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Fantasy The Unyielding Tide


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Set ten years after the defeat of the Free People at Amon Sul, this RP takes place in the blasted wastelands of Rhovanion. You will play as a band of adventurers, with the goal of reaching the dark Mines of Moria, while assisting others in resisting the Shadow. You can play as every good race that existed in Middle-Earth, aside from Valar, Maia, etc. However, due to the utter decimation of many races, many races have become almost non-existent, so there will be a sort of cap for the following: Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits. There can be 2 Elves, 1 Dwarf, and 1 Hobbit. You will also be able to asked to choose a number, which will effect a kind of blessing/perk your character will get. 

Note: If you make an OP character, you will be denied.





Strengths (3):

Weaknesses (3):

Talents (2):

Number (1-24):





Appearance (No anime or anything like that):

@DeathValley105 @Princess Ami @ZappiestAbyss
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Name: Anorith of Gondor

Age: 45

Gender: M

Race: Human

Strength: Leadership, Tactics, Combat

Weaknesses: Hates evil fanatically, works bad with strangers, hates following orders

Talents: Master duelists Former general of Gondor

Number: 3 

Weapons: Throwing knives (6) two small dwarves axes, Bow and arrows and a Great/longsword on his back

Items: Armor, weapons, water flask, map, bandages,necklace, quiver and seal of Gondor

Personality: A hard working man but also one who does not play around. 

History: He lost his family do to a small warg rider band. At the time he was a general of Gondor and led his army to where they were last spotted, near Moria. A massive force of orcs, goblins, and warg riders ambushed them and killed everyone. Anorith was knocked out and was rescued by an Elf who later told him where he was found and what the scene looked like. After that he was shunned by the other lords of Gondor and renounced his oath to the king, becoming a mercenary for hire.

Appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/486881409696744529/
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Name: Galdir.

Age: 453

Gender: Male.

Race: Elf: Noldor.

Strengths: Galdir is a nimble and quick elf, with lots of agility. He is young and robust. 

Weaknesses: He is quite a vain and arrogant elf, He can be rash and headstrong when battle comes. Less physically strong than most other races.

Talents: Able to use a bow like it was one of his own limbs, He is also well learned in the lore of middle earth.

Number: 14

Weapons: A yew longbow and a noldorian elven sword.

Items: A bracelet incrusted with blue sapphires, forged in Erebor. He also wears steel armour forged in Eregion that belonged to his father. 

Personality: A wise elf with a sense of honour. He often prefers to fight rather than negotiate because of his rash behaviour. He is vain and arrogant but gentle to innocents and will help anyone in need. 

History: Born and raised in Mithlond, He was always a hasty elf as a child. Always wanting to fight the enemy while the elves left for Valinor. An argument between him and his father caused the two to loose any bond they had before. And his father left for Valinor with his mother. Galdir never saw him again nor Mithlond. He rode for Rivendell the next day to become a soldier of Elrond. For a hundred years he fought Gundabad skirmishers until Rivendell itself was destroyed and he fled atop horseback across Rhohavian to Dorwinion to aid the resistance against the Easterlings, But instead he joined a quest to find Durins Axe out of personal glory and to help resist the Shadow.

Name: Anorith of Gondor

Age: 45

Gender: M

Race: Human

Strength: Leadership, Tactics, Combat

Weaknesses: Hates evil fanatically, works bad with strangers, hates following orders

Talents: Master duelists Former general of Gondor

Number: 3 

Weapons: Throwing knives (6) two small dwarves axes, and a Great/longsword on his back

Items: Armor, weapons, water flask, map, bandages,necklace, seal of Gondor

Personality: A hard working man but also one who does not play around. 

History: He lost his family do to a small warg rider band. At the time he was a general of Gondor and led his army to where they were last spotted, near Moria. A massive force of orcs, goblins, and warg riders ambushed them and killed everyone. Anorith was knocked out and was rescued by an Elf who later told him where he was found and what the scene looked like. After that he was shunned by the other lords of Gondor and renounced his oath to the king, becoming a mercenary for hire.

Appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/486881409696744529/

Accepted, but you aren't a master duelist. Just a proficient one.

Name: Galdir.

Age: 453

Gender: Male.

Race: Elf: Noldor.

Strengths: Galdir is a nimble and quick elf, with lots of agility. He is young and robust. 

Weaknesses: He is quite a vain and arrogant elf, He can be rash and headstrong when battle comes. Less physically strong than most other races.

Talents: Able to use a bow like it was one of his own limbs, He is also well learned in the lore of middle earth.

Number: 14

Weapons: A yew longbow and a noldorian elven sword.

Items: A bracelet incrusted with blue sapphires, forged in Erebor. He also wears steel armour forged in Eregion that belonged to his father. 

Personality: A wise elf with a sense of honour. He often prefers to fight rather than negotiate because of his rash behaviour. He is vain and arrogant but gentle to innocents and will help anyone in need. 

History: Born and raised in Mithlond, He was always a hasty elf as a child. Always wanting to fight the enemy while the elves left for Valinor. An argument between him and his father caused the two to loose any bond they had before. And his father left for Valinor with his mother. Galdir never saw him again nor Mithlond. He rode for Rivendell the next day to become a soldier of Elrond. For a hundred years he fought Gundabad skirmishers until Rivendell itself was destroyed and he fled atop horseback across Rhohavian to Dorwinion to aid the resistance against the Easterlings, But instead he joined a quest to find Durins Axe out of personal glory and to help resist the Shadow.

View attachment 232949

Accepted as well.
Name: Aros, Son of Aras

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Tracking, Archery, Sneaking

Weaknesses (3): Swordplay, Public Speaking, Strength

Talents (2): Fire starting, Medical Knowledge

Number (1-24): 12

Weapon/s: Bow, Dagger, Arrows

Item/s: Medical herbs/supplies, normal clothes but quality boots, walking staff, food/water, flint and tinder, and a map.

Personality: Knows his place in the world, slow to anger, loyal, quiet, quite friendly if you make him laugh, and hardworking.

History: Once a local boy in the woodmen’s villages, he hunted with his father and lived your average human life. Shot the occasional stray mountain orc and apprenticed to the local healer. With the collapse of the free peoples his people fled into the wilderness. Ranging further and further afield to feed them and gather medicinal herbs, it was not long until the remains of his people were caught and destroyed by the roving warg bands that patrolled Rhovanion. Now alone, Aros needs purpose and a leader once more.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): https://wrathofzombie.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/pious-priest-1.jpg
Name: Aros, Son of Aras

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Tracking, Archery, Sneaking

Weaknesses (3): Swordplay, Public Speaking, Strength

Talents (2): Fire starting, Medical Knowledge

Number (1-24): 12

Weapon/s: Bow, Dagger, Arrows

Item/s: Medical herbs/supplies, normal clothes but quality boots, walking staff, food/water, flint and tinder, and a map.

Personality: Knows his place in the world, slow to anger, loyal, quiet, quite friendly if you make him laugh, and hardworking.

History: Once a local boy in the woodmen’s villages, he hunted with his father and lived your average human life. Shot the occasional stray mountain orc and apprenticed to the local healer. With the collapse of the free peoples his people fled into the wilderness. Ranging further and further afield to feed them and gather medicinal herbs, it was not long until the remains of his people were caught and destroyed by the roving warg bands that patrolled Rhovanion. Now alone, Aros needs purpose and a leader once more.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): https://wrathofzombie.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/pious-priest-1.jpg

Accepted, just don't leave suddenly, alright?
Name: Unknown The Ithilien Ranger

Age: Unknown

Race: Human

Strengths: Good understanding of the wilderness, archery, stealth

Weaknesses: People, not picking fights, working against his group (strangers)

Talents: Fighting and Leading

Weapons: Bow and arrows, daggers, and sword

items: Cloak, quarterstaff/walking staff, map, and flint + steal 

Personality: Not much is known about him but he is mysterious in a since of wisdom 

History: Again not much is known about his history besides he is a ranger who lost his group by traveling through Moria. He now comes back to gain revenge for his fallen brethren 

Appearance: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ranger-of-the-north-WIP-153650901

((I did this cause not many people are coming to sign up. Btw i changed my first char to a general of Rohan))

Denied. All people will only have one character, plus history and personality are sorely lacking.
Name: Beogast Ralfr

Age: 34

Gender: Enedwaith Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Proficient in a particular form of combat, guerrilla warfare, superior in throwing ranged projectiles, especially javelins, but also skilled in using throwing axes. A primary strength of his is that he also has a tame hawk named Eofe who is as swift as the Falls of Rauros and as enduring as the great Fangorn Forest.

Weaknesses (3): Beogast is an untame imbecil unlike Eofe while drinking, and while sober, a vexing man who won't stop for crap to ruffle your feathers. He's also as stubborn as an ass and if by god you disagree with him he'll be a nettle in your rear. A final weakness is his daftness who won't take your damn odds, even if you're a strategist.

Talents (2): Lobbing projectiles and being a masterful bird trainer.

Number (1-24): 22

Weapon/s: A three pair of javelins, a single throwing axe, and an axe that we might call a francisca or a Frankish axe.

Item/s: A waterskin filled with the strongest ale, several furs thrown across his shoulders, and a drab coat.

Personality: A stubborn alcoholic who takes kindly to wandering in the largely unaccounted for lands of Enedwaith and befriending both people and animals.

History: ~

Appearance: ~
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Name: Beogast Ralfr

Age: 34

Gender: Enedwaith Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Proficient in a particular form of combat, guerrilla warfare, superior in throwing ranged projectiles, especially javelins, but also skilled in using throwing axes. A primary strength of his is that he also has a tame hawk named Eofe who is as swift as the Falls of Rauros and as enduring as the great Fangorn Forest.

Weaknesses (3): Beogast is an untame imbecil unlike Eofe while drinking, and while sober, a vexing man who won't stop for crap to ruffle your feathers. He's also as stubborn as an ass and if by god you disagree with him he'll be a nettle in your rear. A final weakness is his daftness who won't take your damn odds, even if you're a strategist.

Talents (2): Lobbing projectiles and being a masterful bird trainer.

Number (1-24): 22

Weapon/s: A three pair of javelins, a single throwing axe, and an axe that we might call a francisca or a Frankish axe.

Item/s: A waterskin filled with the strongest ale, several furs thrown across his shoulders, and a drab coat.

Personality: A stubborn alcoholic who takes kindly to wandering in the largely unaccounted for lands of Enedwaith and befriending both people and animals.

History: ~

Appearance: ~

Ooooohhhhh, Enedwaith. I, for some reason, sense Divide and Conquer. Accepted!
Name: Theia

Age: 143

Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf

Strengths (3): Stubborn, Determined, Diplomacy

Weaknesses (3): Stubborn, Cares Little of One's self or others due to her past which could cause problems, Stealth

Talents (2): Herbalist, Speaker of Old Dwarven Tongue

Number (1-24): 23

Weapon/s: Two dwarven axes, shortbow, 1 dagger.

Item/s: Herbs, Ancient Erebor Sapphire necklace encased in a thick golden plate carved carefully covered in specks of blood, worthless in coin, rich in memories. Dwarven Erebor armor aged with time, covered partly in animal skins.

Personality: Untrustworthy, Careful, Proud of her Erebor heritage.

History: From the Royal Line of Erebor, after the fall of Erebor, Theia was barely able to escape with her life. Embittered by the death of her family, she has sworn never to be known as royalty again. "For My name shall be Theia, which means, "Hope Is Lost." Theia has wandered around Middle-Earth, putting her knowledge of Herbs to use to help human settlements and help fight orcs in small skirmishes. With the news that a fellowship may be going to claim the legendary axe of Durin, Theia has made her way to join them. She has nothing to loose if the journey leads to her death, but if the axe is found she may avenge her fallen Dwarven brethren.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/29/6a/9c/296a9caa4a4f9addac6d5887a34d29aa.jpg

(I would not use my Royal Erebor heritage in any "OP" way, it is for role-play sake and may help the fellowship later on.)
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Name: Theia

Age: 143

Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf

Strengths (3): Stubborn, Determined, Diplomacy

Weaknesses (3): Stubborn, Cares Little of One's self or others due to her past which could cause problems, Stealth

Talents (2): Herbalist, Speaker of Old Dwarven Tongue

Number (1-24): 23

Weapon/s: Two dwarven axes, shortbow, 1 dagger.

Item/s: Herbs, Ancient Erebor Sapphire necklace encased in a thick golden plate carved carefully covered in specks of blood, worthless in coin, rich in memories. Dwarven Erebor armor aged with time, covered partly in animal skins.

Personality: Untrustworthy, Careful, Proud of her Erebor heritage.

History: From the Royal Line of Erebor, after the fall of Erebor, Theia was barely able to escape with her life. Embittered by the death of her family, she has sworn never to be known as royalty again. "For My name shall be Theia, which means, "Hope Is Lost." Theia has wandered around Middle-Earth, putting her knowledge of Herbs to use to help human settlements and help fight orcs in small skirmishes. With the news that a fellowship may be going to claim the legendary axe of Durin, Theia has made her way to join them. She has nothing to loose if the journey leads to her death, but if the axe is found she may avenge her fallen Dwarven brethren.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/29/6a/9c/296a9caa4a4f9addac6d5887a34d29aa.jpg

(I would not use my Royal Erebor heritage in any "OP" way, it is for role-play sake and may help the fellowship later on.)

Accepted! I believe that this RP will begin soon.
Name: Lugaid

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Fast at combat, Assassinations, duel wielding

Weaknesses (3): combat power (or strength), makes childish statements when having fun doing his job, which resulted to causing humorous distractions to himself and enemies to be angry and focus their anger at him, can't wield one handed weapons easily

Talents (2): Skilled at using two swords or axes, Assassination knowledge

Number (1-24): 10

Weapon/s: Two bastard swords, crossbow, rope darts (3), throwing knife (2)

Item/s: Map, clothing, water flask, flint and steel

Personality: Reliable, comedic

History: Raise in a village, he was always a amusing child who seems to bring attention to himself. His older brother, Louis, usually stop him from causing more distractions, although, his older brother barely spends time with him, even though he ask. When he does spend time with him, they go out hunting, picking off animals and squads of orcs for amusing results. It was not long until a handful of Haradrim bands started pillaging the village. Lugaid ran into his house to find his family, but ended up seeing his family assassinated by his older brother, Louis. Claiming that his family and the rest of the village was such disgraceful people, he offered Lugaid to join him and the men of Harad. Lugaid manage to escape the village by throwing a knife at his brother leg and ran. Now a mercenary, he hopes that he finds a way to resist the shadow and seek vengeance against his older brother.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): I can't tell so is this too anime like or I should get a different picture? 
Name: Lugaid

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Fast at combat, Assassinations, duel wielding

Weaknesses (3): combat power (or strength), makes childish statements when having fun doing his job, which resulted to causing humorous distractions to himself and enemies to be angry and focus their anger at him, can't wield one handed weapons easily

Talents (2): Skilled at using two swords or axes, Assassination knowledge

Number (1-24): 10

Weapon/s: Two bastard swords, crossbow, rope darts (3), throwing knife (2)

Item/s: Map, clothing, water flask, flint and steel

Personality: Reliable, comedic

History: Raise in a village, he was always a amusing child who seems to bring attention to himself. His older brother, Louis, usually stop him from causing more distractions, although, his older brother barely spends time with him, even though he ask. When he does spend time with him, they go out hunting, picking off animals and squads of orcs for amusing results. It was not long until a handful of Haradrim bands started pillaging the village. Lugaid ran into his house to find his family, but ended up seeing his family assassinated by his older brother, Louis. Claiming that his family and the rest of the village was such disgraceful people, he offered Lugaid to join him and the men of Harad. Lugaid manage to escape the village by throwing a knife at his brother leg and ran. Now a mercenary, he hopes that he finds a way to resist the shadow and seek vengeance against his older brother.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): I can't tell so is this too anime like or I should get a different picture? 

Accepted, nice to see more people joining.
Name: Lugaid

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strengths (3): Fast at combat, Assassinations, duel wielding

Weaknesses (3): combat power (or strength), makes childish statements when having fun doing his job, which resulted to causing humorous distractions to himself and enemies to be angry and focus their anger at him, can't wield one handed weapons easily

Talents (2): Skilled at using two swords or axes, Assassination knowledge

Number (1-24): 10

Weapon/s: Two bastard swords, crossbow, rope darts (3), throwing knife (2)

Item/s: Map, clothing, water flask, flint and steel

Personality: Reliable, comedic

History: Raise in a village, he was always a amusing child who seems to bring attention to himself. His older brother, Louis, usually stop him from causing more distractions, although, his older brother barely spends time with him, even though he ask. When he does spend time with him, they go out hunting, picking off animals and squads of orcs for amusing results. It was not long until a handful of Haradrim bands started pillaging the village. Lugaid ran into his house to find his family, but ended up seeing his family assassinated by his older brother, Louis. Claiming that his family and the rest of the village was such disgraceful people, he offered Lugaid to join him and the men of Harad. Lugaid manage to escape the village by throwing a knife at his brother leg and ran. Now a mercenary, he hopes that he finds a way to resist the shadow and seek vengeance against his older brother.

Appearance (No anime or anything like that): I can't tell so is this too anime like or I should get a different picture? 

I find it hard to believe he's reliable.

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