The Void

A loud bell rung out through the town, signalling it was close to time for this meeting to start. "Mandatory meeting to start in 5 minutes. Anyone who is not yet in the meeting hall, go there now. Anyone who is still on the streets will be redirected by the street guards. Anyone who resists redirection will be punished." The speaker crackled out and the town was silent aside from a few noises here and there of feet shuffling off to the meeting hall.
Wes looked around and then back at Moose. " Well i guess turning back now is out of the option. We better stay close together just in case. These people are pretty much zombies. No one moves or talk. They won't even talk to one another." He looked ahead. " Even the family i work for are here. This has to be something big to get them here. " He heard the announcement. " Moose you got a game plan ?"
Zack gave a sigh of relief, even if he didn't know where to go he would bee shown the way but hopefully he could get there by following the crowds, they all walked in straight lines not talking to each other they just looked straight at there destination as if they were androids that had a precise schedule to keep in line with "where am I ?" Zack mumbled to himself in a worried tone.
"This place is disturbing." Sedrian states wandering the city of... Well... Androids he supposed. They all moved in a synchronization. Sedrian missed back when the world was different, back when it was free. Not because he believed in rights, but because he was alot less suspicious to the government. He had to admit though, his shadow magic was pretty wicked, he enjoyed the feeling he got when he used it on someone. Out of the corner of his eye, Sedrian noticed a group of people who were talking to eachother, people who weren't synchronized. Sedrian glanced at them from a distance, wishing not to be noticed. 
Sedrian then noticed they had chosen to walk in synchronization with the others. -What the hell- Sedrian thought, he walked in synchronization also. He hated this, but it was the best way to find out what the heck was going on around here.
"Oi Stale, i am off" Jack was tired and felt he wouldn't get any sleep with Stale around asking so many questions but at same time criticizing every answer jack provided him.

Ok where are we going? please don't tell me is to source of weird call.

"Who said you going anywhere by the way. how you going to leave your pond." Jack pointed out while he looked at Stale's water body was connected to the pond.

Jack smiled as he felt victories but suddenly all of the water in pond was gather up in Stale who gave what it look like vicious smile then he hurled himself into Jack.
Vi felt compelled to go to the meeting. What could possibly happen? She thought, as she started walking towards the sound of the speaker. The city must be pretty large, considering that the speakers were, indeed, this loud. Besides, she wanted to keep away from whatever was approaching her. The faster she moved, the better.

She was at the gates already; she could tell by the metal that was basically everywhere around her, different from when she was in the forest. Footsteps clicked past her, and she followed them. Her hinges creaked and groaned -- she almost forgot the last time she'd gotten her body tuned. She could tell that some people had stopped walking, possibly to stop and stare at the strange robot/human girl that was treading behind them. However, when the speaker spoke again, they stopped gazing and started walking quicker.

Vi had no idea what this "mandatory meeting" was about. Whatever it was, she hoped that it would give her some insight on why she was suddenly spat out of the void.
Sedrian glanced around every once in awhile to ensure no one had noticed, he was doing surprisingly well considering he was the only person wearing such dark clothes with jet black hair reaching his lower back. good, no one has noticed me, he thought to himself.
"Soo.... I take it we should get to this meeting, yes?" Pandrora said to no one in particular of the group around her. She started navigating her way through the woods in the direction she thought the city was in. She could see lights through the trees so she must be going the right way. What was this place anyway? Nothing seemed familiar. But... she couldn't have been in the Void for too long, right? And what explanation was there for her newly sprouted tail and cat ears? It was all too weird.

Finally Pandrora got out of the trees and found herself o the edge of a dark, sprawling city. She made her way into the city, feeling self-conscious because she was the only cat-girl-neko-thingy here. But her worry faded when she saw a robot looking girl a few feet in front of her. Okay, she wasn't the only freak here.

"Look at that weirdo..." A voice said from close by, and Pandrora looked around for the speaker. All of the people walking by were looking down and minding their own business. So who...?

"Such a freak...." Another voice added. "I know cat's are great and all, but she's a human! What is she trying to do?"

"Hey! It's not like I wanted the cat parts!" Pandrora complained, still trying to find the owner of the voice.

"Wait... did that human just answer us? Did she hear us?"

Pandrora glared at nothing, still unsure where the voices were coming from. "Yes! Of course I can hear you! You aren't being very quiet!"

Some of the city residents shot her questioning looks as they passed by, like they thought she was crazy. Maybe she was, after all, she was hearing voices from nowhere!

Just then two cats stalked out from the shadows of a near by alley. They both looked directly at Pandrora. "What are you?" One of the cats asked, though it's mouth didn't move.

Pandrora blinked. Did every animal here talk!? "I-I'm a human. My name is Rori..."

"You're obviously not a human, seeing as you can communicate with us." The other cat replied, casually licking it's paw.

Pandrora bent down next to them, still thoroughly confused. "What do you mean? I'm the only one who can hear you?"

"Miki try to tell funny girl!!! Funny girl no listen!!!" The butterfly screeched in it's tiny voice, coming out of hiding to flutter in front of Pandrora.

"Oh my god." Pandrora said simply. "It's official. I've completely lost my mind."

"Hey! Citizen! Get to the town hall, now! the meeting starts in two minutes!" A burly man in a uniform shouted to her.

"Right, okay." She said standing up. "By cats." She waved them then followed the man.
(You guys can try to make the Rp go forward on your own! I will occasionally pop in and make big events happen :3)
Sedrian heard one of the villagers yell, so he broke the synchronized walking and approached the noise source. What saw confused the hell out of him. He saw a girl... With... Cat ears?
Pandrora's tail swished nervously and she tugged on the hem of her pink dress ans she was forced into joining the crowd of citizens shuffling toward a large building that she could only guess was the meeting hall.

"Miki no like this place. No like at all." the little purple butterfly said as it made itself comfortable on Pandrora's ear.

"I don't either, Miki." Pandrora sighed quietly. Now that she knew she was the only one who could hear Miki, she was sure not to talk too loud. She glanced around at the people. What was wrong with them? They were all acting like mindless robots.

As she scanned the crowd, she saw a boy staring at her in confusion. If she didn't start doing something about the weird looks from people, they would never stop. So with a roll of her eyes she looked directly at the boy and shouted: "My father was a tabby cat! Meow!" And she swished her tail around for good measure.

She wasn't really sure how that would help her case, but maybe that would get him to stop looking at her.
Sedrian raised an eyebrow at the comment she just made. "I don't think that's possible. I just want to know who you think you're talking to." He said forcing back his desire to laugh.
Her ears flattened a bit in disappointment. Well that wasn't the effect she wanted.

"Funny girl no talk to scary guy. Funny girl run away!" Miki insisted fluttering frantically around Pandrora's head.

"Miki, stop!" Pandrora hissed, swatting a hand at the butterfly as she studied the stranger in front of her. Miki was right, he was pretty scary looking. And even though she had only been in the city of about five minutes, she could tell he wasn't from around here.

"I'm talking to you, obviously. You're the one staring at me." She tilted her head, her tail swishing again, "Are you perhaps a stalker?"
Sedrian's gaze immediately turned to one of sheer rage. "How dare you make such accusations about me!" he said in an extremely threatening tone.
((My bad!))

Moose kept running forward in her dress, struggling to keep up with Wes in the crowd. She then heard the new announcement, about them needing to be at the meeting in five minutes. She turned to Wes. "We need to get there, or else I think they're going to force us all there!" She said, in a hushed voice. "We need to get there... We don't need any guards to know of our presence..."
Pandrora blinked, unfazed by his sudden anger. He was just acting like a temperamental pet, something she was used to and could handle.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "There's no need to be mean. I was only joking." She pouted. Then she thought of something. "Did you come from the Void too?"
Pandrora nodded, scanning his dark clothing, hair, and overall personality. "I can tell," She replied with a little giggle. "I'm pretty sure mine is Animal.... if not, then something is seriously wrong with me." She circled around the shadowy man, he looked pretty human. Just... dark. "What's your name?" She asked him.
"My name is Sedrian." He answered wondering what this little conversation was gonna lead to.
"Hi, Sedrian. I'm Rori." Pandroa said, extending a pink-nailed hand to him. "And this little purple butterfly is Miki. She doesn't shut up. But I guess i don't really need to introduce her because I'm the only one who can hear her so.... yeah." She waited for him to shake her hand. "Do you think we should go inside and see what this meeting is about? Maybe we can find more people from the Void in there."
He raised his arm and shook her hand. "That makes more sense then everything else that's happened so far."
Pandrora turned around quickly, her tail smacking into Sedrian, and she ran back towards the crowd, following them into the large building.

Inside, the citizens were filing into rows of chairs and sitting down. No one chattered with the people next to them. The whole place was deathly silent as they waited for something. Someone to deliver a message, Pandrora assumed.

Not wanting to stick out any more than a girl with cat ears and a tail naturally would, she swiftly found herself an empty chair in the back.
Sedrian nearly ripped the tail off when it hit him, but he stopped himself and sat next to Rori.
When Sedrian sat next to her, she could practically feel the irritation coming off of him in waves. She glanced over at him. "You're not a very cheerful person, are you?" She whispered. Even in a whisper, her voice sounded loud because the rest of the room was so quiet. She knew she was bothering him, but she didn't care. This was actually fun. She was naturally playful and teasing, much like a cat.
"I just don't like getting smacked. It's not that I'm not cheerful, I'm pretty much insane. One second I'm happy, the next I want to rip out someone's throat. I could tell why I'm this way, but that's private, I will tell you this though, be careful what you do to, or with me. I have a very short fuse."

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