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Fantasy The Visitor to Sarcago (GodlyDnD and CoolRoleplayer)


Sarcago is very much an isolated city, those there call it that anyway, while there are just about two thousand people there. Wilderness, mostly forests or woodlands, surround it, and the one known other city, Frenillo, is over fifty miles away, along a rarely used road through the wilderness subject to numerous dangers. Megamite is the metal that is mainly used, besides another rarer exotic metal, but most homes or buildings are mostly made from wood.

The core group are lawful people, under benign leadership of Groudar and his high council, observing ways that have those there being sociable. But a contester to the limited leadership there, Vargodor, has followers growing in number who are rather lawless in their ways.

No one is really expected to come to Sarcago, no one has since long ago in history when there were visiting mercenaries from Frenillo, which went on a few times with items being traded, until wolves, superwolves, and superscalywoods were invading the passage with the road between those cities, so it was a shock to many when a lone individual came to Sarcago along that road at this time. The chief officer was called and he with three other officers came to investigate who this was and what it would mean. It was not comforting to any that the lone individual who had arrived from along that road with such dangers was a child. The chief officer, Pildetar, plied this boy with questions, starting with, "Where did you come from?"
Ventemal came right then, seeing there was something happening. Ventemal was a respected instructor in Sarcago who had helped many into promising apprenticeships. Once there, he figured out that the officers there were questioning one young boy who he was sure he had never seen before, right at the gate of the road that went through the dangerous wilderness. What did this all mean? Overwhelmed, he said aloud, "Is this boy alright?"

Pildetar turned, and saw who spoke. "That is what we want to find out. This youth is not from Sarcago. He just came this way along the road, others here saw him coming that way, so that we were called. There must be explanations."
He didn't exactly remember what happened, or how it came to that, all he remembered was he not trying to panic while listening to countless beeping sounds, alarms, and seeing many LEDs flash red, yellow, in a moment that didn't even stretched for a full minute, while the screen was displaying countless information so quickly that he couldn't keep up. At the very least, the crash site was located somewhere remote, so, hopefully he wouldn't have to deal with people trying to investigate what exactly was going on, or how it came to be, or, stealing pieces, dismantling things, or worse.

Despite the good news - crashing in a remote area - there were also bad news: he crashed in a remote area.
There was absolutely nothing whatsoever to be seen, no civilization, nothing. After letting out a small sigh, the boy took a portable sensor where he could use to help him at the very least not to get lost in the forest. And with that he walked.

He walked for so long, he didn't even remember how he managed to do it. He was glad he even found a road, otherwise, .., better not to think about it.
Look at this view! A primitive road, leading to primitive buildings, being inhabited by primitive people, wearing weird clothes, carrying primitive possessions.. The boy on the other hand, was wearing all white-clothes, shiny white even.. with few grey strips, completely normal, unlike their weird clothes..
There was no chance at all to acquire some spare pieces or electronics in order to have all of this mess fixed. Or maybe there was. Either way, there were many other more relevant things he was thinking at the moment, such as, a delicious pizza and a warm fluffy bed. Or maybe an ice cream? He couldn't decide.

Regardless, two strangers moved towards him. He lazily looked at them.
"I came from.... .... there.." He pointed out towards the endless road behind him. Wasn't that obvious? It was from where he came from! He didn't really want to disclosure the truth. It was clear he was tired, from his voice tone, which looked lazy, low in tone, and sweet in a youthful way. The boy looked like 10 years old, or so.

Soon, a second person joined the group, asking if the boy was okay.
"I'm fine!" He answered in a little bit of an annoyed way. He wish they would stop asking these totally useless things, and instead, they could offer a burger or something.

He looked at Ventemal, then at Pildetar, trying to decide which one had a nicer cooler face.. but he couldn't decide.. too lazy.
"Do you have a place?" He asked them. Preferentially warm and comfy.
Pildetar said, "We can see someone provide something for you, but there are questions we need answers to. You were seen coming this way along the road, you do not even look like anyone around here, but there are very dangerous creatures often along that way, people are not using this road anymore, and the other place that the road leads to that way is many many miles away. It is pretty impossible to imagine you walked here along that road without incident, so we want to really know how you got here."

Ventemal said, "I am sure I have never seen him here and I would know almost all boys about his age here. He dresses so differently, it is a mystery to me where he comes from. But if he has needs we should not neglect that."

One of the other officers said, "Ventemal trains boys in preparation for apprenticeships in work that they appear most promising for. Could he not put this stranger to use in the same way?"

Others who had come to see this new arrival made vocal expressions of agreement. Ventemal said then, "I normally have a sponsor make a small nominal contribution for the expenses, I do not think it should be too difficult to get some volunteers to contribute something for this."

Pildetar said, "Hold on. We cannot just get ahead of ourselves. We do not have any answers yet, which we need to, about how this boy came along this road that would be too dangerous for anyone, with the only place to come from being miles and miles away from here. Let us get answers." He looked again strongly at the boy. "How did you come this way where there are known to be great wolves and monstrous creatures more terrible that hunt and scavenge for any who are vulnerable all through that area?"
Maaaaan.... He would never exactly know what prompted some people to speak and speak and speak... Thank you for the speech Mr Stranger -- That was what he thought anyway as Pildetar was speaking about dangerous things along the way, and roads, and, what was it anyway? It was so looong he already forgot.

And then one of the officers suggested to 'put him to good use'. By how primitive everything seemed, it probably meant working in some farm, or alike; something he definitely didn't want to do. Though, he felt that he wasn't really in a position to argue about anything, considering he really wanted some warm bed... At the very least, it was all looking as if they were really going to help him, until Pildetar had to make another speech....

.. Right .. Let's just not get ahead of ourselves, Pildetar said.. The boy looked up at him, narrowing his eyes a little bit in annoyance - he already disliked this man. Didn't Pildetar have anything better to do, or didn't he have anyone else to annoy? The boy was tired, wanting to relax, as quickly as expediently possibly possible, and yet, here they were, listening to speeches, having to think about how to explain himself to a stranger he had barely met...

How was he going to explain? He didn't really want to offer details. He was too tired to think in something clever and convincing. Was it so hard to understand he wanted pizza?!
"Hmm.." Right. He didn't exactly know what to say..
"I.... didn't see any creature." He finally replied, lying. He had. It wasn't anything big.. but.. A couple things approached him as he was in the forest, and he defended himself pretty well. All he did was to push them, telekinetically, or throw them against trees, and they would run away and live him alone.
"And I am not weak!" He spoke, in a defensive way, protesting against Pideltar insinuation that the boy was a itty vulnerable thing.

And with that he walked towards Ventemal, the only one who seemingly was willing to take him in.. for now. It was a way to dismiss Pildetar.
Getting closer, he simply used one of his hands to grab Ventemal by the wrist.
"Can we gooo?" He spoke off, looking up at Ventemal.
Jagorfin, one of those who gathered when the nearby first observer said to announce to others, "Someone is coming here now along the road from the wilderness!", came to Ventemal, and said, "You do wonderful work with boys even ones that do not look promising. I will endorse this one for you to prepare for his place in our society. We will need more for that while there are gangs growing with the involvement of Vargodor. This bag of fifty coin should be good to start that off. You may find out more about him."

Ventemal said to Pildetar and the other officers, "You might not ever get any further information from this one however long you try. I will do what I can to take care of him, and it is possible that I will find answers that can be yet shared to you, while I prepare him for a good future here, with having an excellent apprenticeship. Give this boy that chance."

Pildetar said, "Then have him go with you. If you do not bring any further information about him to us tomorrow, I can have officers come to you to inquire, as often as needed for learning what we should know."

Ventemal looked at the boy, and said, "You better come with me now, while it is possible, and it is possible that I can help you with things." As they walked away from the gate toward the left along one row of tall homes, Ventemal said, "You know my name is Ventemal, what is your name?"
The boy said he had no name. Rather surprised, Ventemal said, "Do they not give names to their children in Frenillo? Wait! That can't be right! But if you are not from Frenillo, the only place many miles away that this road you were found on goes between, where are you really from?" Ventemal stopped and looked at the boy more carefully. "No, I can't imagine you were from Frenillo, and came all that way from there. You must have been taken by the elves, or the fairies, and just came from them, escaped, or much more likely just released. No men, or women, would have you dressed like that."
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Ventemal looked in the direction in which they had been going, and he said, "You are certainly hungry and tired, besides being subject to a supernatural forgetfulness. My home is up there a little further. I will bring you there, you can have a meal I make with me, and wash up, and you will have a room there with a bed where you will sleep, for this night. We will still have much discussion, and plans can be made, for you to do well here. We can go on that way now. How does that sound?"
He watched as the adults began to talk among themselves, talking about molding the boy to do something they wanted him to, which possibly meant of course obviously to make him work in the farms, or forgery, or worse, or something like that. What else could possibly be, after all? Something about apprenticeship, ..., seriously, couldn't they decide his future later? Right now he wanted a warm bed and warm food. He was starting to get impatient with them, especially the one he was clinging into, Ventemal, was actually playing along, and talking, and talking...

Finally, they began walking. Finally. He still held on Ventamal's wrist, as the man asked him about his name, and after some silence, the man started implying how the boy had no name, and how he was from a place called Frenillo, which only made him confused, and... surprise, they were stopping again.

Elves? Fairies? Was Ventamal implying that he had forgotten his own name? What did Ventamal mean when he said about being subject of 'supernatural forgetfulness'? What in the world was going on? He thought about it.. thinking in his head.. until he finally said something.

"Its Colin!" He spoke out, somewhat frustrated, impatient, annoyed, and confused. His name.
"Name's Colin. My clothes are fine! I didn't forget anything! I am not from Frenillo!" He seemed defensive. His voice was a bit above his normal tone. He was just so annoyed they were so talkative... This annoyance was bubbling out inside him for quite some time, and now it was finally out. He probably shouldn't have done this, especially considering he targeted at the person who was helping him. He felt somewhat bad with it, after a second or so.

"I am sorry." He apologized, soon after, now with a lower voice tone.
"Thank you. A meal, a room, bed, shower, and food, looks really nice." At least now, his voice tone sounded grateful.
"I've been dreaming with it." He finally concluded, somewhat hugging Ventemal's arms for a few seconds..

Of course, as they were walking, the boy was seeing where they were going - he didn't want to get lost. And he was also paying attention where exactly was Ventemal's house.
The houses along the way, besides elsewhere, were all tall, more than they were wide. They approached one of these tall ones, along the side to the right of them, though not as tall as the other ones along that way, and with its roof a brown color, while the other houses had red colored roofs or orange colored roofs. Ventemal led this young one who said his name was Colin to the front door with a step up to a small porch there, and as they came it was seen that there was an extended portion built on to one side, to the left, on that house. Ventemal pulled out a very small rod and pushed it through a little opening, and the door opened. Ventemal invited the young boy to follow in.

Ventemal then said, "I had a boy staying here a while, and he just left with his apprenticeship secure, so that space he was using is available and you can use that. I will get clean sheets and a bedspread for the bed there shortly. Let me show you around, a bit. I did not mean to cut you short. Were you going to tell me things or ask any questions?"

It was an open space at the front of this home, with a couple of high but rather narrow windows facing the front, five cushioned seats in this space, a shelf set with bound items and some scrolls, and a lamp, there, along the right side, a door to a hallway across from the front, and a door on the left side that must be to the extended portion built on that side.
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The boy looked around at the exceptionally tall houses, at least, when compared relative to their width, as they were moving towards the only one with a different color of the roof. He was soon lead to the front door, to a small porch, where the man opened a door, and, Colin got inside as per Ventemal invitation. He looked around, trying to see what was inside, as Ventemal was speaking the purpose of the room.

He walked towards the lamp, wanting to analyze how it worked. Was it electrical? Was it candle? What was it exactly?
Then, he casually opened the shelf, seeing some scrolls, and then he took one, wondering to see what was written on them..

Anyway. He stopped what he was doing almost immediately, and looked looked back at Ventemal, when the man offered the kid to ask questions. That was a first. The previous ones were simply telling him what things the boy should do, instead of actually listening.
"Thank you." He said, grateful. It was definitely an unexpected surprise that he could ask questions.
"Apprenticeship of what?" At the moment, that was what he wanted to learn the most.. not that it mattered in the slightest.
"What you people going to do with me? The other guy said he would come with more officers to interrogate me.. what did he mean? Officers of what?" Police? Soldiers? Troops?
Hopefully, Ventemal would explain it all, and hopefully things would make sense. At the very least, a little information about the society he is, might help.

There were other things... as well.
"What kind of food you going to bring?" He also asked.
Ventemal explained, "You have some promising ability. Capable boys your age do, whether they know those or not. I would have you spend time with me doing a few things and talking with you, and we would find what abilities you have that are most advantageous for getting a prestigious position, that will start with an apprenticeship. Families generally do something for this for their boys of your age, but some can't manage certain of the boys and they will have someone like me get involved for that. I do well with this but there is one other at practice for it. I get the best results, even with boys that were abandoned, someone or other is generally sponsoring those ones still. As for those who questioned you, they were appointed guards of Sarcago, and if it would mean any more would come from where you came from, they will want to know and be ready for that. So they will come for any other information found out, and it is regardless of whether I want them coming or not. If we give them any bit further information, they could leave right away, to come back and check for any further information at a later day. I hope we can cooperate to let it go to just that and nothing further." He looked at the expression of the boy as he spoke. He said then, "There are choices for what food you could have now, I am not surprised if you are hungry. Do you like soup? I can have a nice warm soup ready very shortly."
Abilities? How did they know? But then, Ventemal went on explaining how other boys his age seemed to exhibit 'abilities', so maybe it was a natural thing there, in this world. Anyway, it was yet again another longer explanation and another long speech, except, this time, the boy was having one of his questions being answered. And, he welcomed the insight provided by Ventemal about the world he was right now.

He got plenty of information: They were in a place called: Sarcago.. possibly. Furthermore, they had appointed guards. After all, 'guards of Sarcago'. The people over there seemed to have a sponsoring and apprenticeship culture towards kids like him, presumably to develop their abilities further. Their society considered 'prestige' to be something important, or rather, Ventemal implied it was advantageous getting a prestigious position or something on the sort. He was starting to think this was going to be difficult to navigate: it seemed to have a complex structure.

He didn't like the part about cooperating to the guards, and he was unsure if he should show any of his 'abilities' to Ventemal, even though he was trusting him more, especially after the man offered him some nice warm soup. Should the boy show his telekinetic abilities to the man? Maybe later.

"Soup is good." He spoke out.
"Thank you." He really seemed grateful with all the information given by Ventemal, and the soup, of course.
"What's your name?" He didn't care before, about the names of none of those men. But now, he was starting to trust that man a little more... enough to care to know his name.
Looking at the boy, the benefactor said, "Well Colin, I am Ventemal, and if you willingly have one helping you get a good start here, it is better with me than with Galdeghon, the other one who works at giving some boys needing it a good help to start them in a good direction. I still have results with those I helped being in prestigious positions with the abilities we learned of that they have for that. If I can have your trust for it, we will find out what abilities are best for getting you further. I will get a soup with the items already prepared heated up for you, now."

Ventemal indicated to Colin to take one of those seats there, and he went to the hall that was on the other side from the front where they entered, and turned to enter another space on the left, that faced another opening on the right side of that hall, and Colin heard things being moved where Ventemal had gone.
Ventemal. He tried to memorize it, as supposedly possibly was going to be important later on at some point. Regardless.
There were also another name, someone called Galdeghon. He didn't know if this Galdeghon was better or worse, but, considering how the others behaved.. well.. then maybe Ventemal was right.
And again there was this talk about abilities. He didn't know what to make of it, but he had a feeling he would soon find out. What would they do to him if they were to find out about Colin's abilities? About his telekinesis? The boy didn't know, but he assumed nothing good.

Upon Ventemal's direction, Colin nodded, and sat down at one of the seats, and waited. He saw as the man went to the other side, to get the soup presumably. He was hearing things, so, presumably Ventemal got busy.. hopefully with the soup. He decided not to cause much trouble, and simple waited there, for the time being anyway..
After a little more time, when noises in the other room stopped, Ventemal came out to where Colin waited, on one of the several seats. He said, "I have a nice soup heating up right now. I am sorry I left you with little for you to do. I will certainly start talking with you to know what things you like. There are abilities that individuals have with which they are good at something or another. There are things liked, but that is not the same. It is a beautiful thing when any are using abilities that make them the best at something and it is also what like doing the most. It would be great to find that for you. Colin, would you happen to like music?"
When the man arrived, Colin was very disappointed that he didn't have any soup.
And here go again, that same talk about abilities, that somehow.. why... WhY! Why every single person was insisting in this?!
Why they were speaking on it over and over and over.... and over........ ...... .......... and over.

If it was so important, he decided he should figure it out. He knew nothing of it, he had no information.
"What if I have no abilities?" He asked, slightly annoyed about having this talk.. also slightly annoyed of having no soup as of yet.
"What if I am the strongest?" He further asked. He wanted to know what would happen in both situations, so he could interpolate, and figure out what happens in general with these abilities.
"What happens then?" Yes. What if he had no abilities? What if he was the strongest of them? What would happen in both these situations?

Hopefully these questions would provide some answers.

And. Well.
"Music?" He was confused about the immediate sudden change of subject.
Ventemal said, "Well, I figured you like some certain music, I find many do. But come, I will bring you to where we can eat, and there answer what things I can. I will show you to what you would need to know around here too. He led Colin to the hall that led from the front room. Pointing to the right side, he said, "That is the room for where I sleep. You will use the room beyond that door to the side in the front room. This room on the left is where I cook things like soup, on the other side there is a table, there, where we can eat. Further on along this hallway you see there is another door on the left side is to where we can wash. The last door on the left is where to go for elimination. The last door on the right is to a small space for storage. The door at the end is to a stairwell that leads to the upper floor. I can show you more a little later. I can have you go to the table to sit there, and the soup is almost ready and I will then bring you a bowl with soup in it."

Colin found that at that table were seats high enough to sit and eat there, unlike the seats in the front room.

Ventemal said as he put soup into large bowls, "If you really had no abilities at all, which I really doubt, you would probably wind up at labor with other young people who seemed to not have more potential. But that is truly unlikely. Perhaps you are so strong, you might think there are none stronger. If there was anything to that, but nothing else from abilities that you could offer, you would at least have some choices with training, such as being a hired bodyguard, or one ready to carry heavier things. You might be desirable for joining with the guards of Sarcago. But I think we should explore what other abilities are there."

Ventemal then brought one large bowl of soup, with a large scooping spoon in it, and placed it before Colin. Before he went back for the bowl he had left, for himself, he went to a shelf along the wall midway between where food was prepared and the space with the table for where to eat, and he pulled off an unfamiliar object with nice soft colors on it, and he spent time winding something on it. As he placed it back, Colin started hearing instrumental music, that seemed it would be music that he liked, though he never heard music like this before. And Ventemal then went and got the other large bowl full of soup for himself, and then went to the table to sit with Colin and eat with him, after bringing cups with a drink for each of them with a light fruity taste.
Ventemal said, "I rather hope to hear there is a liking for this music. Having appreciation for it would be one quality that would be promising for you. I can say more things to you, but it would be better if you give me some of the immediate questions you have, to start us off. There is no hurry though while we enjoy this soup that I made sure was flavored up." Ventemal took a few spoons of the soup, and watched Colin doing so, with hope that Colin would open up with desire to learn more of this place he came to as a stranger to it.
While they ate and Ventemal hoped for something meaningful from Colin, he really wondered what would explain his coming, and if he could find that out. He was not dressed like any others. There were still images of the visiting merchants in historical times which could be viewed in certain special places, those ones were really not dressed very differently from others of Sarcago shown with them. This that Colin was wearing was really different. Being taken by the elves out in hidden places away from Sarcago might best explain that. But it wouldn't make sense for Colin to not say anything about that... unless, his memory was so thoroughly taken from him. After all he did not see to have an inkling of what ability from him might be most significant for what might be achieved here. He thought, Colin could at least comment on the music. To Ventemal it seemed quite beautiful, but maybe Colin had such a very different taste for music.
The soup they had were in big bowls, which they ate from while they sat at the table across from each other, with that music still playing. The boy was clearly very hungry. They were nearly finished, when they both heard a knock at the front door. A momentary panic flashed across Colin's face. Ventemal said, "Do not worry about it being the guards. They would not come any earlier than tomorrow, and they anticipate with giving that much time they are justified to expect some useful information related to your arrival. I will go and see who is at the door." Ventemal got up from the table, and went out that open door to this room, and went through the front room, as Colin listened carefully still. Then he heard Ventemal say when the door at the front was opened, "Aeherdiens! You just came out of nowhere? It has been many moons!"
Well, indeed, he had certain preferences about music, but how was that important? Soup first, music later! Wasn't that obvious? Come on!!! Soon Ventemal told him to follow, at the very least, that was what the boy had understood. He nodded, getting himself up, and listening to the instructions and directions that Ventemal were presenting to him: Ventemal's room, Colin's room, table for eating, kitchen to cook, room to wash. That looked simple enough. Until it wasn't. What did the man mean about: 'door on the left is where to go for elimination'? How so elimination? To get killed?! Well. Maybe he should ask about this later on.

Colin walked towards the table, after Ventemal said he should go. The seats were high, but he was used to high seats. He just got himself over a chair, and sat down to wait there, his feet no longer touching the floor, and the boy would swing his legs. Meanwhile, Ventemal began speaking about abilities. Again. It is a pity that those without abilities were not really valued.. shameful society. And if Colin was powerful, he could carry heavy things.. Fantastic!!!!! (sarcasm -- of course).

After the soup was placed before him, the boy began to eat it. Well, finally, he was having soup. He was so hungry. It didn't matter what taste the soup had, it probably was delicious, considering how hungry he was. Well, it was delicious, with good flavor. As he was eating, he casually glanced at Ventemal pulling an object of some sort, but the boy didn't really pay much attention, until the music started to come in, instrumental, and then he just looked to check what just happened.

Quite puzzling, Ventemal decided to go on, on how this music was of outmost quality and relevance and importance and preciousness and whatever more.
"What's so important about music? Why are you saying this?" It was the second time, that Ventemal brought the subject out of nowhere. Why? Did music have some sort of importance in that culture? Perhaps music was used at specific occasions. Maybe not.
There was nothing wrong about the music. Colin used to find enjoyable these kind of music, those that had no one singing on it: instrumental, classic, and other types. He didn't know why he liked these genre of music, maybe because of their predictable nature.

As for information, well, yes, Colin wanted to know more about Sarcago, but at the same time, he didn't want to reveal information about himself. That was why he was careful in his questions, and also careful in what to answer when other people made questions to him. At least Ventemal was pondering and gently pushing for information over a table, at a relaxed meal, unlike the others ones from before.

After eating more, whenColin was almost finishing, and a knock came. He quickly looked at where the knock came from, and then glanced at Ventemal who was trying to calm him down and say it was all fine, and again pushing for more 'useful' information. Colin sighed somewhat.. he was in trouble, wasn't he? He had no idea whatsoever what to say, that would satisfy the man. He knew nothing of Sarcago, there were no hopes to pretend he was a resident there, or a resident from a distant city, nothing. The boy was left in deep thought, as Ventemal went to open the door, to... what? What's his name? Aeher-something. Who in the world would pick that name?

He sighed a bit more, whoever it was, it looked friendly. And he knew, of course, Ventemal was going to push for information, again, at some point. Colin really had to decide what to say, he really should say something. Maybe it was better to start telling about his abilities, and, see what was going on, and how they would react. But now, well, he didn't want to do that in front of... Something-diens. What kind of name is that?! He kept eating his soup, while the men were talking, until he finally finished his own soup. He looked at both sides, thinking at what to do, and he decided to get up. He pushed the soup towards the middle of the table with his hands, and then he got out of the seat, standing on the floor. He went to see who was this person, and how he was dressing. Hopefully it wouldn't be dressing like a guard.

"Hello." He greeted the man, looking up at him. He also decided to keep himself close to Ventemal. At some point, whenever he could, without interrupting their conversation.
At some point, he gently pushed Ventemal's arm, inviting Ventemal to lower his height a bit, allowing the boy to talk.
"Can I talk to you real quickly?" He would speak to Ventemal, wanting to go somewhere more private so he could speak his mind.
Ventemal looked at Colin. "Hmm. Aeherdiens, this is a new boy, Colin, that I will be helping now. I could get very involved this time. I hate to cut you off just now, but come in and sit in this front space, and I will be back I think pretty quickly and we can continue. Colin, let us just go back to where we were just sitting, and you can talk to me of what you would say, there."

Ventemal showed the one addressed as Aeherdiens in and indicated to him one of those low seats there, where the visitor then sat. Ventemal then went toward the hallway indicating to Colin to come with him, to the room where they had just been, with the music of instruments still going in there. Here, at the table, no one outside of the room would hear them if they spoke in low voices.

Once there, Ventemal asked, "Alright, Colin, what was it about?"
He watched as Ventemal introduced himself to the new man with the strange name, saying he was the 'new boy', and that Ventemal could be very involved this time. He wasn't exactly sure what all of that meant. Why would the man be so involved? Was it the boy's fault?

After Ventemal told the man to sit down in the low seats and wait, both the man and the boy went towards the hallway, where they could still hear the music.
Apparently, Colin was now having Ventemal's undivided attention. He seem to hesitate for a bit, but he soon spoke it out.
"I have.. hm.. I have abilities." It was hard for him to say, especially because he had no idea what would happen next.
"I can move objects without touching them." He explained, but without any demonstration.. for now..
"What happens now?" He was paying attention, wanting to see what Ventemal was going to say next.
"You can really do that? I suppose you are going to show me you can. If it is so, I can know you really are not from around here. It would work with why you are dressed in such a strange way for us. All we know about those who came in early times from Frenillo were nothing like you, with their way of dressing not so different, and no such unusual abilities. You know then, it would make me really curious where you are from. But I do understand, if you do not want the guards of Sarcago to know about this. We do not have to tell them that. But I know that even staying with elves, or even the fairies mentioned in the old tales, will not explain this."

Ventemal sat there in that seat he had taken, looking at Colin with a new look on his face, as though waiting to find out what Colin would say or do.

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