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Realistic or Modern The Unfortunate Cruise

He ignored Jessica's and Spook's words, "That's fine with me. Collecting wood shouldn't be so hard. Also... What's wrong with Benny? It's a lot less stupider sounding then Benjamin.", he said to him, "Jessie doesn't complain about her name being rubbish.", he turned his head to her and asked, "How do you feel being called Jessie?" 

@spookie spook @WereFolf @Little gasmask
"You see..." Benjamin had a flashback " My mother...  Died in a car accident." He let out a small tear " Benny I love you was one of the last things she said. Then we moved to Luxrnburg. I prefer to stop talking about this topic." Benjamin stated

@WereFolf @spookie spook @Full Of Tate
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Mason stared at him with wide eyes that eventually turned into a glare, "Ya'know, ", he said to him, "If she could see you right now, she'd feel really guilty. She wouldn't want to see you so hung up over her death... Or maybe she would, but by your sensitiveness to a bloody name, I doubt it.", he sighed and crossed his arms, "But what do I know? I'm only fifteen after all. My parents just told me everything was going to be okay, but I knew they were lying, they tried to create hope in me and obviously failed."

@Little gasmask @spookie spook @WereFolf
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"at least your parents cared enough to lie. mine made absolutely sure i knew i wasn't wanted. honesty is the best policy," spook said coldly, hiding his pain behind a sarcastic laugh and uninterested glare. he crossed his arms and let his blue-black hair fall over most of his face, leaning into the cold stone wall and almost seeming to disappear amongst flickering shadows.

@WereFolf @Little gasmask @Full Of Tate
Mason snickered, "Cared? No, that wasn't it. They just tried to look good in front of everyone even to their last moments.. Because, there was a very slim chance they, and others, were going to make it. Wanted to make a great last impression. It's why they adopted my brother, they would look like horrible people if they sended me off to adoption. Adopting an orphan makes you look good..", he still smiled as he said that, his voice was clear and steady. But his smiled did disappear as he pondered on his parents caring, "I guess they cared to me to some extent. If only they cared more then I wouldn't have ended up such a shitty kid.."

@spookie spook @WereFolf @Little gasmask
"guys... stop arguing... thought we were going to get past all that stuff... we have to start... working together to survive... if we just argue... it just won't work..." She said as she laid on the ground as she held her side "plus... maybe we might get lucky... maybe others may have survived..."

@spookie spook @Full Of Tate @Little gasmask
spook was still in a bit of a mood from the previous discussion, not having thought about his parents since his fight with mason earlier. "dinosaurs, obviously," he answered snarkily, before dropping the attitude and frowning. "aside from the birds we've seen, who knows..." spook trailed off, staring outside the cave as though he might catch a glimpse of something amongst the endless jungle.

@WereFolf @Little gasmask @Full Of Tate

Kiro B.


The loud,chirping sound of the birds was what woke him up. It must have been some time since he was passed out,because he was covered in leaves and his stomach ached like he hadn't eaten in a long while. Kiro sat up slowly,blinking to make the blur in his eyes go away. The blood coming from the slash in his head had turned thick already,and his left hand hurt like hell. But besides that,he didn't detect any serious injuries.


What the fuck had happened?


Kiro stood still for a moment,trying to remember anything. Nothing came to his mind. Judging from his surroundings,he was in some sort of island. But there was no one else around him. The idea of laying down and waiting for death was starting to get attractive,but instead he stood up and dragged himself around. There must be people nearby. He lost sense of how long it was until he heard voices. Hiding himself in the bushes,Kiro observed them. He was mistrustful by nature,and even a situation like this couldn't change that. He deepened his hold around the medical bag he carried,keeping his attention. 


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"I just hope theres... nothing carniverous out there... none of us can defend ourselves... nor do we have anything to defend ourselves..." she would watch the smoke rise from the green leaves and live branches as it made a column of smoke into the sky hoping someone would find it either then themselves as she held her side in pain a bit "I really do hope others survived.."

@Full Of Tate @Little gasmask @spookie spook @Florence @-Felix @xpstitch @FireMaiden

(Thought I'd do something that attract everyone together :3)
spook smirked a little as he watched the smoke twirl upwards. "of course there are, this place is absolutely infested with flesh-eating monsters," he said in his usual deadpan voice, hiding behind his hair. he then lowered his voice, looking rather sad. "i doubt anyone else lived... i think it's time we accept that everyone's dead and we're stuck here forever." crossing his arms over his chest, he continued listening to his depressing music and tuned out the other's optimism.
"There is a way some might have survived." Benjamin said as he thought about for a second. "We have sticks and stones. Lets relax and just talk about ourselves. If someone comes they come if nobody come nobody comes.  I presonally was born in the town of Leeds in England. However Ech ass am  mengam liewen an luxenburg. Which means I spent most of my life in luxenburg. I speak english and Luxenburgish fluently and German decently. I graduated in back in my hometown Leeds in Computor science and Geography." Benjamin stated. " He looked  at Mason "So whats your background?"

@spookie spook  @WereFolf @Full Of Tate
"I just hope theres... nothing carniverous out there... none of us can defend ourselves... nor do we have anything to defend ourselves..." she would watch the smoke rise from the green leaves and live branches as it made a column of smoke into the sky hoping someone would find it either then themselves as she held her side in pain a bit "I really do hope others survived.."

@Full Of Tate @Little gasmask @spookie spook @Florence @-Felix @xpstitch @FireMaiden

(Thought I'd do something that attract everyone together :3)

He very carefully and quietly made his way towards the faint sounds of fire and conversation. He saw no threat as he surveyed them from afar. He walked calmly and cooly towards them. His clothes were functional, practical and useful if nothing else. Only on the cruise they were that way at least. These clothes are not wilderness designed. His hair was short and dark, neat and tidy. You saw him and that despite anything, he still tried his best to be as well groomed as possible. Despite the disaster one could see he usually combs his hair with the 100 stroke method. No makeup. Healthy skin. Average nose, eyebrows groomed but average, eyelashes normal.  Dark colored eyes that seem to vigilant against all danger... Lips big and reddish pink and beautifully formed. White healthy teeth, neither crooked nor exceptionally straight. Strong though. His canines were sharper than other humans though, though it was hard to notice. No facial hair... At least of above average looks, nothing great though. Beautifully formed facial bone structure and angles. Average height. Physically healthy, not grossly muscular, fat or skinny... Fit I guess. Hard to tell... Is he handsome or average? I suppose he falls in between those? A strange appearance you can't quite put your finger on... You may also recognize him from WANTED pictures from a long time ago in some country or another. His expression neutral and diplomatic.

Jessica would breath a bit heavily as she looked to the others, "if you don't mind... I'm going to rest up a bit ok? if anything happens please wake me and I'll help out as best I can" She would give a small smile a bit as she moved to the back of the cave as she laid down a bit as she tried to rest but it was quite obvious something was a bit off about her 

@spookie spook @Full Of Tate @Little gasmask

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