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The Vanilla Bite Cafe (TM)

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Syrius Kirk

It was a beautiful day. The birds were chirping and singing about the new day. The air was fresh and clear from the light rain the town had the night before. With delicate water droplets collecting elegantly on the colorful petals and leaves of the flowers that sat outside a certain cafe. It was the picture perfect example of a beautiful day.

‘At least it would have been if it wasn’t the ungodly hour called six o'clock in the morning,’ Syrius thinks as he watches some of his co-workers, who are clearly not morning people, sluggishly move about The Vanilla Bite Cafe. Personally, like the majority of his large and ever growing family, he is a morning person who woke up with the sun. So he would never know the woes of someone who isn’t.

He does however, understand the woes of a victim of an all-nighter. And the light haired church grim couldn’t imagine the effects of not being a morning person being all too different from that of an all-nighter. So Syrius, as he does every morning shift like many of his fellow members of the Morning People Club, did some of the busy work before the customers started drifting in.

After all, it wouldn’t do for a drowsy co-worker to put apple syrup in the latte machine...again.

It was...very interesting to explain to their manager why the latte foam machine smelled like burnt apple pie.

Syrius shudders and carefully holds back a high-pitched whine at the memory before resuming to place the various syrups, creams and other garnishes necessary for fancy beverages on the work table in an orderly fashion. Distantly, he also hears the telltale sign of a sleepy co-worker tripping over a mop and faceplanting into the hard tile flooring near the first table by the door. ...So yes, it is much better for them all to work with this kind of system.


Not even ten minutes later, Syrius feels a random shiver run down his spine and hears the bell of the entrance of the cafe jingles a bit ominously. It signals to Syrius and the other employees of the cafe that someone forgot to flip the sign to “Closed” yesterday and...trouble was swiftly on its way.

So Syrius cautiously keeps himself down low and peers through the display case as a brave but foolish and unfortunate soul, a young adolescent of a fairy, immediately tries to tell the customer (who was ironically a harpy) that the cafe was not ready for business. In fact, the cafe wasn’t to be open for another forty-five minutes or so and not much was ready for them to serve the customer. But the harpy must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something because she doesn’t even let the poor young fairy finish explaining. Instead, she interrupts by complaining about “the lack of respect that kids have these days”.

At that, Syrius huffs a bit and straightens himself to his full height to speak over the counter because if anyone was being disrespectful it was the harpy. Besides, how low can you get to lash out at a kid?

”Excuse me, ma’am but is there anything that we could actually help you with right away?” he interrupts the harpy in a false cheery tone with a “sweet” close-mouthed smile masking his ire and lets his co-worker scuttle away. Because as much as he would like to bare his teeth at her (and maybe give her a good warning bite), she is still a customer and they do come first in a business. ...And apparently it’s considered ruder than stealing chew toys (chew toys!!!) to threaten or warn people with teeth and growling even if you’re not serious about it.

Tagged: (@Pyosimros)

Coding done by Nano from RPN
Last edited by a moderator:
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Fleur D'Automne

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Baaaa... I'm awake, I'm awake!" a groggy voice shouted to herself. Followed by a loud thump noise, the alarm turned off and Fleur had awoken from her deep slumber. Her upper body instantly moved upwards, putting the young half-dryad in a sitting position. She stared at the wall, unsure of whether she should call in sick and rest for a few hours more. 

Veronika would understand...if she weren't a nocturnal person, she thought, groaning at the face of a potential ticket out leaving her sight.

With a swift movement, Fleur flung herself out of bed - the hardest part of her morning routine. The rest was done in a rather efficient and organized manner. She did her hair, chugged a bottle of water, brushed her teeth, changed clothes, applied minimal amounts of makeup, and ate a small granola bar for extra energy. In a few minutes time, Fleur was outside on the city streets, ready to face the world.


"Argh, stupid rash," Fleur grumbled quietly, scratching her left arm in irritation. Opening the door to The Vanilla Bite with her shoulder, Fleur found herself with equally as tired individuals and one person who was rather alert (and that person being Syrius).

"Good morning everyone!" she said, forcing as much energy as she could into her voice. Walking deeper into the building, Fleur looked upwards towards the clock; it read 5:58 AM.

Time to get to work.

Around 6:15, a soft jingle was heard from the door. "Hm?" Fleur's head moved towards the entrance. The cafe wasn't to be opened for another 45 minutes, yet there was harpy who had found herself in the building. The customer began making a scene as one of her co-workers began explaining the opening times of the establishment, causing Syrius to do his best to alleviate the situation.

Fleur began walking closer to the two, picking up a broom and sweeping the floor as to look as if she were doing anything other than eavesdropping. If an argument were to break loose, Fleur would be there to support Syrius in a steadfast manner.

MENTIONS - @Birb || LOCATION - Vanilla Bite

CS Link
Last edited by a moderator:
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Syrius Kirk

The harpy immediately turns to him and squawks something about coffee (completely ignoring the subtle jab from him) and how she’s going to be late for work because of their (apparently) horrible customer service. He briefly glances at Fleur, his co-worker, because that move was not subtle and he really doesn’t think that this situation will escalate more than it already has. He hopes anyway. He does appreciate the gesture though.

But listening to the harpy’s complaints and demands does make Syrius briefly wonder if it was wrong to want to deep fry a harpy as a (probably nasty tasting) substitute for fried chicken. Why couldn’t the harpy just get her coffee from a 24/7 fast food place? Why terrorize the poor workers in this cafe?

Thankfully, he doesn’t voice any of his own complaints.

Instead, before he could say or do something that he’ll regret, Syrius asks her to wait for a moment while he gets her her coffee. He shoots Fleur an apologetic look before he ducks into the kitchen, ignoring the curious looks from his co-workers, and makes a beeline for the employee lounge. Making the coffee is a quick and painless process of throwing some of the instant coffee (that they usually save for the employees to have during their busier mornings) into one of the cafe’s large cups and pouring hot water into it. Of course, he adds some cream and sugar too because the owner of the cafe always asks for excellent customer service.

Maybe he’s being rather petty and spiteful by giving her cheap instant coffee...but at least she’s going to get it for free, right?

Besides, fancy coffee takes time to make, damnit.

Tagged: (@Pyosimros)

Coding done by Nano from RPN
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Fleur D'Automne

After some time had passed, the exchange of words between Sirius and the harpy had ended. Sirius, upon exiting, shot Fleur an apologetic look before disappearing into the employee's lounge. With Sirius gone, there was no one present to talk to the needy customer. Fleur, refusing to fill-in for Sirius began scanning the room for potential staff who could keep the harpy busy.

There was no one present within the current area Fleur was in. Hearing multiple creaks of multiple doors, any other member of staff had left before they were forced to deal with the rowdy customer. Fleur shot her head in all directions again, hoping someone would appear and save her from a few minutes of painful conversation. This desire was soon broken, as she heard a cranky voice coming from behind her.

"Hey! What's taking him so long?" the harpy questioned, gesturing Fleur to walk over for a chat. Hesitantly, Fleur complied. She lifted her broom and started a nervous walk towards the woman, unsure if she could handle a person of that caliber.

"He's only been gone for a few seconds. Please, making coffee takes time, so you will have to wait until then," Fleur stated as politely and professionally as she could.

"The amount of disrespect these days..." the harpy responded in an inaudible grumble, before raising her voice to a near shout. "I need my coffee now! You kids don't understand the rush of an adult's life at all!"

"Y-Yes, I understand. But please, Ms.-"

"I don't need any buts, I came here for my daily serving of caffeine! Honestly, if I've known the service here would be this terrible I would've never come!"

The harpy was on the verge of completely losing it. Her face nearly turned as red as a tomato, and her fists were clenched to the point in which it seemed as though she would break a hole into the table in pure fury. Fleur lightly bit the bottom of her lip, contemplating the situation she was thrust into. If she were to try to justify, the harpy would be mad, If she were to apologize, the harpy would be even madder. Any approach seemed to be a negative one, and Fleur was stuck with practically nowhere to go. Her only saving grace at the moment was Sirius, and even then Fleur had not known when he will return.

MENTIONS - @Birb || LOCATION - Vanilla Bite

CS Link
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Syrius Kirk

Hearing the harpy start up another fit, Syrius decides to not waste time with the doors (because screw the doors when someone’s sanity is on the line) and melts into the shadows the moment he got the coffee done and in the lidded cup. The shadow shoots across the floor of the kitchen and under the doors and counter to pool between the harpy and Fleur. He pulls himself out of the shadow with a wide false grin on his face and a steaming fresh cup of (cheap and instant) coffee.

“Here’s your coffee, ma’am!” he practically chirped with irritatingly cheerful tones as his practically shoves the cup into her hands. He then grabs her shoulders and pushes her towards the door with the same smile on his face. The light-haired man completely ignores the protests and angry sputtering to open the door for her and practically tosses the customer out because he was a part-timer and a graduate student not a saint.

”Don’t worry~ You don’t even have to pay for it, ma’am. Not even a tip. You’re in a hurry to get back to your very very very important adult life, no? I hope you have a wonderful day~” he says cheerfully before closing the door in her face and locking the door from the inside for a good measure. He can hear the harpy shrieking up a storm behind the glass door (and it’s not even due to his sensitive ears) but he dusts his hands off of imaginary dust with a smug look on his face.

It was a job well done in his opinion.

He glances around the common area of the cafe, noting the lack of employees with a slightly annoyed whine-snort that dogs sometimes do. He felt a little betrayed that even their resident frost giant didn’t come out to help but decided to forgive them quickly because this was a temperamental harpy they were dealing with. Shaking his head and clearing the frown off his face, he turns to the demi-dryad just a few feet away and gives her a grateful grin. ”Thanks for the help, Fleur!”

Tagged: (@Pyosimros)

Coding done by Nano from RPN

Last edited by a moderator:
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Fleur D'Automne

“Here’s your coffee, ma’am!”

Beside Fleur there stood her Church Grim associate: Sirius. Surprised by his sudden arrival, Fleur produced a soft 'yip' - adding a small hop backwards to further emphasize the emotion. Each day Fleur forgets one of Syrius' primary abilities: shadow travel. If it were not a public space, Fleur would have scolded the Church Grim for scaring her, perhaps a light slap to reach her point. Before Fleur could delve deeper into these thoughts, Sirius was in the process of kicking the harpy out of the establishment.

”Don’t worry~ You don’t even have to pay for it, ma’am. Not even a tip. You’re in a hurry to get back to your very very very important adult life, no? I hope you have a wonderful day~”

The next things Fleur could hear were the silent click of a lock and a series of shrieks. Sirius had already backed away from the angry harpy, taking a short glance towards the interior of the cafe. Fleur, on the other hand, kept watching the harpy with tired eyes.

Yeesh. When will you leave? Fleur thought, subconsciously moving her body into a slight slouch. The harpy, even through the slightly tinted windows had noticed Fleur's eyes - giving Fleur the 'death' motion with her right hand before angrily flying away. Fleur perked upwards towards this threat, her eyes widening. While the girl knew this was likely an empty threat, she couldn't help but think, "What if it wasn't an empty threat?"

”Thanks for the help, Fleur!”

"A-Ah!" Fleur exclaimed, her focus shifting back towards the Church Grim. "You're welcome!"

There was a short pause between the two, and during that pause, fellow staff began to appear from the kitchen once again. Fleur shot a short smile towards them before she began to think of the events that had just taken place, and more specifically, what Sirius last said.

'Don’t worry~ You don’t even have to pay for it, ma’am. Not even a tip'... Don't even have to pay for it... Don't even have to- NO PAY!?

"No pay!?" Fleur suddenly exploded. From happy to angry, the other staff began to slowly walk back into the kitchen. Fleur herself walked towards Sirius, instantly bursting his personal bubble in order to scream at him. "We had to collect money from that lady! If we don't give free drinks to good customers, we shouldn't even think about giving them to bad customers!"

Giving her two cents, Fleur angrily stopped away from the Church Grim, stating things such as, "This was all for nothing..." as she began collecting fallen feathers from the ground.

MENTIONS - @Birb || LOCATION - Vanilla Bite

CS Link
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Syrius Kirk

”...Um...sorry, Fleur?”

Syrius couldn’t help but shrink back from the angry dryad. A screeching harpy who had no business screaming at him and his co-workers was one thing to face. He could handle that any day. It’s as natural as breathing for him to follow his instincts and protect people. However, facing angry friends (he hopes they were friendly at least, his mother always did say he was a bit too impulsive) and their moments of severe disappointment in him will always be near the very top of his “would rather not face” list. He was a writer at heart. And don’t people always say writers have sharp tongues but delicate glass hearts?

So being the brave twenty-three year old adult church grim he was, he didn’t tell her that he gave the harpy instant coffee that didn’t have a price tag on in the first place. He didn’t argue his case and tell her that that particular cup of coffee was probably the equivalent of a dollar menu coffee from McDonalds. Nor the fact that you usually are supposed to give troublesome customers what they want quickly so they would leave and not cause more trouble than they already have. Instead, he scuttled away and out of Fleur’s way the moment she turned her back to him.

(As Professor Oak always says, there was a time and place to make use of his English major and his debating skills but now was not the time and place.)

Yes, Syrius Kirk was a very brave adult.

The ash blond decided to busy himself behind the counter with the freshly roasted coffee beans and neatly packaged cakes. He paid no mind to the other employees trickling back into the common area and just sulked as he put cakes in the display case. Syrius did, however, feel a little bit better when the same young fairy from before whispered her thanks to him as she hurried past him to help the others with the chairs and decorations.

Tagged: (@Pyosimros)

Coding done by Nano from RPN

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