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Fantasy The Walls Between Us


Aspen Fall; Human

Aspen steels herself as he got closer and it strikes her how small she really is in comparison; not just to his height, but his species. Her eyes drift to his lips when his slide shut... then he sniffed her.

At his cool recovery, her lips part in silent shock and a breath she didn't realize she had been holding escapes. His smile sends a chill down her spine.

What am I thinking? But she wasn't one to give up. She started this facade and was going to see it through.

"I'm a Skin-Walker," she finds her voice, impressed at how final she sounded despite the cloud of nerves billowing in her chest. "In order to fool others into believing I'm a human, I have to look, act and smell the part, right?" But her fingers are twisting in her lap, her tell-tale sign that she's lying.

@Jeremy Jangle
Ichika began rubbing his chin noticing that this girl seemed off. He usually gets slapped in the face at this point, but she seems different almost like she had never seen a supernatural before. The thought hurt his head as he hated going into deep thought about anything.

'Oh well It's not like she's hurting anything' he said noticing her fingers being crossed. "A skin-walker eh? Well nice to met you" he said sitting his hand on her head and began rubbing roughly as he messed up her hair. "So if you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?" he said still rubbing the girls head.


Aspen Fall; Human

"Just beyond Canada, originally." She speaks honestly, knowing there was a Skin-Walker settlement on the outskirts of Canada behind the wall. Slightly annoyed by her hair being ruffled, she looks at him beneath her mussed up fringe.

"And yourself?"

@Jeremy Jangle
"Canada eh? You sure are lacking the accent, but who knows" he grinning as he lifted his hand from her head.

"As for myself? I'm originally from San Diego" he said proudly. Ichika was a proud boy especially from his home city. In fact he ended up getting so excited he end up not concentrating as his tails began to come out.

"Well since I know what you are let me introduce what I am. I am part of the Raiju clan although I'm not exactly well liked" he said giggling to himself as his bushy tails began to move in a wave like pattern.


Aurora guided Lily through corridors hoping to find the front office before the late bell went off. The hallways seemed a lot wider now that it was cleared out. Before she turned a corner she heard a voice calling after her asking where the front office was. We're actually looking for it ourselves. She answered. Not really knowing what else to say.


@Rosalie Woodland
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I walk around and find a building a few stories high, "Maybe this is it." I say walking into the building with my stuff; I see a bunch of people look at me and a few indications tell me that this is the place. After talking to a few of them they say that my room is in the second floor, so I do as I'm told and find my room. Walking inside it I'm a little surprised by how nice and neat everything was, not to mention how it has dark colors to it, but doesn't give you a very bleak feeling.

Aspen Fall; Human

"We've adapted well," she lies through her teeth when he questions her lack of a Canadian accent.

Interest piqued, Aspen eyes his tails swishing back and forth. It surprisingly didn't horrify or disgust her when they came into view. She knew little about Raiju, just the basics from her private lessons at home with Anton.

"Not well liked? Did you steal someones bone?" She smirks, knowing full-well that maybe acting snarky wasn't her best idea when pretending to be someone-something else.

@Jeremy Jangle
"Oh so we do have a sense of humor?" he said tempting to start rubbing her head again but instead winked and stuck his tongue at her. He began rubbing his chin recalling all the details of what he and his family had gone through back in San Diego before he had moved.

"Eh it's a bit complicated. Let's just say my bloodline refused to do a few things that made us disliked from the rest of the pack" he said leaning over to her with the first time having a little seriousness in his voice. His eyes had glowed into a darker shade of red and his tails had ceased to moving. It was as if he was a completely different person altogether from how he was originally acting. This side of Ichika often scared others as this side of him never really showed.

"Buuuut that's all in the past now" he said leaning back up with a wide grin on his face. Ichika hated the seriousness side of himself which was why he often hid it as best as he could.

"Now as my final question for now. Why did you choose to come here? This school often frightens most humans and supernaturals alike. So what made you decide to attend?" this question was asked with a lot of energy be Ichika. He was a thrill seeker, but lot's of people had interesting answers to this. And he was always ready to listen to them.


Aspen Fall; Human

Ichika's mood shifts as he talks solemnly about his cryptic past - Aspen feels genuine fear by the new glint in his eyes and his serious tone. He quickly recovers and grins at her. She isn't sure whether he is attempting to calm her or knew that he unnerved her slightly.

His knew question has her mind racing for a believable answer. "I didn't want to," she blurts. "My family pressured me in to coming here." She is mildly surprised by herself and how she opted to tell the truth instead.

Before it can get anymore personal and out her as a human in disguise, Aspen coughs into her hand, directing attention away from the way her fingers entangle themselves from her constant lies. "Class is starting soon, don't you think?"

@Jeremy Jangle
"Damn. I need to meet and greet. But how do I come about that? My introductions are hard, and I might be considered awkward or just be an outcast." Damn it. Stop it Mika, get your shit together and be confident because if you think about it too much with out enthusiasm, then of course it'll turn out bad. So how do I find people?
Ichika was shocked at what he had heard. "Oh really? That's weird usually humans are forced by their parents to come here" he was confused at first until it finally came to him as he playfully smacked his head as he chuckled.

"I get it now. I know exactly what you are" he said trailing off. "You're a royal bloodline aren't you?" he said as confidant as possible as though he knew that was the exact reason. "I heard originally not many royals would have to come if they did not wish, but most parents forced them to come anyway so I understand the big change with these humans" he said giving her a wink.

"But don't worry they're nicer then you think" he said giving her a warm smile. The sudden thought of class did indeed make him wonder. There were barely any kids in the class and not even the teacher was here yet.

"Perhaps just a little behind schedule. I'm sure they'll get everything back on track" he said as comfortably as possible. Reassuring the person he considerd a friend a since of relief.


Aspen Fall; Human

She almost wants to laugh when he makes an excuse for her, stating that she must derive from royal bloodline - what luck. He wasn't far off. She wasn't 'royal' but in the human world, her family was a close contender for that title.

It strikes her how easy it might be to get information from Ichika, even if she felt a stab of something close to guilt in her abdomen. This was research. For her survival. There was nothing wrong with that.

Aspen reaches past him and grips the edge of the desk beside hers and pulls it closer. "You don't mind sitting with me during class, do you?"

@Jeremy Jangle
  • Sky.Link.full.626693.jpg

    Where: Front entrance of main building

    With who: Zaylia

    Levan was walking to the entrance with his little sister, Zaylia. He couldn't wait to know other people,since they have never had much socialization in there lives. He and Zaylia go in and get all their stuff ready/registered.

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