was right.

As he came through he was starting to get worn down, Shade had used 9 of his 13 full transfers. He looked around before hearing the screaming from the outside of the cave, he ran as fast as his feet would let him. When he got to the cave exit he looked out to see the student with his back against the cliff wall and 3 wolf like monsters trapping him Shade ran as the monsters started attacking and biting at the students legs.

Shade drew his sword as he got closer and stabbed the nearest monster in the back of the neck where the spine would be and cut through as he then opened void gates to throw the other two into one of Shade's non-existent worlds that lacked any air to breath as he collapsed by the student which was on the ground still breathing shallowly while his blood needed to be stopped. Shade quickly wrapped up the wound with what little he had and Voided the child straight to the hospital in the school, Shade fell taking shallow breaths himself thinking, "One more full void transfer..." Shade then Voided himself back into his house in Zeial and passed out on his bed.

Shade then saw the letter on his night stand the next morning to head to the council Chamber in Zeial, he walked over to his drinks and poured himself a drink before he then began to head out towards the Council Chambers... "I'm so not in the mood for this..."
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#52 looked at some of the other cameras to help making his decision and when he did he saw the cyborg girl from earlier again that stood right outside the main elevator, he decided to wait for her to get onto the elevator, if there was anyone he wanted to pick up his creators work, it would be this girl, he didn't care who followed her, he was tired of this entrapment and unfinished body, he cut the power to the elevator and forced it to go down to the deepest depths of Zeial and opened the doors to a floor that was not on the numbers, as the doors opened the long corridoor would be pitchblack for a moment, just to be lit up by flickering lights the next, the lights lit up the entire corridoor and on the walls there was windows into different testing chambers, some which was nearly covered in dried out blood, some not, however all of them were empty, all but one, Test chamber number 52 was dark and gloomy, the door was locked, the only light inside would be #52's power core and his eyes, feintly flickering, it was a while since #52 performed this many major actions and he first now realised how exhausted his power cells truly were, it was rarely that he felt the necessity to charge, however now that he absolutely weren't allowed to rest his "body" felt heavier than ever, with a final spark he opened the locked door to his cell, then passed out.

(sorry for the run-ahead post, I'm going to bed so I won't be able to post for a while)

Rose connected eyes with him and he sorta froze for a second. He let his arms down and stepped a half step back." Uh, my name is uh, Sapphirc." He laughs nervously with a stupid smile on his face. "Nice to meet ya!" He reached down and shook her hand. He noticed that she looks alittle worried. "She must be from around here." He thought to himself. He then realized that he just ran into this girl and grabbed her, after coming from an alley way and she's obviously not from here. His face started to get red and embarrassed. "Great, good going Sapphric. You just scarred this girl half to death. Haha oh boy, she's probably creeped out by me now." He looked around and there were a few people walking past but it wasn't few uncommon around here. not much around here for anyone to do. He looked back at her. "So where you headed to? You look alittle lost, haha." he cheerfully asked. "Crap now you just asked where she's going. Sapph, man.. you sound like a creeper. Hopefully she doesn't take it that way"

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Shade continues to walk down the streets towards Sapphiric's house, he gets down the main road before spotting him. Shade starts walking up before noticing that he was talking to someone, and a girl. Thinking, "I was supposed to be meeting him, and he's talking to some girl..." Shade slinks into a dark corner and just watches quietly. Wondering what's going on.
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Merideth Rose

Roses face lit up, she could see the advantage she had in this situation, well, evident in his embarresment. She adjusted her glasses. This guy was like her, in a way, she realized.

"Actually, i was about to ask you for help, i don't know anything about this place, and was hoping you could show me the way?" she asked, it wasn't a big secret what she was doing, and anything strange happened. She had faith that this strange guy wasn't bad, seeing how young he looked and how human he acted. Even if he was someone bad, she didn't care, she had to trust him. if he was bad he would kill her either way. Otherwise, how else would she make it?

"This is where i have to go," Rose reached into her jacked, and procured a something she hid in an envelope, taking it partially out, careful to only show him the name of the place and where it is said to be located. "Now, Saphirric, could you lead me the way?" she looked up at him with hope. she noticed some sort of breeze, and at the back of her head she felt she was being watched why do i always feel i am being watched, she thought to turn her head to look, but shook it off. "and on the way, you can tell me what a boy like you is doing in a place like this," she teased. referring to the ally.

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"Haha, Yeah sure. I can do that." he smiled and nodded. He looked at the letter she had and his facial expression went serious for a second. He read it just to make sure he was right on what he read. He looked at it and then looked at her, back at the letter and back at her. "She's obviously not a Bounty Hunter, but why did she get the same letter? She must be important.." he thought to himself. "Yeah I can take you right there. I was actually on the way there myself." He looked around at the street lamps and the tops of the buildings and down the street and noticed someone was down the road watching. He stayed calm and grabbed Rose's hand and smiled, trying not to alarm her or give away any sign of him being under any pressure. "Come this way. I know a short cut. It's only about a twenty- minute walk. Oh and the name's Sapphric. It's kindof like Sapphire and Rick in one. Yeah, I know. it's odd, haha." He said cheery leading her into the alley. "I don't know if i can fully trust her. She seems sweet but not everyone is what they seem. Nah, this girl isn't like that i can already tell. She's definitely someone i can trust. All though i just met her so i should still be careful." He questioned to himself.

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"Thank you," she felt relieved, she turned to the open street, and felt also a sort of wieght lifted since she would get to the place sooner then she expected, in fact she believed it would be days before she made it. "Really?" she said to him perplexed after he said he was going there himself, "That makes things simpler," she grinned, happy that she wasn't inconveniencing the guy. Besides, even if he wasn't going she could still guilt trip him for earlier, but that wasn't something she would do. When they passed the man in the ally way, his stare gave her a hard feeling, as noted he seemed to be looking at Saphiric. it perked Rose's interest, "He seems to want something from you," she observed, however in that moment he had grabbed her hand, she was pulled away before she could dwell further. "Ok," she nodded in response grinning, letting him lead her wherever unwilling to hold fear. As they entered through the allyway, she didn't see many turns, "What are we doing here?" Rose asked, she didn't feel suspicous of the guy oddly enough but she felt curiosity instead. The place was sort of dark, and gloomy.

Rose had an odd rustic taste in her mouth, she looked around and saw some cats eating out of the trash cans, and a rat run past them. She wasn't afraid of rats, and watched it with calm clarity. Their breathe was visible. "The temperature is normal here," she added (pun intended), coming from someone who wore too much winter clothing. It was the only comment she could think to make.

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Shade smirked before mumbling to himself, "Looks like he finally noticed me, ehh? He must be slaking quite a bit." He then sighed thinking, "Well I can always make it into a game... And have it so I have to catch him with 3 voids, and no more?" He chuckled a little before talking to himself, "Challenge Accepted." He then looked straight ahead to where they took the turn and gated, Shade looked down the Alley way and then smiled, "Actually I might make it two... We'll see." And then knowing the area, voided into the middle of the long alley pathway and waited for them to catch up. He looked around and then pulled out one of the GoT flares and lit it before throwing it up into the air, "This oughta make him realize who it is."
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Sapphric walks around the corner so he was out of sight of the person that was watching. He noticed the rift alittle bit further down "Son of a... " He knew it was Shade just from his rift. "The flare's isn't even necessary." Sapphric created a rift in the wall. "Just trust me." He said to her. "I hope that I don't have to introduce this girl to shade just yet. He would just love to have a reason to mess with me. WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?!?! I just met this girl." If you were to look inside the rift, you'd see another alley. He stepped into the rift and held his hand out. "It's perfectly safe."

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Perun watched the little interaction between the couple and the silver headed man. THen decided to follow the silver hair for a bit. He seemed interesting, and looking for something. Probably the same something that Perun was, others who were chosen. "Can you check it out? he asked his Ravens.


"If you say please."

Perun sighed. "Please." And huginn took off from his shoulder with a caw. The raven flew up to the human and did an invisible lap around him. Perun watche d calmly. In spirit form Hugiinn was undetectablye by anyone without a link to the spirit world, like him.

"He is another of the chosen you should make contact."

"How do you know?"

"I'm a bloody spirit of wisdom you dullard I know EVERYTHING."

"no you don't." Perun muttered and Munin pecked him. "Ow! Fine!" He exclaimed.

With a sigh he got to his feet and approached the man. "You seem intent friend," Perun stated, "Anything I can help with?"

@Shade Knight

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