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The View

Holly got out of her car in a black pencil skirt with red short sleeved dressy shirt. Making her way inside the building after getting her stuff and locking the car. She said hi to the lady at the desk with a smile. Before heading to her office and taking a seat in her chair. Turning on the computer she checked her email, and started to read some proposals for the next magazine.
His first week at the magazine had been something of a trial, but going into the second week he still wanted to make a good impression. Kristian arrived at the office earlier than he probably should have but simply took a seat at his desk, looking through the column he'd been writing. He'd submitted one version to Holly but with the feedback she'd given he spent the next two days adding to the article. Once he saw Holly come in, he left her to get settled in her office before emailing over the new article labelled "edits."
She read some before it dinged telling her she got another email. Leaning back in her chair and playing with her fingers as she read it. Liking what she read. Once she finished reading it, she replied saying 'Good job on this one. I really like it. It shall be put in the next printing.'. After sending that she looked through some more emails.
Kristian grinned to himself at the response he received, deciding that for his second week at the company he wasn't doing a bad job. Compared to a lot of places he'd worked the magazine seemed far more open and he welcomed Holly's suggestions. Standing up from his desk, he headed over to Holly's office and knocked a few times on the door before ducking his head in. "Is there anything you need me doing?"
Holly looked up from her computer to see Kristian walk in. She thought about it, "No not specifically. I'm gonna let you go freestyle on your next assignment. On anything you want." She said
"That's great, I was hoping you were going to say something like that. I already have a few areas I want to look into." Kristian replied, leaning against the doorway. "When do you want to see the first draft?"
She gave a slight smile to him, "Great, and I would like to see first draft in at least a week or give it to me to sooner if you have the draft done." She said
"Okay, no problem." Kristian agreed with a smile, before he ducked back out of her office and returned to his desk. He already had a couple of ideas he wanted to look into, so handing in the draft within a week seemed to be enough time.
Holly gave a nod to him as he left. She believed in him that he would come up with something good on this assignment.
The morning passed by quite quickly and it was only one of the other employees passed by his desk and spoke did he realise that it was lunch time. He saved the document he'd been working on and closed his laptop, then set about gathering his wallet. He only wanted something quick for lunch, but the other employees on his floor had been encouraging him to join them and he wanted to seem sociable, so he headed down to the cafeteria rather than grabbing a quick coffee from the machine.
Glancing to the time, she headed down with a co-worker and sat with them. Laughing along at some of the jokes. Though she didn't eat anything since she had a big breakfast.
"You're coming on Friday, aren't you? Jake said he mentioned it." Kristian looked up when the question was directed at him and grinned faintly. The woman was a few years older than him but she always made an effort to speak, however he'd told Jake already that it was unlikely that he'd be attending.

"Maybe. I'm not too sure, I hadn't really planned that far ahead." Kris laughed.
Holly looked to Kristian when he asked the questioned. "You should come." She put in, with a slight smile.
"There you have it. If the boss says you should come, you should definitely come." Someone chorused from the end of the table, a statement most seemed to agree with.

Kristian looked over at Holly and nodded slightly at her comment. "I suppose I will, then." He grinned, interested by the thought of spending more time with his boss and his fellow employees. "What time are we meeting at the bar?"
Holly rolled her eyes to the person who chimed in with a shake of her head. Though kept her smile on her face.

"Lily what time where you thinking?" She asked looking to her.
"I'm thinking around eight, if that's going to work for everyone." Lily replied, taking a sip of her coffee. "It gives us all the chance to finish work and have a few hours to get ourselves ready."
"Alright," Holly said with a nod with a slight smile. Glancing to the time she stood up from her chair, "See y'all later then," she said and made her way out of the room.
Kristian stayed at the table for a little while longer before he said his goodbyes and stood up. He grabbed his coffee cup and headed back up to his floor, looking forward to writing out some ideas.
Holly sat in her office, typing up a few things. Then stopped to re-read everything while she messed with her fingers some. She gave a sigh an leaned back in her chair.
Lily knocked a couple of times on the door to Holly's office before she sauntered inside, smiling across at her friend. "You're definitely coming later, right?"
Holly looked up hearing a knock on her door. She gave a smile back to her, "Yes I am definitely coming later," she answered
"Awesome, I'm glad to hear it!" Lily nodded, looking forward to the evening ahead with the other staff at the magazine. "Jake and I were saying that we should all go out more, so I thought I'd organise something. It won't be too crazy, don't worry."

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