The Vampire Diaries: Damon's Bane


Bust :(

"I pick you Stefan. It was always you." Elena said between tears. The walls of the mansion couldn't contain the profession of love that had been dormant amidst the mess of events. Damon found himself staring off into space, sadness welling up in his blue eyes as he eavesdropped from the parlor adjacent to the study. Alaric placed a hand on his best friend, sighing.

"It's inevitable. I always lose in the end." Damon said pursing his lips.

"I'm sorry buddy." Alaric said patting him on the back.

Finishing the last bit of his scotch, he smashed the glass on the floor and got up. There was a fire in his eyes, the very same that appeared when Elena had rejected him years ago. He wanted to turn it off so badly. All that time she spent in his arms, the way she looked at him, how she said she loved him, everything had disappeared in the blink of an eye. As if it was part of some sick fairytale the universe had planted in his head. In a moment of despair he took off.

A fog had descended over the woods blanketing the pitch blackness with a cold sheet. Spring had brought he promise of a new beginning after graduation for Mystic Falls but Damon knew he would always be left behind. He kept running, anger resonating from the depths of his gut to his fingertips. Over 150 years of the same story...

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Evvie Rhodes spent the earl morning hours eating a small, but healthy, breakfast and downed it with a glass of pulp-free orange juice. She then just washed her face, pulled her hair back, and changed in a pair of black spandex jogging shorts, a white t-shirt, and some black and white Nike running shoes. She grabbed her iPod and stuck the earbuds in and scrolled through the music, picking some upbeat rock to listen to. After doing some regular stretching, she left her apartment and locked the door, starting on her early morning jog. It was around six in the morning, maybe close to seven, the fog was thick around the small town, but the cool, crisp air felt nice against her bare skin.

She jogged through the city, stopping for a brief break, before entering the forest. She came to a clearing and sat down on a old log to get a drink of Gaterode and take a short break to catch her breath. The leaned against the tree, gazing up at the sky. The rock music blared in her ears, so she didn't hear anything around her. Her iPod died shortly after and she cursed to herself that she forgot to charge it last night. She packed it in her bag and froze. A low growl came from behind her, and she instantly recognized it as a mountain lion. Having a zoologist for a mother helped her have keen sense for animals noises.

She slowly stood and turned around and sure enough there was a golden yellow mountain lion, crouched low, looking at her with hungry eyes. Evvie backed up slowly, but tripped over a stump, which gave the lion an opportunity to pounce. Thanks to fast reflexes, she dodged the attack in time and got to her feet in time, she took this time to run and run fast and hard. The lion caught up to her and jumped on her back, digging her sharp claws into Evvie's back. Evvie screamed as she tried to turn over. The mountain lion scratched Evvie's stomach, tearing her white t-shirt up in shreds. Blood covered Evvie's torso and she started to feel weak.

This was it, she was going to die from a mountain lion attack. Everything blackened and she passed out.
Hours had passed to bring the early morning light seeping into the woods. Damon woke up to find his ragged self covered in blood and the stench of alcohol still hovering around his mouth. Sharp memories flooded back into his mind at full force and he grasped his head in pain. He had fed on several strangers last night. Some men, some women, all were either alone or when he felt really adventurous he managed to compel couples. And he managed to drain them dry... He wondered if he did anything to hide the bodies or burn them but drew a blank. Self-loathing filled his heart as he realized they all paid for his anger and Elena's betrayal. He hated her. He actually hated her. She had toyed with him just like Katherine but played the nice girl card hiding everything that made her just as cold and heartless.

He pulled himself up, dusting the mud and soil off his jeans. Vowing to leave town and never return just as he had promised Stefan, he began heading back to the house. Deep in the woods, a growl sounded. Mountain lions, he thought not paying much attention. But the growl was accompanied by a scream. A girl's screams. He paused and listened wondering whether to leave her to its musings or to help. His feet had already begun walking in the direction of the noise. He sped as he began to smell her blood. She's almost dead.

A girl on her morning jog almost torn to shreds lay passed out at the feet of the mountain lion. As it raised its paw, Damon pounced and beat the lion sending it howling back into the deep growth of the woods. He had assumed his vampire features to scare it off. He turned to face the girl. Hunger sprung up again seeing the pool of blood clouding at her torso. He wanted to feed and disappear just like he had done with others. But something was different about her. He bent down, bit his wrist and pressed it towards her lips.

"Hey, you need to drink this if you want to survive." he said nonchalantly yet still not taking his eyes off her.
Evvie felt warm liquid traveling down her throat, it was sweet and the more she drank of it, the better she started to feel. She slowly regained consciousness. She had enough of the sweet liquid as everything started to become clearer. She sat up but grunted as a small stab of pain came from her side. She looked down at her torn clothing and all the scratches were gone, all that was left behind was shredded clothing and dried blood. "What the.." She said softly, then remembered a voice telling her to drink the liquid.

It was then Evvie noticed the handsome stranger who helped her, but he too was covered in blood. Did he fight the mountain lion, and why did he give her. "W.. who are you?" She asked, starting to back up. It was chilly outside and she was trembling, from the chilly air and from her near death experience. She put her guard up against the strange man, but she relaxed once her eyes fell onto his, a icy blue color. She took in his appearance. He was extremely good-looking, almost like he was carved from an angel.

Evvie realized how rude she must have sounded. After all, he did just save her life. "Thank you.." She whispered, pulling her knees closed to her and looking down.
Damon raised his eyebrows at her reaction. Now that she was fine, he could finally see her face. She was pretty. He stared into her eyes ready to compel her to forget but couldn't bring himself to do it. Innocence writ large, this may be his final chance at finding someone who thinks something of him. Or it could be one giant joke but he had to know.

"I'm Damon. was a strong remedy that work instantaneously." he said. Why can't I bring myself to tell her the truth?

He stood there awkwardly wondering what she was thinking. She had pulled herself into a fetal position. She remembered everything which means she was experiencing some form of trauma. Extending an arm out, he said, "Let me take you home."
She shook her head when he offered to take her home. "I don't believe you. You did something to me to make me heal. Are you some sort of witch or something?" She asked. She stood up, leaning against a tree for support she still felt incredibly weak. "I don't need anymore of your help." She protested and tried to go by him, but she was too weak and just ended up falling into him. "My head is swarming.." She mumbled, not moving back from him anymore.

"I live on Grove Street, the third house." She said, looking around. "I need my backpack, its got my house key in it." She said. She figured it was where she put it down, right before the mountain lion chased her down. "I'm sorry.. I am just confused and weak." She said. Why was she being rude to him? He saved her life, possibly risking her own, maybe. Was he a witch? He wasn't human.
Damon almost cracked up. Him? A witch? Bonnie would have a field day over this.

He grabbed her allowing her to lean her weight on him. She had lost a lot of blood. Gently, he made her sit down leaning against the tree.

"Okay, feisty little one. Little me look for it alright?" His eyes scanned the immediate vicinity. He dashed a little ahead and came back with a bag.

"Here you go. Right now, you need some rest. Hold onto me. NOW." he said firmly, noticing how pale she was becoming. She needed to lie down and get some fluids in her system. Without waiting for a response, he hoisted her back up and began walking to the address she mentioned.
Evvie nodded when he volunteered to search for her bag. He returned just seconds later. She took the bag from him and clutched onto it. She didn't feel like protesting with him so instead she just nodded and held onto him. He then proceeded to take her home.

When they got to her house, she got out of his arms and unlocked her door, walking in. "Come inside." She said, looking back at Damon. She started to feel a little better, but she could use some scotch and a nap. "Want something to drink?" She asked as she went into the kitchen. Boxes were still scattered around from unfinished packing. She took out two small glasses and a bottle of scotch and poured them each a glass, handing one to Damon. "I'm sorry I was a little out of it earlier." She said, but she still wondered what he was?
Damon stopped at the entrance to her house wondering if he was going to have to tell her to invite him in. However she casually asked him to come in and he sighed in relief thankful to avoid that scene. Looking around, he realized she had just moved in. His phone began buzzing as she walked into the kitchen. It was Stefan. He hung up. Grabbing the glass of scotch that she offered him, he leaned against the counter feeling a bit out of place.

"Its fine. I don't exactly come off as Red Cross material." he answered. She definitely got brownie points for the scotch. His phone buzzed again.

"Excuse me, I gotta take care of something." he muttered and withdrew to the living room.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Stefan?" he answered sarcastically.

"You took off. We didn't get a chance to talk." Stefan said on the other end of the line.

"Elena was pretty clear about everything. I did what we promised and left." he said coldly.

"So that's it?"

"I'll be back. I plan to stay around for a few things." he said thinking of Evvie and hung up. He walked back to the kitchen.

"Sorry about that. Family matters." he said smiling.

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