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Fantasy The Unholy Wars

The timer beeped and Faye looked into the oven. Satisfied they were done, Faye took them out and placed the cookie sheet on a cooling rack before moving back over to his plant, this time with some water in hand. After they'd watered all their children, she grabbed a nice-sized paper bag to put the cookies in, cleaning the counter before turning off the lights and exiting the shop, locking the door behind him, hoping no one would break any of the glass windows while she was gone. He walked at a meaningful pace down the street, entering the building and walking into Alexa's office, cookies in hand, handing the sugar cookies over to Alexa with a smile.
Tatiana exited the hospital exhausted as usual, but she had to study if she ever wanted to at least go to Medical School
Somewhere in the slums, there was a building. It was an unassuming building, its only distinguisable feature that it was slightly more dirty than the other buildings around it. Well, if you didn't count the huge hole in the window off course.

I swear it was not my fault, I didn't touch that dirty window. The werewolf I threw through it, however, was a different story.

"Mad Dog Jimmy," I called to the figure currently sprawled over the sidewalk. "I heard Duke Bell is quite anxious to see you. He even promised such a substantial reward for whoever could make your reunion happen all the faster, wasn't that nice of him?"

I watched as the werewolf picked himself up and attempted to strike a macho pose. Good ol' Jimmy, never one to stay down, but the effect was lost when you were just thrown out of a building by a girl half your size.

"I don't take orders from some goddamn fairy, and I'll teach you a lesson, bitch." Jimmy replied less then equolently.

"You were happy enough to take his money, but you don't think you should pay it back? Tsk, tsk, Jimmy, that's not very honorable. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't your mother the bitch? He heard it always got quite hairy whenever she got pissed."

That got to him, and Jimmy's clothes ripped from his body as he turned into his werewolf form to attack me.

Compared to werewolves in general, Jimmy was the lowest of the low, barely strong or smart enough to be recognized as a civilian. Having said that, he was still a werewolf. Most humans would piss their pants at the prospect of fighting him one-on-one in hand-to-hand combat.

But Bint al-Jinni wasn't human.
Alexa glanced up to notice Faye walking right through the doors to her office, smiling at her second guest before glancing back to Jack. "I am sorry, Jack. I hope you can understand my position...even if they were the worst criminals in the world, I can't disclose their information," explained Alexa gently, rubbing Faye's hand gently as she glanced up to the Faerie. "I do it not for their safety...but for the safety of my other patients. How can any of them trust me if I give away all of their information, especially to a human?"

@Jack Dennings @mikaluvkitties
Jack smiled pleasantly, and looked over at Faye, "I would very much like if we discussed this in private. Unwanted ears could lead to someone getting hurt, and we both don't want that." Jack said it pleasantly, but it seemed to be as much a threat as a warning. He waited a moment before speaking, deciding what he could say without giving out any information to Faye. "There is a certain hypocrisy to that, wouldn't you say? A human who helps supernatural creatures not believing that another human would want to do the same?" He was about to continue, but stopped himself, again looking over at Faye. "Excuse my rudeness, but I am rather pressed for time, and I would like some privacy. It'll only be a few more minutes." Jack said again with a sociable smile.
Alexa kept rubbing Faye's hand as she frowned a little to the threat behind his tone, especially to the mention of someone else getting hurt. The human doctor sighed to the hypocrisy of her work, rubbing her temple with one of her hands to relieve a slight headache. "I lost my faith in humanity when they took my parents away from me, Jack. I have very little room for sympathy with them," she confessed seriously, patting Faye's hand gingerly. "Faye, my dear, would you please just give us a little more time to discuss something in private? Why don't you go check on the other nurses and physicians to see if they would want any other treats? I will pay for it," she assured her Faerie friend gently.

Poor ol' Jimmy, he never could wrap his around the fact that bigger didn't mean stronger. He kept believing that just because he was larger than anybody else and had more muscle mass then the average bull he could do whatever he wanted without repurcussions. That's why he refused to give Duke Bell -a fairy- his money back, something sane people wouldn't even dare to dream about. And it was why he kept trying to fight me, something that, in my humble opinion, was about as smart as iceskating on an active vulcano.

It ended quickly and as you might suspect, with Jimmy howling on the floor with three broken ribs and a dislocated jaw.

I sighed at the easy fight and called my contact at Bell's office on my phone.

A sweet and melodic voice could be heard from the phone:

"What do you want, Bint?"

Well, I said a sweet voice, not a sweet personality.

"Nice to hear from you too, Dew. How are you? The kids doing alright?" I replied cheerfully to my contact, Mountain Dew.

"Bugger of Bint, the boss is mad and determined to let the whole office share in his misery. So unless you have a reason for calling besides asking me questions about my personal life, I'm going to hang up now."

"Wait, hear me out first."

I really couldn't blame the fairy on the other end of the line for his grumpiness, if I was stuck with a name synonymous with a carbonated drink, I'd be testy too.

I continued: "I know you put a bounty on Jimmy for squelching on the loan Bell gave him, I'm calling to let you know I have him in front of me, bleeding on the concrete.

"You found him? That's great, the boss has been going on on how is is going to learn the dog how to beg. For mercy, that is."

"Well, I hope he can settle for playing dead, cause Mad Dog Jimmy isn't formulating words anytime soon."

"What do you mean?"

"I may have dislocated his jaw."

"Won't his regeneration take care of that?"

"Funny thing about dislocation, regeneration can heal everything around it, but it won't push the bones back. I'm sure I won't have to draw you a picture."

Even over the phone, I could feel Mountain Dew wince at the thought.

"That's bad, Jenny, Bell really wants to hear Jimmy talk, he described quite vividly how he was going to record it and use his jammering as a ringtone for his other debtors, debtors Jimmy knows how to track down. So I suggest you get him fixed up -his jaw, at least- before you bring him in.

"How the hell am I going to do that?! I don't know jack shit about putting werewolf-bones back where they belong. Do you know how messed up their physiology is?"

"I'm not asking you to do it ,where are you now?"

I told him.

"There is a clinic not far from you. The Oasis Clinic it's called, you can get him patched up there."

"Fine, but the pay better be worth this." I hung up and pulled Jimmy to his feet.

"We are going on a walk, big guy, how do you like that? Now don't be scared but we are going to the V-E-T."
Tarvarus grimaced as he slid down a wall not far from where he had encountered a group of human police who had tried to arrest him for some reason. They didn't know that he was a supernatural, but thought he was some common dangerous criminal.

He knew that some supernaturals can manipulate the humans' mind, most likely one of them had manipulated the police into trying to kill him.

Things hadn't gone to plan though, Tarvi had to use his abilities and killed them, but he took three bullets, all hitting his left arm.

Blood was dripping from it, and the pain was no tickle either.

"What would the Devil Lord and my parents say now, the great Tarvarus Nigael, wounded by 3 humans. Well, it's not like I could have gone full demon, otherwise every human in close range would be after me." Tarvi sighed as he looked an approaching man, who was obviously coming to him. 'What does he want?'
"Tarvarus..." breathed a deep voice, the figure slowly coming into view from the shadows, pale white skin glistening with black hair with tints of grey covering the sides of the aging head of Dimitri Petrovic, one of the high elder councilmen of the Vampire society. An umbrella shielded his head from the oncoming rain drizzling from the clouded skies, red eyes glancing upon the demon quietly. "Had a feast I see..." purred the Vampire deeply, accent thick as he shifted his weight on his opposite leg. "My daughter can examine that for you if you wish...it looks like you are in a great deal of pain..."

@Tearlach the Fade
"Someone tried to kill me, Dimitri, why on earth would I go to a clinic where I will easily be spotted?" Tarvi appreciated the vampire's offer, but he didn't want to be anywhere public right now.

"Now I do hope you'll excuse me, but I must be getting home. Can't keep the wife waiting after all." Tarvi felt his heart ache at his own wife joke, ever since his friends were murdered, he's been alone, and although he always tries to cover the pain of loneliness up, it was always there.

Tarvi tried to push himself up, but immediately his arm protested and he slid back down, letting out an audible sigh of frustration. Perhaps getting some help wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Because the clinic is for people like us, Tarvarus..." answered the high elder simply, keeping his distance from the demon to give him space. Dimitri winced faintly to the howl of pain from the demon as he fell down to the ground from his exhausting effort, sympathy clouding his mind to the pity he had for the high powered demon. Stepping forward and crouching down, Dimitri carefully slung Tarvarus's arm over his shoulders and helped him stand up, starting to carry him towards the clinic. "My daughter's clinic is not far...she will take care of your wounds," he assured the taller demon, his umbrella now tucked under his arm as a wide brimmed hat shielded his face from the rain.

@Tearlach the Fade
"Thanks for that. What kind of world do we live in now Dimitri, where our own supernatural species try to kill one another?" Tarvi was grateful for the vampire's help,so much so that he surprised himself when he thanked him.

"Mark my words Dimitri, I will find whoever it is that poisoned the minds of those humans, and when I do...I will fly them up, all the way to the clouds and then I will drop them. The long drop to the ground will be sufficient enough time for them to regret trying to kill me, as they plummet to their deaths." Although Tarvarus meant this as a joke...kinda...he was serious about revenge though.
"The union with our mortal brothers came at a price for both sides, Tarvarus...some great and others small. Our kin have been exposed to the concept of every man fighting for himself, growing selfish and leaving those in need to starve and die in the cold. We as leaders are meant to shelter them from such ill willed thoughts but we can only do so much," spoke the elder, still carrying Tarvarus slowly down the road. "Do not fret. They shall get what is coming to them," purred the vampire, chest rumbling with certainty.

"Besides the fact my daughter is human, she has gone through great lengths to ensure she helps our kin...she has suffered from the hands of humans just as we have," added Dimitri. "She will know how to heal your wounds with no trouble."

@Tearlach the Fade
Jack patience was wearing. At any moment another supernatural may approach, and join the fray. While he continued to hold his pleasant conversation, he made a choice. Now, his every word was laced with a supernatural power meant to control the minds of mortals. If she was a normal human, she would find herself telling him everything he wanted. If she was not, she would have a a sudden terrible, blistering headache. It was a risk he was willing to take. "Doctor, I have to go soon, so please, tell me everything about powerful clients of yours right now. Oh! And give me a copy of any of your relevent files, if you would!" Jack said with another pleasant smile, as his hand slipped in between the buttons of his winter coat, his fingers grasping a Derringer 9. He had recovered the innovative weapon from one of the thugs he disposed of, and only kept this handgun due to it's easy conceal nature coupled with a high hitting power. If she resisted... Well, he would do what must be done.
Encouraging her young Faerie friend to leave the office to look out for orders from any of the other patients of the clinic, Alexa sighed before turning her attention back to the man sitting across from her desk. Just as her lips parted to answer him, Alexa felt a fog cloud her mind, shaking her head a little to the sensation as she rubbed her eye believing the sudden strange feeling to be exhaustion from lack of sleep. Looking back up to Jack, Alexa had no control over the next words that came through her lips. "Of course I can, Jack. Let me..." she started before glancing up to see an injured Jinn walking through the doors of her clinic, her eyes widening as she jumped up. "Excuse me one moment. I will be right back with those files," she promised, making her way towards the door.

@Jack Dennings @LeviathanL

"Greetings healer," I said jovially as I dragged the moaning werwolf behind me.

"My good friend Jimmy here seems to have gotten into a little bit of an accident." At this Jimmy started moaning louder, but whatever he wanted to say wasn't intelligable through his swollen mouth. "Dislocated jaw, I believe. And he's a werewolf, so I don't need to tell you the mess that makes."

While explaining the situation, I scanned the clinic. Overall it seemed just like any other clinic she'd ever seen, with the exception of the human healer and the well-dressed man standing in the back. I could sense magic in the air, but that wasn't highly unusual in a supernatural clinic. Some fairy could be using healing magic, or a vampire could be bleeding in the back room. So I put the sensation in the back of my head, ignoring it for now, but prepared to act if the feeling changed.

Instead I gave the woman in front of me my broadest smile: "Can you fix him up, doc?"

@LadyMatsudai @Jack Dennings
As the woman, clearly of a supernatural origin, entered the clinic with a werewolf in tow, Jack grimaced. It was for but a moment, and it was likely unnoticed, but the fact remained that things were going very poorly for Jack. He felt a strong aversion to the woman who had disrupted him just as he was about to get the papers he needed, despite the fact a woman such as her might be who he was looking for. She certainly seemed tough enough. But no matter, one thing at a time. Jack decided he would want the documents as soon as possible, in case things went poorly soon. He directed his words at the doctor, making sure none of his power was directed at the newcomers, so to them he would seem to be simply a persuasive human, and apart from his powers was completely undetectable as anything else. He first spoke to the newcomer woman, with a voice free from his manipulative control, "We'll be another minute, sorry for the wait." He turned back towards the doctor, and this time his words were dripping with power, "They'll be alright for the time being- Could you please fetch me the papers so I can be on my way?"

@LadyMatsudai @LeviathanL
Just about to make her way over towards the man whimpering in pain beside the jinn, Alexa blinked to the sudden grab of arm, the hand gently pulling her back to avert her attention somewhere else. Her mind grew fuzzy to the powerful command before slowly walking towards the file cabinet and pulled out the only documents she had for some of the most powerful supernaturals that attended her clinic. "This is all I have," she spoke to Jack a little monotone, her face a little blank.

@Jack Dennings @LeviathanL

((OOC: I am so sorry for the wait you guys :( I am a horrible mod ))

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