The Uncharted [Inactive]


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Dreams submitted a new role play:

The Uncharted - What will two new types of creatures do after becoming top of the food chain?

Humans... well they haven't been around for quite some time. They almost fully wiped out besides a few hundred or so that may have been able to hide from the creatures they created. Out of the playing of god with sciences, humans created two new species of feral animals. One was called Wargs, and the other was called Bubastis, These creatures became to aggressive and powerful to be controlled by the humans after they tried using them for different things in every day life. And now...
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Begining Chapter

Krone woke in the early morning, the sun still rising as he exited his den that was at the top of a small hill surrounded by the rest of the warg dens in the center of his territory. Rising from his resting place, he growled and shook out his white pelt slowly. As the huge male exited his den fully, he spotted a few wolves scavenging the warg's last kill. Snarling, he ran towards them and they bulted off into the woods. Satisfied with the wovles running off he smirked and walked towards the tree line to circle around his territory as he did every day and investigate the surroundings. Taking his time to mark his territory as he did so as well. He woke earlier than most wargs in his pack normally to do this every day at least once. It gave him the chance to make sure other animals knew it was his land and to check out the area for any new scents. He wouldn't normally demand the pack all wake up with a howl until after he returned. And after about a few hours he returned to the dens and raised his head up o the sky. letting out a booming and deep howl to let everyone know it was a good time to wake up and get things going for the day. Standing where he had stopped to howl as he looked over the center of his territory.

The prince of the largest pride of bubastis in this land woke and left his dead early this morning. Kiwano normally slept till noon if left alone. But last night he hadn't been able to sleep and after walking about for a while he had went boredly into his den for a bit and laid down. Waiting till sunrise before he left again and went for a drink. There was a stream only a few feet from the entrance to Kiwano's den and he lowered his head once getting to it and lapped slowly at the water with his tongue. His long purple ears laying back on his head as he quenched his thirst and tried to listen to the chirping morning birds around him in the trees. Kiwano rose after a moment and began walking around a bit more. Hopping up and onto a large bolder that resting near the center of all the dens, he lazily flopped onto his side to lay on the large rock. Letting out a yawn of boredom as he lay and watch around him.

Grunting as he went about pulling roots from a tree, Orinor fastened his teeth around the trunk as leverage, and pulled hard with his paws. The roots turned over and were pulled out of the ground. Picking them up in his mouth, Orinor started making his way back to camp, knowing these herbs would need to be properly protected underground for the winter. He would see Kiwano about borrowing a guard or two to help him with some of these tasks. At his age, Orinor couldn't do most of the things he used to, which involved keeping winter herbs prepared. for emergencies. As he approached the camp, he saw Kiwano sitting on the boulder in the center of the dens. Grunting a greeting to the prince, Orinor continued to his den where he set the roots down and went about cleaning them. The tediousness of the task allowed him to think about other things, without focusing on what he was doing to much.
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Kiwanis would look casually towards the older bubastis as he was greeted in a muffled grunt by the elder. letting out a large yawn, he slowly rose and stretchedout his muscles, his rear rising as his tail curled up his back a bit before fallowing the older male. "Ill help you old timer." He said as he entered Orinor's den with him. He had noting better to do, and most of the guards were lazily still resting within their dens.
Looking up as Kiwanis approached, Orinor nodded his head in thanks. "Do you mind digging a hole over there?" Orinor grunted. "Make it big enough to hold all these roots, and line it with moss if you can find any around here. We need this for the late winter, if we get another case of frost cough, I want to be prepared his time. The cold will rot any Amaris roots that are not constantly heated, so we're using these Lokina roots that won't freeze as easily in the cold." Going back to his task, he spoke up again after a minute. "You know, those damn guards of yours have been getting much more lax lately. I think you might want to, "encourage" them a bit more. I've been hearing Warg cries while collecting herbs recently."
Kiwanis nodded to the elder and started digging as his claws came out. Listening to Orinor's words as he dug a wide and deep enough hole where requested to. His large paws and younge muscles allowed his to do so rather quickly. "Yes, I know." He said as he was ready to challenge the guards at this point for how laced they have become rescently under his fathers rule. "The wargs are getting to close to our territory and I've heard their cries as well while hunting and checking the territory lines." Finishing with the hole he stood tall and said to Orinor before fetching the moss. "If my father cant see that we should take some aggressive actions to keeps stray wargs away, then maybe its time i just take some strong cats out myself and do it." He was known for being one who wouldnt stand for wargs coming close. Despite his calm disposition, he was very strong minded and would take control of situations quickly if he felt he needed to.
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