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Fantasy THE VAULT - DO NOT ENTER [0x0]

Writers Fury

New Member
☽ ◯ ☾ 𝟙𝕩𝟙 𝕊𝔼𝔸ℝℂℍ
coded @wynorx
Hello! I hope you are doing well! Thank you for stopping by. I am super excited to meet you guys. I am a 19 year-old college student who has been writing for about six years, but has been taking it more seriously for the last three. I am in school, so unfortunately, that has to come before writing. That being said, I have learned to be a good communicator, and I generally keep my writing partners updated daily or every other day. I absolutely LOVE animals and am so excited to have my own as soon as I get out of school. My favorite kind of food is dessert, specifically cake and ice cream, and my favorite food is Chinese food. I enjoy writing and have recently begun my first attempt at a book.I am a semi-literate to advanced writer who MATCHES her partner. So that means if you give me 300 words, I will give you around the same at a minimum. (Depends on what I can do with the scene) This being said, I prefer 3-5 paragraphs per response. This hits the sweet spot for me, but I am open to different lengths of writing; quality over quantity! I also like writing in third person the best. I will never write in first or second person while RPing. I am usually a very talkative person who likes OOC chatting, so feel free to talk about whatever, even if it isn't related to the RP!

While I am a pretty flexible person, I do require a few things from my partners.

-You MUST be 18+

-Minor grammar and spelling mistakes are OK, we all have bad days, but please make your post make sense. I have to be able to read it to respond.

-I am tired of playing males and want a turn to be a lady. This being said, I am looking for a MxF pairing with me playing the female. I am happy to double up and play any pairing of any gender and sexuality as well!

-Please please please write a post I can interact with. I cannot explain how many times I have had partners who will write paragraph after paragraph of filler information, and I find it really hard to respond to and have it be meaningful to the RP. Filler stuff is ok, just don't make your entire post filler information.

-I do require OC's or Cannon characters to have some sort of reference picture or FC that pairs with a physical description if not in the picture. Rarely do I make an exception to this rule. I find it has allowed for a better writing experience since you can accurately describe the other characters and have a clear image in your mind.

-Please communicate with me. I don't bite! If you are going to be slammed all week, that is OK, just let me know. Got writer's block? Totally fine! I just need to know or I can assume the worst and assume you want to drop the RP or I did something to upset you and cause you not to respond.

- Romance is a must It doesn't have to be the main point, but a nice slow burn is what keeps me the most interested. (I am a hopeless romantic what can I say)

-This is all I can think of for now, but I might add some more in the future.


Bold is my preferred character

Demon x Angel
x Experiment
God x Mortal
x Demigod
Ring Leader x Circus Performer
x Zuko
Slytherin x Slytherin
x Serial killer

I am open to other pairings as well! Just include that in your inquiry.
(I don't watch any anime though, so my fandoms are pretty limited)
THE VULNERABLE (romance preffered)
Muse B (your character) a boy (16) who volunteered to be a part of a government program to create the perfect soldier. (Sorry Captain America). He volunteered under the impression he could leave at any time. That was not the case. After they went through a boot camp, much like the military does, they were injected with different types of animal DNA. He had joined the study when they were far enough along that the victims survived the injection, and were even able to shift into the animal they had been fused with. (Either a partial shift or a full shift, it would be up to you.) After years of experimenting and testing, he had grown cold and hard, almost untouchable. They were not done with their research, though. They knew how the experiments reacted to the scientists, but how would they respond to people? Particularly vulnerable people, to be exact. Muse A (my character) was taken off the streets to be placed in this program. Being deaf since birth, she has had to overcome many challenges, but none quite like this. She is put in with Muse B, and oddly enough, he doesn't kill her right away. In fact, he seems quite taken with her, in his own way, of course. (Basically just by not killing her she is at least worthy of his temporary attention) The scientists closely observe them and eventually begin to harm Muse A in order to see if Muse B reacts in any way, and then the story moves on to whatever it goes to.I was thinking of a breakout where they move to the wilds to see that the world is in shambles or an all out war, but I haven't really thought about it much.

A LITTLE BIRDY SANG TO ME (romance heavy)

Muse A (my character) is sent to Iron Valley Penitentiary, the first female in an all-male prison, sent there temporarily to be housed until a bed opens up at the all female prison. The newly convicted woman is put on a strict schedule to keep her safe. Muse B (your character) is a hardened criminal (around age 25–26) who has been in and out of Juvy since around age 15, until he was sent to Iron Velly for hard time at age 17. (You can choose what his background was and what he did to get in there.)He only has 3 more years left until he is eligible to be let out on parole. Muse A now has only 3 hours (9pm-12am) to be out of her cell while the rest of the inmates of the unit are locked back into their cells. Before Muse A was locked up, she was a rising star, and now it seems her music is the only thing giving her hope of escaping this place. One night, while reading her book, she absentmindedly starts singing out loud and doesn't even notice the prison quieting. Slowly, night after night, she becomes the inmate's slice of the outside world. What happens when Muse B can't stop thinking about Muse A? Is she worth the risk? What happens when a few corrupt cops hurt the little birdy?

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full name








  • a word.

    some more words that are somewhat related to that big word and sounds kind of philosophical.

♡coded by uxie♡
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