• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Whack Jobs


Typical Reject


Age(Eldest between 16-21, middle child between 12-16, youngest between 7-12)



Family & Which Family Member Are You

Appearance (Realistic)

Personality (1-2 Paragraphs)

History (1-2 Paragraphs)

Likes (At least 3)

Dislikes (At least 3)

Relationships (Not. Just. Crushes. It can be secret crushes, your best friend, your enemy. Stuff like that. This must be filled out. If it isn't by the time we start the role play, you are gonna be kicked.)


Theme Song

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Marty Anne Briar


  • tumblr_ndpzi82MmA1ti56kko2_400.png


    Marty Anne Briar







    Family & Which Family Member Are You

    The Crazy Aunt for the Connors Family

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  • Samantha Faire Mayhew


    • 3d8890471cffc7f951b0559c5f4579ef.jpg


      Samantha "Sammy" Faire Mayhew







      Family & Which Family Member Are You

      The Middle Child of The Mayhew Family

    • [/media]

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Katie Meow

  • The Basics


    Katie Kendrick

    Nickname: "Meow"

    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Demi Pansexual

    Family: The Kendricks

    Family Member: Twin

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Lexi Connors







Family & Which Family Member Are You

The Connors family - Middle child.


Lexi stands at a tiny 5'2. Her body is relatively thin, with thin arms, thin thighs and a toned tummy. She has an hourglass figure.

Her skin is sun kissed, while her shoulders are dusted with freckles.

She has a ski slopes nose, groomed eyebrows and kissable lips, while her eyes are a crystal blue.

She has short platinum blonde hair that tends to change colours constantly. She dyes her hair all of the time.

Her style changes depending on her mood, but she mostly wears crop tops and converse or Nike air max.


Lexi tends to have those 'teenage mood swings' a lot. She can be a sweet girl, with a heart of gold one minute, yet the next minute she can be a ruthless, manipulative girl. However, when Lexi is herself, she tends to show her true colours. She finds almost everything inspiring, and puts her best into anything she does.

Lexi is very close to her family, and loves her friends just as much. She is very protective over her younger siblings, while she tends to look up to her older siblings and parents.

All in all, Lexi is just a good kid.

She is mannerly, works hard, and is determined to make

Her parents proud.


Lexi has always been one of those good kids, with a 3.8 gpa and a ton of friends. She has a close relationship with her mother, and frankly adores her.

Lexi has overcome some hard challenges in her life, such as when her crazy aunts husband died after slipping on black ice. Lexi was devastated, not only for her, but for her aunt too.

Lexi has a close bond with her siblings, and gets along with them quite well. She wishes to attend art college and major in fashion design and interior design. Lexi also wants to travel to Europe, as she has a major interest in history, and would love to visit Germany one day




-green tea, coffee, milkshakes

-pizza, Chinese food, pancakes







-water (fear of water)

-small spaces (claustraohobic)


Strong friendship with Nova mayhew.

Strong relationship with her older sister, Renee

Close with her brother, Michael.

Childhood freiemdship with Aurora Martinez.

Tutored in middle school by Andrew.


Pm me (WIP)

Theme Song





Lexi has a pet hamster, to which she loves very much.

His name is Benji

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  • NAME:

    Andrew Niklaus Kendrick








    May 2nd




    180 lbs







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demitria danielle connors.


thirty four years old.


cisgender female.




she is the mother of the connors family. she has four children in all.


demi is a very beautiful woman, standing at the height of 5'5". she has proportionally long legs, and a model-esque hourglass shaped body. for a woman of her age, she's

quite good-looking. demi has wavy, collarbone length blonde hair, big dark blue eyes, and naturally plump and pink lips. her skin is right between

pale and tan. she can often be found wearing dark, nude-colored makeup with pink or red lipstick. her clothing is made up of

dark colors and form-fitting clothes.


demi has a few different sides. to most people, she's quite a nice person to be around, if you have a good sense of humor. she may be a grown adult, but she cracks jokes like

a teenager. her humor is made up of perverted jokes, lame puns, funny stories, and some teasing. if you can make her laugh, you've already got a spot in her heart.

she often makes jokes to lighten a mood or make other's laugh. she can be quite sarcastic and

may come off as bitch or rude sometimes, but she means well.

since she never got to really live out her teen years being a kid, she acts more like a kid than a grown adult. she's very adventurous and

care-free. if you cross her or someone she loves, watch your back. she is extremely loyal to friends, but will drop you in a heartbeat if one of her kids

doesn't like you. she puts her kids before anything. work, friends, plans,

parties, events, etc. her kids always come first in her heart and her mind, and she would take a bullet for each and every one of them. when it comes to love, demi is a tough nut to crack. once she begins realizing she might love or like you, she starts putting up her walls. she'll avoid you, and try her best to stay away from you.

it's a defense mechanism because all men have ever done to her are use her and lie to her, so she's not good at accepting

love that isn't from her sister or her children. she may seem a bit crazy, but she is very good at keeping

her kids in line and teaching them valuable life lessons while also making them feel loved

an accepted in her home.


demi lead a normal life, up until she got pregnant at the age of 16. she married her boyfriend who got her pregnant and finished high school while also raising a child.

they began having more kids together while she also was working on getting a degree in culinary arts. by the end of her college years, her

husband started taking out the stress of having to work so hard and take care of so many kids out on her. he would punch her and hit her, as well as constantly

lose his temper with her. a few months later, he walked out on her and the kids.

he died soon after in a bad car accident.


romantic movies, horror movies, sweet food, smoothies, candy, pie, hot chocolate, marshmallows, her children, her sister, cooking,

being correct, her job, nighttime, stars, constellation, space,


her past, her ex-husband, failing, second-guessing herself, feeling like a bad mom, bitter food, too much salt, oreos,

anything mint-flavored,




for her kids to all lead respectable lives with good jobs, for her kids to always feel loved, to move in with one of her kids when she gets old,

to always please her children, to (maybe) find love someday,


one of her kids failing/dying young, failing her kids or herself,


demi can speak english, spanish, and french.

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Nova Eleanor Mayhew

Mayhew family's eldest child ? Aspiring writer ? @Fivn - Nova likes Perry Connors. He's smart, bold, and fun. He's probably among the few middle children that she likes, too: Perry, Lexi, and of course, her sister Sammy. Friend[/size][/font][/font]

@littlemischief - She has to admit, she had definitely been jealous of Charlotte Richards. That was her sixteen year old self talking, though. Now, Nova's learned not to be so irrational about these kinds of things, and thinks that Charlotte isn't all that bad. Acquaintance

@Kingly27 - Matt Martinez is another kid that can be extremely annoying when they're hyper. When Nova speaks to him sometimes, though, you could see that he's pretty smart, so he's not all that bad. Friendly Acquaintance

@KaoriMei - She has to admit, Xavier Martinez is pretty good-looking. She'd only ever encountered him a few times before though, back when she used to hang out with Andrew. Acquaintance

@littlemischief - Mrs. Kendrick is a "hot mom", as Nova would put it. Nova would totally date her if she were twenty years older. Acquaintance

@Kingly27 - Nova likes Mr. Kendrick. He's nice, he's cool, and he's really into sports, which Nova likes. She can see where Andie got a bunch of her traits from. Acquaintance

@Outer Space - She thinks [/color]Demi Connors is pretty much the coolest aunt ever. Plus, she loves her puns. (Nova has a soft spot for the Connors, it would seem). Friendly Acquaintance[/size][/font]

@Fivn - Nova's liked Andrew Kendrick ever since she was sixteen, except now, everything's changed. Especially after three years of growing up. She's not counting on him to change his mind about her, but she'll at least get to redeem herself after all those awkward moments she embarrassed herself in front of him before. Crush/Friend


Nova really, really likes Andrew. @Fivn


- She's a recovering alcoholic.


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Mr. Adrian Dean Richards

Thirty-Nine | Male | | Heterosexual | Father of the Richards


Adrian long ago lost all control of the man that he was meant to be. Rather, he's become a shell of his former self that is constantly being tossed between drunken spells and the following hungover stupors. His tone and words have taken on a bitter bite often lashing out at anyone that comes too close for his liking; however, on his softer days he enjoys the company of a select few even if it's just someone that he can talk at.

A few shreds of the man he once was remain: his hearty laugh, his love for his former wife, and his tendency to mix up names. Those who knew the man before know that he's made a dramatic change and those who are only just meeting him, rarely stay around for anything more than a first impression. However, as intolerable as he's become his children know him for the man that is buried deep down beneath all the pain and scents of booze as he often depends on them to pick him up from wherever he's doozed off and get him to his bed.


Adrian only ever wanted two things out of life: a restaurant with a neon open sign and a beautiful wife to mother his children. His ambition and perseverance saw him a happy man by the age twenty as him and his newlywed split their time between managing his hole-in-wall dive and raising a bushy-haired brat. He never questioned his life, but simply worked through the hours because every day was marked by the same taste of happiness. He's bouts of stress caused from work were eased by his wife's soothing voices and his children's laughter. Those years blurred together and were remember without a doubt as the happiest the Richards ever were. Though, reality settled in as complications following the birth of the final kid led to the loss of the mother and wife that served as the glue for the Richards clan.

Adrian fell into a stupor -- a few weeks of leave from work turning into the restaurant shutting down as he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed. His mornings were filled with painful, tearful bouts and his nights were spent on his favorite stool at the local bar. He lost himself in the death of his wife and nearly lost his children several times; however, the children always managed to make him look presentable whenever Social Services came by.

As the years have gone by, Adrian has never mourned the loss of his restaurant nor has he managed to find another job: no one would hire a broken shell of a man. He's grown a temper hating to be placed at an inconvenience and when he chooses to interact with his former loved ones, he only finds fault in the fact that they hide their money from him. He loathes breaking his daily routine of boozing and bingeing; though he finds himself coming to the annual lake trip every year if only because he'd starve himself to death if his children weren't there to feed him.


+ Cigarette Smoke

+ Nicknames

+ Pictures from the Past

+ Dry Humor

+ His Wedding Band

+ Falling Asleep on the Couch

+ Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

- Morning People

- Bills

- Guests at the House

- Sunlight when Hungover

- Car Horns

- Interventions



Theme Song:

Fast Car by Tracy Chapman



  • Jaxon "Jax" Whiet Kendrick

    Fourteen / Male / Pansexual

    A contagious laugh and warm smile are some of Jaxon's best known traits. Everyone that knows him is aware of this boy's lovable yet clumsy personality. If someone needs assistance Jax is the first to leap up and take action. He would do anything to get a laugh out of a 'damaged' individual and has no issue with sacrificing his own time to help out. When he isn't worrying over someone else' well-being, Jaxon likes to live a bit recklessly. Skateboarding is one of his top favorite hobbies and adventuring is like a sixth sense. He has always been vulnerable to trouble or being in the wrong place at the wrong time but is an expert at sweet talking his way out of most anything; his skills being used mainly in school.

    Sadly, even some of the cheeriest people are faced with everyday 'disadvantages'. Jax's disadvantage is his anxiety. Anxiety is a horrid monster that many are forced to deal with alongside of depression. Though depression isn't a concern, Jaxon takes anxiety medication for his illness twice a day. It is not often that he has an attack but when he does there are few things able to calm him. For example, when he is out in crowded areas he will chew gum to keep his mind off the closed space. He also bites at his lips if becoming nervous or gum-less.

    Jaxon loves being helpful and likes cheering on his siblings. Family is important to him although his twin is the closest to him. She knows just about everything about him and vice versa.


    Rosco, skateboarding, laughter, horror movies, thunderstorms, and friends
    Veggies, boredum, bullies, and loneliness

    Theme Song : Fallen by Imagine Dragons

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  • Jared Antony Louis

    Twenty / Male / Asexual

    Cousin of the Mayhew's

    Fun-loving and a party animal, Jared often spends his free time going out to local parties or has his own. He's light hearted and shows interest in anyone with a tale to tell. His eyes are always gleaming with a new excitement and his legs itching to get on the move.

    He refuses to sit still for long amounts of time and doesn't fancy silence. His mind is constantly on the move and he sometimes goes off on his own to think things over. His parent's deaths is a touchy subject but he usually just shrugs it off and says, "I'm sure they're in a better place." When his brain is especially stuck on the memories of his past, Jared goes out for a drink or two. He's not nearly as bad as Nova but does go out to some of the same parties as her. He refuses to drink most of the time but has no objections when it comes to smoking.

    One of Jared's flaws include his drug abuse. He has overdosed on common store bought pills before though was committed and eventually released as a sobered drug addict. He doesn't overdose anymore but enjoys smoking at least a cig a day. It helps his nerves.


    Fun, parties, the outdoors, gaming, animals, exploring and smoking

    Compulsive liars, addictions, being left out and regret

    Theme Song : New Perspective by Panic! at the Disco

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Charlotte Avery Richards


20 | Female | Richards' Eldest Child | Heterosexual | Secretary


Charlie is a sweet, kind girl. She was raised to respect her elders and always offer to help. She is loving and caring, but can come off a bit cold at times. She is rather open and silly, though it takes awhile to get down to that part of her personality. People she is already comfortable with, like family and close friends, know her for who she is underneath her shell and remember who she was before her mother's death.

Charlotte is often seen as the motherly type on the outside, though on the inside she can be quite the party animal. Having had her days of partying and teenage fun, Charlotte knows how to let loose, though it make take a bit of coaxing to get her to do so.


Up until her mother's death, Charlotte was a happy-go-lucky kid. She had the ideal life with no worries and an ideal, average family. She has an amazing voice, singing almost anywhere and everywhere so much that her mother put her into lessons where she perfected her tone and sound. She joined many other clubs and sports, though singing was her passion. Charlie graduated at the top of her class, even singing the national anthem at her graduation.

When Charlie's mother passed, she didn't have much time to mourn. Being the eldest, she had her younger siblings to be strong for and a new baby to take care of. Her father had gone down a dark, twisted path, forcing her to uphold the household pretty much on her own from cooking and cleaning to cleaning up her dad after one of his binges to look presentable in front of Child Protective Services.

Through all this, Charlotte has been understanding, maybe even a bit too understanding, and does her best to keep her family together, leaving her tired emotionally and physically.

Likes & Dislikes




+ Quiet


+Her nickname

+Organization & Cleanliness

+Chinese Food


-Loud Noises

-Cigarette Smoke

-Talking about her mother

-Being woken up


-When people don't clean up after themselves


-Being called Short



Adrian Richards: "I mean he's my dad. I can't just stop loving him for his mistakes. We all make mistakes..."

Cyrelle Richards: "Ah, Cy. [small chuckle] That girl is something else. I enjoy watching her dance. Sometimes I'll even sing a few songs just so she'll start dancing."

Asher Richards: "My baby brother. I love him to death. He has such an interesting, yet innocent outlook on life. The kid has a heart of gold."

Best Friends


Charlie adores Renee. She was there with her from beginning to end and know all there is to know about her from her nervous ticks to her happy quirks.



Xavier Martinez: "He just doesn't want to see both sides of the story..."

Marty Anne Briar: [shrug] "She's just a little too crazy for my liking. I mean don't get me wrong, she's 21 and living it up, but I don't have time for that stuff, at least not now, not anymore."



Charlotte was with Andrew from her sophomore year all the way through her senior year until he was offered a job in Paris and asked her to come with him. She had refused, but the thing that really shattered her heart and kept her up at night were the three words that had ended their relationship:

"I thought you loved me..."


Charlotte is still in love with her ex-boyfriend, Andrew, though she will deny it to anyone and everyone, including herself.

Theme Song



-Dimpled Cheeks


-Speaks Spanish & understands a bit of French

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.33d801d22e7f156bd87ca9bf77e37a7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.33d801d22e7f156bd87ca9bf77e37a7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name :: Aurora Martinez

Age :: 15

Gender :: Female

Sexuality :: Bisexual

Family & Which Family Member Are You :: Martinez Family, Middle Child.

Appearance ::

5'6, weighing 8 stone. Strong hourglass figure, thin arms and thighs. Sun kissed skin. Long brunette locks. Dreamy Brown doe eyes. Long eyelashes. Sharp cheek bones. Ski slopes nose. Perfectly groomed brows. Kissable pink lips. Usually seen wearing denim jeans, checked shirt and vans.

Personality ::

Aurora is bubbly and outgoing, usually brushing her ego aside. She is kind, helpful and loves to care for the younger members of her family. She is a complete sweetheart, and usually has people wrapped around her baby finger at a glance. However, Aurora does have a fiery attitude, and a protective side. She wouldn't mind being completely ruthless to you if you hurt one of her family members or friends.

History ::

Aurora grew up with her family in a large house, with hard working parents. She tends to not be home often, usually heading off with her friends and enjoying her life to the fullest. Aurora has gotten a few local modelling gigs, and has started making her own money under her parents supervision, all only being 16. She has however, never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Aurora tends to constantly worry about the future. She wishes to go traveling, and then attend college when she's ready.

Likes ::

Modelling -

Swimming -

Baking -

Disney movies -

Makeup -


- insects

- bugs

- messy houses

- the rain


-Close relationship with her father.

-Strong relationship with her brother, Xavier.

-Was tutored with Lexi by Andrew Kendrick.

-Childhood friendship with Lexi.


- pm me -

Theme Song ::



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~Kendrick Middle Child

~Mayhew Youngest Child

Characters Completion


16 // Female // Heterosexual


  • Name: Andie Skylar Kendrick

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Family Status: Middle child - Kendrick family


9 // Male // Heterosexual


  • tumblr_inline_mlx5vjsKFF1r1yj84.gif

    Name: Bennett Hunter Mayhew

    (Nicknames: Ben, Bennie,)

    Age: 9

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Family Status: Youngest child - Mayhew family

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Character Completion

Cyrelle "Cy" Richards


  • 516acbc1ce6a4459be46a4e1b73097ef.jpg

    : Cyrelle "Cy" Richards

    Age: 10

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Family: The Richards

    Role: The youngest daughter

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  • NAME:

    Michael Perry Connors


    Mike, Mikey,










    130 lbs


    Brown; Dyed Platinum





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  • Tina Maria Martinez

    Thirty-five / Female / Heterosexual

    Naturally bossy and controlling, Tina often comes off as a major bitch. She is to an extent, however. Her personality consists of straight-forwardness and honesty. Because of her tendency to say things as they are without beating around the bush, she has a hard time meeting new people and keeping them as friends. Those who stick around get the pleasure of seeing her slightly less irritating side. Her biggest issue is trying to run her children's lives though she would quite easily give them the world.

    Mrs. Martinez just wants her kids to have the best of the best and show them what not to do with their lives. She is a firm believer in family time but tends to be a workaholic, leaving the children at home with her husband a lot of the time. They are a close knit family, none-the-less, and Tina takes them out on outings every Friday after she returns home from work. When she heard about this summer get together she thought it to be an excellent idea. Her children would have plenty of time to hang out and relax and so would she.

    Her family, relaxing, her friends, time off of work and sunshine

    Dishonesty, failing, being bored and storms

  • tumblr_lj8qe4eZI01qho3bao1_500_large.jpg

    Hair Color : Brown

    Eye Color : Caramel

    Weight : 130lbs

    Height : 5'6"


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Asher Richards


  • BKKIDpBCEAAxx-J.jpg:large


    Asher Markess Richards






    He's a very confused seven year old.


    Youngest of the Richards Family.

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    He likes puppies, and his stuffed bunny.


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Mrs. Lillianna Kendrick

39 | Heterosexual | Female


Lillanna is the physical embodiment of the analogy "Mama bear". She is extremely over protective of not only her own children but of her friends, family, and even their children as well. Lilly is not afraid to stand up to threats and can even been seen as a thrill seeker when younger, impressionable minds are not around to follow suit. A kind, sweet, compassionate woman, Lillianna is often seen as the understanding parent, willing to listen before taking action. She cares with an iron fist beneath a velvet glove and is loyal to the end. Though the woman can lose her temper or be overly sensitive, she always means well and loves to no bounds.


Long story short, Lilly was a victim of domestic abuse. She was rescued by her husband and now has a beautiful family.

Not one to talk openly about her past, only a few scars here and there give a hint of what she's been through.

Likes & Dislikes:


+Her Husband

+Her Family




+Being silly/Trying to be "hip"




-Bad Attitudes

-People messing with her family/friends

-Unhealthy foods

-Being disrespected


Jacob Kendrick 5ever



Lillianna loves her family to death. She would do anything and everything for them.


Theme Song:



Has a few small, barely visible scars on hands, arms, and legs from when she fell on glass from a broken window.

Speaks French (because of her eldest son)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/coollogo_com-286341087.png.91d0d8db033ef5b6ffed3fa59f610a28.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/coollogo_com-286341087.png.91d0d8db033ef5b6ffed3fa59f610a28.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Nickname: Jay or Jake

Appearance: Jacob is a 6'5, 289 pound hulk of a man with short light brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a body builder type build from years of playing football and days at the gym. He has a bright smile that can draw the camera's that he loves right on to him. He has a medium sized scar on his left peck as well as a tattoo on his right peck of an eagle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/f2a1c5e0d04f114be1e765b7d405415f.jpg.50714dfd3759cba5b796a91bb2f5f90b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/f2a1c5e0d04f114be1e765b7d405415f.jpg.50714dfd3759cba5b796a91bb2f5f90b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Jacob is highly competitive, wanting to be first in everything he does. That being said, he is some what of a perfectionist, and that desire for perfection flows down to his kids. He refuses to lose at anything. And if he does? He will keep at it until he wins. Though past the competition, Jacob is a kind and extremely out going man. Being a former NFL superstar he is used to having to talk for the camera's, and meeting new people. Though despite him being out going he prefers to stick to just his family and friends, not always wanting to meet new people in fear of finding snakes instead. Jacob is a football fanatic, he can speak to you for a while about any topic but when you bring up football, there is no end to to what he may say. Though football is his main sport, he enjoys all sports in general, always encouraging his kids to get into any sort of athletics they can. Jacob is also some what of a macho man, always trying to form his sons into being perfect men, even sometimes mistakenly doing so to his daughters.

Jacob loves his kids and wife, just as much as he loves football. His father abandoning him at an early age, he never knew what it was like to really have a father figure to look up to, though he loved his mother more then anything, a boy always needs a father to look up to. He strives once more to be the best father he can be for his kids, always there for them and spending as much time as he can with them. Aside from being ultra competitive, Jacob also loves to joke around a lot, his former job playing in the NFL was to not only play hard but draw fans to the stadium. And his new job as a sports analyst also was to draw fans, therefore he likes to keep people entertained as best he could.

History (Will add a spoiler with the detailed story in the morning): Jacob grew up in a household with only his mother and his younger brother Jasob. His father, John, was only there for 4 short years of his childhood. The first 3 Years went alright, with just a few bumps in the road. But it was the fourth year when John had cut his time with his family short. John was a criminal, and wasn't even there for Jacob's birth for he was in prison, doing his sentence. Though times were always rough, things started to look up for a bit and then started to go right back down. His father had begun running with the mob again, and one night, His father and his mother had gotten into an argument about it. The argument didn't just end in him sleeping on the floor that night, it ended with his mother on the floor, bruises on her face from where John had hit her. Jacob rushed in to stop it but what was a small child to do against his brute of a father. He was punched and thrown to the side as his father looked him in the eye and said "You're a weak excuse for a man.". The kid was only 8 years old but the words still hit him hard. From that night on, there was no man he hated more then his father. His father had left that night, and never showed his face again.

Jacobs father abandoned him at the age of 8 right after the birth of his little brother Jason. Jacob remembered the fighting every single night when he was only 8 years old, hugging his baby brother as he would whisper to him to go to sleep. At that point, Jacob already felt like the man of the house. They didn't have much money and he already knew that. There were never any presents under the tree come Christmas. Some Christmases didn't even have a tree. As any kid would, he wanted nothing more then a present. But when his little brother Jason came, that was present enough, and his desire was for Jason to have all the presents in the world. One night another fierce fight raged on. "HOW COULD YOU EVER BRING THAT INTO OUR OWN HOME!" his mother yelled. Jacob held his tiny little brother in his arms frowning as he began to cry, hearing the yelling again. "Sh.. Sh.. Sh.." Jacob whispered soothingly to his brother as he kissed his cheek, Rocking back and forth with him. Usually Jacob tried to blind the fighting out but he couldn't help but listen this time, his eyebrows furrowed. What had his father done this time? "HOW COULD I? WE HAVE NO GOD DAMN MONEY! I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THESE BOYS WILL EAT A DAMN MEAL TOMORROW AND YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT ME BRINGING A LITTLE POWDER IN THE HOUSE? SO I CAN MAKE MONEY FOR THIS FAMILY SINCE YOU DON'T SEEM TO DO SHIT ELSE THEN CHANGE A DIAPER OR COOK A SHITTY MEAL." His father shouted back. He hated when his father got loud, it sent a shiver down his spine as his booming voice reverberated through the walls. Though he ignored this feeling tonight, he wanted to know what was going on.. What powder could be so serious for them to be yelling about. Suddenly his thoughts were cut off by his mothers response "THERE'S OTHER WAYS TO MAKE MONEY, LIKE A JOB! A JO-" His mothers shouts were cut off as a loud slam was heard "I TRIED! I TRIED EVERYWHERE! YOU TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE HIRING THIEVES AMY AND I'LL GLADLY TAKE A TRIP THERE!" he heard his mother begin to sob as the argument persisted. He hated that too, he loved his mother more then anything and hated to see her cry. "AND RUNNING AROUND WITH MOBSTERS IS A FIX FOR OUR SITUATION JOHN?" She yelled between tears "THAT'S JUST GOING TO GET YOU SENT BACK! YOU LEFT ME ALONE ALREADY WITH JACOB, AND NOW YOU ARE GOING TO GET SENT BACK AND LEAVE ME TO DEAL WITH BOTH JACOB AND JASON! WHEN DO YOU LEARN JOHN?" he shuddered as he heard his name. Thinking back on it, his father didn't really start showing up until he was 5. He remembered some nights where his mother would rock him to sleep gently whispering "Soon your father will be back from his.. trip.. And then we will be a happy family again.." she would always give him a big kiss on the forehead after she said that. He then gasped as he heard a slam against the wall to his room and a shriek by his mother. "YOU KNOW WHAT BITCH? I'M DONE WITH YOU! YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING I DO, AND I'M DOING IT FOR YOU! WHEN AM I GOING TO HEAR SOME GRATITUDE FROM YOUR FILTHY LITTLE VOICE." His father shouted as another slam was heard, his mother crying out in pain. Jacob's eyes widened, what was going on? "DON'T TOUCH M-" his mother tried to get out before a clap was heard and a body fell to the ground "SHUT UP!" his father yelled. His mother was in hysterics at this point, the whole neighborhood could probably hear her crying.. But no one came. He heard her get up and scream again, the sound of a struggle before another clap was heard and a body dropped once more. Jacob gasped and kissed his brother on the forehead one more time before setting him down on the bed. He was shaking in fear, he didn't want to know what was happening outside but he knew his mother was in trouble. He reached up to the door knob opening it quickly and running out "Mommy what's wrong!" he yelled in his high pitched voice as he saw his mother slumped over on the ground in tears, his father standing over her as he spat on her face. Why was he doing this? Over an argument? "Daddy stop it!" Jacob cried out as he saw his father get down and wrap his hands around his mothers neck, the tears had begun to fall from his eyes now. He heard Jason crying in the other room everything crashing around him. "GET BACK IN THAT DAMN ROOM JACOB! AND WIPE YOUR GOD DAMN FACE!" his father yelled. Jacob never disobeyed his father in fear of his anger. Once he heard that yell, he knew to do whatever he said. But when he saw him harming his mother he had to make a choice. Succumb to fear and run back and hide in that room, or become a man like his father always told him to be when he cried.

Jacob clutched his fists tightly shaking with anger and fear and sadness and so many emotions that he couldn't contain in his little body.
"I SAID GO BACK INSIDE! WAS I NOT CLEAR ENOUGH?" his father yelled pointing to the room. His mother was shaking as Jacob's father stood up walking over to Jacob the angry look on his face. His father was a big man, towering over the little Jacob, huge muscles on his arms that showed through the wife beater he was wearing. He looked at Jacob opening his mouth to say something before his mother yelled "J-JACOB! GO, GET THE PHONE AND CALL 911, TE-" his father turned back quickly running over to her and dropping down, grabbing her little neck with his large hands and squeezing as tight as he possibly could. He saw his mothers face, gasping for air, Choking noises escaping from her throat. His eyes widened in horror at the sight as he clenched his fists, he couldn't let this happen, no.. He wouldn't let this happen. Everything clicked in the little boy's mind as he knew he had to do one thing. Protect his mother.

He charged at his father, anger filling his body
"GET OFF HER!" he yelled in his non-intimidating voice. As he tried to pull his father's large arms off from around his mothers neck. "I TOLD YOU TO GO IN YOUR ROOM." His father yelled as he released his mothers neck, and came with a hard back hand to the side of Jacob's face, sending him sprawling across the room. Jacob felt as if someone took a hammer to the side of his cheek, tears raining from his eyes. He looked onto the scene his hand on his cheek as he saw his father get up and spit on his mother's face again. He shuddered sniffling rapidly as he saw his father come over to him "You're a weak excuse of a man.. Jacob." his father had said simply to the child, as Jacob shivered rapidly holding the spot where his father had hit, looking into his cold, blue eyes. He watched as his father walked out kicking his mother's legs on the way out and punching holes in the wall. "YOU ALL MADE THIS HAPPEN!" he would yell before he opened the door. "GOOD LUCK ON YOUR OWN AMY!" he had yelled before he slammed the door, and was gone.

All three of them were crying that night, Him, his mother and his brother. He didn't want to hear them cry, he didn't want to be weak. He hated how helpless he was,
"You're a weak excuse for a man." playing over and over again in his head. No he thought. He looked over to his mother, slumped over and crying on the ground. Her tears seemed to have no end. He got up, trying to ignore the pain in his jaw but it was impossible. He sniffled, the first step to becoming a man was to keep his household calm. The 8 year old boy, was thinking on how to become a man already. He stepped up to his mother and hugged her as tightly as he could from her side, as she kept crying. She turned over and hugged him too, running a hand through his hair. "Mommy..." He said softly to his mother trembling as he looked upon the bruises on her cheek, and the marks around her neck, blood dripping from her nose. "He isn't coming back right?" he asked shakily with a sniffle. No more tears, he thought. You're a man now, no more tears! She looked over at him and kissed his head holding him tight to her chest "No baby, don't you worry about that.." She said "Don't you worry." she sniffled, she was still crying, though Jacob felt a smile begin to push through his face "Mommy?" He asked again as she held him to his chest. "Yes baby?" she said wiping her eyes and then his face as she froze, looking at his smile. "You don't worry either.." he said in his little high pitched voice, trying to sound as strong as possible. "I'll be the new man of the house." as those words hit her, Amy looked into her son's face. A strong smile on it, the smile demanding more attention then the bruise on his face. At that moment, she felt her tears stop.

Years passed and his mother was just barely scraping by on small pay she had garnered working at the local mini mart. Jacob was in middle school now, 12 years old and he was already clearly bigger then the other kids. He was already prized as an athlete, dominating anything in gym class. It wasn't long before the middle school football coach approached him, asking him to try out for the team. In 2 days Jacob was fully suited in pads and ready to try out. He didn't know much about football, though he had sometimes watched it at friends houses. It was a hitting drill where Jacob showed just how much of a player he was, not only making the team but starting on his first year!

Jacob continued playing all throughout high school, getting better each year and getting noticed more. There were two things fueling him. One, he was extremely good and colleges were scouting him already. He had the size for it, he had both the skill and talent, and he had the heart for it. Two, was his father. Not just the fact that his father had abandoned his family, but Jacob had come to find out that his father held records in the same school he was playing for! The day he found that information, was the day he knew he would work to break every single record his father had in that school. And so he did, spending most of his time at the gym or on the field. He began to bulk up, already larger then most of the kids and putting in 30 times the work as them. In those days though, he had met a girl, a girl he had been crushing on for a while. A girl who was hiding a life of domestic abuse behind a pretty smile. The girl he would soon come to rescue.. And then marry.

~Current Years~

As Jacob finished college there was no doubt that he had continued on to the NFL. Not only did he play, he left his mark, winning rookie of the year his first year and being in 3 pro bowls each year. Though not one year had he won a super bowl. On his final year he had begun to put together his best season yet. Though on his final play off game, one game away from the super bowl. He suffered a terrible knee injury that kept him out for the remainder of the season and most of the next. When he returned.. he was not the same player he was, and he was cut from the team. From there he was offered a job on ESPN as a football analyst, being a host for the show red zone. Though his career was cut short due to a knee injury, his love for football still stands and will never fade. And things he did in his short time in the NFL, will not be forgotten.




His kids


Body building


Football Season

Healthy Foods








Absent Fathers

Weak men

The New England Patriots

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Jakianna all day.

Relationships: Spends most of his time with his kids and

his beloved wife. (PM If you want to make some friendships)

Extra: Jacob played for the Houston Texans and was drafted

number four over all in the NFL draft. He wore number 99 and

played outside line backer. He won rookie of the year his first year,

and got entered into 3 pro bowls. He also won best defensive

player of the year on his final season before he blew out his knee.

If he hadn't suffered from that injury, who knows how much he

would have accomplished in the NFL. His brother Jason, is no longer alive.

Jacob would pay a tribute to him every single game, and wore the number 99

because that was Jason's peewee football number. He will not be forgotten.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

((More spoilers to be added, for each piece of his history.))



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    Name: Matthew Connors

    Nickname: Matt or Matty

    Age: 8

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Family Status: Youngest Connor

  • ~Friends~

    Asher Richards(@Outer Space): "Moooooooommmmy! She's the only other person besides Auntie Marty that could make me go from about to cry to crying of laughter! I love my mommy."

    Renneé Connors (@Fivn):"My only brother! I love him but I wish me and him could throw the football around more and he could show me how to lift weights right and everything!"






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Roman A. Martinez

Seventeen | Male | Closeted Homosexual | Middle Son


Roman lives with a permanent smirk on his face – always alluding to the deep thought going on in the teenager’s head. He’s an aspiring politician who believes every interaction should be calculated and every action has implications to a greater cause. He’s crafty and has a dry wit about his demeanor not placing too much energy forth in any of his interactions because his days are long and he believes most relationships to be base and not worth over-investing in. However, those that he considers close he tends to work his off of to keep around, eve he remains guarded with them.

Despite his meticulous ways, Roman never been one to hold his tongue believing that keeping quiet only results in regrets of things that should have been said. Some have described him as self-invested; however, he's just proud of his achievements and holds himself to a high standard. He's grown up to define success narrowly and has little respect for those without traditional professional ambitions. However, underneath all the seriousness Roman is crumbling.

In those venerable moments where his guard is down and lips are liquored up, he shows glimpse of the boy that is without all the strain that he places on himself – a fun-loving, adventurous chap with a warm smile who wants to desperately to be the person he knows himself to be rather than the man he feels pressured to be.


Being one of the oldest in a large family, Roman always tried to set himself apart in his parents’ eyes. He takes after his mother in over-committing himself to his studies and extracurriculars; however, as the years have gone by the workload has increased and his willingness to give into temptations has grown as well. That partnered with his attraction to guys make his political aspirations seem like a longshot.

As of recent, he's grown to live his life in two extremes. When the pressure becomes too much and he feels the world caving in, he retreats into a version of himself that guards him from all the stress and strain. He acts on instinct and abandons rationale vying for what makes him feels good versus working towards his long-term goals. However, the backlash from his double life is pouring over into his life ambitions as his impulsive state has gotten him into trouble with the law several times in the past year and this has affected his competitiveness for college.

He trust himself more than anyone else and doesn't want to place the pressure of his Dr. Jekyll & Hyde dance on his family and friends; however, the recovery phases after his crazy nights out are growing longer and longer and the breaks between his crazed binges are becoming shorter and shorter.


+ Anderson Cooper

+ Sports Coats

+ Champagne

+ Running

+ Student Government Association

+ Bonfires

- Eating at the Table

- Flip Flops

- Wasting Time on Family Vacations

- His Criminal Record

- Homophobia



Theme Song:

This Head I Hold by Electric Guest​
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Name Stacy Mayhew

Age 34

Gender Female

Sexuality Heterosexual

Family & Which Family Member Are You

Me- Mom

Nova- Step Daughter

Sammy- Step Daughter

Bennet- Step Son

Jared- Step Son




Stacy is a warm, feisty, and caring young woman. Much like her mother she is quite liberated and doesn't really let anything stop her from helping the people she cares about. She is more than ready to use her gifts and talents to help out whenever she can.

She doesn't like lying, feeling extremely guilty when she has to lie. However, she is not above going to such lengths if she knows it's for the best.

She is a very loving person and she tries her best to make her relationships work. But, she does have a breaking point and she isn't afraid to let someone go when she knows that someone better is still out there waiting for her.


Stacy grew up in Beverly Hills, California to an abusive father, and a shy mother. Growing up her father always yelled and beat her and her mother. This continued until she was 16. Her father broke her mothers wind pipe in a fit of rage and Stacy snapped. She beat her father up with a metal baseball bat until near death. She called the police and ambulance for her mother and father but by the time they got there her father was dead.

However this wasn't such a bad thing. Stacys mother got all of her fathers money (which was quite alot) , and no one went to jail. In court Stacys mother said she had been the one who beat her father up, and was not charged with murder because she had 'Battered womens syndrome'. With her new money, Stacys mother helped Stacy with her dream of becoming a model. This was quite succsessful for her and she modeled for about 15 more years.

Then however on her 32th birthday party she had met a man. The couple fell in love and quickly got married. Ever since Stacy has tried to be the best step mom she could be to all of her kids and the best wife to her husband.









Overly religious people


Nova- Step Daughter

Sammy- Step Daughter

Bennet- Step Son

Jared- Step Son

Everyone else- Since Stacy just got involved in the family, she is friendly with everyone but she has never really gotten the chance to know them.

Theme Song



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