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Fantasy The Void (Always Accepting!)

Veril turned, stopping the group so he could explain. "There are realities and realms and worlds. They are all connected somehow. The Void is that space that fills up the gap. Sometimes you will just get pulled into it. Maybe you passed by a tree that is connected to a different world and somehow instead you wound up here." He smiled at them. "I can understand how you would think it sucks, and it kind of does but there are some upsides to it. Like for instance, the food here is pretty damn good. And here everyone has fun and lives life without having to worry about anything." He told them all. "Although, there is kind of... Maybe a little conflict going on right now." He chuckled nervously. "But we can talk about that later!" He turned and continued walking with them.
Erika's other wing flapped around dangerously, anyone nearby would be hit by it and she clawed at Veril's hand. "Get your filthy hands off me!" She shrieked as he put her down. Her veins turned black in color and one could see them beneath her skin, she breathed long and hard, calming herself. She sent Veril one of her strongest glares, for normal humans it usually made them shiver in fear, their instincts kicking in but she supposed the Titan wouldn't react the same way. The thought only increased her rage. "I am not a child, I am nearly as old as the human race itself, do not condescend me."

Despite her distaste for the Titan she listened to him, he was at least providing an explanation as to why they were all here. She assessed the situation. If everyone, or at least a few of them were from separate worlds then that would mean she was no longer in the realm where the Lord resided. A mix of emotions sifted through Erika and tears fell from her eyes. Black in color and thick like blood in texture, the tears rolled ever slowly down her cheeks, staining the ground black. She touched them gingerly, she was crying? She'd never thought that was....possible.

"Is there a way to return?" She cleared her throat and asked softly. No wonder her Reaper form had awakened, it had always happened in her past lives, she'd awaken in times of great need. This seemed to be one of those times.
Veril sighed and looked back at her, "No, there isn't. People have tried though. My brothers are off in different cities fighting battles right now and they haven't heard of anyone accomplishing that." He stopped as they reached their destination. "Everyone, stay close." He told them walking into the Tavern.

The female attendant who was wearing an outfit as revealing if not more so than Erika's welcomed the group. Veril had gotten them a family sized room. She handed Veril the key and told them that if they needed anything to just come back and ask.

(I have to go, so if you guys want you can talk/RP while I am gone. No one can go anywhere though since I haven't given out the details of the city yet. I probably will eventually.)
And now the she-demon was crying! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here, just as Veril had said. Still, Annette would not like to leave behind her--

A wave of fear took over her. Her treasure pile. It was laying undefended, under the bridge. And her journals, the few she'd been able to keep. Being close to the ocean, the high tide would soon destroy everything there! She thought fondly of her old home, a series of tarps and boxes under the boardwalk. She could never return. That thought hit her hard.

Corey rustled his feathers and picked at his left wing with his beak. She was reminded of what she had here that she didn't have at home. Magic. To hell with her old stockpile, she could just as easily start one here. As they entered the tavern, she found herself far from homesick.
Her heart sunk. She may well never see him again. More sorrow built up inside of Erika but at the same time she stared down at her hands. The criss cross of scars latticed her skin and she could practically feel his influence slipping away, her mind almost...clearer. Like she'd been wading through mud her whole life. She was free. She could do what she wanted, when she wanted and how she wanted. "Gone. He's....gone." She whispered, most would mistake it for more sadness and tears until they saw her face, a sickening grin adorning her features. Her horns had almost fully grown, they were half the length of her forearm and inky black in color with several ridges. Her wings needed to be washed, the blood now dried and crusty, she drew them closer to her body.

She glanced up at the female Titan and raised a brow, the woman was dressed just as revealingly, if not more so than Erika herself. She followed Veril to the room he'd gotten them and stood in the corner, watching everyone else. Her eyes skimmed over Haru, Veril had mentioned her before but Erika hadn't noticed her until now. Their eyes met for a moment before Erika moved onto the rest of the group.
When they reached the room, Haru had let out an impossibly quiet sigh. No more people staring at her; at least she thought, until Erika's eyes were moving across Haru's body for a moment. She looked at Erika with blank and emotionless, but clearly alive eyes. Erika's eyes came across hers for a moment, and she shivered deep in her soul. Not from fear or anything, but rather, she suddenly felt cold. Then it hit her. She'd been using flames all since she appeared in this world. Now that she thought about it, her entire spirit's source of magic was used up during today's Dance of Death. Or was it yesterday? She didn't know, but it had to be within 24 hours to have her drained so much that she was freezing. She did win it with Julie though.

Now she was on the thought of Julie, and how she might never see her sister again. Deep inside, she began to feel sadness. Her failed skills with emotions while around others kept her sadness completely hidden from any and all around her, but she was clearly about to collapse or pass out in a little bit, and anybody who actually would take notice of the almost nonexistent girl would know it. There were only two ways for her to really warm up, letting herself pass out and rest being one of them. The other would be to push herself even more, but physically so that the release of physical energy would allow her spirit to grab some energy for itself. She had plenty of physical energy, so that was actually quite an effective and fast way for her to get energy back.
The family room had six beds in it. There was the main bed at one end of the room that was thirteen feet long and three meters in width. The children's beds were twelve feet long and two meters wide. They were higher up off the ground and bigger in size due to the Titans being larger. Everything in the room just seemed much bigger.

Veril glared at Bariss, "We are Titans. Not giants, Titans.... So watch what you call us human...." He growled. Veril walked over to the main bed and lied down on it. "Pick your own beds, you will all be sleeping here for a while." He spoke out loud. "If you want anything then go downstairs and talk to the lady behind the counter. She is used to seeing your kinds so she won't think much of it." Veril stretched out and relaxed.
"If you need anything just go downstairs and talk to the lady behind the counter." He repeated, seeming extremely relaxed. "If you have any questions, go ahead and ask away. I'll make sure you get all the information you ask for." Veril smiled up at the ceiling. He was starting to like this group a little, although some of them needed to learn that they aren't top dog here. Especially here in this kind of society. "Also, call me Veril." He added.
"Ooooh! Human got chopped n' screeeeueeeuueuuuwwwed, uuoi!" She placed her hands on her hips and wiggled around before choosing a bed and sitting down on it. "You seem very chill bout all this, Vuhreal, uuoi!" Hugo noticed how relaxed this guy was.
"I live here... I'm the King of this city... So yeah I'm pretty chill. You guys are the ones out of place." He laughed softly. "Your showing up was rather fun. It took my mind off the war. Maybe you guys can help with your powers. I could have you all trained in Titan combat. If any of you are interested." Veril gave an evil smirk. "Oh how fun it is to fight in the arena. Damn." He sighed, chuckling.
The Titan looked at Bariss. "You're a small one aren't you? So, how are you liking it here so far?" She asked him, taking a mug that was regular sized for her but massive for Bariss. She filled it with water, a fog coming out of the nozzle as if dry ice were inside the giant barrel. The Titan handed the mug of cold water to Bariss.

(Take in mind everyone. The Titans all look more beautiful than other creatures, both male and females. But they also have the look of fighters. So if your characters want to seem shocked by it, go ahead and add that for the sake of an exciting RP.)
"If you need anything just come on back down! Even if you just wanna chat!" She called out before going back to resting and waiting.

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Haru suddenly leaped over to a bed extremely fast, hitting it in a way that the blanket just flung up on the sides and fell on top of her, wrapping her up nice and comfortably. Her right arm was straight up and sticking out though. "I will take part in the training." Haru said, seeming like a little emotion in there, but only because she was tired. She yawned before pulling her arm in and curling up, completely falling asleep and snoring silently. Even her snoring was so logically defiant and too silent to even take notice of her presence. Everything about her, words aside, was so silent that she seemed almost nonexistent.
"Well the people here are nice. The owners of shops and inns and taverns are all nice people. Others, well not as much." He laughed. "People like Priscilla love good conversations. By the way her name is Priscilla." He added. "She is single too. So if you want to flirt you can," He held back laughter. "Good luck with that though." He sighed, smiling. Upon hearing Haru he smirked, "So, one of you guys wants to join in the training. Anyone else?" He asked.
Erika had remained silent for a while, deliberating. "Will there be death? Am I allowed to kill?" She asked softly, this way she could still do what she enjoyed and in the meantime, not piss Veril off. As much as she found him irritating for speaking to her as he did and touching her wings, him revealing that he was King of the area demanded she respect him and adhere to his wishes for now. Besides, she wanted blood, whoever's blood that was didn't matter.
"Don't suppose your kind can train as magic users as well? Assuming that's the case, you can count me in as well. Better than sitting around, yeah?"

Annette had chosen a bed already, and she sat on the side of it as she spoke. She rubbed her neck, Bariss reminding her of her own thirst. She would have to pay a visit to the counter herself. Corey had flown to a corner, seemingly irritated by the lack of items he could carry in his beak. He had no interest in what conversation was going on. However, he offered Grim an almost wary look before he began pecking at the floor in a vain search for treasure.
"Training, uuoi. Well....." Hugo rubbed her chin. "It depends, uuoi..." She flipped her hair and then nodded. "I'll join tha crew, uuoi. I'm pretty strong already, so nobody get discouraged when they see my squad, uuoi." She was referring to her minions.
"There will be no death, there will be a kind of power you are all unfamiliar with, and also you all need to throw away whatever skills you think you had. Here they won't matter against other Titans." Veril said it all bluntly. "If you want to kill you can go into the wilderness. The creatures there will prove more than a challenge for those of you with blood lust." He added.
Veril thought for a moment on how to answer Bariss. "Well, the power Void Titans wield is not really something we consider magic. I guess it is best you see once we get their later on." He yawned. "It's pretty cool actually. You guys can learn it but it would take time." Veril added.
"So, if it isn't magic, how 'cool' can it be really?" Annette asked, stretching her legs. Her head wasn't feeling too great. Probably dehydration. Maybe she'd pay a visit to the counter sooner rather than later. "Hold that thought."

She made for the door. Corey was hesitant to leave his corner, but as her familiar couldn't let her out of his sight. He fluttered to her shoulder. The two left for the room downstairs. She hopped up onto a stool, which took a little extra effort thanks to its height. "One...what do you have to drink here, exactly?" She should have gotten a water, but her curiosity got the better of her. Seeing the barkeep, she wondered why there wasn't a pile of men against the counter. In her world, the Titan would have attracted enough attention to make a doctor's salary on tips. But then, as she looked around, she found that all Titans looked this way. She found it less and less of a burden to be trapped in this Void.
"Despite the lack of death I shall join. Learning about this place seems to be something I shall require in future. If training provides this knowledge then I shall participate." Erika told Veril plainly, walking over to one of the 'child' sized beds and examining her wings. She brushed off as much crusted blood as she could, her hands softly going with the feathers rather than against. She had the gentlest expression on her face since arriving here.
Erika felt eyes watching her and her almost luminescent green ones met Bariss'. She continued stroking her wings whilst she observed him, so far there were seemingly three humans among the group although she didn't know about anything about their worlds and how similar or different they were from her humans. Hers had no magical properties whatsoever, repeating their mistakes over and over again mindlessly. Her gaze switched from Bariss to Veril, waiting for the Titan to answer the human's question.
"We start once we relax some more." Veril answered, falling asleep slowly. "Trust me, in The Void you don't need to worry about time. There is no night or day. Time isn't really something that exists to much here. People age, but we don't do much else with the idea of time." He yawned, laying on his side now.

The female Titan gave a giggle at the girl's efforts to get on the stool. "Well you look like one of those human types. So to put it in a name you can recognize we have mead, ale, wine, and water. We also have soda, milk, and orange juice." She smiled at the girl. Her leaning against the counter the way she was almost made the pair on her chest come right out of the clothes she was wearing. For some odd reason though they didn't come right out, they simply bulged, A LOT.
Anything sounded good. As someone who'd lived homeless for the past few years, combined with the amount of running she'd just done, any beverage would have done just fine. "Water's good for now." She would probably have some wine when her tongue didn't feel like sandpaper.

She tried not to notice the woman's bosom out of politeness, but there it was. She glanced at the men around them, and wondered at their ignorance of the elephant (or rather elephants) in the room. Maybe they just hadn't noticed yet. She cleared her throat. "Eh...what's your name again?"
The female Titan stood up straight and got Annette a big cold mug and filled it with water from the same barrel she used before. "Juniper. What might your name be?" Juniper put the mug down on the counter. It was so big that any human would have to use both hands. Juniper's chest didn't seem as big when she was standing up straight, but she was massive nevertheless. All female Titans seemed to have that similar trait. The male Titans showed little interest in staring or looking. The pregnant Titans though made regular female Titans seem slightly flat in the chest area. Even then, nobody looked or stared or talked about it. The Void seemed very odd in many aspects so far.
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