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Fantasy The Void (Always Accepting!)

Out of habit, Annette sniffed the mug before grasping it with both of her hands. It was cold. Very cold. She drank slowly, knowing if she drank too fast she would get a brain freeze. "Annette," she said after gasping for breath. She pressed the excess part of her sleeve to her mouth to dry it off. "Pardon. Just a little more thirsty than I'd thought." She didn't think about the strange behavior of the men, leaving it to the many unanswered questions she had about this place. Suddenly remembering her familiar, she let Corey off of her shoulder so he could drink from the mug. "Er...I hope you don't mind. He's gotta stay close, in case something happens, yeah?"
"That critter will do little good around these parts. You aren't around here so I'll give you a bit of advice. Don't pick fights with the natives unless you can get to a draw, don't touch the pregnant girls without their husbands' permission, don't try to start a fight with the kids, and be careful with what you call people around here. Also, if a guy around here takes a shining to ya you should take that as a compliment. The men don't like anyone who isn't Titan." Juniper told Annette. She was cleaning some mugs, leaning casually against the counter on her side.
Annette nodded at the information. Don't be a troublemaker. Fine. She wasn't that interested in pointless undertakings, anyway. "Speaking of that...why do these men seem to have such a high resistance to your appearance? Is it because the women are so easily bedded here? They have no use for gawking in public?" Her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She tapped Corey on the head as he started pecking at the now empty mug. He let out a disproving caw before shuffling back out of the giant cup.
Juniper gave a laugh that was feminine and beautiful but still very evil sounding. "If any other girl heard you say that she'd rip you into two. The men around here don't gawk because our beauty is normal. They also either have their own girl or they are looking for one. And if they are looking for one, they will not gawk or stare. They will glance once and that's all." Juniper put the mug down and looked at Annette. "Veril is the only one who is different around these parts though, he and his family. They are not really normal even by our standards." Juniper laughed again but softly.
"Hmph. What the women of my world wouldn't give to have men with the decency to lie about their fancies. I suppose there is some respect to be had for those who only glance at a woman's breasts. He still gets what he wants, and she isn't any the wiser. Another water, if you don't mind." Annette sat back in the stool, hooking her feet around the legs so she wouldn't fall backwards. She assumed a more comfortable position, with her arms crossed in front of her. "Are you afraid of Veril and his family? What have they done to earn such respect from all of you?"
"Ummm Veril is the king of this city. His brothers have their own cities. Also the men here don't glance at our breasts, they glance at us from the neck down. It isn't a single focus point for them. Also I am pretty sure anyone with their head on straight would fear any of the kings." Juniper got Annette another mug of water, replacing the other one with a new cold one.
After a little bit of sleeping, Haru woke up feeling better and with more energy. She sat up while still wrapped in the blanket, quite the spacey person while just waking up. The blanket slowly fell back as she stretched, yawning quietly and setting the blanket back down properly with a light blowing of air. Getting off the bed, she left the room before anybody could really talk to her, making her way down to where Annette and Juniper were at. "Hello..." Haru said quietly, probably too quietly to really get noticed over the words currently being passed back and forth. She definitely looked like she'd just woken up, face full of tiredness and her without a single care in the world about how tired she seemed.
Juniper looked at Haru, "Well hello there sleepy head. Can I get you anything?" The female Titan leaned against the counter like before. The chatter of other Titans filled the room as Juniper waited for Haru to respond. Their language seemed so different from anything else that it was almost impossible to make sense of.
"King?!" Annette let that sink in. She took no notice of the girl who'd walked in, making it a point that she didn't care. What the heck was a king doing, leading a bunch of aliens out of danger? It made her question his motives, which she hadn't considered prior to that moment. What had he said earlier? Something about a war? "What is a king doing out of his castle?" To hell with Titan men and their indifference to breasts. Annette truly didn't care. It made no difference to her what these creatures did with their nights. A flame swelled in her heart, a sudden anger at her lack of knowledge taking hold. She took a large drink of water in attempt to cool her thoughts. This was stupid! All of it! What good was magic in a world like this? In her world, she would know exactly what to do. She would know how to do it, and she certainly wouldn't be the fool who doesn't know who the king is.
Erika sighed, if they were staying here for a while then she could at least get some sleep, let her body adjust itself. She concentrated on what she looked like as a human, taking deep, slow breaths. Her material body wavered, seemingly transparent and hazy before her clothes were replaced by those of her human form, her school uniform in fact. Her horns and wings had not disappeared, instead whenever someone looked on them their eyes would seem to slip away from them and within seconds they would forget her wings and horns existed although people who had seen them already would simply be unable to look at them for any extended period of time. With that her wings wrapped themselves around her body and she climbed into one of the beds, falling asleep within seconds.
"I will take... take... take... take... take....... some water..." Haru started off speaking in english, but soon her tired mouth made the words start conforming between a few languages while repeating the same word of take (in definition, not sound and spelling), then eventually returned to her speech as she arrived at the language the titans used, 'some water' being the only words in titan language though. The girl didn't really pay much attention to Annette given how tired she was, and how much she just wanted water.
Juniper looked at Annette, "Woah little lady. You need to calm down. Yes king, he is the king of this city. Also he can do whatever he wants so he doesn't need to spend time in his castle if he doesn't want to." Juniper turned and smirked at Haru. Juniper's eyes began to glow a crimson color. The two girls were actually in a trance, and upon Juniper's eyes glowing they woke from it. Haru was on the floor, and Annette was on the stool. "I knew there was something sketchy about the quiet one." Juniper spoke, wiping down a mug. "I could feel your mind was trying to wrap itself around the idea of our language. It just wouldn't be hospitable of me to let you drop dead from that. So you can thank me later." Juniper served Haru her water. "Others are incapable of comprehending our language, those who tried only ended up dying. Most of them much stronger than you little critters." The female Titan laughed.
"Comprehend...? Language...? I was simply speaking..." She said. It was actually quite true. She simply hears regular words in her language, from both herself and others. Her mind didn't even really play much part at all in it. Just the conforming of her language to everything was so oddly perfect. Even now, she was just hearing words in her own language from all the titans around her, and it was oddly quite without effect on her past that. Though, her words themselves entering the language of titans, regardless of her knowledge, would probably be as dangerous or something as trying to comprehend, since it was her mind putting out her words.
"None of the Titans here except for me have actually spoken. I speak English so you all can understand me. Haru, your name is I think, your mind is almost rude in what it is doing. And it knows it to. But it doesn't know that if it tries speaking our language and incorporating it into your own it will die. I would train yourself a bit better." Juniper's eyes were no longer glowing, but she did make eye contact with the two girls again. The male Titans would glance back at the two aliens for a bit before going back to what it was they were doing.
Calm down! Ha! She was getting irritated by this Juniper woman. "What was that? I don't think I understand. How can you so easily get into our heads?" She was on the verge of leaving. Calm down! She wouldn't stand for this. Corey seemed to be picking up on her anger, because he was growing uneasy. Annette took another drink. She was never one to lose her head. Why was she so quick to anger here? The last thing this party would need was another hothead on top of the she-demon.

((That's it for me. I have homework to do and such. See y'all tomorrow.))
"Ehn... glesh...? I have never heard of an 'Ehnglesh'... She said, those being the last words of English that really came out of her mouth, mainly because she tiredly, and quite clearly unintentionally, switched back to her own language. "Ahnahr... Elheri, ahnahr..." She said, really wanting water. "Please, water." is what she would be saying in English, but English had completely slipped off her tongue without her knowing. Then again, there wasn't really much she could tell about languages, since her language was pretty universal with all she ever heard being her language, regardless of language spoken at the time she hears the words.
Juniper spoke "Afktch terr'o luulkpzi. You will never understand our native tongue, your mind is straining itself." She moved the mug closer to Haru. "You need to make your mind let go of it's attempts. The Void will not allow it to understand such things." Juniper sighed. "Drink, it will help you." She leaned against the counter and waited.

A Titan turned his head and growled low, glaring at Haru now. It was not really socially acceptable for an outsider to be trying to add the Titan language into their list of languages. It didn't matter that they would die in their attempt. It mattered that they didn't know their place in The Void. The Void had literally made it so anyone not native to it was significantly weaker simply because The Void forced any native beings to be powerful in many aspects. For some it was a dominance thing, others it was a matter of respect. Whatever the reason, the Titan was not happy with Haru.
((Their definition of the mind is very different. Just like how they don't have time so when they say "day" it does not mean a literal twenty four hours. They have a culture and history and all that, so you cannot think they mean what humans would mean. Or Americans more likely lol. English language and all that. Also keep it in the OCC, first warning.))
"Yuerhei... Isussumi..." Haru said, having stood up at some point along the conversation. She was pretty much saying 'Alright... thank you...' in her own land's language. Haru took her hands and placed themabove the cup, the water slowly floating up and between her hands. She moved the orb of water between her hands above her head, letting it fall down all over herself, but keeping the floor and everything but herself dry. She blinked a few times, now awake and ready. She completely dried off just seconds after being awake, picking up the cup and starting to drink from it slowly, using both hands to hold the cup.
The female Titan smiled at Bariss "Hey again, what's up?" She asked, leaning against one of the massive barrels.
The female Titan giggled, "Priscilla, Juniper, Annabelle, which ever floats your boat. The history of The Void? Jeez that is older than me by a long shot. Easily." She sighed. She leaned against the counter, her cleavage now bulging out again even worse than before with Annette. Her crossed arms did not help either, her eyes looking up as she thought. "Well it is hard to explain. Well what part of the history of The Void? I mean we don't really have time here so history is not a big thing with us." She said, her arms squeezing her chest more as she adjusted herself. No Titan in the room seemed to care or notice, not even Juniper.
"Those are Lurkers. They don't really attack us unless we antagonize them. They leave other creatures alone and vice versa. They actually used to be natives of The Void. There was an accident though and they became like that. They were like Titans but smaller." She said. "What they want is not really anything at this point. They just walk around and mind their own business." She finished.
Haru finished off her water, slowly and gently setting the cup down. "Thank you for the water." Haru said as she bowed. There was no emotion, but it was a sincere thank you that showed she was actually thankful, and not just being said to be said. Her words were back in English to everybody else now that she had woken herself up, though like always, every word she heard, she heard in her language. That included her own words. A single drop of water was left in the cup, which spiraled around the cup at an abnormally fast rate, going from bottom to top, then going around the outside. She even lifted the cup with both of her hands to get the bottom.

The cup itself sparkled, but the water had picked up every piece of dust, dirt, or anything else that may have been left on the cup, so it reflected everything that wasn't supposed to be on the cup after having picked up everything that didn't belong on or as part of it. The various elements that contaminated the floating drop of water, which was actually about the size of Haru's palm, floated out of the orb of water that was floating above Haru's palm. They moved over to her other hand, and dropped in a ball which she crushed. It was now a fine powder, which just vanished into the air like dust as it blew in a tornado-like motion on her palm.

Clearly, Haru was capable of cleaning things, and she clearly wasn't trying to show off or anything. Given who Haru was in and out, as well as by her words and actions she has taken, it was simply to be respectful and clean up after herself. Haru bowed once more before starting to walk away. Then, she realized she had been so careless and forgot to introduce herself. She turned around, bowing once more. "My apologies... I must have forgotten to introduce myself... I am Haru..." She said. She kept bowed while waiting for the female titan. Just like the thank you, the apology was without emotion, but clearly sincere and intended to be said as a respectful and kind set of words.
"It is nice to meet you Haru." The Female Titan smiled. "We have been here since the beginning. There isn't much more to tell." She spoke softly.

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