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Fantasy The Unyielding Tide


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Darkness, in Middle-Earth, is like an unpredictable storm. At some times, it can be a petty shower, nothing more than an nuisance. Yet at other times, it can be a destructive hurricane, destroying all in it's path. At the end of the Third Age, Darkness was said hurricane. Sauron had gather his strength, and decided that now was the time. From the tainted East came an unending tide of foul creatures, overrunning all in a black wave of malice and death. Mighty Minas Tirith fell to the Wolf-Ram Grond, fair Imladris destroyed by legions of corrupted men from the north, even the towering Lonely Mountain was sacked by hordes of Easterlings and Orcs from Dol Guldur. But nowhere was the slaughter so complete than at the formidable ruined watchtower of Amon Sul. Here, countless refugees gathers to the supposed security offered by the last of the Fellowship and the remnants of the Western forces. Yet Sauron knew this was all but a thin shield of hope, created by the Heir of Isildur and the White Wizard in a vain attempt to rally the west. The legions of the Dark Lord slowly surrounded Weathertop, a storm gathering in the skies above it. And when the time was right, the storm came. Led by the Nazgul, a countless army of evil folk surged towards the ruined watchtower, and slaughtered all before them. Soon, the heads of the Heir and the Wizard were paraded through the land. The last hope of the Free People had fallen.

Ten years passed since the massacre at Amon Sul. The Darkness spread itself all over Middle-Earth, corrupting the land and covering the land in the fires of industry. Erebor and Dale became the foul domain of a dark spirit, dominating Rhovanion through his iron giant. Gondor and Rohan became the realm of the Orthanc, though Saurmaun was overthrown and replaced with the Mouth of Sauron. Eriador remained divided, however, for Sauron desired to see the hated land of the High Elves torn apart by desperate people fighting for survival. The World grew dark, and for a time, it was dark.

Yet hope remains, even if it is a small flame in an endless sea of shadow. The One Ring, the key to Sauron's power, has been lost once more. In the far north, rumors of a great host slowly marching south has sparked hope in the hearts of the enslaved. And lastly, a band of adventurers prepares to descend from the mountains of Dorwinion, seeking to reach the Mines of Moria, and retrieve a legendary artefact of the Khazad that may cleanse the world or crush the foe.

@GamerAced @MysteriousMagpie @Evomendacil @River Song @Grissum2
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All journeys begin somewhere. Yours begins in the rough, forested foothills of southern Dorwinion. Unlike the rest of Rhovanion, this area was relatively untouched by the devastating wars that swept over the land. Yet that didn't stop the Easterlings from seizing control of the region. Orc patrols regularly scan the landscape, yet none dare to enter the mountains themselves. For in those mountains, the remnants of the local populace waged a war of terror upon those that occupied their former lands. Their leader was an Avari going by the name of Hirlindor, whothat dwelt in fair Lothlorien before it's fall, and issued the quest to find the Axe of Durin. He was unlike his kin, having the white hair of the Noldor and the piercing eyes of the Teleri. Your band has been summoned to speak with him before you set out.

"You are aware of the formidable task that lies before you. You are aware you may not come back. But you are aware of what good it may achieve You must go to the Mines of Moria, and pass through the darkness beyond these mountains to retrieve an ancient weapon that may change the world for the better. This is your last chance to ask questions before you set out on your dark quest. Present them, and I shall answer to the best of my ability."
Beogast took a sip of his Dorwinion wine the Elf had just served him and spat it out. As you might know this would cause a grand ruckus, but Beogast being the way he is complained for a compensation. The Elves refused him and ever more intense Beogast became the more the Elves became guarded. Beogast finally made an out cry that could be heard by nearly 1/3 of the district. Guards stormed in, ceased Beogast, and threw him out the structure. Another offense would have him pay a fine, or worse.
After entering the elfs presence he listened intently, Taking every word in with and silently pledging to do as the elf asked. While knowing the quest would surely bring him untold glory, A name in the songs by Glorfindel or Beren and Luthien. Vengeance for his fallen brothers at Imladris whom Gorthuar had slain. Drawing his Noldorian sword Galdir knelt at the avari feet with his sword held in his two elven hands. He gazed at the elf with his blue eyes. "I swear by Eru Illuvutar I shall see this quest done and stand by your side until the end. I swear by Manwe, I swear by Ulmo and I swear by Aule. Gorthuars vile reign of darkness shall end and the free peoples will be free once more. In life and death you shall have my bow."
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((Forgot to tag me again -_-))

Anorith nodded on hearing the elf's words standing up he unsheathed his Greatsword and placed the tip on the ground looking at Hirlindor and Galdir he said "As a former General of Gondor and a man of the free people I swear upon my life and the freedom of Middle Earth that i will join in this quest for Durins Axe. You have my sword and skill but not my respect." he says calmly putting the sword back on his back. After a moment he walked over to a shadowed archway and sat down loosely letting his limbs move wherever they wanted, and closed his eyes letting out a sigh through his nose.
Hirlindor smiled a tired smile, and said, "I appreciate these oaths you swear, yet you still have to ask questions. Does your party even know which path you shall follow? And are you prepared to face the Giant?"
Galdir would stand and slide his Noldorian sword. Listening once more to his words, though more casually as he studied his fellow companion in the room. He looked like a smelly man who oft went to brothels and smelled like it. He ignored the brute and turned to the avari and spoke.

"I am ready to face the perils we may face, though I do not speak for my party. My path is on the long road to Moria ahead, wherever it may lead me. Through wilderness or ruin. I am prepared to face the giant. My Lord." Replied Galdir in a prideful voice, cocksure he would prevail in such a perilous journey. Besides, perhaps not all of his company were all dirty babaric rugged men. Stinking of unwashed armpits and other unsatisfactory smells. 
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"You are a fool if you believe you prevail against the Giant. It was only with great luck that someone even dented it. And even then, we wouldn't dare to assault in with open force, for it is powerful beyond belief So do not be so cocky." Hirlindor said. "Man of Rohan, which way do you believe your party should take? Do you want to risk the blasted lands of Dol Guldur?"
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Aros had been silently listening to the exchange, seeming to defer to the Lord of Gondor rather than make his own oath. But he kept waiting for someone to actually propose a plan, or explain what this 'Giant' was. When this was not forthcoming, he raised his hand, for he wasn't one to interrupt such mighty company. He stood rather awkwardly with his hand raised and waited for the Elf-Lord to notice.
((Sorry I didn't get a notification))

Anorith looked at The Elf Lord from the corner and said "follow the path the fellowship were going to take. Through the backgate of Moria." He said noticing Aros raising his hand "Come now lad were all equals here, what say you on the matter." He asked quizingly

@Evomendacil @MorgathosTheRussian
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He started as Anorith addressed him as an equal, but gulped and continued, "Well m'lord, it seems we have no shortage of valor, but we do seem to be.....uh....perhaps missing a path to follow. I happen to know the land fairly well, and, if I may say so, perhaps secrecy would serve our quest better than strength. Orc patrols must be avoided at all costs I reckon. Also, what is this Giant you speak of?"
"Ah yes, the Giant. The tyrant of the Ered Mithrin. This Giant is a massive iron being, higher than the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath of old. Flame is can launch, and stronger than every Dwarf combined. It is controlled by the same dark spirit that inhabits the corpse of Erebor, and is responsible for the utter annihilation of my Silvian kin. It is one of the most hated symbol of Sauron, and one of the most feared as well. But do not fear too much, for it has been years since the Giant has been seen in the north." the Avari said. "Now, as for a path, I recommend this. Passing by Dol Guldur is akin to suicide, for it is impossible to pass by that dark fortress without being spotted. You should go north, following the River Celduin, till you reach the ruins of Dale. From there, you may follow the quicker path through Mirkwood, or by passing the northern glades of the forest. Head south through the Vale of Anduin, and then pass by Lothlorien into Moria. From there, however, I cannot say. The exact location of the axe within that dark place is unknown to all."
The man of Enedwaith would be presented with many opportunities to gain gold. Rumor of a militia commander seeking help soon reached him, along with countless pleas for aid from poor families and the man recruiting brave souls to hunt down a particularly rude and cunning orc captain. And there was even the bard begging for aid getting back his precious lute. 

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