The Unknown Family [Inactive]

The creature tapped on my shoulder, but I knew he was there before he even got close. My ability allowed me to sense the disturbance in the air as it made contact with his body. I was ready I case he tried to attack me I had a disk made of wind in my hand that was inside of my jacket pocket. "I realized that when you didn't harm the girl" he said "it's more the guy with the burning hands that has me worried." Max noticed how brave he sounded; he usually would've ran away from a situation like this, but here he is conversing with a person who looked like he just took a lava bath. "Huh maybe I can change" he thought. "I'm gonna get closer, if the guy with the flaming hands tries to attack I can stop it, I can take the air around his body away so he can't create the flames anymore. By the way my names Max, but you can call me Bishop." After he finished he took a step forward. He thought yo himself "I'll stop when Wolf boy starts growling. Hopefully I can get close enough to be able to shut down Hotheads powers" Then he started moving closer.

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Throod stood where he was at watching. "You may be able to shut down the air around him, but what do you do if that wont work." he says calmly observing the person he called a hot head. "If you may wish tho, il step in if you cannot handle the situation." He says again before dispersing into the shadows again.
"He was right I didn't know if I could disable his abilities, but that's the point of trying". He thought to himself. " I know you can still hear me, if things do go south and he tries to attack and I can't disable his powers. Please intervene." He said in a low voice knowing that the person had disappeared behind him. He continued to move closer to the group hoping that things didn't get to out of hand.

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Donovan eyes Max warily. He raises an eyebrow, then points his right flaming fist at him. "Name and purpose, man. I want to make sure you're not going to start something."

Almost as an afterthought, his left fist extinguishes, then freezes, ice shards extending like a blade. He keeps it at his side.
I stop moving at that point. Good news I'm within range; bad news i miss judged his abilities. "Names Max" Max shouted "and I can't get closer it's kinda hard to hear back over by that tree!" it was a lie, and he hoped the guy would believe it. Max began to think "I need to think of a new plan.He's within range so if i need to i could still remove the air around him so he couldn't breathe, but it would drain him of his energy to be able to create the vacuum that would trap the guy long enough to have him pass out. Plus there's the man I have to look out for. Either way whether if the situation goes south or goes well he wouldn't have anyone be killed today." Max then said "if you feel threatened ill stop here."
The commotion would of course attract those who noticed. Beasts, weird power showings, and the like? It's unnatural. Lucian knew about stuff like this, though. He was made this way himself. He warily approached, his fear and curiosity fighting against each other, before immense.

His orange t-shirt was too large. Blue jeans torn. Green tennis shoes scuffed and near disrepair. Brown hair was messy, but his eyes were bright. Bright and teeming with curiosity.

Lucian had already been in the forest, sleeping under a tree. There weren't many places to sleep when you're homeless and your powers can overreact at any time, after all. Too many emotions, too much insanity, it was dangerous for him.

But then he heard it. And then he saw it. And he approached. Slowly, curiously, and nervously. What is going on? Maybe? Lucian would find out briefly.
Jay growled, "Back off, Hot head." He growled. "We didn't ask for the human fireplace to come running along." He snapped angrily. May watched cautiously, She then touched Jay's hand with hers, The sudden calmness rushed through him. May blinked and sighed, Before looking around. "Enough of this." She said calmly, The wind gusted her blonde locks forward, And her cheeks rushed a glossy pink, "Enough of the stupid quarreling, and foolish cockiness." She glanced to Donovan. "We clearly all have something in common, Even if it is no the same power, We are all test subjects, So we better figure out why we were all brought here..." She hesitated before continuing, "And who everyone is." Sky looked around and nodded, "We're in." She spoke for her and her Brother, Who gave her a disapproving look,Which she ignored.
(I AM STOPPING YOU ALL HERE. This is the third RP I will have been forced to save. You have gone too quickly, and too far. You all act like you have never RPed online before. I am ashamed of you. DREAMS: I will now ask that you enforce a turn based system, that way people who are AWAY FOR A WHILE can post DURING THE SCENE. Goodness people.)
Throod stood where he was watching before deciding everything was fine. He then turned back into his volcanic form and walked away deep into the woods. 'il meet them again' he thought to himself feeling the connection becoming stronger as he walked away. But he grew use to the feeling, so he ignored it. But he wondered if it grew stronger for the others.
Donovan grinned. "Glad to see we're on the same page." His right fist extinguished, and his left-hand icicles began to melt. He made a regal bow, all politeness negated by the mock manner in which he did it. "Donovan Laird, thermo-kinetic, at your service. And, uh... I prefer being a human fireplace to being a walking carpet. At least I retain my good looks." He grinned at Jay, a good-natured smile hiding a challenge beneath it.
Kenneth had only begun to understand what was going in. Powers? They didn't mean... Tests? He remembered that alright. Not very well, but he remembered. These others seemed so at home with their powers... It was to a degree that Kenneth only felt safe because he had a friggin gun.

"Hold your horses." He said, pulling his gun to a point that he could aim at anyone here with ease if necessary. "What the hell is going on here? The hell is all this crap? Dunno what connection you all are talking about, but I sure as hell ain't feeling a connection to anything but my gun and the ground right now." He glared at the assorted children before him. "And since when did this become a love fest?"
Jay sighed, A walking carpet that could rip your fucking head off... He decided to remain the man in the situation and ignore the foolish boy. He noticed the gun and eyed Kenneth carefully, Before looking to Sky. She too had seen the gun and gave the man a very weary look. Sky stepped closer to the man, Her eyes were their usual deep, almost comforting brown. "Its a connection only the those who were... tested on can feel.." She said calmly, She met his gaze before looking to the others. She gave him an almost thankful look, Remembering the forest.. He could have shot her.. He could have wounded her at the least, But he didn't. With that she was grateful.

May glanced to Donovan, "
Thermokinetic huh?" She asked with a slight smirk, "Sounds easier than being Telekinetic." She grunted softly, Before getting back into her gentle posture, "I'm May, by the way." She replied to the Thermokinetic guy, before looking to Sky who was talking to an older man holding a gun, She wondered how Sky had come to find this man, Or if he found her.. Hopefully he didn't see her wolf form, If he had May hoped to god this man could simply keep his mouth shut about them.

Grace and Jade were walking through the path winding through the forest, Looking for their sibling. Grace then spotted mysteriously large, and terrifying creature. She grabbed Jade quickly, Who also had just spotted the monster. In shock, Grace began to spark at her palms, She felt strangely drawn to this creature. She looked to Jade, Who stood with clenched fists to prevent releasing her power, Grace stumbled back slightly and frowned. This creature was larger then the two of the smaller, Teens. Yet Grace bravely stood her ground. Cautious of this creature.
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Throod stopped, 'two connections are over there' he thought to himself. He decided to just keep walking looking at his volcanic hands, he then kept walking looking for more connections then the two over there that most likely going to jump him.
Donovan laughs. "It became a love fest when I showed up. Y'know, 'cause I'm so hot." His fist ignites for a moment as he says the word 'hot.'

He turns back to May. "Perhaps it is easier. Although, it's a pain to only be able to change the stuff near you. How far's your range?"

While he speaks with humor, his mind focuses on the others. Out of all of them, the wolves would be the biggest threat. The telekinetic doesn't seem like a fighter. The guy with the gun looks competent with it, but a gun is nothing to fire or ice shields. Perhaps the one guy on the outskirts could do something, as his power has not been seen yet. But, all in all, the wolves seem most worriesome. Fire would take a while to get through their fur, as would ice...
Max tensed up at Donovan's question to the girl."He's trying to learn their ranges" Max thought "this could get bad very very fast". With his hand still in his jacket pocket he formed more wind disks in case Donovan attacked. "Hopefully he fights a bad as his puns were" Max though "At least I know the powers of most of them." Max glanced at the man. "Your power cant have anything to do with guns" Max thought "you wouldn't be so stupid as to reveal your power like that, your older so you should have more experience at hiding them." Max wanted to get out of here, but he was in plain sight and he didn't know how any of them would take him leaving. Sitting down on a stump Max hid his trembling hands inside his jacket his cowardly nature finally catching back up to him. "Hopefully the tension will go down" He thought "I don't know how much more i can resist before showing to everyone how scared i really am." Breathing in he focused back on the others "just pretend your at the library and this will all be over soon" He thought trying to calm himself down.
May gave him a satisfied glance, "Hmph.. Who said i could only change things near me?" She chuckled , "And my Range? Thats for me to know, A smarter experiment doesn't expose their weaknesses to the unknown." She said calmly, Before looking to Jay who was calming watching over the situation, As Sky talked with the man she had met before in the forest. May looked back to Donovon, She opened her mouth to speak but the ground shook violently for a few heart beats. She stumbled and landed at the Thermokinetics feet, She held her breath, Shocked until the ground stopped. She shakily looked around. Her eyes wide Stunned by the sudden movement. Jay had held tightly to a tree, While Sky stumbled forward, She grabbed the man who had speared her life tightly, To prevent from falling. Sky's tan face flushed with embarrassment.

Grace and Jade began to slowly approach the beast, Watching him carefully. He hadn't seemed to notice them yet. Grace let the flames spark up on her palms, She was about to call out to the monster, When the ground shook violently. She lost her footing, She fell into the open path, in plain sight of the beast. She clutched the dirt tightly, and stared up at the monster, shocked and frightened. She swallowed hard, Her hands now trembling from shock and sudden embarrassment. Jade had fallen to her knees in the cover of the bushes and trees. She watched silently, As her sister fell into the monster's path.
Throod stopped when the red headed girl fell into his path, he looked around feeling the rumble as well. 'what on earth, an earthquake?' he thought to himself. Suddenly he felt his body forming back to its original, and now he was his human self again. He looked at his hands shocked,"How did I turn back..."He said out loud. He had not been able to turn himself back for years let alone it doing on its own, the last time his power acted on its own was when he turned into this one child's worst fear...He snapped himself out of his memory and reached a hand out to the girl. "Are you ok?"
Before the tremors hit, Donovan flashed a triumphant grin. "What happened to being allies? A good tactitian needs to kno- Woah!" His sentence cut off as the ground began to shake. Almost as if by instinct, jets of ice shot from his hands and feet, anchoring him to the ground.

As the tremors stopped, the ice began to melt. It started as a trickle, then the rest of the ice liquidized in a matter of seconds. His soaked hands began to steam as he looked around, surveying the damage. Donovan looked down, surprised to see his fellow kinetic. He reached a steamy hand down, asking, "Need a hand?" The joke was gone from his voice, instead filled with surprise and concern.
Max fell backwards off the stump when the earthquake hit. "Oh my aching head" he said standing up. "what could've caused that" Max though "We rarely get earthquakes around here." Max looked around to make sure everyone was okay. The male wolf was latched on a tree, The two kinetics were okay, the wolf girl was holding onto the man. "Glad everyones okay." He said giving a sigh of relief. "I hope nothing else bad happens today, I don't think i could take another surprise."
May hesitated, before sliding her soft, small hand into Donovan's steaming hand. She shakily raised to her feet, "W-what? .." In the distance she could barely make out a massive machine hovering above the city, She watched for a moment, and saw people being dropped from the machine, Then the screaming began. May flinched, The screaming was filled with terror, and agony. She clutched Donovan's hand in shock and fear. It took her a moment before realizing she was holding his hand, She pulled away and ran towards the city, Jay chased after May quickly, "May! No" He called to her, May looked back, "M-my family!" She cried, As Jay grabbed her tightly held her back, from running out into the road that lead to the city, Gun shots ringing out, echoing through the forest.

Grace watched the beast turn into a person.. Like her. She flinched as he reached for her, She reached up for his hand. "
I.. im-" The screaming cut her off, The sound of gun shots making her blood turn to icy in her veins, She gasped. She stumbled slightly, And looked to Jade, Who was now showing herself from the shadowed bushes, The two hesitated. "W-what is that?" She muttered, Looking up through the trees as a large hovering machine appeared, accompanying the other the hovered over the city, Yet this one hovered over a near by clearing.

Jay looked up and spotted another Machine, As it slowly past over the group, It stopped. Hovering over them for a few moments before slowly revealing two large glowing tentacle like extensions, They slowly began to glow as they were getting ready to release a ray of death upon the teens. In the distance the other Machine was firing up to, It started a mere few seconds before the one hovering over the teens, then a horrible sound erupted that made the ground shake lightly as a blue ray striked down to the ground electrocuting the humans below turning them to nothing but clothing and Dust, "
Run!" Jay yelled to the others, Before releasing May.
Throod suddenly turned back into his monster self again looking at the machine, he then picked grace up with one hand setting her to her feet and then quickly pointed at a abandoned house in the distance. "Go take refuge." He said with his old twisted and rusty voice again before turning and looking for a way to find entrance into the flying machine. He was going to get on some way or another, even if it cost him his freedom.
Donovan stared up at the machine in awe. He reacted quickly, grabbing his thermometer from his pocket. After determining the outside temperature, the air around his body began to take the same. He grinned as his skin grew cooler, shifting temperature as the wind rose and fell.

He took a quick look around. Jay and May were closest, and least hostile as of now, so he chased after them. "Guys! Group together and grab onto me!" The air ripples around him as the heat from his body changes temperature quickly, as it also rippled in the place where he had been standing, a temperature decoy taking his place.
The Machine appearing made Max start hyperventilating. "This can't be happening, I mean I'm dreaming right?!" Max said to himself "No stop it Max your better than this, calm down." Max noticed Donovan running towards Wolf boy and May and thought. "they're the ones that would be most prepared for this." and he kicked off the tree stump and using his powers shot himself towards the group and landed near Wolf boy."Hi no time for formalities we need to get out of here." Max said then realizing his wolf-like ears were exposed. " Well there goes that" He thought to himself. Max Lifted himself off the ground to allow him to speed up as he ran."DON! MOVE FASTER!" he shouted back to the Thermokinetic as he began to run away from where everyone had met.
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Jay grabbed Sky off of the older guy she clung to, He then shoved the two girls, and the guy, "Come on! Run!" He yelled, Just in that moment, As they reached for the two boys, The Machine shot the blue ray of death at the group, It sliced through the ground, Causing an explosion as it hit the ground, Jay flung back, And in the moment turned into his savage form. He skidded to a halt, And then sprinted towards the group again. Sky was tossed aside, With May. The two smaller girls hit the ground hard. May let out a cry of pain as she hit her head on a large rock that stopped the two girls, Sky hit the ground and rolled, She stared at the sky for a moment, The machine was waiting for the dust to clear before aiming again. Sky blinked, Jay leaped for the two girls before gently grabbing Sky, "Grab May!" Jay barked at Donovan, before charging into the forest blindly. Both of the girls were very light weight. Blood gently seeped down May's forehead, And she dizzily blinked, watching her blood drip onto the cool forest floor.

Grace stubbornly huffed, Before grabbing Throod's hand. She pulled at him, "
I either go with you, or you don't go at all!" She snapped at him, looking to Jade who stood stiffly as she watched the Machine begin to destroy the land not that far from them, Grace stared up at the beast, He wasn't mean. He was just like her.
Throod looked up at the machine, there was no way he could get into it alone. He waited for awhile before shrugging Grace off and walking towards the abandoned house. There must be something he could use in the house, or at-least a place safe for now sense the machine seemed to be attacking where the connections he feels are at. As he walked to the house he suddenly got it, there attacking the experiments.

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