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Fantasy The Unholy Wars

The winter had been growing worse over time across the Human province of Utopia. The inches of snow seemed to be growing more and more in the capitol city of Sapien, the heart and soul of the entire province. The busy was bustling with people rushing to attend to their daily duties, snow blowing fiercely through the winding roads and streets of the metropolis. But on the outskirts, in the heart of the slums brimming the city's limits, the Oasis Clinic sat comfortably in a small cocoon of snow. Surprisingly, the day was rather quiet with not a lot of emergency patients coming through, giving the clinic's owner, Alexa Ackerman, a little time to rest. She laid on the small cot of her office, door partially ajar to let the cool air in. Blonde hair rolled off of the side of the bed as her face was left to stare up at the ceiling. Sweat glistened on her brow as she whimpered to her nightmare, squirming in her efforts to awaken from her unconscious state of being, her heart and mind racing as her eyes moved quickly under their lids. She needed to wake up...she had to wake up...
The faded pink wallpaper of Faye's shop was chipped, the wood paneling beneath it showing through. The lights flickered occasionally, and sometimes the heat went out and Faye would have to comfort his plants from time to time, but that didn't change that it was his favorite place to be. Some might argue that it was in a bad part of town, and they wouldn't be wrong, but a little shop that made yummy treats might be able to help others like Faye feel good, even if it was only for a few minutes. And besides, if he wasn't in the bad part of town, a lot more humans would end up in his shop. At the moment, Faye was lazily leaning against one of the counters containing a plant, chatting about what the best thing that the little shop they both virtually lived in served.

He made sure to pay attention to his surroundings, however, keeping an ear out for a bell's tinkling, or the beep of an oven that would reveal to both Faye and her plants that the bread he was currently cooking was done. That should be soon, they realized, and he might want to start prepping some cookies. With a sigh, she straightened up from where they had been leaning, going over to pull out the already made dough and begin to shape it into cookies, still listening for her shop's bell to ring.
Jack lay curled up in a dark corner of a bad part of town. He had began to take a human form, his last one being recently deceased. His appearance morphed and mixed, from tall to short, from old to young. His features quickly flickering between different variations, sometimes he assumed grotesque inhuman forms. But as he sat hidden, his changes began to become more subtle, as a human form took hold. Slowly, but surely, Jack was formed. He was tall, his limbs a bit longer then usual. His build was thin, though decently muscular. His eyes were red for a moment, but once he maintained composure, they were a dark blue. His face had sharp features, and he was decently attractive, though not overly so as to draw attention. He looked like a 23 year old human.

He slowly stood, naked, and began to stretch out his limbs to testing their functions to assure himself his human form was perfect. And it was- Not even a supernatural creature would know he was of inhuman nature. But Jack knew he couldn't simply walk straight into the human world without even a scrap of clothing, so, he moved to an area not so far from a larger street, and waited. His opportunity came shortly. Three men, mildly intoxicated, stumbled down the alley way, Jack waited until they had passed, before quietly walked behind them. He suddenly forced his hands into the two at the rear's spinal column, paralyzing them instantly, and causing them to fall to the floor with a thud. As the other man turned, he smiled.

Jack walked out of the alley, his clothing being black jeans, and a black winter coat. The insides of the coat were stained with blood, so he kept it closed. And, not too far away, three corpses rotted in a dumpster, something that if it was even found, no one would care, for such occurrences were not rare in the poorest regions of Utopia. Jack had acquired a small amount of money from his three victims wallets, and his human body began to thirst for nourishment. As Jack walked, his nose picked up a smell, that of fresh dough, and cookies. And so Jack walked a little further down, and entered a small, rather poor in appearance, bakery. On the inside, he looked upon the shop with disdain, for the wood paneling showed, and the pink wall paper faded, but outwardly, he was quite pleasant.

As he entered the shop, and the bell rang, he smiled warmly, and took a few steps in, as he watched a grey Fairy form cookies. To him, he would have seemed fully human. "Evening, Sir. Did I come too early, or have you already baked some fresh sweets?" He asked as he approached the counter.
At the sound of the bell tinkling, Faye looked up, surprised that a human had entered his shop and actually stayed even though he wasn't. She quickly went back to her work, though, flattening the now small spheres of cookie dough with a rolling pin, looking up when the man spoke again, listening avidly. He'd asked for some fresh sweets, and Faye looked around the meticulously clean black countertops to see what they had. On a metal display near the back with plants flanking it, he saw a collection of cookies made that day.

"Well," Faye began, turning to face the man with a polite smile on his face, "I have some Russian tea cakes, some snickerdoodles, and some chocolate chip cookies. I should have some bread in a couple more minutes. Does any of that catch your fancy?"

Just then, the stove went off, beginning to beep, and Faye quickly ran over to pull out the bread. He remembered to use oven mitts, as he always had after an incident when he was eight, before turning the temperature to where it had to be for the cookies, going back over to his customer with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that. So, did you have anything you were interested in?"
Jack took a moment to look over the baked goods, eyeing the snickerdoodles for a long moment. He very much liked snickerdoodles. He watched Faye extract the bread, which looked nice and warm. Jack smiled, and bowed slightly "One moment." He said as he took a step away from the counter, and opened his trench coat to fish around for the wallet he had kept, careful to not reveal the bloody stains to Faye. Once he fished it out, he took out a mix of bills, a few of which were stained with blood, though he did not know this. He placed several hundred dollars on the counter. "I would like one loaf of bread, three snickerdoodles, and if possible, a bit of butter. If it is all the same to you, I think I'll take a seat and eat a bit here, I'm rather famished." He said with a charming smile.
Faye watched their customer bow to them, his confusion showing on their face for a second before she managed to cover it up. The man then proceeded to pull out money and this time Faye's eyes nearly blew off his face. They picked up the money and proceeded to count it, hands slowing when she saw the blood. He kept his hands going, slowly though, so he had time to think. There was blood on this money. Perhaps she should call the police. In fact, she probably should call the police, seeing as the blood looked fairly fresh. But the man wasn't... really... being all that bad, and... the humans would probably think he made it up, right?

She, with some willpower, kept his face in a polite smile, and went to grab what the customer had asked for with a pair of gloves, placing the three snickerdoodles in a smaller bag and the loaf of bread in a bigger one, grabbing some butter out of the fridge before handing it all to the man and saying, "Of course you can sit in here, that would be perfectly alright." Besides, if he ate here it gave Faye more time to figure out what to do.

He placed the sugar cookies in the oven before pulling out her cellphone and, not knowing what else to do, calling their parents.

They were greeted by her father in his usual cheerful voice, quickly cut off by Faye whispering into their phone quiet enough that they were sure their human customer wouldn't hear them, "Dad, I- I'm at work, but- but this guy, this human came in and was really nice and all but- but he paid with bloody money, and unlike the bloody money that usually comes through here it's fresh and I don't know what to do, Dad. What do I do?" They held their hand to their face multiple times to make sure they didn't get too loud, trying to look casual while on the phone.
Jack took the baked goods from him with a smile and a nod, "Thank you very much," he said with courtesy, before taking a seat on a bench. As he unwrapped his snickerdoodles, he eyed the boy with contempt as Faye turned to the phone. He knew that he had overpaid, though by how much he was unsure. Figures, he thought, considering where this shop resides, this boy is no more honest than any other of the vermin around. A pity, he seemed to be of an agreeable sort. As Faye spoke on the phone in a hushed voice, he took a bite of the snickerdoodle, holding his hand below his mouth to catch crums. A smile went onto his face upon tasting it, one which was direct towards Faye as he gave a little thumbs up with his spare hand. He quickly finished the cookie, and went onto butter a slice of bread, and consume it in a similar fashion.

He then stood, deciding he would likely need some of that money back for transportation and new clothing. "Um, excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but I seem to have overpaid you. At least, I believe I did. Could you double check?" Jack asked politely, as he eyed the phone in his hand.
It was not too long before Alexa work up with a fright, sitting upright immediately in her cot to feel her cheeks covered in tears and the rest of her body covered in beads of sweat. Her hands ran over her pale face gingerly to help calm herself down, breathing slowly in and out while her eyes remained closed to keep the world from spinning. It had been the third night in a row she had the same nightmare. The same horrible dream that plagued her mind for what she failed to do as a child...she could not save them...no matter how hard she tried... In need of fresh air, Alexa stood up from her cot and fetched her winter coat, walking out of the clinic for a moment to retire for a while to the small bakery not too far away. She would always retreat to Faye's small bakery for their delicious treats in the hopes for a moment she would be able to forget everything she laid witness to in her dreams.

Opening the door as it chimed, Alexa moved her hair from her eyes and walked towards the counter, noticing a man standing there trying to speak with Faye. "Hey Faye..." cooed Alexa softly, heavy bags under her eyes as she attempted to give the Faerie a warm smile.
Oh. So he hadn't realized he'd overpaid him. Faye didn't realize you could overpay someone that much and not notice. And he was eyeing the phone in Faye's hand. "Talk to you later, dad," she whispered before hanging up, much to their father's protest, and sliding it into her pocket.

Faye smiled as he turned to face the man, saying, "Of course I'd be willing to double check." He walked over to the cash register, not letting her hands quiver no matter how much they seemed to want to when the bells chimed again, and Faye looked up, relieved to see Alexa, one of his regulars, in the doorway.

"Hi, Alexa!" they said with a flick of his wrist that didn't come off quite as cheerful a wave as she had wanted.

"Oh," they said, hoping she sounded as embarrassed as he had wanted, "You did overpay. By quite a large quantity, in fact. I'm sorry I missed that," she said, giving him an apologetic smile as they handed the man his change, sure to flash the bloody notes Alexa's way. Hopefully Alexa saw and understood what Faye was trying to convey.
Jack was suspicious of Faye, but calling his dad seemed to be a fair enough story. Well, it would have been, if not for the hushed whispers. But no matter, he may have been just being polite. As the bells chimed, he glanced back, to see a woman enter, and he nodded his head slightly with a smile before returning to Faye. When Faye began to hand back the bills, he saw one with blood, and make a realization, and a split second decision.

Jack's eyes grew wide, and he dropped the money, stumbling back a bit, "What the hell? Wha- why-" Jack said stuttering, "Why is there blood on those bills? What are you trying to do here?" He asked with accusation, as he started to regain his composure, "Why is the money covered with blood?"
Glancing towards the other gentleman that was in the shop, Alexa offered a small smile and nodded her head gently as well before frowning to the site of the blood on the money. Watching the man stumble back in shock, Alexa walked forward and examined it before jumping over the counter to hold Faye's hands, looking them over intently. "Faye, did you cut yourself by accident? Are you alright?" she asked seriously, eyes narrowed in focus before holding her fingers on Faye's wrist to take her pulse, checking her watch diligently. "Are you bleeding at all, sir?" asked Alexa to the other man in the store, eyes still glued down to the wristwatch.
At the man's comments, Faye flitted between the two humans, eyes filled with panic. Thankfully, Alexa didn't seem to think they did anything to anyone, so the guy might not be trying to pin any blame to him. Faye focused on the man for a second, listening to Alexa as she spoke before answering in a subdued voice, "Yeah, must've cut myself without realizing it," she looked away from the stranger in his shop to Alexa instead, adding, "Not like blood could've gotten on the money in any other way, right?" before lightly pulling his hand away, plastering a smile back on her face. "Anyways, enough about me- what would you like?" He might've forgotten to set the timer for the oven. Shoot. Faye checked his watch- about five more minutes on the sugar cookies. He'd check on them after he got Alexa what she wanted.
Jack slowly took the money, inspecting the blood on it. "Lot of blood for a cut..." He muttered, loud enough for them both to hear. He made a show of slowly looking over the bills, and deciding to keep them anyway, as money is money. He slipped them back into his wallet, and his wallet back into his winter jacket. He moved towards his food on the stool, and picked up the snickerdoodle, taking a couple bites before walking back over to Faye, "Well, before I go, I was wondering if you've heard of a supernatural doctor by the name of Ackerman? I was under the impression she lives in the area, and I figured you might know where." Jack asked with yet another smile, as he finished off his treat.
Still counting on her wristwatch, Alexa blinked to Faye pulling his hands away, frowning to how quiet he became and glanced back towards the other man before nodding. "You are right. The blood came from a worse wound than a simple cut," she agreed before frowning to Faye putting a smile back on her face. "Just the usual, Faye, but let me examine you further," she insisted seriously. Her attention turned to the gentleman behind the counter and cleared her throat a little to speak to the man. "I am Dr. Ackerman, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?"
"Okay," Faye mumbled, coming around the counter and keeping his eyes on his feet as he passed the man, knowing he couldn't look anywhere else without his wariness showing in his eyes, setting himself up on the counter to let the good doctor inspect him, alert as the man asked for the doctor, remembering all the things that happened to humans who conversed with faeries and werewolves regularly. He kept his feet on his shoes for the moment though, wishing that Alexa had just ordered what she had wanted first. His cookies might burn now, he thought glumly, and then he wouldn't be able to make much on them- he probably wouldn't even be able to sell them.
Jack blinked, clearly surprised, "Dr. Ackerman?" He said, then chuckled, "I seem to have had some good luck. I would like to speak with you in private however, if that is possible. My problem is rather... Personal. As a doctor I'm sure you understand." Despite his outward appearance Jack was not happy he had found her here. Alexa had already seen his current persona, so any sudden shift in his personality would alarm her, and tip her off to his inhuman origins. He would have to be careful now, if things did not run smoothly Jack would be in a rather precarious situation so soon after taking his new form. Jack seemed to remember something, "Oh, where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself. Jack Dennings, at your service." He said with a small bow.
Sighing to Faye walking off to check on the new pastries that would emerge from the ovens, Alexa nodded to confirm the man that she was indeed Dr. Ackerman of the Oasis Clinic, smiling a little to his chuckle and nodded in respect to his decision to speak in private. "Of course. My clinic is just down the street. We can talk in my office there," she offered before turning towards the direction of the kitchen. "Faye! I am heading back to the clinic. Just swing by when the cookies are done and I can pay you there, alright?" she cooed, starting to walk towards the door to hold it open and smiled to the bow, nodding her head respectfully. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dennings. Come, let's talk in my office," she insisted warmly.
Faye nodded to Ms. Ackerman, worried about her going somewhere with a strange human with bloody money who they had never seen before. Maybe she should have just said that the blood wasn't from him, he thought guiltily, maybe they shouldn't have let themself get scared like that. Alexa might die because of her stupid fear. He checked on the cookies and sighed when she realized they would need a few more minutes, setting the timer for two in case her personal guesses were off. They went over to one of the plants and whispered to it worriedly, murmuring about the strange man who had entered their store and might have a group ready to kill Alexa.
Jack smiled as he walked towards her, "Please, call me Jack." He began to walk with her, "I appreciate your respect for my privacy, and your aid to the supernatural. It is rather admirable of you, if I might say so myself. And unfortunately, rather rare... but that's all rather gloomy stuff, and not at all why I wish to talk with you." As Jack made simply chat, he considered what was to be done if she was unforthcoming with information. To kill her would be a waste, and create more problems then it solved. Faye may show up at any time, which further limited his options.
Walking beside Jack on the way back to the clinic, Alexa smiled towards Jack and nodded gently in agreement. "It is no trouble, Jack. I want to make sure you are comfortable. You also give me too much credit. I just want to help out however I can...the supernatural races have always done more for me than humans have," she answered, her face falling a little to remembering her nightmare just an hour before and cleared her throat to Jack steering the conversation from such a dark direction. Opening the main door to Jack to enter first, Alexa greeted some of the staff and moved to her office, opening the door and leaving it open for Jack to enter as she started to fold up the cot to tuck it away. "So...what was it you would like to discuss, Jack?" she asked gently, still working on cleaning up her office a little bit.
As Jack entered the office, he noted the staff. After taking a seat, he spoke "To be frank, I want information. A great deal of supernaturals run through your office, and I would like to know a little about them. Don't worry, I'm not trying to harm any of them, but I fear a few may be in danger." It was a lie, but one that would suit his purposes, "I can't tell you more, or I might risk your life as well, and I see no reason to do that." Jack looked a little apologetic about this, "I'm sorry, but thats just how it is. Do you think you could help me?" He asked as he looked into her blue eyes, his own of a slightly darker shade.
Struggling a little with the cot before sighing to it finally folding to have her tuck it in a small corner of her office, Alexa blinked to Jack saying he wanted to ask for information, smiling a little to the concern he had to drawing her into something horrible before shaking her head. "You may have to get in line for that, Jack," she confessed, sighing as she sat down in her chair, rubbing her forehead a little tiredly. "A lot of people have threatened my life before and after I opened this clinic. I'm not scared of it to be honest...it's to be expected," she added before growing a little more serious. "I as a doctor however can't give you too much information about my patients regarding the confidentiality between myself and them. But I can try to help however I can...what information were you looking for?"
Jack thought for a moment, his hands clasped, and his head positioned down, before his spoke, and he looked up at her, "Dangerous people. The type who come in with bullet wounds, or slashes, not colds and ailment. The type of people you would want to stay away from lest you get involved with. Specifically, their leaders, people of power in the supernatural. Vampires of impressive ranking, demonic lords, gang leaders. Dangerous people." He repeated. He looked almost scared upon saying these things, as if he himself wished not to get involved with them, but circumstances demanded that he did.
Alexa frowned a little to Jack explaining the targets he was looking for, sighing deeply as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes for a moment before looking back at Jack. "I am afraid I can't tell you any of that, Jack. Regardless of who these people are that come into my clinic, I swore I would keep them safe both through my skills as a doctor and the secrecy of who they are before and after they leave here. How would I be any different from the humans if I gave you their information?" she asked honestly.

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