The Uncharted


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Character Skeleton:




Gender: (Brute or Fae if a Warg)



Appearance: (What they look like)

History: (Optional, but helpful)





Name: Krone

Species: Warg

Age: 5 years old

Gender: Brute

Rank: Alpha male

Personality: He is very aggressive and temperamental at times. Seeming cold at times with how he tends to act emotionless to many things around him. Though if around someone he grows to love he can be affectionate and caring, not in as much a way as others though.

Appearance: He is Pure white, with icey blue eyes, and is the largest wolf of any pack in hundreds of miles around hi sown. The Brute is very muscular and powerful and it is visible in his stance and just by looking at the build of his body.

History: Krone grew up in the pack he is in now. He was the only white wolf in his litter and destine to be alpha after his father passed. When he was 3 years of age, his father was killed by a Bubastis and he soon took over the pack. Doing all he can to protect the pack as he searches for a mate out of the large pack he controls and watches over each member, including his mother and siblings.

Scars: He has scars on his snout, around his head, all four legs, and on his sides and back from battles with other animals and Wargs from his pack. All scars to show his winnings in battle.



Name: Kiwano

Species: Bubastis

Age: 2 years old

Gender: Male

Rank: Prince

Personality: Kiwano is quiet at times, tending to stick to himself and mind his own. Often his father has complained about him being "Lazy" though the male will always do everytihng in his power to protect the pride and contribute. He likes to watch and listen, but when he speaks, others are drawn to listen to him. He is very loyal to his pride and those he is close to and wishes not to cause any harm between anyone else but is not afraid of it and will show others how powerful he is easily.

Appearance: He is a large male with purple fur, black-ish grey stripes, and white accents on his pelt. He has bright yellow eyes and black on the tips of his ears and tail. Kiwano is also very lean and muscular.

History: Is eldest son of the King and Queen of the only pride of Bubastis around for miles. Owning a large territory, much like the rivaling pack of Wargs near by them. He is the next to lead the pride, after his father passes and is training to become a great leader like his father along with finding himself a mate as most his age are attempting to do.

Scars: He has only a few scars on his front and hind legs from fights.

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Name: Korger

Species: Warg

Age: 5

Gender: Brute

Rank: Beta male

Personality: Like any Beta male, Korger is very aggressive, he loves to fight, and usually wins. He helps Krone to keep the pack in check, taking over half of the pack when they split up for a hunt. He is one of the few wags who comes close to a white warg's leadership ability, and his absolutely huge strength and speed makes him almost as big as Krone, but he is the fastest warg for many mies around, and a brilliant hunter.


History: He was in the very same litter as Krone, but he does not resent his position as leader, as he understands that only white wargs can ever become alpha.

Scars: Not too many, as he often either intimidates other wolves too much for them to fight him, or he simply fights far better than them and is far stronger.

Other:Nothing else really.
Name: Uncia

Species: Bubastis


Gender: female

Rank: Queen


She doesn't demand respect, however will remind you of your place if you stepped out of line. She enjoys joining in playful activities with her pride. Her loyalty to the pack will never waver. She usually is calm and but can get quite quick tempered at times.


blue-ish grey with dark strips and accents


She grew up in the same pride as she is in now, swiftly rising up in ranks. She met Ounce (her mate) while she had just begun her reign as queen. Ounce had come from another pride holding Kiwano in his mouth and the princess trudging along beside him. She had accepted him into the pride suspicious of him at first and kept a close eye on him. She grew to like him as time passed. She asked him to be her mate and he accepted.

Ounce character sheet is coming up
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Name: Orinor

Species: Bubastis

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Rank: Head Healer

Appearance: completely grey with darker stripes


Orinor is a little crazy, but he's the best at what he does. Dedicating his life to keeping members of the pack alive has given him a respected position, and he acts as an advisor to the alpha male. Incredibly quick to temper, if you don't do exactly as he says when your wounded, you're dead. He doesn't condone disrespect or violence towards members of the pack, and is fiercely defencive of it.


One of the oldest members of the pack, Orinor has been around for a while and has advised the last alpha male as well as the current one.

Scars: Covered in them, one covers his left eye which renders him blind in that eye.
Name: Saturn

Species: Bubastis

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Rank: Princess (?)

Personality: Delicate, for the species, but very determined, and truthful. The harshness of her will only show to cover up the anxiety in herself.

Appearance: Lighter, almost dun-brown, with dark stripes.

History: Good at negotiating between others, as if manipulating. The set way she has survived, is her ability to speak in her ways.

Scars: Claw marks down the neck, and on the either flank. The worst of them all would be the one on her left, hind quarter.
Name: Ounce

Species: Bubastis

Age: 3 years end 10 months

gender: male

Rank: King

Personality: considerably calmer than his mate. Unlike most Bubastis he almost never gets in to fights and tries not to , however will fight to protect the pride if needed. He loves his daughter and son, but like his mate doesn't know how to show it.

Appearance: Brown with white strips and accents

History: he would rather not tell

Scars: only has half of his left ear
Name: Vis

Species: Warg

Age: 3

Gender: (Brute or Fae if a Warg) Fae

Rank: Healer

Personality: Though wanted to hunt, Vis has the power and knowledge to heal and must use it to it's best ability. Very strict, but quiet, only wants to do things right and sticks to the rules. Doesn't really have fun and knows to keep the family name.

Appearance: (What they look like)

History: (Optional, but helpful) Born to be a healer and had a strict childhood until grown into an adult. Always had to stick to what it needs to do and was always was pushed to do it's best. Though abused verbally, once Vis was sick of it and tried for once to say no. Then got striked in the face from it's father. Vis is now quiet but full of rage inside.

Scars: Only one on the left side of the cheek from it's father.

Other: Warning, don't get Vis angry.
Name: Vesuvius

Species: Bubastis / Warg


Gender: Brute (Warg)

Rank: Loner.

Personality: Vesuvius is brutal and bloodthirsty, a mutated failure from a now lost lab. He can be as silent as a spider or as terrifying as that clown in your closet. He was tested on by his human creators and this had turned the once great and courageous beast into a legendary monster.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beb6e5efd_download(3).jpg.b56ee735138afbb7a52296f79f806114.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beb6e5efd_download(3).jpg.b56ee735138afbb7a52296f79f806114.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Vesuvius was one of the first of the Bubastis / Warg made by mankind. However one scientist had the idea of mixing the two species into one perfect animal. This ended up with the grand Vesuvius, who was abused by the scientists in combat training, to see if they could replace law enforcement K-9s with this hybrid. One day Vesuvius managed to escape and tore through anyone in his way, he also aided a few other wargs and bubastis escape, but a few fought eachother at the exit, and Vesuvius, outraged that they would do this at a time like this, feeling hopelessness in his efforts, slaughtered those who remained in savage bloodlust, he couldn't hold it in. Anything that moved would be exterminated... Vesuvius's rage is like his blood and organs, without it he is nothing. And like his cells it will crush any intruder to him like nothing...

Scars: A few bullet scars and bite marks.

Other: Vesuvius's right eye was lost during a combat training test, which is now replaced with a cybernetic thermal sensing eye, and his jaw is also replaced by cybernetics, due to another combat training accident. His claws were also removed and replaced with diamond-infused reinforced metal, along with his teeth.



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Name: Rayth

Species: Warg

Age: 4

Gender: Brute

Rank: Hunter


A grey, brown mottled coat for disappearing into the background, to hide the large frame.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/WARG.jpg.90ba2aa61780a08ffae0592c73504089.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/WARG.jpg.90ba2aa61780a08ffae0592c73504089.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He was the runt of the litter, and constantly pushed to back, developing his easy temper and eagerness to fight over almost anything. He fought for his right to be in the pack since he was the runt, and still continues to fight. Even though he is now the pack's top hunter, due to his ability to remain quiet, unseen, but ready to fight, that he had learned from growing up.


Many on his back from being stepped on as a pup by the other pups who had not learned to control their claws. However most have grown fur back over them, leaving behind just tougher skin then most. Does have a scar above his brow from a high caliber bullet, because he mistook a human soldier for prey while still learning to hunt, and barely survived.


Always working to catch notice of the Alpha so he might be able to climb the ladder, which aspires to do, all the while clawing and biting.



Name: Razak

Species: Bubastis

Age: 4

Gender: Male

Rank: Warrior


Dark reddish-purple, near black color with lighter brown stripes on the back.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/TIGER.jpg.b4275e5b878a2669d126969fe5bdb279.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/TIGER.jpg.b4275e5b878a2669d126969fe5bdb279.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Born to pair of hunters, so grew up his life learning to fight well and patiently. He managed to defeat vicious, blind-rage attacks which his parents had used, by learning to feign and use the opponents momentum against them, and strike accurately and powerfully. He quickly surpassed his parents in fighting, but could never hunt all that well with his fighting style. So he became a warrior and won much land for his pride, while still at a young age.


A few that go down his front arms, and chest but nothing bad. Most just being from childhood.


Does not challenge others in the pride often, however has not been defeated when challenged.



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