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Fantasy The Void (Always Accepting!)

The Void Titans continued to stand their ground. They silently waited, not allowing anyone to pass and get near the city gates. The Lurkers followed Annette up until a certain distance, then they just turned around and went back to the two at the park.
Hugo wasn't sure what was happening on her left shoulder, the warm wind whistling in her ears and her heels experimentally sprinting off towards this gate looking thing. She slowed to a run finally, shoulders starting to ache from holding something so long. She was HUGO! She was the one who should've been carried. A voice from the girl had rang out, but she didn't catch it quick enough. Her head was pounding.

"What was that, uuoi?" Things were making some pretty interesting noises from the ex-lifeless body. One she repeated herself, her eyes widened for a moment. Her voice was rather intimidating and she was starting to tremble. "Uh! Sure thing, uuoi!" Being a dumby she literally just dropped Erika onto the floor and continued her jog towards the Gate.... She soon noticed that these tall ass warrior things wasn't gonna let them pass.

"Uuoi?" Oh shit, she got spooked. These were scary. She screeched to a stop not too far in front of them, looking nervous.

"Uh.... Greetings, uuoi! I uh, like your armor, uuoi... Very high fashion..." She waved awkwardly.
One of the Void Titans looked down at her. The Titan removed her helmet and looked at Hugo with a raised eyebrow. The female Titan was the epitome of beauty and ferocity mixed into one. Her skin was a light grey color, but full of life while the Lurkers' skin was dead. Her hair was a crimson violet mix, her eyes were a similar color. Her features were truly amazing and awe inspiring. The female Titan simply gave a tiny smile before putting her helmet back on. The Titans continued to wait there, standing guard.
"Stultus! Stultus! Stultus!"




Not matter how many words she tried, Annette didn't seem to have any sort of speed boosting spell. She huffed as she continued to run, not trusting the fact that the sacks had turned back. "Need...to get in shape--phew, ugh--it seems." The bird cawed in reply, seeming smug at its ability to fly in circles around her.
Hugo's mouth hung open as she saw the beauty of the scary titan warriors standing guard. She nodded in approval. "Yaaaas, eff it up, uuoi..." She was not expecting that.

"Well, uuoi. Gonna wait here, see if anyone else isn't Lurker stew, uuoi." She turned and looked back at the mess. "I'm usually no coward, if they weren't like ants I could've gave em a nice session, toe to toe with my babes, uuoi~" She balled her fists at them in the distance. Yeah, right, you were scared as ever.
Haru back-flipped, a stone pillar shooting up and pushing her foot as she was back upright, sending her high up in the air. Just about four feet higher than Veril's head to be exact, though she slowly floated downwards. "Would retreat be necessary, or shall I attempt to crush them...?" Haru asked Veril with her lacking of emotion voice. Veril seemed to know a lot more about all of this than Haru did, so Veril was the one she would ask for on what she should do. Haru could probably handle herself a long while with these lurkers, but given how hard it was to kill lurkers, she probably would only be dodging and maybe killing on or two every once in a while.
Veril grabbed Haru and carried her, kicking past the Lurkers. Without answering he made his way towards the city. He had seemed to suffer no damage and he didn't seemed tired at all, killing at least thirty Lurkers completely. "They would keep coming until you were dead. Retreat is the only option with Lurkers." He slowed down once he got to the guards. Veril put Haru down gently next to all the others. "Seems like there are some new faces. How nice." He turned around, standing in front of the other Titans, looking at everyone.

The Lurkers had left everyone alone once they were a distance away. The Lurkers continued to just walk and roam around the park. The Titans stepped to the side for Veril. The gates opened slowly, allowing the group to see inside the city. There were Titans walking around and going about their business. Some of the children looked out at the group with interest and curiosity. The tiny bit that the group saw was a busy and flourishing city.

"I'm going to have to ask you all to follow me and stick close. If you want to wander off then go ahead, but good luck. I will answer any questions you have while we make our way to the tavern." Veril turned and slowly walked into his city with the group. "Those of you who wish to stay on this tour with me will have to follow some rules. Keep your hands to yourselves and don't try starting a fight, even with the kids." He explained to them.
Erika grunted as she dropped roughly to the ground, she landed awkwardly on one wing with her face in the dirt. "What the fuck is going on?" She grumbled, heaving herself off the ground and brushing her face and new clothes off. Her fingernails had blood underneath them from when she'd scratched Hugo and she blinked, looking around. A set of gigantic people stood before an even larger city, all armored and when Erika looked behind herself she could make out several figures running towards her.

The sky was an eerie orange color, grass a disturbing red that made her grin. Erika flex her wings tentatively, she'd never used them in this new form and she knew she wouldn't be able to lift herself off the ground just yet. Veril, carrying Haru stepped into the city and Erika glanced around at the others. She still had no clue where the fuck she was and she wanted answers. She brought her wings closer to her body, wrapping part of her feathers around her shoulders, some dragged on the ground, the coal black being stained by brown dirt. She followed after the two, keeping close by, her almost luminescent green eyes boring into Veril with a mix of curiosity and contempt.
"You there!" Annette shouted, slowing her pace. She wasn't able to say much more. By this point, she was ready to topple over. She stopped at a reasonable distance from the gate, barely able to make out those next to it. There were strange guards, seemingly inhuman. She squinted at them, then at the person who'd been on the ground. What the heck? Were those horns? Ah well, fashion is what it is.

The gates had opened. Taking in a deep breath and saying a prayer, she sprinted for the group that was entering. She did her best to be as little of an interruption as she could be. I was here the whole time, she thought, I am not just arriving. She figured they looked as lost as her, except for the thing that was leading them. They at least looked human.

(Changing dialogue color. Already in use ^-^)
Erika felt eyes on her and she glanced over her shoulder, moving on of her big wings awkwardly, she spotted someone who was calling out. "What?" She asked disdainfully, she scowled at the newcomer. They had some sort of crow nearby and she could sense that the woman gave off a magical aura like many of the others here. Erika was of half a mind to simply kill everyone here, it was obvious that the titan next to her was not answering questions just yet so there seemed no point talking just yet and yet this one persisted.
"Oh, eh...not you specifically. I mean--" Oh, now she'd done it. Gone and angered the horn girl. But she guessed that wasn't hard, judging by the bloodlust in her eyes. The bird landed on her shoulder, tired of flying around. Its black eyes studied the horn girl, but became quickly disinterested. "By sin, but you're a scary one. Even Corey here doesn't feel like messing with you."

She hoped the conversation didn't end up with her demise, or more likely, her being kicked from the group. She was growing more furious at having arrived in this place without explanation. But what could she do, take it up with management?
"This is not my complete appearance, it has been melded with that of this body, if it frightens you then it serves it's original purpose." Erika grit her teeth, she didn't want to have to explain herself to this woman, she was more focused on going wherever the titan was leading them. Erika's head was splitting where her horns had emerged from, the skin around them throbbed and she massaged the area. Her teeth felt sharper in her mouth, several of her molars and canines turning into outright fangs. She grumbled, her mouth bleeding now as well. This transformation was growing increasingly painful as well as bothersome.
Haru simply kept her silence, probably the most unnoticed of the group by far. She didn't have any qualms about following Veril's rules, and didn't seem to have an problem with the random change of worlds either. At least, on the outside she didn't. Inside, she was actually a little scared and everything, not knowing where she was, and hoping he sister Julie would come and help her back home or something. Emotion just never left the inside of her though, not even showing up in thoughts, just buried deeply in her heart and not coming out the least bit for others to see. Haru wished that her emotions would come out though, but even that wish was buried deep alongside her emotions.
"Acknowledging the fact that you are scary is not the same as being scared. Better mind that one, Corey." The bird cawed in agreement, resettling on the witch's shoulder. She scratched its head, hoping it would calm down as they walked. Should she need to turn him into a tiger to fend off that demon, the crow would need to be relaxed. She wondered if that would even be enough to defend her. She didn't know the extent of her powers, though. Maybe she could turn the girl into a goat. That'd be nice. She'd get to keep her horns. "What's your name, she-demon?" She asked the woman, hoping that she wasn't an actual demon. In that case, her experience with the occult had told her to treat demons with respect. More for one's own safety than anything. She didn't want to learn what a demon did to those who disrespected them.
Erika rolled her eyes. "I'm no 'she-demon'. My name, however, is Grim. I was the first Reaper of the Lord Death." It had been common for people to mistake her as a demon or mere monster but she was neither. Unlike her cousins, the demons, Erika served an actual purpose rather than simply antagonizing humans. She collected their souls, their lifeforce for her Lord, although she had no way of contacting him in this place. She had no idea if the Lord Death even existed within this dimension.
"So...the Grim Reaper, eh? You know, Corey, I think it's best we not mind her at all. I think it's best we keep as much distance between this woman and ourselves as possible." Annette whispered as many words as she could, trying to cast a shielding spell. Unfortunately, no dice. "And though I'd prefer you not know my name by this point, courtesy demands I tell you anyway. I am Annette."

She was relieved that the woman was not a demon. That would have made things very awkward. Still, she supposed that some amount of respect would have to be dealt to the Grim Reaper in order to keep her limbs attached.
Erika could make out what Annette was saying in broken words. Good, she didn't need to deal with stupidity. Although....Annette seemed human and now that Erika's form had begun she would need to fulfill her purpose eventually. She would save this one for later. She turned now to Bariss who was seemingly asking for permission to enter and she scowled. "Just walk human, before I find you bothersome enough to bathe in your blood." She glanced at Annette, a dark tint in her nearly luminescent eyes and a soft smile tugging at her lips.
Veril stopped and turned around at the group. "Play nice, or else...." He growled. Veril looked different from the other Titans, but he was a little scarier. "You, Bariss, hurry up!" He called out. Veril kept on walking with them all. "Children...." He chuckled to himself. "We only have a little ways to go, so behave yourselves."

Plenty of people stared at the newcomers, some of the female children giggling at Erika. The parents didn't care that their kids were following the group around a bit. Everyone was speaking a language unknown to the group. Veril understood it though, but ignored it. The group stood out but not too much. The gates closed after a while, the Titans going back in. There were chickens just roaming about, sticking to their shops and what not. The city seemed to be bustling with activity. It seemed almost like out of every three female Titans the group saw, one of them were pregnant.
Oi, is she threatening me? Just you watch, she-demon. This ole witch still had some untapped power. Probably.

Corey twitched his head, blinking twice at Grim. "No, Corey. Leader man says play nice, you heard him." Still, the bird was starting to grow more and more on edge. Maybe it was the children, and all the attention the group seemed to be drawing. Annette took in the natives, wondering what the deal was with the pregnancy rates. "Your kind really likes to get things done, it seems." She told the leader, making it clear that she was talking about the impregnated women. "But then, you're all sort of pretty. So I guess I understand."
Veril laughed and nodded, "Void Titans do not worry about how many kids they have. In fact the more you have, the better. That is what they believe." He looked around. "Unlike humans, Void Titans treat intimacy as something regular. In your worlds a woman would reject even her husband for whatever ridiculous reason. Here, unless she is physically incapable, the wife sees no reason to not... put out? I think you people say." Veril smirked at Annette.
Normally Erika hated children, they were stupid and all too curious and all she wanted to do was slap them but on this occasion she grinned along with them. Just the notion of her words made her shiver in delight, her wings ruffling. One child reached out to touch them, their eyes wide and she stepped to the side, bumping into Annette. Nobody touched her wings. Nobody but him. ".....Why are we talking about reproduction? Let's speak more about how the fuck a group of this many varied species arrived in the 'Void' as you call it." Erika cursed, righting herself and smacking Annette in the face with a wing. She glowered at the girl.
Her hand twitched. She would deal with the horned beasty later. "Well, sounds like you've got the right idea here. Glad I landed in an alien world with some sense to it. Maybe more sense than my world. Which raises the question of the in between. I agree with the she-demon's question. Just how did we get here?" Annette asked, assuming she wasn't the only one in the group who had no idea where she was or how she got here. She hoped the answer was simple, and that it had nothing to do with her messing up some ritual at home. If this was a demonic realm, that'd make things all the more complicated for a deserter like herself.
At this point, Haru's presence was almost nonexistent. She lacked so much presence that most people would probably pass right over her with their eyes and not notice. This was half natural from her way of being silent, the other half intentionally done since she didn't like the feeling of eyes staring directly at her. It was quite bothersome and felt weird, being watched by others. Hopefully she would even vanish from most titan eyes, since it was the titans that mostly bothered her. Varied... species...? There is only one species... Humans, like me... Soon enough Haru's thoughts once more returned to the basic conforming of her language, no longer conformed to the language of which everybody else was talking in. Even her words would be impossible to understand for the rest if she spoke right now.
Veril grabbed onto Erika' wing and lifted her up by it. "You will behave in my city, or I will throw you to the children..." He smiled, "Alright?" Veril asked kindly. He put her back down. "First off, this is not a world. And you all got here because, well, random people suddenly appear. It is nothing specific really, people just get plucked here and there." He shrugged.

"Haru, snap out of it and get over yourself." He didn't even look at her, just knowing she was focused on other things. "You all have plenty to learn, so pay attention and don't assume anything. Unless your assumption includes assuming that everything here, except the chickens, can kill you. Then you're rather accurate." He laughed.
Annette would have snickered at the sight of the beasty girl being lifted so, but figured she didn't want to receive similar punishment. She settled for tacit smugness, and focused on what was being said. She'd assumed this realm was dangerous, but everything? Except chickens? She'd experienced a rooster or two in her time, and she could say that they were far from not being dangerous. Her brother'd received a nasty scar on his head after messing with a bandi. "So if we're...plucked, as you call it, who or what is doing the plucking?"

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