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The Walker Twins (1x1)

Jared opens the front door to his home and throws his bag down on the floor at his feet then kicks it to the side, tugging off his coat at the same time. He hangs it up, shutting the door using one foot as he presumed his brother may already be home, and his parents wouldn't be home for another few hours considering they spent most of their valuable time working instead of with the family. He walks into the living room, hoping over the back of the couch and landing on it comfortably as he picks up the TV remote and turns it on, flicking to a random soap opera channel, he fakes tears as a random lady on it yells at some guy for cheating on her. He sighs, boring TV. He flicks through the channels absentmindedly as he pushes his hair out of his eyes and finally settles on a music channel that played alternative and rock music. He smiles in satisfaction and shuts his eyes as he bobs his head to the beat, wondering if in fact his brother was actually home or not.

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Chris had gone home after school since he had no reason to stay at school. He only had his one friend who spent his time alone so Chris didn't get to see him often. So he was here at home up in hid room working on his homework. Chris wasn't a genius but he really liked to learn and get good grades so he spent a lot of time doing his homework and making sure he got good grade. He sat on his bed with his legs crossed with a white board on his lap. He was working his math homework on it when he heard music being played. He knew that it was his twin. He got up and when down stairs. He looked at the other male, his brother was so lucky. Jared was popular and had more friends.
Jared opens his eyes as he hears Chris come down the stairs, and sits up. "Hey little brother," he jokes. In reality he was only just around five minutes older than Chris, but he still used it to his advantage whenever he could. "You look so bored. Have you been doing homework again?" He tuts and shakes his head from side to side while he grins, "maybe you should do mine, God knows I don't understand any of it." He mumbled before he lays back on the couch again and grins up at him. They were identical twins, and it used to confuse people before they got old enough to choose what they wore instead of wearing the same outfit as the other. They may have been twins, but they had their own personalities too. His brother was quieter, more book smart. Jared was a jokester, the one more likely to get kicked out of class for being stupid. And also the one who didn't understand school so much.

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Chris smiled weaky at the older male, even though they where same age. Just Jared was a few minutes older, so Chris wouldn't deny Jared was older. "Yeah I was doing homework." He moved over to the couch where hid brother was at. "You need to do your own homework brother easier to learn that way." He said half heartedly. He put his hands in hid pants pocket as he glanced down at the floor. He didn't know when things changed for him but hr found it harder to talk to his own twin now a days. He remembered them being close when he was younger but now it seemed as if they where so far apart. Though maybe that was just him. "Mom and dad won't be home till late because of work."
Ignoring the comment about his homework, Jared moves his body so that he was sat upright again, tucking his legs underneath him, cross legged, and he grabs his brothers arm and pulls him to sit down on the couch. "I know they won't." He groans, "and I can't cook. You know what you should do?" He says, widening his eyes slightly and a devilish grin on his face, "you should make me food. Considering you know how to do that stuff and I'll probably burn the kitchen down." He shrugs his shoulders, "I think it's a fair trade for..." He tries to think of something he'd done for his brother, but he came up blank. He never really spoke to him anymore, let alone did anything for him. "Alright, I got nothing, but I promise I'll make it up to you. Pleeeease!" He pouts at him, bringing both his hands up in a sort of prayer motion.

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Chris yelpes when he felt himself being pulled down onto the couch. He sat down more comfortably on the couch and so that he was able to look at his brother. He tried not roll his eyes when his brother asked him to cook for him. One of the reasons why he learned was because their parents where gone a lot and he didn't like the idea of eating out. Though he wished Jared would take some time to learn something like cooking or anything. "Fine I will cook you something but you have to promise to help me clean the house on Saturday since mom and dad will be busy." It wss a fair enough deal, plus Chris was tired of cleaning the house by himself.
"Clean?! You've gotta be out to kill me or something Chris I swear." Jared widens his eyes and sighs in defeat, his stomach growling slightly. "You know what. Fine. I'll help you clean on Saturday, I promise. But ONLY because Jared Junior here is screaming at me." He says as he prods at his stomach, "and not because of anything else." He narrows his eyes slightly and laughs, uncrossing his legs and putting them over Chris's lap. He puts his arms behind his head, happily lounging on the sofa even though his brother was on it. "You'll have to be the one to wake me up though, you know I can't survive if I wake up before 3pm." He raises his eyebrows. It was true, he had an extremely bad sleeping pattern. On weekends he would go to sleep at about 5am in the morning and not wake up until someone literally pulled him out of bed.

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Chris watched Jared, wondering how they could be so completely different. But they where, it might be for the fact they where older now and didn't see each other often. He shook his head, he got up ignoring the fact his brother had his leg on his lap. "I will make you something to eat." He didn't want to say anything on waking his brother up because he would get his brother up eary. He turned and headed into the kitchen to make them some food. He wonder why they had grown appart though he couldn't remember exactly what could have caused it. Maybe when they first enter high school but he really wasn't sure. It did make him sad but he would never admit it since he was really good at hiding his true feelings from others.
Jared watches Chris go and turns off the TV before standing and walking upstairs to his bedroom which was across the hall from Chris's. He walks in and shuts the door behind him before changing out of his clothes from today and into what he considered to be his comfiest clothing. A three quarter length T-Virus shirt that was his favourite piece of Gorillaz merchandise, and a pair of long black and red striped pyjama trousers. He walks over to his bed and pulls his laptop onto his lap and turns it on, absentmindedly fiddling with his phone and connecting it to Bluetooth so that he could listen to music by connecting it to his speakers. When it connects, he puts on his playlist, and tosses his phone to the end of his bed as he begins to scroll down some social media sites.

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Chris had not his brother get up and leave, he was too budy cooking and is own thought to pay attention to anything else. When he finally finished making the food he turned to go grab his brother but notice that Jared wasn't there. He turned and headed up stairs to get his brother. He knocked on the Jared's door "food." He called out before turning and heading back down stairs.
Jared grinned and shoved his laptop off his lap before walking out of his room and down the stairs quickly. He walks into the kitchen, seeing his brother, and he grins as he comes up behind him, poking his fingers into his sides. "Little brother!" He exclaims to him, rather than use his actual name.

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Chris had gotten down plates for the both of them. He was getting out the serving utensil when he yelped loudly as his brother poked him in the sides. He hated when Jared did that because he happened to be very ticklish which he would never admit it to anyone though Jared had always known since the where twins. He turned and shot the other a glare. "Would you not do thst please."
"What's wrong, Chrissy?" He smirks and pokes him again, "are you feeling a little ticklish?" He laughs and begins to tickle his brothers sides, he knew that he hated to be tickled, and he was very ticklish. Due to the fact that they were twins, Jared himself was also extremely ticklish, but he never really told anyone about that. When he stops ticking his brother he laughs and sits down at a chair that a plate was at and looks up at his brother, "Chrisssssyyyyyy." He says, prolonging the whole word boredly. "Feeeed me," he says now, pointing to his mouth and pouting, before picking up his knife and fork and banging it on the table noisily.

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Chris couldn't help but laugh as his brother tickled him. He hated how ticklish he was but it wasn't something easy to hide from his own brother. He was thankful when the other stopped tickling him. He watched the other and rolled his eyes. He dished both of them some food and brought it over. "Next time your going to get the food yourself, your old enough and not a little anymore Jared."
"You're not little anymore Jared," he mimics in a high pitched voice, then grins and begins to shovel the food onto his fork. "I can cook, I promise, I just don't want to." He shrugs his shoulders and shoves the food into his mouth, almost choking on the amount that he had put in, he struggles to swallow it and then just grins slightly at Chris. "How long has it been since we talked like this?" He asks, the smile gone from his face slightly as he crosses his legs on his seat.

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Chris really wanted to smack his brother for that, he swore that his older brother acted like such a little child and it wasn't something he couldn't understand. They where the same age and all but Chris never acted like that, he didn't understand why his brother to choose to do certain things. He just shook his head and went to eat the food he had made since he didn't want it to get cold. He glanced over at the other, before looking back down at the food. He really didn't know what to say, since he really couldn't remember the last time that they where really able to talk to one another and lately, Chris found it really hard to talk to his brother. They use to be so close now it was so different, they where so different and Jared was popular and he....he was not.
"I will take your silence as a, 'Oh Jared, I've missed you sooooo bad.'" He says, narrowing his eyes at his brother, taking another forkful of his food and leaning back in his chair slowly. He didn't understand how his brother was so serious all the time, why he didn't approve of just having fun and living life to the full. He chews his food slowly and swallows, then he sighs, relaxing in his chair. He may put on the front of constantly being happy and fun loving, but he wasn't. Thankfully he had his own room, so when he felt bad he didn't have to have his brother pestering him. He missed his brother sometimes, he just never spoke to him. "Okay, I'll correct that. YOU never speak to me. I swear I try and talk to you so much but you don't even try with me Chris. Why don't you talk to me? What have I done?" He says, putting his fork down noisily on his plate.

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Chris sat there listening to the older male. He was still looking at the table not saying a word to his brother not able to look at his brother. He didn't even touch his food. He let the silence fall over the table, with neither of them speaking. He really wasn't sure what to say to Jared, he had known that they hadn't been talking but he couldn't remember. He glanced up when the other spoke to him. He was now growing upset with him "talk to me! The only time you every talk to me is simple words, you never try and do a full conversation. Even at school your never around! Your always too busy being Mr. Popular and talking with your friends to even notice me anymore in classes! Don't go and start blaming all this on me because it's not even true! Your at fault too!" Chris was too upset now to try and even eat. Without warning, he got up and left the table heading for his room where he felt most comfortable.
"Are you JEALOUS that I'm liked more than you?" He says loudly as Chris gets up from the table, and as he hears him get in his room, he bites his lip, before shouting up to him, "MAYBE IF YOU WERENT SUCH A FREAK, YOU'D HAVE FRIENDS." He stands up from the table and walks upstairs to his own room, slamming the door behind him. That hadn't gone so well, had it? He had hoped that maybe if he had tried to talk to his brother at least once, there'd be a positive outcome. All he had done was scream at him. He grumbles to himself, falling backwards into his bed and covering his face with his arms and sighing.

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Chris sat there thinking on the words that he had heard his brother call to him. The words stung, he would have never dream that his own twin would go and say something like that to him. It made him hate his own brother, at that moment. He turned and grabbed his ipod quickly putting his headphones in and turning on the music loud enough so that he wouldn't hear anything, like his own brother. He grabbed his white board and went back to working on his homework. He didn't leave his room at all, just working on his homework for hours. After he was done he saw that it was getting late. Deciding that he still didn't want to put up with his twin, he just decided that it would be better to turn in for the night.
Jared had spent the night just laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling thinking about how much he already had regretted saying those things. As it got later and later, Jared found himself desperate to go and tell his brother that he was sorry. He had never been particularly mean to his brother before, and so he stood, walking out of his bedroom slowly, simply now just dressed in his boxers, a pair of mismatching socks, and a black t-shirt that said 'Overlook Hotel' on it. It had been his favourite shirt for a while, but now he just wore it as pyjamas. As he shuffled down the hall guiltily, he hesitated, now standing in front of his room, he knocked on his brothers bedroom door. "Chris?" He calls in, softly, leaning his head against the door. "I'm really sorry..."

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Chris changed his outfit, turning of his lights. He got into be and lay down, though he found that he really couldn't get to sleep. Now that he didn't have anything to take his mind off of what happened between him and his brother. It was still on his mind, the words still stung from what his brother had said. It wasn't like he didn't try to make friends it was more that he loved to learn and no one really liked a nerd. Was he really a freak, he just took his education as being something important because he wanted to make a good life for himself because he was getting older and soon he would have to find a job, he just couldn't play around like his brother. Chris grip the blankets tightly, he just found he couldn't be like his brother was now....but it didn't mean that he liked being alone. He felt tears run down his face, it really hurt. Chris lifted his head when he heard his brother's voice, but he didn't reply.
"I know I shouldn't have called you a freak," he sighs, "and I know that I shouldn't be such an ass to you. You're my brother and I love you." He continues to lean against his door, "even if you're not liked by my friends, that doesn't mean that I don't like you. I would rather hang out with you than them." He offers into the air and turns his back on the door but still leans on it, his head against it and tilts up to the ceiling slightly as he tapped his fingers on his thigh. It was weird apologising to his brother, considering they never talked enough to fight. "Can I come in?" He asks, hopefully, and he bites his lips when the question hangs in the air for his brother to answer.

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Chris only laid there, he hadn't thought that his brother would go on apologizing yet he could hear every word from the older male. He wasn't sure that he really could believe some of those things since his brother always seemed to like his friends better then him. He looked down at the bed. Laying there, not really wanting to move. He closed his eyes, still feeling the tears running down his face. "Yes," he called back when Jared asked him if he could come in. He was thankful that it was dark in his room and he hoped that his brother wouldn't turn on the light since he really didn't want Jared to see that he was crying. He really didn't know how his older brother would react to that.

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