• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Vacation CS


Mother of Tiny Lions

basic data
full name:
eye color:
skin tone:


(minimum 3)
(minimum 3)


relationships:(2-3 required once accepted in RP)


{slide=[bg=#5D4157][COLOR=#ffffff]basic data[/COLOR][/bg]}[COLOR=#5D4157][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3][B]full name:[/B] 
[B]eye color:[/B]
[B]skin tone:[/B]
(minimum 3)
(minimum 3)
{slide=[bg=#A8CABA][COLOR=#ffffff]social[/COLOR][/bg]}[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]
[B]relationships:[/B](2-3 required once accepted in RP)

{slide=[bg=#CAD7B2][COLOR=#ffffff]background[/COLOR][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/SIZE][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][/FONT][bg=#CAD7B2][/bg][SIZE=3][FONT=Raleway]}[/FONT][/SIZE][B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]bio:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] BIO HERE
{slide=[bg=#EBE3AA][COLOR=#ffffff]personality[/COLOR][/bg]}[B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3]personality:[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(93, 65, 87)][FONT=Raleway][SIZE=3] PERSONALITY HERE

As I said, this will not be first come first serve, so if you see other's have posted CS's for a character that you may have wanted, feel free to try for yourself.

You do not have to use this BBcode or any at all, but it does look cool when all the CS's and in-post post's have them.

Please place your writing sample in a spoiler after your CS, or send it to me in a message.

The personality must be 1 paragraph minimum and the Bio must be 2 paragraph minimum

Replace the GIF with the picture of your character

OOC Link : https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-vacation-ooc.343203/
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basic data
full name: Arianna Jamison
age: 18
stereotype: The Wild Child
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
eye color: Hazel
skin tone: Tan
height: 5'3


thunderstorms, the beach, bright colors
introverts (why be introverted?), spiders, the thought of working for a living
-Wears a lot of jewelry, and it doesn't always match
-Tugs on her hair when she's embarrassed (rare) or anxious




Arianna is definitely a wild child. She grew up with a loving but busy father, and a brother who was more interested in his latest score than her. Her mother died when she was young, so it was just the three of them. As a child, Arianna stayed to herself mostly, considering her father was at work and her brother would threaten her, saying if she didn't stay in her room he'd pound her. Of course, it was only so he could smoke and bring home girls without her snitching to their father.

As a teenager, she'd had enough. Puberty hit, and it hit hard. She grew boobs and her brothers friends no longer saw her as the dorky little sister who had to hide, and she found that she reveled in the attention. It made her feel alive, and sexy, and powerful. She had her first hit of a cigarette at 14, and drank her first beer at 15. Eventually, she made her own friends, and developed her own style. She loves bangles and long necklaces, and huge sunglasses. It's not that she hates authority, she just doesn't think it should apply to her.

Arianna is an honest individual, who sometimes comes across as more blunt/rude than she means to. She normally means well-- unless you piss her off, in which case she is fully aware that she is being rude, and doesn't care. Since she didn't have a mother figure growing up, she's pretty independent and very, very prideful. She wants to do things on her own, and rarely will she ask for help.

Arianna stared up at the lights as Echo maneuvered through the hallways. She'd started singing to herself, trying to keep herself awake. She would drift off and stop singing every few minutes, but it would be about that time that Echo would have to readjust her, so his moving her around would jerk her awake and she'd start again. The lights were becoming a big blur, and she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to keep this up. Her singing turned to humming as she grew more tired, and she curled up closer to Echo, wanting to be warm.

It was awfully cold in here.

She was almost out again when Echo slammed to a stop, and she heard voices. A voice, actually, that struck a chord of familiarity inside her. She'd turned her head inward, resting her forehead against Echo's chest, but upon hearing this voice she forced herself to turn her head. A blonde came into view, but her features were swimming around in Ari's vision. She couldn't focus, no matter how many times she blinked. It was obvious this person knew her, and though Arianna knew she'd heard the voice before, she couldn't put a face to it.

"Echo..." Arianna lost her own words before she even spoke them, and instead, she sighed and curled back up to his chest. The quartet started moving again, but Arianna's hums were much quieter, and she stopped more frequently. She could hear the voices around her, and could feel Echo's strength beneath her, but couldn't focus on any of it.

Fresh air.


Forcing her eyes open, Arianna groaned into Echo's chest and gripped him tighter, but she turned her head and inhaled and smelled-- trees? Grass? Is that what they smelled like? Looking up, she smiled a little when she saw what she thought was the moon, though possibly could have been a streetlight, or a light from the side of the building.

The vehicle that pulled up next to them was a heavy duty four door truck. Adam rolled down his window, ushering them into the vehicle. He looked at Arianna, and his eyes seemed to linger for a moment longer than necessary before he was putting the truck in drive again and speeding off. It wasn't long before they were on a road of sorts. Adam expertly maneuvered through the trees, hitting only stray branches. "It'll be a while before we're out of the woods. I mean that literally and figuratively." He spoke, his voice low. He, too, wore a hunters uniform, and there was a gun resting on his lap. "How bad is she?" He looked at Echo, his lips parting when he realized the vampire had only one eye. He spoke before he thought better of it.

"You're missing an eye."
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Avery Grace

basic data
full name: Avery Carson Grace
age: 18
stereotype: the cheerleader
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
eye color: hazel
skin tone: olive
height: 5'2


- mangoes
- parties
- dancing
- green apples
- people being unnecessarily loud (unless she's one of them)
- doing laundry (or all chores, but specifically laundry)
Quirks:She does that thing girls do when they talk to someone they like, where she twists her hair around her finger over and over.


Cychotic Cychotic - The Jock - Avery and Sean have a ..."complicated" relationship, as per their facebook status. They go between loving each other a disgusting amount, to hating each other with a passion far greater than anyone has seen. When they are good, their great, but when they're bad they can be the worst - backstabbing and lying, and are generally a nuisance for everyone.
Florels Florels - The Artist - Freya & Avery are friends, which some people always seem to be surprised about. Usually, Avery is the type to hang out with the "bad kids", mostly because she doesn't know better, and Freya is a bit like her white knight. She keeps Avery out of trouble when she can, but Avery is always fighting her on it. She does not appreciate being told what to do, and usually tries to do what she wants - especially if she's intoxicated.
apolla apolla - The Party Animal - Arianna and Avery are friends, but Arianna doesn't like Yas, so Avery is often caught in the middle of that.
The Comet The Comet - The Popular - Ty and Avery used to date, but after a horrible fight, they broke up. Now, Avery occasionally uses Ty to get back at Sean, for one thing or another.
princxss princxss - The Wild Child - Yas and Avery are friends. (see The Party Animal above for rest of info)
crush/interest: The Jock

bio: Avery was born into a rich family - one of the richest in the area. Her mother was a famous lawyer before she retired, and her father is a very well-known plastic surgeon (who also gave Avery her perfect nose, but she doesn't tell people about that). Avery lived a perfect life. She was rarely if ever disciplined and was always waited on hand and foot by her nannies, and none could stand it. She went through nanny after nanny, and not because she was rude, but because most could not stand giving a child more respect than they themselves got on a regular basis. Despite all this, Avery is fairly level headed about most things, although she is incredibly niave. She doesn't know how to do many things, and because of protection from her parents, she doesn't know as much as you would expect one teenager to know about that stuff.

For Avery, her middle school years were the hardest. That was when her parents broke up, each of them taking their fortune and moving on. While Avery wasn't particularly broken up about her parents divorce, they were always fighting over her. Avery was witness to many terrible fights between her parents, and it made her feel more like an object than anything else. She was never close to either of her parents, always being raised by nannies, and she really did not have much of a care who she went with. Instead, she was merely a bystander in the fights that her parents had, while also being the cause of it.
personality: Avery is incredibly naive, and not all that intelligent. She did well in school, but she doesn't have common sense. She had a habit of hurting herself doing dumb things, drinking too much, and in general being wreckless. She is very easily manipulatable, which has caused her to have many fake friends who use her for her money. She can be easily woo'd by any boy, believing whatever they say. Besides that, she is generally nice, save for when she doesn't get her way. Then, she can turn into a hot mess, yelling and screaming like she is still three.
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basic data
full name: Delilah Ravenway
age: 18
eye color:blue
skin tone:pale



The sun

Loud people
Getting blood thrown on her
Will tap her foot when impatient, her head will tilt to the side when something intrigues her


relationships: Freya- Friend, once dated. Lucien-Friend, they brood together

bio: Delilah was born into a loving and overall normal family, until one family trip the car flipped over and caught on fire. She was able to crawl out but was helpless to help her parents escape and watched them slowly burn to death. After that she stopped being a normal little girl and aged a lifetime in 24 hours, she watched as once doting relatives refused to take her in as if she was diseased. When one of her aunt's told her she was responsible she changed once more, she dressed how she felt and said exactly what she thought of the sheep around her.
personality: Delilah can be rude and point blank, not caring if what she said hurts the other person. In her mind life is so fleeting that not saying what you really think is a waste of time, this mindset has gained her many enemies and she has suffered through almost any cruel prank you can imagine. This has only made her skin tough and she has learned to be careful on who to show weakness to. To those she cares about she is deeply loyal and would kill for them if she needed to, but due to her rough nature she has few friends. Delilah looks at the brain and soul of a person rather than their looks but she can't help but find people aesthetically pleasing to the eye. While not easily provoked she is a force to be messed with when she is.

Delilah looked at the clock and stopped her writing, at this rate she would be late for school. The thought should have spurred her to action but instead only fueled her desire to just do nothing all day. It was hardly as if someone would notice her absence in fact those that knew her would likely rejoice in her absence. This did motivate her to get dressed and put on her signature makeup, something that she had once thought of as some type of warrior paint. Heading out the door she felt grim satisfaction, if she had to be miserable then someone else would be too.
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Ivy Rose

basic data
full name: Ivy Rose
age: 18
stereotype: The Princess
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
eye color: Brown
skin tone: Sort of pale, has more of a glowy complexion when she gets some sun.
height: 5'6



Ivy loves the spotlight. She thrives in attention and her friends and brother mean the entire world to her. She’s passionate about music, cheer, all of the extra curricular activities she enrolled herself in. Spending time shopping, gossiping on social media, and being with her friends are three things she enjoyed. They pulled her away from her family life and helped her forget about the darker shit in her life. In her alone time, she’d sing and watch YouTube. Sometimes she was just lazy and binged shows. There certainly was a laid back side to her, and nobody really saw that. She likes milkshakes and ice cream, and can never pull herself away from a burger and fries. The redhead loves music and has a passion for singing and dancing. Something rebellious in her wanted to pursue the arts and make a career out of it.


As materialistic as she could be, she hates fakes, she hates snakes. She only befriends people who could be as real and true as her. She may seem like a bitch, but she could never be caught in a web of lies. Ivy had learned from her mother. Lies makes someone cold and cruel, and breaks relationships. She hates being called out, and she can barely handle confrontation without completely losing her composure. Her major fallback is being seemingly too perfect.


The more joyful and tolerable parts of Ivy consist of her smarts, and her way of speaking. She’s a good listener and loves to give advice. She has a habit of tapping her nails and pursing her lips, and some people notice it immediately and think it’s annoying, but others find it cute.


relationships: N/A
crush/interest: The Prince


(TW! Suicide) Ivy Rose has a small, but wealthy family, she was raised with her Mother, Father, and her older brother who she was very close with. The parents had raised the two through the public school system since they wanted their children to face real life situations and meet all sorts of different people instead of going to some private school where chewing gum was some sort of sin and heck was a curse word. This led for Ivy and her older brother, Anders, (who was only older by a year) to become the top dogs in school. Ivy was always waltzing around with her long red hair and designer clothes since elementary. It wasn’t her fault, the way she dressed or how she expected to be treated. At home, she was spoiled and taught conflicting things by one parent or the other. The mom was rotten, but her dad was kind and always wanted his children to treat others with love and respect, not use fear and intimidation. This led to arguments within the household. It would always concern the well-being of the kids, but Ivy’s father took it much more personally. He loved his two little redheads more than anything. They were wet clay and he wanted to mold them into something beautiful. His intentions were only well, and it was definitely appreciated by Anders and Ivy. Unfortunately, by the time Ivy was fifteen, her father had killed himself, which damaged Ivy more than anyone in the household. It was unexpected, according to the two teenagers, but their mother kept a straight face as her children cried and scrambled to call the police. It was a death that took everyone by surprise, and it only gave the Rose family more attention for their… Tragic loss. Ivy was nearly depressed, but learned to take those feelings out on people around her. She was a bully, but one that had more friends than enemies. The teen wouldn’t search for help, nor counseling, even when she had this hole in her heart that opened up when her father was found hanging from a pipe in the basement. All through middle school and high school, Ivy Rose was queen bee, and nobody could tell her otherwise. When she graduated, she wanted to move on and actually become an adult, no more catty games and bitchy attitudes. Even with her upbringing, she wanted a change, and the vacation would be her last chance to have a high-school like experience with her fellow graduates.


Ivy Rose is the head bitch in charge, and she won’t let you forget it. She’s got a fiery, passionate spirit and leads by example. Manipulative she may be, but people flock to her because she’s got a contagious smile and sassy attitude. Cheer captain, lead singer, front row in dance, she has that fire in her eyes and she brings the heat in everything she does. Sure, in confrontation she doesn’t react too well, but she definitely makes sure to keep those red claws out. Speaking of red, that’s her color. Some sort of dominant, fierce thing about her. She always wears a red lip and has sharp red stiletto nails. That’s one thing to know about someone in the Rose family, they all have thorns. She learned all her cunning, vindictive traits from her Mother, and how to have a softer heart by her Father. Ivy has a good heart, and mostly good intentions. She loves those who are close to her and is undoubtedly loyal to her friends and family. She’s a pro at speaking up in order to stand up for herself and those who don’t have a voice. Some would refer to her as a queen bee, or a princess, due to her bold and confident nature. She can be competitive, but sometimes ruthless in order to be on top. She could be stuck up, rude, and a complete bitch if she wanted to. She’s definitely a sore loser, but thankfully doesn’t act upon it all the time. Ivy Rose knows how to read a person, she’s an expert at breaking someone down and finding out every deep, dark bit of them. Picking the brain is something that comes natural to the redhead. She is a master at manipulation and persuasion, usually having people give into her within a snap of her fingers or bat of an eye. Her insecurities being used against her in any way, she will melt down and cause a scene. Then, being second best. Ivy is superior in her mind and nobody could tell her otherwise. Lastly, due to being such a daddy’s girl when she was younger, she could never handle anyone talking rudely about her father.


Writing Sample (From a separate RP):

As if by fate, Beatrice Joseph was somehow reconnected with her parents. Not by meeting them, no, not by conversation. There was no reuniting or heartwarming exchanges. Matter of fact, she was only tracked down by a family friend who did extensive digging in order to find the lavender haired woman. This was a matter of a year ago, and in hindsight, she wished she hadn't inherited the motel. It was a lovely establishment, to be fair, but the underlying stories and reasons that it became hers was beyond her imagination.

Her parents died in a suicide pact, dark, but according to those who knew them, nothing out of the ordinary. They were so young, too, but the duo had committed some horrendous crimes that Bea still had yet to learn about. Over time, she did receive a warning from staff that waited upon her appearance. Room 13, the woman was told to never interfere with the place, and if someone were to be assigned to the specific suite, they must never be informed of the happenings. This motel sucked up her social life, her friends were the small staff and the guests, who came and went. She was lonely, and hated living within the realms of a motel in the middle of God knows where. Although, her "friendly" staff had all conspired about the lavender haired woman, thinking that she had a few screws loose like her parents.

It was a heavily snowy winter, not unusual for the state. They were expecting a blizzard over the weekend, and the motel was sure to bring in some stray travelers. She was partially excited, not exactly for the cold nights, but the mixers and new faces. This meant that redecorating was a big deal for her, dressing the rooms up in nice lights and lovely smelling candles, along with new curtains and bedsheets. It was well cleaned and maintained. There were a couple regulars in attendance, ones that have lived there for a while, and a business man who got stuck in the middle of the storm.

Beatrice's hazel eyes followed the ticking clock on the opposite side of the lobby, her elbows propped up against the desktop as she awaited for something to happen. She knew dinner would be soon, since there was a small mixer being hosted in the breakfast lounge. The staff would be preparing a selection of pasta with the option of bacon carbonara, or fettucine Alfredo, garlic bread as a side, along with a selection of drinks. She was quite excited, hoping something would turn up.

Her wishes came true, as the bell above the frosted glass door made a sweet little, ding!

A man waltzed in, seemingly unsure of his whereabouts. His head was down and held a more shy demeanor. Beatrice straightened up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey there, welcome!" She smiled, trying not to seem too enthusiastic, but failed. "Beatrice Joseph, how may I help you, dear?"
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Tyronne "Ty" Rose

basic data
full name: Tyronne Markelle Rose
age: nineteen
stereotype: the popular
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
eye color: dark brown
skin tone: tanned skin complexion
height: 5'8



    • rap music
    • basketball
    • being a YouTuber
    • money
    • girls(brunettes)
    • drinking (favorite type of wine is 1738 Royal Cognac)
    • constructive criticism

    • rules
    • being told what to do
    • dull situations
    • hate/haters
    • fake people
    • dishonesty

    • goes out of his way to step on a leaf that looks crunchy.
    • often plays out an imaginary beat in his head via drum stick-like objects (pencils, pens etc.) when bored
    • forces eye contact whenever he tries to lie

  • Ariana: Ariana and Ty were once the power couple, the whole school had shipped them. But, that was the problem, that was all they were, the byproduct of a school-wide shipping. As a cause of this, the two had a mutual agreement in their break-up and are still good-ish friends.
  • Brice: Brice and Ty's relationship stemmed from a competitive rivalry early in the school year. This led to a friendly one-upping and later a friendship that has soon blossomed into a best friendship. The two are almost always on the same page and work very well together.
  • Freya: Freya and Ty have a very strained relationship. The two are from very different social cliques and have only collaborated in school work, bumping into each other in the halls etc. They have a very frail acquaintance.
  • "Yas": Ty and Yasmine had always been close, with their common likes and dislikes, it was evident the two had something going. Well, until the incident. The two got wasted at a party and hooked up and since then have developed a rather strained relationship.
crush/interest: Yasmine

Ty was born to Markelle Rose who was only nineteen at the time and his mother, Amelia Hampton who was only a bit over eighteen in Miami, California. The two weren't even married at the time of his birth (which would be much expected for nineteen and eighteen year olds). Amelia considered abortion of the child and feared it could have coarse repercussions. Markelle ended up persuading the young mother to keep the child and so the two moved in with each other. They received great support from their family which aided the growing family all the more. At age twenty-three and twenty-four Markelle and Amelia had finally gotten married after finishing their university. Markelle went from a sports nutrition agent to a legit sports trainer with his wife Amelia a real estate agent. The two were finally able to settle down.

As a child, Tyronne was always very active. He often played in few forests he could find in Miami. It seemed being outside was only a fueling source for his bubbling personality and energetic prowess. In the area where the Rose family resided it was known to all whenever Ty was around, he was just always so fun to have around. This led to Ty having plenty of friends in the area he lived in. By the age of twelve Ty had been heartbroken when his father announced the family would have to move to L.A. for one of his sports trainer jobs. He had to bid goodbye to a plethora of friends though he definitely still keeps in contact with them.

L.A. was definitely not what Ty had expected. The kids there were rude and snobbish and made fun of his personality. He was forced to eat in the cafeteria just to escape the hating for a good period of time. It was in his sophomore year that he discovered YouTube as a way out. He began watching videos non-stop in his free time and even created his own account @Tyrosevlogs. He began posting bit by bit before Tyrosevlogs became an internet sensation. He used his newfound fame to raise awareness against bullying and has kept up the account ever since, going into merchandising now for his YouTube persona.


Tyronne is quite charming and kind, as he has a calm demeanor that is shown to everyone he meets. He is very loyal and has a determination to succeed. His YouTube persona is a very good example of this determination and want to succeed. Tyronne, despite his calm demeanor is quite social and talkitive. His witty comebacks always seem to get the best of whoever he's talking to. Ty often uses this to get out of tough situations that he's put himself in, and would rather face his problems than run away. He does tend to have a bit of an ego which he easily dismisses as confidence.

Tyronne is also a known flirt, as he uses and later disposes of girls for his own sexual satisfaction. However, he struggles with true romance, shown when he didn't fully commit in his relationship with another YouTube persona(single at this point).

When drunk, he is quite reckless and prone to spontaneous action, but is evidently more fun-loving.
D'Angelo had just got off of the phone with his mum who'd been worried sick about the trip he had to make before reaching the University of Dubois. His silver Dodge Charger SRT 2008 had been safely parked in the University Garage, tucked into Parking lot 3, letter K. Lo adjusted his leather black jacket, having wore that and a white undershirt beneath it. His red and black Air Jordan 12's had been the attention of the Dubois students since he'd entered the school though right now he remained protected in the safe haven of his dorm room. His luggage lay sprawled across his bed as Lo got up from the chair he'd just been sitting on. D'Angelo dropped his phone onto his nightstand then as he began to sort through the mess on his bed, before a voice echoed behind him. Occasionally he paused to enjoy the sweet smell of new dorm room before he continued unpacking.

Kai grinned at his roommate as he greeted the man with a "hi." Whoever he was, he definitely towered over Kai who sat at a stunting 5'8. "I'm Kai, your roommate." He was a pale-skinned man with spiky jet black hair. His eyes sported the stereotypical East Asian curve, which paired with the black hair seemed like a cartoon cut-out of Jake Long, American Dragon. D'Angelo turned to face the young man that stood behind him. He was already smiling which made D'Angelo smile back at the man that reminded him much of himself. "Hey, partner." He replied, giving Kai an apologetic smile as he turned back to his clothes. "Lo."

Kai nodded as he sat onto the chair D'Angelo once sat on. "I'm a sophomore by the way, you? I haven't seen you much around here so I was wondering." D'Angelo turned to face the scrawny Asian boy, giving him a nod. "I'm new, a freshman I guess." He replied, still sorting through the clothing and items that lay on his bed.

Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "Figured." He retreated to his phone now, checking something on his phone before D'Angelo did the same as he'd done to him and interrupted his train of thought. "So, how's the school? What's it like, I'm sure you've got some first-hand experience." D'Angelo just wanted to talk to the guy, he would be spending the rest of his school year with Kai anyways.

Kai shrugged his shoulders, placing a finger on his lip. "Just stay out of trouble. For people your size, you'll get too much hate in a fight."

He let out a short chuckle, acknowledging that he'd heard Kai's advice. "I'll try." He joked, before turning around and out of his dorm room.
A short response I had in another roleplay.
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basic data

full name:Freya Claire Thomas
stereotype:The Artist
eye color:Hazel
skin tone:Olive


Freya has many loves in life as her rather spontaneous upbringing lead her to many new experiences on one side she loves getting all dolled up for a night out, partying with her friends, flirting with people she shouldn't, drinking until she wakes up on an unfamiliar bathroom floor and then just dissolving into the night There is another side of her though she will happily hole herself up in her studio for days at a time her only company her 3 cats, a good thermos of tea and her art she spends this time not only painting but also reading, listening to music and just getting back into her mind and in touch with her emotions. All of these things are her loves and them along with her friendships are the things she holds dearest
Freya has few dislikes but the ones that she has are ingrained into her very soul established by traumatic moments in her life the first being her fear of hospitals, ever since the event when she was a freshman she can't go near a medical facility without getting chills and wanting to run the hell away. Her second major dislike is cheating, she's fine with her partner flirting and having fun but anything more will cause her to spiral and the relationship and her psyche ruined for years to come. The last dislike is her fear of being in the dark which may seem childish but in actuality scare her to her core to the extent that she always bring a portable night light with her a quirk which her friends have come to accept


-Fidgets impulsively and constantly which mainly manifests in the shaking of her leg or tapping her feet
-Though most of her symptoms have faded Freya can still recall the calories of 90% of foods and unconsciously calculates them and tracks throughout the day
-Is excessively good with directions and can navigate new cities with ease


The Prince- Freya showed Brice around and helped him get to know things when he first moved to the school so they're quite friendly towards and each other and hang out occasionally even though he's moved on a little bit
The Cheerleader -Because of Avery's innocent and sometimes reckless nature Freya often looks out for her at parties and makes sure she doesn't get into any bad situations sort of treating her like a little sister.Avery doesn't always love this but Freya is adamant that she has to keep her safe
The Goodie two shoes- Erisa and Freya met while they were both at the library and both bonded over their love of literature and could have been friends ever since
The Goth- Freya had always been intrigued by her and her no bullshit attitude almost admiring it and so tried to become her friend, Delilah recognised her true nature and they became close & they have gone on a few dates it didn't work out but there are no hard feelings and instead they just laugh about it
The Stoner- they met at a coffee shop while Freya was going through her disorder and Luis was getting away from his family issues, they could have always just acknowledged that the other had issues but not talked about them instead spending their time talking about useless things like movies and superheroes forming a kind of support network with one other for a while both of them relying on the other for mindless chat over a cup of coffee and a break from their stress
The Party Girl -They are friends who just sorta met and clicked they often party together and try to make sure the other doesn't go off the deep end though in Arianna's case this doesn't always work out well
The Emo - Because of Freya's love of all kinds of art she went to one of his gigs once and really loved it afterwards going backstage to talk to him and they clicked, her often asking his opinion on her art and vice versa


Bio: Freya Thomas was born to a loving father through a surrogate mother and after that point it was only them against the world. She grew up in awe of him and he was an amazing parent his immense inheritance giving him the time to spend nurturing her growing mind and treating her as an equal, they were best friends and did everything together her formative years full of happy memories and joy. She had always been a smart and artistic child and he recognised that and helped her develop enrolling her in school a year early where for the first time she encountered people who thought differently from her all accepting and loving father and his close friends. These new opinions didn't affect her in elementary or middle school instead just revelling in new social interactions and friends but as she drifted into high school and a new group of students, girls started to talk as they do and Freya as the weird arty kid who lives with her loner dad became a pretty easy target

She had never noticed her body changing throughout puberty but these girls obviously had making constant snide comments about her chubby frame and constant sketching, She didn't feel like this was something she could talk to her dad about for the first time in her life pleading for a mother figure but in that absence Freya took things into her own hands doing the things which all the gossip magazines screamed through their covers and she just stopped eating, bit by bit so her ever dutiful father wouldn't notice she shed pound after pound starving herself so much that it hurt for her to sleep and by the end of freshman year she was a walking skeleton, had pushed all her friends away and the rumours had moved on from 'fat freak' to 'skinny bitch. Her joy had disappeared along with her art but no one did anything, only when she passed out in the middle of the hallway during exams and woke up at the hospital her heart near failure, did her father notice and he really noticed forcing her to stay in hospital the whole of her summer for an inpatient program, reprogramming her brain to eat and to not hate the image in the mirror. This rehabilitation included art therapy where she rediscovered her love of painting and connected with her father once again as she gained pounds and also gained her art that summer filling up sketchbook after sketchbook and leaving the hospital never wanting to go back.

She entered sophomore year 30 pounds heavier and 1000 times happier reconnecting with her lost friends and making new ones instead of focusing on her weight she focused on loving her friends and supporting them to the best of her ability surrounding herself with positive people who didn't weigh her down

Freya is the human embodiment of juxtaposition on one side she loves going out on the weekend with her friends, getting dolled up, drinking a little too much and losing herself in the night quite often waking up joyfully in an unfamiliar house full of unfamiliar faces but on other weekends the heels will be replaced with pyjamas and she'll spend the whole day painting, playing with her cat and listening to music with her dad while drinking tea. While both parts of her life are excessively important to her the thing which she loves the most in her art, a jack of all trades she dabbles in painting, sketching, photography along with a few others but her true love is painting and you can often find her in her studio for hours on end.

Even though her art is a core of her personality her friends always come first as she knows being reclusive can lead her to a part of her brain that she doesn't want to go back into. This fear leads her to spend a lot of time with her newly acquired friend and now she can't live without them spending all of her time out of her studio with the group, She is someone that many can easily talk to and acts as a good listener as she feels like she owes it to her friends to be as caring as possible as they take care of her around her eating habits makes sure she continues recovery and doesn't relapse and all seem to genuinely care


Just an expert from a short story I wrote

Our absence had not gone unnoticed by the river bank, the shrub taking the chance to grow to waist height a feat which would usually have been stomped down by our leaden school shoes and heavy backpacks. I observed this as I pushed through the overgrowth and hesitantly stepped into the clearing. Though the bush around it had grown and twisted it was like the glade had been beaten into submission by our years of footsteps and it stood frozen in time exactly as we had left it that night glazed in the hum of the river. I wandered over to the milk crates and took a seat, checking my watch and clutching at the flowers in my other hand, daisies; her favourite.

I heard a rustle behind me and quickly snapped my head around, and there she was, the face which I hadn’t seen for what seemed like a year. Even after five weeks in hospital she still looked like an angel albeit one bruised and with a broken arm. She was almost ethereal and seeing her standing there in her loose cotton dress it reminded me why I had stopped comparing myself to her a long time ago.

‘Hey’ I spoke the word with hesitation as I stood up and smiled in a bittersweet fashion extending the flowers to her, it was odd to see her after so long apart we both were unsure if we were feuding or back to normal but for now at least we were being as cordial as possible

‘I haven’t seen you in weeks and your first word is ‘hey’ she cocked her eyebrow and walked down into the clearing talking to me in a voice laced with hurt and on the verge of cracking. But she was smiling as she neared me, wrapping her arms around my neck both of us squeezing each other as hard as we could “you’re such an idiot’ she mumbled giving me one last squeeze before pulling away her stormy eyes puffy and red as she wiped them with the sleeve of her sweater.
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Sophia Marie Pryce

general info
full name: sophia marie pryce (sophie)
age: 17
stereotype: the artist
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
eye color: hazel, with flecks of green
skin tone: light
height: 5' 6"
✔ sketching portraits
✔ listening to classical music
✔ watching sunrises and sunsets
✕ large crowds
✕ confrontation
✕ insects and spiders
- fidgets when stressed
- prone to daydreaming
- collects postcards
+ tbd
+ tbd
+ tbd
+ tbd
born in a small town in vermont to a history professor and a painter, sophie had a rather idyllic childhood. she spent most of her free time wandering the aisles of her local library or helping her mother in her art studio, watching as strokes of paint transformed a once-blank canvas into a masterpiece. perhaps, it was fate that sophie found art (or was it the other way around?). it had always fascinated her ― the variety of media, the juxtaposition of colors, the emotion and meaning behind each piece. from the minute she could hold a pencil, sophie knew she was meant to become an artist.
when her parents separated a few months before her tenth birthday, sophie moved with her mother across the country to los angeles. the city's fast pace was initially overwhelming, but she soon fell in love with its vibrant life and culture. moreover, the art galleries and museums at the heart of los angeles were simply breathtaking, and sophie spent countless saturday mornings traversing the exhibits. in no time, she had honed her craft to become an excellent artist, with a penchant for sketching portraits (of friends, of family, of people she encountered on the street ― anyone was fair game).
high school was quite monotonous for sophie, who would have given anything to be in her studio (her bedroom, really). while never classically popular, she was well-liked by her classmates, who often chuckled when she slipped into class, dreamy-eyed, with flecks of paint clinging to her hair and clothes. sophie has had one or two relationships in high school and isn't too preoccupied with being in another, although a "summer fling" wouldn't be out of the question. she plans to attend an art school after graduation and dreams of one day opening her own studio in los angeles.
sophie is quite the daydreamer and is often lost in her own world. she is easygoing and compassionate, with a knack for making friends and a unique ability to empathize with different people. sophie tends to see the world through "rose-colored glasses" and looks on the bright side of even the stickiest of situations. her idealism and unfailing optimism, however, can blind her to others' character flaws and make her hopes unrealistic. highly sensitive, sophie takes even the slightest criticism to heart and can be hypercritical of herself and her work.

Walking was redundant when you could simply teleport to your destination, but Naomi didn't mind the inconvenience. It gave her more time to think, after all, swathed in the comfort of her own thoughts and beautiful, glorious silence. Silence. It was quite the scarcity nowadays. The compound seemed to be in a state of constant activity as the day of their departure loomed ever closer, like a storm cloud swollen with the impending downpour. The training room, in particular, was a cacophony of noise: the clanging of metal, meeting in a shower of sparks, was nearly drowned out by the various sounds of powers being exercised. Many of her peers reveled in the thrill of battle, but Naomi avoided it at all costs. Violence precipitated death, and she didn't need another reminder of the fate that would certainly befall some of them on the surface.

The door to her room opened with a pleasant whoosh as she pressed her wristband to the sensor. At once, the aromas of lavender and citrus ― smells she associated with home and comfort and peace ― twined around her body, and she could feel some of the dread knotted in her stomach dissipate. Naomi had given herself substantial creative liberty in "decorating" her room, and it now resembled a small garden (albeit enclosed on four sides by concrete). She sank into bed, weary from the day's exertions, and tried ― in vain ― to suppress the one question that haunted her mind.

What was waiting for them beyond the labs' walls?
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basic data
full name:
Lucien "Lucifer" Wynters


The Emo



eye color:
Blue-grey with sapphire flecks

skin tone:
Vampire pale



☆Music (alternative, hard rock, metalcore, acoustic)
☆Perfoming and being on stage
☆Being sarcastic
☆Namedropping his band

★Radio music
★Being called a nobody/garage band
★Judgemental people
★Anyone that doesn't get sarcasm
★Romance movies
★Emo jokes/stereotyping

☆Draws and writes lyrics/quotes on his hands and wrists so he won't forget them
☆Spaces out a bit when listening to music he enjoys
☆Tends to lean on things instead of standing whenever he has the option
☆Will criticize what he calls "garbage pop songs" for a good 30 minutes if you let him
☆Prefers pizza to even the finest gourmet treat



crush/interest: 5everalone

bio: Born during a cheesy Halloween party, Lucien's parents really should've seen it coming. No amount of tutoring or private school could make him 'normal', and they eventually surrendered and allowed him to attend public school. Of course, he never really stopped stirring up trouble. The black sheep of a wealthy and successful family, Lucien moved out only a few days after his 16th birthday. Having led a fairly sheltered life, he struggled for a while before finally securing a reasonably nice apartment and learning street smarts the hard way through trial-and-error.

Now a know-it-all who seems cynical beyond his years, Lucifer, as his fans and friends call him, has developed his natural charisma and makes a decent living selling the albums of musicians with far less artistic integrity than him in a record store. His real enjoyment stems from writing and recording his own acoustic music, though he's most well known for his work as the frontman of an indie hardcore band and hopes to lead them to a real recording deal.

When not working or performing, he teaches kids the basics of guitar and lyric writing for minimal payment. Lucien considers music one of the most important things in life, and feels that everyone deserves a chance to enjoy and create it.

personality: "I'm just as devious and irresistible as the nickname suggests, but you already knew that."

If you were to ask a middle-school misfit what they wanted to be when they grew up, Lucien Wynters might come to mind... at least superficially. A teenage rebel who's long since mastered the art of sarcastic one-liners and casual indifference, one could be forgiven for thinking he was nothing more than a shallow fantasy.

Frontman of a relatively unknown band, Lucien is used to being fawned over and knows how to please his fans with his carefree attitude and sarcastic quips. He comes off as flirty sometimes without meaning to, and can be a touch reckless at times... not that he doesn't regret it later. Despite this, he isn't really the party type and has no desire to get wasted or wake up passed out on a floor somewhere. He does, however, take great pride in his ability to tease and torment those who do.

Mysterious in nature and extremely introverted, those who manage to fully break through Lucien's carefully-crafted bad boy persona may end up being quite disappointed. He's truly a pessimistic individual, something he disguises with witty banter and a knack for morbid jokes, yet fails to hide completely.

Though years of depression have left both literal and figurative scars, the sadness hasn't been able to dim Lucien's passion for music and the creepy, obscure things in life. He has an odd talent for finding the strange and unusual, something he's more than happy to share with friends and enemies alike.

Even without his bold persona, he's far from being truly antisocial. Lucien values friendship, and while anything but extroverted, he'll open up a lot more around people he trusts and may even drop the apathetic act entirely.


writing sample (from a short story, also has some of my poetry to prove that i'm an AUTHENTIC EMO EDGELORD™)

The first few lines define everything. No matter how experienced you are, there's no way to know for sure where that wobbly vision will lead you. It could be brilliant, or it could be horrible. If you're lucky, then maybe, just maybe, you'll find that it's both, equally.

I'm talking about art, of course. Of all the boring things in this boring world, art was the one that stood out from a haze of normality and blank slates. People remember art. More than they remember artists, actually. After all, the best painters in the world are dead, or so the teachers say. I don't believe them, but whatever.

For the eerily optimistic, pencils and paintbrushes can grant immortality... and as absurd as that sounds, I want it to be true. I want him to be immortal, or at the very least, more than an inky black memory on fading paper.

It wasn't always that way, though. Things are different at seventeen-going-on-eighteen.


"but the sadness had to come back, didn't it? you've said it yourself a hundred times... you'll never truly be okay."


"it's okay to break, it doesn't mean you're weak, only that the weight of this world was too much for your fragile heart to bear."


"and they all have pages of beautiful love stories left unread, yet already my own tale has ended, and i'm closing the book in solitude."


"i have scars on my wrists, tears in my eyes and cracks through my ribs, so tell me, who could love a disaster like this?"


"but it's just like falling asleep, isn't it? only without the nightmare of waking up to a world that never wanted you in the first place."


"you do nothing but bring others misery!" they scream, and you'll fake another smile to appease them while every word breaks you a little more inside.
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Full name
Yasmine Gabriela Zamora


Wild Child



Eye color
Emerald green

Skin tone
Sunkissed olive

5'8" (175cm)




Adventuring into the unknown, discovering the undiscovered... and getting absolutely, completely, and utterly wasted; what could be more exhilarating? Yasmine believes strongly in coloring outside the lines, metaphorically speaking. Rules were made to be broken, just as fences were meant to be climbed over with ease, and private property trespassed. The thrill, the excitement--all the things that are so wrong in the eyes of society, feel so right to Yasmine.

Also: watermelon Sour-patch Kids gummies; you can never go wrong with those.


What could possibly be more boring than lying on a musty, dusty, old leather couch in the garage of a creaky, ancient apartment? Honestly, idling by is not in Yasmine's nature--well actually, neither is studying, sticking to a single hair color for more than a month or two, white chocolate, and rule-following, amidst numerous other nuisances.


Yasmine loves to alter the color of her tumbling mane every few months, or on occasion, every couple of weeks or so; after all, life is too short to stay with one simple, boring color. One month she's a beachy blonde, the next, a calming aquamarine, and maybe after that, a peachy pink. Who knows where her eccentricities will take her?


Noivian Noivian | Isaac Luis Silvergate | Stoner
Both Luis and Yasmine are rather frequent faces at your typical high school parties, though each with slightly different agendas. Yasmine loves to, as the youngsters would call it, get absolutely, positively, and utterly wasted. Beer, now that's an easy commodity to acquire, as is vodka, tequila, and practically any other alcoholic beverages that exist on the market. Weed? Now that's a different story. Somewhere along the line, a producer-consumer, buyer-seller relationship was established between Luis and Yasmine; most of the time, it's weed, and other times, something a little rougher...

JustAlexandra JustAlexandra | Avery Carson Grace | Cheerleader
Although their social circles don't exactly mirror one another's. they find a common ground at parties; both are well known in school, though for differing reasons: Avery is your typical peppy, popular cheerleader, and well, Yasmine is a known wild child. Though Yasmine wouldn't typically spend her time around the cheerleading type, she must admit: the girl can really throw back the alcohol.

Florels Florels | Freya Claire Thomas | Artist
Growing up, the two were practically inseparable; however, fast-forward a few years later, sprinkle in teenage angst, change, and unfortunate circumstances, the tie between Freya and Yasmine is almost completely severed. Except for a few select people that grew up with the two, there is hardly anyone that even knew the two were friends at all.

apolla apolla | Arianna Jamison | Partier
Ugh. What would be an accurate word to describe Arianna Jamison--oh right: ugh. You would think the two girls known for drinking and partying would get along--but you would also be completely wrong. The two can't stand each other, and constantly compete over petty, childish things: who can handle their liquor, who is wilder, etc.

Daisy Adley Daisy Adley | Ivy Rose | Princess
Ivy isn't exactly the type of girl Yasmine associates herself with; however, there exists no bad blood between the two either. Ivy is the school's golden girl, the one that all the students practically worship. Seeing as to how she's not your stereotypical bitch, there's nothing much to hate.

The Comet The Comet | Tyrone Markelle Rose | Popular
Prior to the incident, Ty and Yasmine were actually pretty tight. It was an unexpected friendship at first, considering their different social circles, but they clicked almost instantaneously; reckless behavior, an obvious disregard for the rules, and partying solidified their friendship. Yasmine loved Ty's quirky, witty nature, and the two would constantly banter between one another. Then, it happened. They got utterly wasted one night and hooked up. Things have been awkward ever since, and a crack formed in their friendship.


Message me! Otherwise TBA.



Typical story: you have your young, easily influenceable, innocent girl surviving amidst the clutches of poverty, caught in a crooked home life, with delusional--ahem--sparkling aspirations. Catapult into the mixture some teenage angst and rebellion, and voila: there you have seventeen-year-old Yasmine Gabriela Zamora in all of her holographic, defiant glory.

Growing up, Yasmine was an only child. She was raised by a single mother, who doted on her and showered her with infinite amounts of love and adoration. Although her mother worked as a waitress and they lived in a rough neighborhood, her mother always talked of becoming a singer, and making it big in Hollywood. She promised Yasmine that one day, they would live in a giant mansion, just the two of them, and never, ever again hear the thundering of gunshots roaring through the roof, or the constant sirens that bombarded their eardrums. Like her mother, Yasmine was a dreamer; one day, she wanted desperately to soar through the vast night skies and touch the moon, the next, she wanted nothing more than to become an internationally-acclaimed rock star.

Life is unbelievably fragile, unfair, and most importantly: short. So incredibly, incredibly short. On January 27th, 2009, Yasmine's mom, her shining star, her rock, her entire world, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Three months later on April 12th, 2009 at 12:47A.M., she passed away in the dark, hidden alleyway behind the restaurant she worked at. To say that Yasmine was absolutely inconsolable wouldn't even begin to cover the debilitating pain that pierced through her. Her entire world shattered. Yasmine swore that she would live life to the fullest--cliche, but what would you expect from a grief-stricken little girl, lost without the love and guidance of her mother? Somewhere along the way, society stripped her of her dreams, her environment robbed her of her optimism, and what essentially remained was an out-of-control, wild teenager, that's angry at the world.


At this particular checkpoint in her life, Yasmine is not the do-gooder, achieved, and amiable princess that her seven-year-old self once believed she would be as a teenager; not at all, in fact, far from it. Young Yasmine had always envisioned her high school life on the cheerleading team, loved by all, living the ideal, picturesque high school experience like they portrayed in the movies. Ah yes, a girly-girl that stayed away from the drinking and the drugs, like her mother had wanted, achieved great things academically, yet still managed to have fun. Oh seven-year-old Yasmine, if only you could see yourself now. Sarcastic, reckless, and definitely unable to pass a drug test if one was required--yes, the princess you always wanted to become. Whoops, guess you got lost on your way to the castle, huh?

FRICKIN' HECK I haven't been on this site in a while, which means I have no recent writing samples, which means my lazy butt has to write a sample from scratch. Heck. I'm just going to describe a scene from my life, enjoy:

May paused, her index finger hovering slightly above the 'k' key on the crumb-infested keyboard of her raggedy desktop from 2003. It was the very final character she required to complete her timeless masterpiece, her most elegant phrase: "heck". Seriously though, it was time to replace the ancient thing; it made whirring, cracking, and occasionally even whining noises--which May was quite certain, even as someone who didn't understand computer technology whatsoever--it was not meant to do.

"Oh no, oh no... she's coming," May whispered, glancing with urgency at the thin wooden barrier that protected her from the horrors of the world that lie beyond this damp, sunless habitat. It wasn't remotely chilly on this particular July day, yet May found herself shivering--most likely from fear. Wrapping the dusty, age-worn duvet tighter around her quivering shoulders, May tried desperately to prepare herself for whatever entity that was seconds away from stepping foot into her safety zone.

She could hear it, the thump thump of the creature as it inched closer to the door. Time appeared to proceed in slow increments as May's heartbeat increased with each thump of the footsteps approaching the door.

"MARIANNE ANNABELLE MOREAU," the beast roared, flinging open the flimsy wooden barrier and tearing the blinds open with its monstrous claws, allowing the dangerous rays of the yellow ball in the sky to pierce through the darkness and mildew of the air.

"MOOOOM," May whined, covering her head with the duvet in a weak attempt to block out the sunlight, "leave me alone, you're ruining my life! The light, it buuuuuuuurns!"

Placing a hand threateningly on her hip in an oh-so-familiar mom pose, May's mom rolled her eyes defeatedly, muttering: "always so dramatic. Was it something I ate during my pregnancy? I really hope your brother doesn't end up like you..." With a sigh, she left the room with an armful of May's dirty laundry and candy wrappers, scrunching her nose at the fact that her daughter was such an unbelievable slob.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how our brave ol' Marianne Annabelle Moreau survived her encounter with the blood-curdling wicked witch of the Moreau household!
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basic data
full name: Isaac Luis Silvergate
age: 19
stereotype: The Stoner
gender: Male
sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
eye color: Dark brown
skin tone: Pale
height: 5'10"


Playing guitar, sweets, cooking, his little brother
Fighting, his parents, being without his drugs
Quirks: Is usually smoking, or fidgeting somehow


relationships: Freya - Luis met Freya at a coffee shop. Having escaped to the place to smoke in the parking lot and pick up a muffin or two, he took an interest in Freya, curious about why her figure looked so... thin. Sitting down to talk, they skimmed around their real issues and distracted each other with small talk and interests, forming a sort of support network with each other. They provided a break from day to day stress for each other, and Luis came to rely on her as a reason to get out of bed in the mornings, thinking that if he didn't show to the coffee shop, then he'd be disappointing Freya. He had been fearful when one day she didn't show up, and continued not showing up for the rest of the summer.

Sean - Luis can't remember how he met Sean. It seems just one day Sean was buying weed off Luis, and it's been that way ever since. Luis likes to maintain an easy and casual atmosphere with his customers.

Yasmine - The two of them met at a party. At first, Luis thought nothing of Yasmine. Just another customer. Maybe he sold her weed, maybe he sold her oregano. Sometimes he was too high to remember. Slowly, she started becoming a regular at the parties they attended. He came to rely on her for a decent income, and slowly started opening up to more and more avenues of selling, to make ends meet.

Arianna - Luis met Arianna at parties, and occasionally sells her oregano. He never told her that he only sells her oregano, and would sell her weed if she could tell the difference.

crush/interest: None yet

bio: Isaac, or as he prefers to go by Luis, was born to two unidentified Chinese parents, and quickly abandoned at an American-run orphanage in China. He lived there, learning English, Mandarin Chinese, math and science until the age of thirteen when he was adopted into the upper class American Silvergate family. On the surface, the adoption seemed like a work of charity, a point that Luis despised. After going through the process of changing Luis' name to what is is now, Luis started to get accustomed to life in the states. He acclimated to the culture well, and even got to attend a normal high school.

However, all was not well at home. His adoptive brother, Jonah, was adamantly against their parents, and the more Luis looked, the more Luis realized that his adoption wasn't an act of charity or pity. It was an effort to replace Jonah as the heir to the family wealth and company. Jonah was anything but the perfect child the Silvergates wanted, with his physical deformities and promiscuous behavior. As such, Jonah often got into heated verbal debates with their father. The arguing would often turn violent, curses and strikes carrying through the house along with their mother's crying. Around the age of fifteen, Luis turned to drugs to drown out the sounds of the dysfunctional family downstairs, and an overwhelming feeling that he didn't belong here. When Luis turned eighteen, his little brother was sent away to their grandparents' farm to "fix him". Luis hit a low point, so low he had to repeat senior year, where he met the rest of his current friends. From there, it's been getting better, but he can't shake his addiction to weed.
personality: Luis is very easygoing and chill, to the point where it seems like he isn't even present in the current moment. The other appropriate titles for this guy would be 'the Hippie' and 'the Druggie', as he tends to either be high or getting high as a very poor coping mechanism. He can often be hedonistic or enabling to those around him, encouraging them to not only do what they want, but sometimes pushing them to test their limits. Despite this, he doesn't consciously pressure people into doing things they shouldn't do. Luis is more of a 'go with the flow' and 'always say yes' kind of guy, meaning he'll do just about what anyone wants to do. When high, he'll often talk about the weirdest things or lay on some very profound philosophy.

You are now Melusine.

Your name, as previously stated, is MELUSINE. You are lucky enough to be of the rare CHERUB species. While you're not terribly appealing to look at, you suppose since you only know of three other Cherubs that you're something special in this universe. Regardless, you don't FEEL special. In fact, you feel pretty NORMAL right about now. You have a variety of HOBBIES, many of which are scattered about your ROOM. Your ROOM, that is, the highest point of a bright pink palace on a bright pink moon. Ooh, how you despise the color pink. And red, for that matter. It's all just way too flashy for you.

You HOBBIES, as was previously sidetracked from, include READING, WRITING, DANCING, SINGING, and MAKING MUSIC. You do so enjoy MUSIC. In fact, you're currently in the process of putting together some awesome COSTUMES for when you somehow get off this rock and start playing in CONCERTS.... your brother was looking into that, you think.

But this isn't about him. It's about you! And you think you're pretty awesome. Haha, did we way awesome? We were sure we said boring! Ah, well... You're unbelievably boring. Nothing you ever do gets finished. From your half-finished costumes, to your half-finished album, to your half-finished decorations in your room. It's not that you can't do it, it's just that it gets so BORING after a while. Sure, you have all the time in the world to do what you want to, but so much time becomes overbearing. You hurry to do things, then realize you don't have to hurry, and start to put it off until it starts gathering dust in the foyer. Speaking of gathering dust in the foyer, you wonder if your painting's done drying yet. Three years was long enough, right?

You walk down the ample amount of stairs to the castle foyer. It takes you a solid five minutes to get down. Not that you care much about time, with how much of it you seem to have. Walking into the foyer, you gaze at your half-finished painting. you had previously gathered all the abandoned paintings and white washed them blank, and then glued them into one canvas, hoping to fill the wall with them. Suffice to say, it wasn't enough to fill the wall. The image on the canvas was something like what you see BOB ROSS painting... if he ever stopped halfway through a painting. You can't recall the subject of the image, or what you were looking at as a reference.

It's disheartening, but you leave it. Whiting out the canvas to start over would have to wait for another day. On the way down, you were struck with an idea for a song, and admiring this HALF-ASSED ART seems to strengthen your idea. You turn to head back upstairs, however it takes you a solid ten minutes to get back up the stairs, because you're apparently that out of shape. By the time you get up the stairs, your idea is gone. So long, farewell idea...

You open up your chat client, wondering if either of the two other Cherubs who aren't your brother are online.

Reirei dared a look towards Olly, and took a double take when the picture was snapped. He wasn’t one to like being caught off-guard for images, but with Olly, he had all but grown used to the photographer’s constant snapping of pics. Unfortunately, however, the bus swerved a little when Reirei turned his head, and started drifting into the other lane as Reirei blinked away stars from his eyes. “Please, no flash photography,” he quipped to Olly with a playful grin.

The bus started to slow, and when Nim pointed out the turn, Reirei did his best to turn the car down the path. It was more or less dirt, paved with slightly flattened gravel. Reirei suspected it to be a driveway, until the gravel turned to plain dirt. He had to greatly reduce speed to keep from wrecking the suspension on the car. While driving a hippie van was fun and all, no one would have fun the moment they were feeling every pebble under the tires of an actual paved highway and bouncing with every little crack in the cement. To top it off, the bus was old, and the size of a sailing boat compared to what Reirei learned to drive on. Thankfully, however, it was an automatic, so it wasn’t like it wasn’t drivable. It was just… fragile.

“Yeah, starship Reirei,” the small boy muttered under his breath, wincing as the van rocked going over a fallen tree branch. Hopefully it wouldn’t get caught in the van’s carriage, or they’d be really screwed. Why did they have to take this road? It wasn’t like Reirei disliked being the only one driving – in fact, it gave him a pretty solid reason to be wanted and needed on the trip. He just… wished he could have chosen the car. They’d be going in a much more luxurious one, rather than an old VW bus. One that Reirei didn’t have to constantly worry about messing up or breaking every time he stepped on the gas and the car only pulled forwards a few inches.

With another rev, the car surged forwards. Uphill was hard, but not impossible. He eyed a suspiciously abandoned-looking cabin as they continued on, but of course the road continued and veered to the left as it crested the hill they had been climbing. So this had been a driveway, Reirei concluded. He started to doubt Nim’s sense of directions as the cabin faded further into the background and the road before them started looking less like an official road and more like a trail of some sorts. “… Are you sure this is right?” he asked, checking the gas gauge. They were just starting to dip into the final third. If Nim was uncertain, he was going to be turning them around to get to the nearest gas station.

Luis was excited. Watching the condo roll into view from the back of the taxi, a grin split over his face. There was no nerves or anything when thinking about meeting the other people he'd be spending the summer with. No, there was excitement! He was going to make friends in his age group! Maybe find a girlfriend or boyfriend! He was going to party and drink and smoke and not have to worry about a thing in the world the entire time! Luis had to keep breathing deeply to keep himself from hyperventilating in excitement. Stepping out of the taxi, he pulled his duffel out of the back and slung it over his shoulder. Checking his pocket to see that he still had his pre-rolled blunt there, and the lighter in the other pocket, he strode up the pathway to the front door and solidly knocked on the door. "Anyone home?" he called a second later, leaning over to glance in a window and see if he could see anyone inside. The place was huge - perhaps they had already started a party?

Not waiting any longer after just thirty seconds, Luis gripped the doorknob and turned, surprised to find it unlocked. "I'm home!" he called out jokingly, opening as he stepped inside. Grinning, he shouldered his bag and looked about. The place was huge! There was definitely not going to be a problem with smoking around here. Should he take off his shoes? Should he start claiming a room? Uncertain, he stood awkwardly in the entrance area, closing the door behind him.
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basic data
full name: Erisa Taki
age: 17
stereotype: Goody-Two-Shoes
gender: Female
sexuality: Pansexual
eye color: Brown
skin tone: Nearly white, light brown
height: 5'4


-Obeying Rules
- Mean People
- Chocolate

- Corrects people
- Has a bossy side

The artist- They met while in the library, bonded over literature and have been friends ever since.

The Party Girl- Arianna and her have a mutual indifference, they went to elementary school together and Arianna threw sand in her face.
The Prince- Her and Brice are acquaintances, they bonded over having similar pasts and have worked on a project together.

crush/interest: N/A

Erisa was born in Japan to very successful parents, although they like living in Japan her father had gotten offered a better job and he eagerly took the position. Her home life was rather sad for the most part, her parents worked long hours and when they would come home it was often too late for them to see their daughter. It was hard for Erisa growing up as an only child, her parents were the typical kind of parents that wanted nothing but their daughter to get the best grades that she possibly could. C’s were never good enough neither there were B’s and they would never accept her breaking the rules.

So she went her whole school life as the goody two shoes and she always hated that nickname, she wanted to be a hope to be known for something else. Erisa fought depression a lot and loneliness, she hid most of her feelings deep down inside as she didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her. Sometimes she may have a little bit of a stuck up attitude, but that’s mostly when she’s correcting people and telling them they need to obey the rules.

Because of being alone as a child, Erisa grew to hate thunderstorm since the noise of it terrifies her. This is another fact that she has kept hidden, even from those who are close to her.

personality: Erisa is a rather calm quiet girl who likes to keep to herself more often than not. With that being said, she is still a rather friendly person and will not ignore someone if they do greet her or want to spend time with her. While the most part Erisa tries to obey the rules, she does not come without flaws. One of those being she is very sensitive and get angry at being talked down to. Sometimes though when she needs to speak or has the right to, she doesn’t and that has made her regret a lot of things in her life.
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basic data
full name: Dustin Folley
age: 18
stereotype: Jock
gender: Mae
sexuality: Bisexual
eye color: Brown
skin tone: White
height: 5'11


Talking with others
Being judged
Quirks: Rubs the back of his head when nervous


relationships:(2-3 required once accepted in RP)

bio: Dustin's mother was in high school, causing her to drop out in order to raise him. She did a fairly ok job considering the father had refused to take any part of his sons life and was the stereotypical soccer mom despite working three jobs. Her enthusiasm during all those little league games inspired Dustin to become a world famous athlete, so that way his mother would always be able to cheer him on without worrying about bills to pay.
personality: Dustin means well and tries to help those he can, but can be very dense and gullible. Often times he'll tricked into helping the others on the football bully someone, though they always claim it's just a joke, and won't figure it out until he's called to the principle. He has a soft spot for women, after all his mother is the most amazing person in the world so surely they can't be all that bad, and will fight someone for their honor. Or because that person just looked liked they deserved a good punch in the face to sort them out. Dustin was barely able to get the necessary grades needed to get him a scholarship to his dream school, and he has his friends to thank for helping him.
Dustin wiped the sweat from his brow, it had been a long day at practice and his muscles were starting to protest. Raising a hand in farewell he got in his car and started the commute back home, arriving he noted that the house was still dark, signaling to him that his mother hadn't finished her shift yet. Entering his home he flicked on the lights and made his way to the kitchen, seeing that the dishes hadn't been put up yet he started on those. After the kitchen was a little neater he poured himself some cereal and sat down , he knew that her shift wouldn't end for a few more hours but he needed to ask her something important.
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Mikayla "Mickey" Jennings

basic data
full name: Mikayla Raquel Jennings
age: 17
stereotype: Pretty girl/Popular
gender: Female
sexuality: Heterosexual
eye color: Dark Blue eyes
skin tone: Olive
height: 5'5 1/2



♡ Flirting
♡ Make Up
♡ Soccer
♡ Clothes


✗ Dorks
✗ Obnoxious noises
✗ Know-it-alls
✗ Not getting her way


✗ Tends to space out when staring at people for too long.
✗ Flirts/Hits on everybody of the opposite sex.
✗Always bites her lip, without any reason.


relationships: N/A
crush/interest: N/A

bio: Born into the world at a 7/11 gas station, her parents already knew they had given life to, in the nicest way possible, a handful. Her mother and father, Maya and Chris Jennings, were sucessful Hollywood socialites. They knew everybody, and everybody knew them. But, sadly, they had to put their social status on hold, due to Mikayla's unplanned, and needless to say, unwanted, birth. Relucantly, her mother had to back away from the public's eye for three to four years, so she could raise her beloved daughter. Which, not only made her parents upset, it put a fincial strain on them.
By the age of twelve, her parents filed for bankruptcy, leaving their large family estate for a small and crappy house in.......wait for it......Compton. Yes, Compton. She absolutely hated it there. Nobody at her new school understood her, they never knew why she acted the way she acted, or why she was so stuck-up and snobbish. From there, her life began to fall apart. Her father took up drinking to cope with their new life, and her mother chose to cheat. Mikayla was stuck in a never ending cycle of dysfunction.
Now seventeen, she still hasn't adjusted to her surroundings. Her parents split in an extremely bitter divorce, and she was given an option to choose which parent she would like to live with. Without a second thought, she chose to stay with her unphased mother. She was hated at her current high school, and couldn't wait for the day that she either graduated or moved, out of her godforsaken town.

personality: Mikayla is a rude and heartless bitch! She doesn't try to hide it, either. Due to her sort of difficult upbringing, she feels as if everything is her fault. Nobody could possibly understand her, nor does she want anybody to. She knows what people say behind her back; she simply doesn't care. Willingly, Mickey would sleep with anyone, swearing up and down that she gets that trait from her mother. When you get to know her, though, you would be able to see that she actually does care. She tends to keep to herself, due to the fact that nobody really likes talking to her.

I'm afraid I don't have a writing sample, because I am new to this site.
Heavy work in progress

basic data
full name: Geoffrey West
age: 18
stereotype: Class Clown
gender: Male
sexuality: Heterosexual
eye color:
skin tone:


(minimum 3)
(minimum 3)


relationships:(2-3 required once accepted in RP)

bio: Geoffrey was a dull child when he was younger. An oft forgotten wallflower who didn't stand out at school or at home where he was frequently outshone by brighter personalities like his classmates or his brilliant older sister. He didn't know how to approach others or fit in despite wanting to and was often left out because people forgot he was there. All that changed after an incident in elementary school that everyone found funny and he found embarrassing. Believing that he would go from forgotten wallflower to public laughing stock, he was pleasantly surprised when people not only remembered him but thought him funny from that one incident and wanted to be his friend. The sudden attention made him incredibly happy and desperate to keep his new friends, he became determined to become who they thought he was, a clown. For years he played the role, cracking jokes during lessons, doing stupid things and occasionally embarrassing himself to fit the persona of a class clown. He went from being the forgotten kid in the corner to the kid the teacher always called out in class. The one everyone knew as the funny guy and for years he didn't mind because people liked him for it. But once he entered high school, he found himself in a dilemma. People often did not take him seriously and he had become something of a caricature and when somebody played a prank he was one of the usual suspects. It did not help his chances with his crush either and he found himself wanting to escape the role of the class clown that he had once loved and embraced but years of playing the part have made it difficult to completely discard the image that has become an integral part of himself.
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the jock
name: Sean Lane
age: 18
stereotype: the jock
gender: cis male
sexuality: bisexual
eye color: dark grey
hair color: warm brown
skin tone: light golden
height: 5'11"

+ dogs, canines
+ being active, outdoors
+ praise, competition
+ winning, trying new things

- disloyalty
- extreme nit picky-ness
- being in the wrong
- cake

> Sean has a habit of rubbing has hands together when excited.
> He likes to keep feeling in both of his hands symmetrical. (If he drops a pen and picks it up with his left, he must drop it again and pick it up with his right. If he stretches his fingers on one hand, he must do the same to the other.)​
Here is your overly confident jock, a boy stuck in between his teenage years with no real sense of direction. Sean is a risk taker, big rewards with big stakes is how he rolls. His ego is a bit inflated, the crowds of his high school have blown up his personality. He's one to take what he wants, wearing a flirty smirk and prancing about with playfulness.

Sean thinks before he does and is rather hot tempered, leading him to do rather rash and harsh things to others. (At times, he can be quite the bully or jerk.) He's a man who believes he is entitled to the things he wishes to have, a result of his wealthy upbringing and popularity. Preferring athletics over education, Sean is a bit on the duller spectrum.

His idea of jokes consist of poorly timed dirty references as well as playing jabs at friends.

But although Sean flirts and has a rather upscale status, he has not had a single significant other.

Hookups and flings are more his thing. Sean's fear of not being able to meet up to the expectations of a serious lover overwhelms him.

He has a soft spot for dogs, owning one and goes to the shelter to help out once in a while. Of course, he makes no word of this, thinking his masculinity to be at stake.
Sean has no lack of funding for all of his athletic ventures and experiences. His family is fairly wealthy, with a mother as a successful doctor and a father running a medium sized business. He grew up with incredible amounts of freedom.

He garnered attention wherever he went, his reputation as well as his parents' gaining him friendship both good and bad. Sean never had trouble 'fitting in' with his outgoing and somewhat large personality. His presence was prominent, and he carried himself with pride as he was raised.

Choosing sports when he was young, Sean was supported mostly by his nanny, who took care of him a majority of the time as a result of his parents' busy lives. The nanny was his mother's cousin, and the two were almost like mother and child.

Sean attended rigorous schools famous for their athletics programs. There, he took part in various sports, his favourite being swimming as well as baseball. He found himself in love with the adrenaline and team work that went into all of these activities.

However, entering his junior high years, Sean lost track of his academics, almost failing key classes. During this time, his nanny was going through breast cancer that left a new, unknown care taker for him.

Sean was not afraid to rebel against this new 'nanny', refusing to do proper work both academically and athletically. It was not until his nanny passed that he realized how childish he was being.

He was able to get himself put together before he entered high school, skirting off the need for a caretaker. During his hardships as well as his good times, Sean developed a rather large ego and a short temper. He has little patience and is distant from his parents, which he has no problem with.

At his current state of life, Sean is living as he should and is attempting to find himself true companionship, friend or romantic, in his clique, where he is not as close as the others around him.
Ivy Rose - Talk about old feelings. Sean had heard rumors of the girl's past crush on him, to which he had responded rather openly, engaging in flirtatious sessions with the woman. However, as Brice came into play, they grew apart. (He doesn't mind all that much). The two still have the potential to be friends but their personalities keep them separate.

Luis - Sean gets weed through Luis from time to time. It seems that the stoner is everyone's dealer and that does not exclude him. He has a rather casual, friendly relationship with the dealer.

Freya - Sean and the artist have been good friends for an incredibly long time. It's an odd sight, but their fathers having been best friends have led them to be close. They never judge one another and know each other incredibly well despite there being no romance at all. At least, for Freya. Sean is unsure if he has feelings or not.

Arianna - Having met through Avery, Arianna is a good friend of Sean's as well. The two are drinking buddies and often vent to each other when needed. He's indifferent to her rants about the 'Wild Child', however.

Avery - Avery is Sean's girlfriend. The two had hit it off pretty well when they first met and had been dating for quite a while. However, the relationship was anything but what they both wanted or expected. As of late, the two are abusive towards each other and the relationship is quite toxic. Despite this, they have some cute moments together.
It was as if lightning had struck him that very moment. Sean cocked his head to the side. His lips curled into a knowing smirk; Sean's countenance morphed from irritation to amusement beyond compare.

Running his fingers through barely brushed chocolate hair, he cast his gaze onto the bouncer who had previously denied him entrance.

Entrance to a club he frequented far too much in his night ventures. To say Sean was royally ticked would be an understatement.

He slipped his hands into the pockets of his jacket, crinkling his nose as he stalked off towards the side walk. Pivoting, Sean strolled a ways left of the club. From the many times he had visited, there was never a moment in which he had to use the alleyway. It parted the club from the next door restaurant and was often littered with trash. To club and restaurant employees alike, the area was perfect for inhaling a smoke during break.

And perfect for Sean to make a rather inconvenient entrance. He slipped inside of the alley. His body was lit only by a dim wall light that was nearly dead, the bulb flickering as he moved.

The stench of smoke and brick caused a muffled cough to come from his lips. It was dirty, gritty, and not at all the type of style he preferred. He led a life of luxury and would have never tolerated this mess if it weren't for the fact that his very ego was being challenged. The man stopped at a white door, the paint peeling and revealing wood. Near the top of said door was a sign, worn through with fading red letters.

Employees Only.

Sean huffed, gripping the handle and twisting it. With a push, he swiftly entered, closing the door behind him and casting a quick glance to both sides of him.

Unsurprisingly, he had landed himself in a hallway quite different from his previous setting. It was painting a royal purple, lit with neon green lights embedded in the ground below him. The lights glowed underneath the incredibly thick glass underneath his feet. To his right were signs pointing to the restrooms. To his left was a curtain doing a horrid job at hiding pulsing lights behind it.

He had entered without much trouble, the alley way leading him straight to his destination without so much as a single person to guard. Sean sighed, stretching his hands upwards as he strolled towards the curtain.

To think such a popular club would have such little security around its less public openings.

Then again, the club was packed today and security would most likely have gone inside to prevent any skirmishes. Sean parted the curtain, wincing as the lights bombarded his eyes with their intensity. He took a moment to adjust before peeling away from the wall and making his way towards the center.

Bodies swarmed around him, rocking the rhythm as a well known DJ at the center of the stage churned out intense beats. He could smell the scent of perfumes, feel the thrum of adrenaline. But most importantly, he made out a familiar person seated near the back tables.

With a sigh, he pushed his way through the crowds, gathering a few profane words and some glares, but nothing else. Although he was a regular, the club members never paid much attention to him. To them, he was just another ordinary clubber.

A chuckle slipped through his mouth as his target's eyes landed on him. He slid a chair and sat himself, a grin on his face.

His target narrowed her eyes, hazel things that were far too bright for her face. With brown hair piled in a neat updo and high angled cheeks dotted with freckles, she looked dangerous. In fact, she most definitely was. Hannah dealt with the underground of the city, selling expensive goods pilfered from their safes. A thief too good at her job, but lacking the connections to flourish properly.

"Hannah, it's not often I find you here," he began, gesturing to a nearby attendee for some water.

The woman nodded, taking a sip out of her cup. Sean assumed it to be vodka.

"You are here to make another deal," he stated, nodding a thanks as his drink was placed on the table.

"You know too many things," Hannah replied, her voice a harsh rasp.

"Do I?"

"What is it that you want, Sean."

He adjusted his coat. Straight to the point, as always.​
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Brice Tang


Full Name: Brice Baocheng Edward Tang

Age: 17

Stereotype: The Prince

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Heteroflexible

Eye Color: Dark brown

Skin Tone: Cream

Height: 5'10" [~178 cm]​



>>Himself [too much]

>>Congee! [rice porridge is his favorite]

>Being in charge

>>Piers on the lake/etc.

>>Old kung fu movies [guilty pleasure]

>>Playing pool

>>Saucy girls


>>Ignorant people


>>American popcorn [it's alright, but he still prefers Chinese popcorn]


>>Fantasy genre

>>Lazy people

>>Submissive girls [he likes a challenge...]

>> Rubs the back of his neck and/or stutters when nervous

>> Squints his eyes at people who are annoying him

>> Flirting is mostly physical, consisting of light touches, and small gift-giving (only flirts with those he holds true interest in)

>> Very affectionate in relationships

>> Eats noisily (but has toned it down since living in America...at home is fair game, though)

>> Makes it a point to spend quality time with James (pet boa constrictor) daily

>> Acts childish when drunk (...his sexuality also becomes questionable)


Ivy | They clicked before they clashed. Typically, the new kid never gets a chance to rank high on the social ladder, but Brice's arrogance and headstrong determination took him far. These same traits are what led to his close friendship with the school's 'princess'. However, the more they got to know each other, the more differences they realized they had. Their love/hate relationship keeps them from pursuing each other further.
Freya | He appreciates her. She was probably his first friend when he arrived as the lost, needy new kid and she was willing to help. They have since grown apart - probably mostly his fault - but still hang out sometimes.
Arianna | The flirtation between these two is strong. And, where else would they have met besides a party? The attraction seemed instant and mutual. While Brice usually only flirts with those he's seriously pursuing, this girl made him sway. He's unsure if the flirtation will turn into more.
Erisa | These two are comfortable acquaintances who talk on occasion. Brice met Erisa when assigned to work on a project together. Their wandering conversation led to them learning about each others similar backstories and connecting over it.
Ty | Opposite to his relationship with Ivy, these two clashed before they clicked. Their similar go-getter personalities and will to succeed made them constant competitors, always trying to get the better of the other. Eventually, they settled their...similarities and turned them into a mutual respect, making them the close friends that they are now.

Ivy (crush, but in some denial)
Arianna (some interest)




His parents met in the U.S. His father, Chaojian, was there on a business trip and had gone out one night with a coworker/friend to a burlesque show. His mother, Eileen, had actually been one of the performers there. His father ended up making it backstage after the show and things progressed from there. After maintaining a fair long distance relationship and being prompted continuously by his father, his mother moved to Taiwan where they later married.

Brice has had a rather clean, simple background compared to most; not too much hardship. Born in Sanxia, New Taipei City, he had since spent all his growing life in Taiwan. His father was very strict on enforcing the culture on him and his mother didn't object. After all, they were living in a place where it would be important as possible for Brice to 'fit in'. Though, she is the reason he speaks English.

While 'fitting in' was ideal, he typically stood out. Due to his appearance, he was often treated as a foreigner by those who didn't know him until they learned he was fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese, and mixed race. Being that 'hunxue-er' - as they are called there - is often idolized, this probably brought him more praise than prejudice, making him popular with girls and many others. However, while fully embracing his combination of ethnicities, he didn't always enjoy the 'awe' he got over something he didn't even control. In his book, he was just another Taiwanese guy, and not some spectacle to ogle and interact with for the sake of it. Don't get him wrong, though; he loves his home country and has often missed it.

When his father ended up agreeing to a business deal that would bring in more income, but required them to relocate, the family moved from Taiwan to the U.S. when Brice was 15.


Brice is the quintessential fresh off the boat guy, or, perhaps 'plane' is more appropriate. He comes from a well-off family and only lets that get to his head in the best way [if such a way does exist]. Unlike the rich kid careless with spending and flaunting the money that's not actually his, he's pompous with the dominant, go-getter personality to strive for his own successes. He has a leadership mentality -- positive traits for a business-oriented drive. However, his level of narcissism and bad habit of being condescending follow. Where he gets his arrogant attitude is a bit of a mystery since neither of his parents are like that, but perhaps it's just a phase? Or maybe a subconscious cover for something more? ...Or he's just a jerkface. --Pick your excuse and stick to it. In conversation, he may be very blunt and sarcastic, but knows how to 'recover' his words if they strike someone the wrong way as he's crafty with speech.

Although, his personality seems very coarse, he surely has a soft side -- well capable of being sweet and has an unexpectedly good sense of humor as he can be a jokester. And, despite the narcissism, he's actually quite giving and not that selfish; he just spends a lot of time complimenting himself and boosting his name in ways calculated enough not to be too abrasive or too subtle. That same leadership mentality helped his good trait of being outgoing. Generally, he is friendly and very laid back to new people he meets. He'd seem quick to judge, but is very analytical before casting judgment unless someone strikes him the wrong way. First impressions are important in his world. Lastly, family and his culture are important to him. Though he has been in the States for 2 years, he still holds many of his Taiwanese cultural customs. ...But do call him 'Brice'. His Chinese name, eh... Don't worry about it.


...By Nanook Ochoa.

That was the ending line to the draft-writing portion of the application he was completing so that he could work on the committee for constructing the campus newspaper.

So far, Nanook's first week on campus had been...a busy learning experience. It was full of paperwork and getting campus-life and classes situated. He'd managed to get his classes arranged and scheduled at good times. While on missions to track down his classrooms according to schedule, he still found it odd that while most people were his peers, you'd still find people generations away from him on campus who weren't professors or staff. Then, there was the freedom, but non-freedom - if that made any sense. So much more was now singly his responsibility, like making sure he could feed himself. Then, there were still restrictions on how long he could be out, or who could be in the dorms, etcetera. It was like he traded one set of parents for a group of strangers to tell him what to do... But that was life. Socially, he wasn't sure how quickly he'd make friends, but at this moment, his roommate, Daniel, was pretty cool... Well, aside from the occasional teasing about his name, but at least they were amicable enough for him to feel that comfortable.

On top of learning his way around campus, this was also his first week and a couple of days in Vermont. He was still learning his way around and figuring out how this state worked. Legal ages, curfews, laws...those were the things he'd need to research A.S.A.P. At least, he had managed to determine the closest grocery store...and knew how to make saving money a priority. And as sentimental as it may have seemed, he was missing Arizona with his family, and not having the luxury of watching over his baby sister in her Junior year. Though, on the bright side, he could at least handle Vermont's severe winter weather; having lived in Alaska when he was younger really helped a lot.

Now that he was done with his application, he got from the computer desk to take it to the submission box near the library. Daniel was currently out, so Nanook made sure he had his key in his pocket, then left the room.

The school was paying a decent $12/hr. to work on the newspaper committee and an extra dollar or two for every article submitted. Getting in even the slightest bit of income helped everything at this moment... Plus, who wouldn't hire a student majoring in Journalism? Who could be more perfect for such a job? It wasn't long before he made it to the mid-sized room adjacent the library and carefully dropped his paper in. "Well... I guess I just leave this here and wait for them to call," he murmured to himself. "Looks like another Ramen noodle afternoon snack until they do." He started back to his dorm.
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Wattana Khalay​


"Face of a deer, heart of a tiger."


Name: Wattana Khalay

Nickname(s): His name is sometimes shortened to "Tana".

Age: 18

Stereotype: The Jock

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Heterosexual

Eye Color: Dark brown

Skin Tone: Ivory

5'9" [~175 cm]


-- Sports [everything to do with them], but mainly football

-- Food

-- Girls

-- Cars

-- Videogames

-- Tigers

-- Being criticized

-- Guilt

-- Being indecisive

-- Being bothered by his brother

-- Wearing formal clothing [too stiff]

-- People who look down on others [so, he's a bit hypocritical...]

-- Taps his fingers when in deep thought or nervous

-- Casually brushes a hand through hair periodically

-- Eats sloppily

-- Often makes joking teases

-- Squints his eyes when annoyed


Relationships: TBA

Cruch/Interest: TBA




Wattana was the first born to his parents, Mongkut Khalay and Suttida Kunakorn in Bangkok, Thailand. The family remained there until he was seven, and his little brother, Klahan, four, before moving to the U.S. Since he was so young when they lived there, he never really understood his parents' struggle to care for him and his brother, and what essentially fueled their saving to move to the States.

Now, the family is probably lower or plain middle-class, though his parents work long jobs. His father is a construction worker while his mother has a job working at a small business. He's aware that they work hard, but sometimes takes that for granted; as far as he's concerned, he has never done without so the recollection of his childhood and growing up are nearly perfect.

His parents never meddle much in his business at home, mostly because they're tired from work. Though, his mother keeps tabs on the various girls he has over and typically makes him take them elsewhere. Only enough to count on one hand get to stay and are his actual friends. Despite busy schedules, his family puts time aside to spend together at least once a week, especially his mother.


>> family-oriented >> loyal >> intelligent >> lighthearted >> driven | manipulative << blunt << egotistical << judgmental << slacker <<

Overall Personality: Wattana is generally lighthearted, but more often comes off as somewhat serious and aloof. The playfulness is in his words, typically when he's turning on flirtatious charm or trying to get a laugh our of someone or even himself. He could easily be described as a socialite as he's outgoing and willing to approach people; however, he's been told that he seems unapproachable. He is used to getting complimented on his smile and enjoys the attention that boosts his ego. In conversation, he may be very blunt - which sometimes gets him into trouble - but knows how to recover with the right words. He's good at playing roles, being whoever he needs to be in a certain situation. This explains some of his 'player-type' behavior and toying with people's emotions. It's not that he doesn't believe in love, he just doesn't take it too seriously right now. Plus, he can be tough to impress past physical attributes and aesthetics. He gets easily frustrated when things don't go as planned and there's no way to sway them. However, he is loyal and protective to those he genuinely cares for and is very family oriented. His kindness and care toward other people is often trickery and part of a larger scheme, but it doesn't necessarily have to be; that part of his behavior was mostly snuffed out once he got older. Contrary to the typical perception of a jock, he is studious in the fact that he gets his work done and keeps up on it, but he's still the guy that will sleep in class or even skip if he feels like he can.​


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Arianna Jamison

We're going down, down, down doing shots on the hood of my car!

Basic Data

full name: Arianna Jamison
age: 18
stereotype: The Party Girl
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
eye color: Hazel
skin tone: Tan
height: 5'2


thunderstorms, the beach, bright colors, alcohol
introverts (why be introverted?), bees, the thought of working for a living, hard drugs
-Wears a lot of jewelry, and it doesn't always match
-Tugs on her hair when she's embarrassed (rare) or anxious


Luis: He is her drug dealer on the occasion she wants to double up her partying and get stoned and drunk.
Freya: Ari's friend, of sorts? The two girls party together. They attempt to keep each other balanced, like a see-saw. Ari keeps Freya from secluding herself, and Freya *attempts* to keep Ari from bottoming out.
Avery: Friends and one of Ari's besties/party buddies.
Wild Child: Arianna can't stand her. Maybe something happened in the past, but Arianna steers clear of her, and Avery if she is hanging out with her.
Lucien: They are definitely not friends. He thinks she drinks too much, she thinks he doesn't drink enough. They normally steer clear of each other.
Ivy: Not friends. Their personalities clash, plus, Ivy doesn't like it when Arianna and the prince flirt.
Erisa: They have a mutual indifference, although she claims Ari threw sand in her face as a kid. Arianna doesn't remember.
Brice: Arianna thinks he's just great, and she loves flirting with him, especially when she's been drinking and/or smoking. She's got no issues with flirting with him in front of the princess, or anyone, for that matter.
Sean: He and Arianna are drinking buddies especially, but they get along otherwise too. Arianna digs his personality, but since he and Avery are a thing, she leaves him alone out of respect for her friend.



Arianna is definitely not the type of girl you introduce to your mother. She grew up with a loving but busy father, and a brother who was more interested in his latest score than her. Her mother died when she was young, so it was just the three of them. As a child, Arianna stayed to herself mostly, considering her father was at work and her brother would threaten her, saying if she didn't stay in her room he'd pound her. Of course, it was only so he could smoke and bring home girls without her snitching to their father.

As a teenager, she'd had enough. Puberty hit, and it hit hard. She grew boobs and her brothers friends no longer saw her as the dorky little sister who had to hide, and she found that she reveled in the attention. It made her feel alive, and sexy, and powerful. She had her first hit of a cigarette at 14, and drank her first beer at 15. Eventually, she made her own friends, and developed her own style. She loves bangles and long necklaces, and huge sunglasses. It's not that she hates authority, she just doesn't think it should apply to her.


Arianna is an honest individual, who sometimes comes across as more blunt/rude than she means to. She normally means well-- unless you piss her off, in which case she is fully aware that she is being rude, and doesn't care. Since she didn't have a mother figure growing up, she's pretty independent and very, very prideful. She wants to do things on her own, and rarely will she ask for help. She is the life of the party, and usually gets along with just about anybody when drunk, unless she didn't like you when she's sober. If that's the case, stay out of her way-- she has no problem "accidentally" spilling a drink on you just for a laugh. Her older brother taught her how to throw a punch, and she's got no problem finishing a fight.

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basic data
full name: Noah James Lox
age: 18
stereotype: the Geek
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
eye color: brown
skin tone: fair
height: 5'11"


☄ Jokes
☄ Electronics
☄ Food
☄ Games
☄ Slow Internet
☄ Broccoli/Spinach
☄ Schoolwork
☄ Rats
☄ Never seems to stop moving: bouncing his leg, tapping his fingers, shifting, etc.
☄ Stammers sometimes
☄ Easily excitable


relationships: tba
crush/interest: tba

bio: Born the second child of a fairly well-off middle class child, Noah's personality quirks have almost always been indulged. His mother and father were loving parents, but they were often busy, leaving him alone most of the time, a babysitter not counting as true company. Due to the fact that they were gone so often, when they were home, they tried to be as patient with Noah as they could be, indulging his frantically changing interests and his constant energy. Noah didn't mind too much, happy with the knowledge that he was loved and could do what he wanted. Within reason of course. Of course he tried to prank his baby sitters with multiple plots, all with varying degrees of complexity which led to them quickly getting even, claiming that they weren't paid enough for this, leading to his still present love of prank wars.

Despite having been pretty good in regards to school, he didn't really care for it. Preferring to stay home and surf the web, Noah tends to claim that he has his own version of extracurriculars, some of which include going home and binge watching tv along with researching new prank ideas. He got into trouble a lot, but mostly with his parents who knew without a doubt who was creating havoc in the school. Even if the staff couldn't prove most of the things he'd done. Due to this, he got away with a lot, however his parents always made sure it didn't go to his head. They didn't need proof to punish him for some of his crazier antics.
personality: Noah is the type that can't stop moving. There's always something new he can be doing and he has to go find it. He's loud and silly and can easily give someone a headache if they aren't used to him. He means well, but sometimes his first thought gets the best of him, and that leads to good and bad situations, especially when he's supposed to be in charge. He cares for those closest to him, but it can be hard to tell from an outside point of view due to his constant motion and image of impatience. Due to his inability to be inactive it comes across as dismissal to those who don't know him well, and can lead to him doing something that could confuse or bother someone in his quest for adventure. He enjoys a good joke and loves to laugh and make fun of himself, never backing down from making a fool of himself.
"Jason Alexander Tanner!"

Jace groaned, rolling over in his bed, mechanically reaching under his head to grab his pillow and slam it over his head and ears. It didn't do much to block the sound of his furious mother screaming at him to get out of bed as she pounded her fist on his locked bedroom door.

"Jason if you don't get up in the next five minutes I swear!" the woman began to threaten, making Jace sigh heavily into his sheets. "I will call the school and inform them that you will not be playing this season on the lacrosse team!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" he shouted back, annoyed. All he wanted was to get another hour of sleep. School didn't start for three hours, he would've been fine if he'd woken up an hour later. But no, according to his mother, a future businessman was always up before dawn. He'd never been more tempted then now though to tell her where she could shove her thoughts.

"I don't hear you moving!" she called back, her voice not as loud, having gotten a response from her son. Jace let out a loud groan, meant for his mother to hear.

"I'm talking to you, aren't I?!" he called back, beginning to feel a headache form behind his eyes as he began to push himself up into a sitting position. All he wanted was another hour of sleep. After staying up past midnight with his father droning on about the company, didn't he deserve just a little bit more sleep?

At the sound of Mrs. Tanner's fist hitting the door once more, Jace let his head fall so it lay against his chest. Apparently so. Throwing his comforter to the side, he twisted his body so he could swing his feet over the bed so they could rest onto the floor. Shoving off the mattress and onto his feet, the blonde stumbled for a quick second before catching his balance and striding towards his door, scratching at his hair, messing with his already ruffled hair. With his other hand, he reached out and twisted the knob, throwing open the door.

"I said I'm up..." he grumbled, giving her a soft glare. "What couldn't have waited until six, Mother?" he asked, his voice tired.

"Your father wants to go over a few other details about the company for when you take over." she explained with a proud smile on her face as she reached up and gave him a pat on the cheek, any trace of her previous annoyance gone.

Jace sighed, putting on a fake smile as he nodded at his mother's words. "Of course..." he trailed off. "Let me just get dressed. I'll meet you both in the dining room."

His mother nodded, pleased at his easy acceptance. "Good!" she chirped. "We'll see you shortly!" she hummed before turning on her heel and disappearing down the hall, her heels clicking behind her. Shutting his door, Jace groaned as he thumped his head against the wood a few times. He was not looking forward to today.

After giving himself a few minutes to wallow in self-pity, Jace forced himself to move, grabbing his clothes for the day and depositing them in the bathroom that was connected to his room. Coming back out and grabbing his phone off of its charger, he unlocked it and sent a quick text to Noah.

To: xxx-xxx-xxxx
From: 937-484-6287
Hey, you gonna be ready for practice man? We got off easy last week seeing as we just got back. I know how much you were complaining last Friday after drills.
- J

With that done, he set the small device on his desk, next to his sports bag before heading back into his bathroom to shower.
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basic data
full name: Leon Irons
age: 18
stereotype: Class Clown
gender: Male
sexuality: Heterosexual
eye color: Brown
skin tone: Pearly white
height: 5'9


'Harmless' pranks
The internet
Hot days
People with no sense of humor
Controlling people
Waking up early
Socializing when it's not neccesary
Quirks: Leon tends to lower and raise the pitch of his voice to funny volumes if he's trying to get a point across or tell a joke.


Noah - Leon feels that he is a kindred spirit of sorts. The two enjoy talking about the internet, and Leon tries to get him to be a little more eccentric, as he can be pretty shy and clumsy.
Sean - He's a bit a douche, Leon can see that, but he can be pretty fun to be around when he's not trying to be the center of attention. They constantly have name calling rallies, all in good fun.
crush/interest: None, but that can change at any second...

bio: The son of a programmer and an author, Leon was always seen as the weird kid. Even since preschool, the other children have tended to keep away from him. For Leon, this was nothing to him, and didn't bother him one bit. He was content being by himself, and eventually just embraced his oddness. As he grew up, he began to mellow out into a more calm individual, but he was obsessed with the internet and some of the stories and pictures on websites he found while browsing it. He would tell these stories to the kids who would listen and even made up some of his own, and he felt an odd sense of pride and joy alien they laughed from it. From then on, Leon was determined to get laughs out of people. Sure, his grades might not have been as great as they could've, but Leon loved that he could make so many friends with the power of funny images with captions on them. He made jokes, told tall tales, and even made some of his own memes throughout the years, the peak of which was in high school. Now that it's almost over, he's not sure what to do with himself. He hopes that he can eventually clear his head with the help of some friends of his that had convienently invited him to a beach house. Not wasting any time, he happily accepted, and hopes the time they spend together is worth it.
personality: Leon is basically a living meme. He's been very internet savy ever since he first got his hands on a computer and accessed the internet. He views his life like one big joke, and it's difficult to get him to take things seriously. However, he has realized that not everything can be like it's on the internet. He has been doing his best to mature and grow into a person that can be respectable, and someone who can be relied on.

Leon sighed as he sat on his small blue bed in his room. The square selection of black painted dry wall he called his room was a mess, as usual. Wrappers from fast food and pizza boxes were everywhere, along with some dirty clothes and the boxes for several packages. Next to him was a small purple duffel bag, filled to burst with items that he was taking with him to the trip. Leon had been on very few trips before, and never on one where there wasn't any adults around, or at least that's what he heard. Not that he was looking to score or anything; all those girls that were coming were his friends, and he definitely wasn't the type to cock block his bros. So he packed the essentials; clothing, laptop, a game console, a mobile hotspot device, toothbrush and paste, money for whatever he needed, his phone charger...basically, all the stuff normal people would pack last. He took one last look at his room and sighed; this could very much be the last chance he could have a room to himself for however long he'd be gone. He still couldn't believe he said yes to the offer; any other time and he would've just said 'Kill yourself' and be done with it. But for whatever reason, he felt that he needed to go. With a sigh, he dragged the duffel bag off his bed and flung it around his shoulder, making his way downstairs.
His mother was in front of the tv doing some weird dancing exercise and his father was at the table reading the paper. "Okay, I'm heading out now. You two sure you can take care of yourselves?" He asked jokingly. His mother laughed with a wheeze, still trying to do the dance, and his father chuckled, setting the paper aside and standing up. He gave his son a hug and walked with him to the door. His mother gave a quick "Have a good time, honey!" and the two were out the door. His father walked Leon to his car and Leon hopped inside and rolled down the window, to which his father leaned down and poked his head inside. "Now, just in case you need them, and this is a gift from me to you..." He stuck his heard farther in and whispered to him. "I put some...safety plastic in your wallet. Just in case."
Leon sighed, his face turning a light red.
'Love you too, Dad."
He backed up and pulled out the driveway, giving his father one last wave before getting on the road. He was glad to be away from his family for a while, but little did he know what he was getting into...


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