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Fantasy The Viking's Bride.


Sloth Overlord.

The annual raid, one of the Vikings' most favored days. Raiding season was upon them, and the Vikings' steel upon the village. Brynjolf was bashing in doors, the man searching them and taking what he thought was valuable. He put many things into a rucksack and continued on. Upon finding another home he broke open the door. He did not know it yet but this home would be a very special event in his life. Something that may change it forever.
Yngwie Schutz Yngwie Schutz

Ebba had known they were going to be attacked that day. They had been out of the Vikings reach for far too long to not have a siege coming soon. It had been at breakfest that day, her younger siblings playing around the table per usual. The food was down but imaginations wild. They fought with their swords, (which happened to be bread), making war cries and running around to battle. In it all she comforted the crying, letting them settle down before they were ready to eat. After the meal cleaning up and kissing boo-boos. She was more than a big sister to them, a mother. She was their everything.

But they didn't finish eating breakfest this morning. Now they were separated, she had stashed them away in a secret closet under the table, they wouldn't be found, she was sure of that, she had made sure of that. As much as wished she could be with them, someone had to be in the house, if not to find then to defend it. She might not stand a chance but if it meant pulling them away from her siblings she was happy to do so. She was in the back of the house, in a bedroom, hiding underneath the bed. Next to her was an old short hand knife, she wasn't going down without a fight.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Brynjolf entered the home, the young Viking looking over the home and finding her. As soon as he saw her he knew, she had to be his. He raised his shield but lowered his axe, putting it up as he approached her slowly. He was curious about her either way. She hadn't left the home or fled when she heard what was going on. She was either deaf or brave.
Yngwie Schutz Yngwie Schutz
Seeing a Viking enter, she waited for him to move in. She was patient, not even daring to breathe as he came close. Step by step she watched him, all of her attention focused. Finally, he was close enough for her to strike. She lunged at him, knife in hand and aiming for his throat. She was running with intent to kill.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Brynjolf was expecting this sort of behavior, quickly he ducked to the right, his hand shooting up and grabbed her wrist as he moved behind her. He tried his best to speak in common.

"Please, calm down." Although it came out a whole lot worse.
Calm down?, she thought confused, why in Valhalla would I calm down?. With this logic she continued to struggle, trying to break free from his grip. She kicked and punched behind her, moving her entire body in an attempt to escape. "Let. Me Go" she said in a tone like Ice.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Brynjolf struggled to keep a firm hold on her, "Drop the knife and I will let you go." He said in very choppy Common. He had a firm stance and planned on keeping it, but it was breaking.
Ebba swore under her breath, mad at this predicament she was in. Though, it was better than fighting to no avail. She dropped the knife, then looked at him with demanding expectation. "Let. Me. Go." She was still struggling against him. She was never going to make it easy for him to take her away.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
"Good," she saud, not letting a reflexive 'Thank you' run through her lips. She pointed towards the door, her expression filled with utter disgust. "Leave, we have no money, there's nothing for you here."

Slothtastic Slothtastic
"But there is." He said, a serious expression on his face. "There's you." There was no creepy smirk or weird smile that crept on his face. It remained its emotionless and blank.
Yngwie Schutz Yngwie Schutz
She looked at him in shock, as she was taken off guard and legitimately confused. What could he want with her?, she wondered, her mouth slightly agape from the intensity of the thought. This left a pause for a few seconds, the air heavy with the weight of his words. Finally, she was able to conjure up a response.

"What?," She asked still bewildered by his expression.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
She again looked at him with a dumb founded and astranged expression, unable to comprehend his words. She couldn't tell what emotions he was trying to convey which made the entire ordeal even more akward. She was flustered and unprepared for a response like that. Not only not attacking her as he broke into her home, but asking her of something; not just any something either, oh no, that one word. That was the word that changed everything.

Bride. That was it, Bride. That's what little girls dreamed about for when they got older. They wished for a big, strong man to whisk them off their feet on their wedding day, having the gods bless their eternal love. They dreamed of a man to hold them close in the evenings and protect them from any danger they faced. Dreams of where everything was magical and wonder-filled. A Viking offering to whisk her away as his bride was deffinetly satisfying the fantasy part of the dream she once had. Of course, like any girl, she had those dream too. But......Memories over ruled her dreams. Memories of heart break and squander that were far more recent then those bits of magic ever were.

The hope that existed in her eyes when recalling those dreams was crushed as her memories took hold. She stood her ground, eyes full of hate. She once again pointed to the door. "No, Leave," she said the words with the smooth chill of ice.

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Ebba was now officially dumb founded. She knew some basic idea of what he wanted, but she was surely never going to agree. She had a life, responsibilities to herself and her loved ones. She couldn't throw that away and make decisions for herself. She looked at him in disgust once again.

"You expect me to throw away my entire life to someone who broke into my house, threatens my family, and who's Clan is killing and stealing from those whom I've grown up with? Without even knowing something as basic as their name?" She crossed her arms in amused defiance, she scoffed "You must be joking."

Slothtastic Slothtastic
((I'm sorry, I'm sick so my responses may be a bit spread out))

Somewhat defeated, she stood there in a few moments in silence before continuing. "Yet," she pronounced the word with distain. She still looked at him in distaste "If you're so serious, why are you grinning? Is this just a game you vikings play to make us open our food stocks to you?" She asked, as a real question, but sarcasam dropped from her words.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Brynjolf stopped grinning. "I thought it may help." He shrugged. "If you do not come with me willingly I will take you to my land with force, as much as you may not like it."
(It's ok)
Yngwie Schutz Yngwie Schutz

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