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Fandom The Vampire RP

Prevent them from forgetting her?

Did she want everyone to remember her? Was that why she wanted to become a star?

"Would it count though... if I didn't do it with my own hands?" She muttered to herself with a frown on her face, an option that seemed so easy yet she couldn't accept it right away.

"Hi Toma," Mars smiled at the boy and gave him a bit of a wave, he looked like a little boy Mars knew that Vampires didn't age unless wanted. She's read books before became so busy with work.
Glances over at Mars and the smaller sized vampire.

I shouldn't dare interrupt... It isn't ladylike. Tucks a stand of golden brown hair behind my left ear.
"My name is Adelaide. Yours is Toma if I am not mistaken?"

Shifts my attention to him entirely.
Thinks to myself 'The child can't possibly be flesh and blood... But most likely was bitten at his ge and has developed from that age point maturity...'

Smiles warmly.
"What do I mean?" Mars was confused by this question and gave him a blank look once again.

"Since I was little I've been doing whatever I could to become a star, slowly getting to my goal. I'm already popular, if I want to get more popular it would have to be done by my own power. Not someone else's," She explained, shrugging her shoulder. It was pretty simple. Mars like simple.

"Mars Aita," She introduced herself to Toma. Mars almost wanted to throw up when she saw the little father and son moment, too much love in front of her eyes. Of course she couldn't help but think it was a bit cute.
"Oh? I guess so. I mean, the manager isn't completely useless," Mars snorted with a roll of her eyes, her manager always seemed to have a stick up his butt about things. Mars knew he was only grumpy with her because she turned down the offer for dinner every time.

Mars ignored the arrow that had hit her, now she just wanted to hurry up and finish the process of this 'training'.
"We aren't important, we're just valuable," Mars laughed at this with a shake of her head before she felt someone vibrate from the pockets of her jacket. Taking it out, her phone had over 100 text messages and 50 missed calls. She wanted to laugh at how many times the company had tried to call her. Mars had warned them, once she goes onto vacation there's no way she's answering e-mails or phone calls. Nothing.
Bites my lip unsure of what to do, spends a moment thinking and then swallows and rubs his back soothingly in small circles

Have I said something? I wonder.
Nods slowly sympathetically continuing the motion.

"I would think that he loved you dearly and his spirit lingers even now..."
Smiles genuinely.

"It may have been... I hope you find someone else or something else to fill that emptiness in your heart..."

Gently withdraws my hand from his back

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