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Fandom The Uncanny X-Men

Name: Scott Summers
Code Name: "Cyclops"
Age: 20
Personality: Scott, almost more than anyone else at the Institute, believes in the teachings of Charles Xavier. For his entire life, he has been afraid of his powers, often shunned or even attacked for having them. His foster father wasn't much help either, creating severe psychological issues that bleed into his powers. To find someone that genuinely cares about him, and genuinely wants to help him and other people like him, gave Scott hope, and a determination to help all Mutants, good or evil. He's a natural leader and strategist, despite his issues with anxiety and separation. While he is prone to sulking, he can be quite charismatic, and enjoys spending time with his fellow students. He can be incredibly awkward, though, especially now.

Bio: Scott was born to Christopher and Katherine Summers, having a younger brother named Alex. While flying one day, the plane crashed under mysterious circumstances, and the boy's mother pushed them out of the plane with the only parachute. This was the first time Scott ever used his powers, slowing their descent while suffering a serious brain injury upon landing. The injury made him unable to control his powers, and made him have severe amnesia about the event. The brother's were then split up under even more mysterious circumstances, with Scott being sent to an orphanage. The years he spent there up until being a teenager are a blur to him, as someone had placed mental blocks on him that prevented him from using his powers. Upon reaching adolescence, he began having severe headaches. Upon seeing a specialist, he was given a pair of sunglasses made of ruby quartz. His powers then re-emerged, nearly killing several people, and sending a mob after Scott. Upon escaping, Scott was adopted by the Mutant criminal Jack Winters, aka Jack O'Diamonds. The man abused Scott when he refused to follow his orders, but Scott was luckily saved by Charles Xavier not long after, becoming one of the first students at the Institute.
Optic Blasts: (This description is straight off of the wiki. For now, he can't control the blasts without his visor.)
Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops's powers come from ambient energies (such as solar radiation, photons, and cosmic rays) absorbed and metabolized by his body into concussive blasts that are released from his eyes.

Cyclops's mind has a particular psionic field that is attuned to the forces that maintain the apertures that have taken the place of his eyes. Because his mind's psionic field envelops his body, it automatically shunts the other-dimensional particles back into their point of origin when they collide with his body. Thus, his body is protected from the effects of the particles, and even the thin membrane of his eyelids is sufficient to block the emission of energy. The synthetic ruby quartz crystal used to fashion the lenses of Cyclops's eyeglasses and visor is resonant to his minds' psionic field and is similarly protected.

The width of Cyclops's eye-blasts seems to be focused by his mind's psionic field with the same autonomic function that regulated his original eyes' ability to focus. As Cyclops focuses, the size of the aperture changes and thus act as a valve to control the flow of particles and beam's relative power. The height of Cyclops's eye-blast is controlled by his visor's adjustable slit. His narrowest beam, about the diameter of a pencil at a distance of 4 feet has a force of about two pounds per square inch. His broadest beam, about 90 feet across at a distance of fifty feet, has a force of about 10 pounds per square inch. His most powerful eye-blast is a beam four feet across which, at a distance of 50 feet, has a force of 500 pounds per square inch. The maximum angular measurement of Cyclops's eye-blast is equivalent to a wide-angle 35mm camera lens field of view (90 degrees measured diagonally, or the angle subtended by holding a magazine's pages spread open, upright at 9.5 inches from your eyes). The minimum angular measurement is equivalent to the angle that the thickness of a pencil would subtend at 4 feet (3.5 degrees, about a quarter of an inch viewed at 4 feet). The beam's effective range is about 2,000 feet, at which point a 1-inch beam has spread out to 10 feet square, and then has a pressure of .38 pounds per square inch. Cyclops's maximum force is sufficient to tip over a filled 5,000 gallon tank at a distance of 20 feet, or puncture a 1-inch carbon-steel plate at a distance of 2 feet.

The extra dimensional supply of energy for Cyclops's eye-blast is practically infinite. Thus, so long as Cyclops's psionic field is active (which is constant), there is the potential to emit energy. The only limit to the eye-blast is the mental fatigue of focusing constantly. After about 15 minute of constant usage, the psionic field subsides and allows only a slight leakage of energy to pass through the aperture. Cyclops's metabolism will recover sufficiently for him to continue in about an additional 15 minutes.

The maximum force of Cyclops' optic blasts are unknown, but a commonly given description is that he can "punch holes through mountains", and he has been shown to rupture a half-inch thick carbon steel plate. During a particular battle, Scott says that he hit Cain Marko (a.k.a. the Juggernaut) with enough power to split a small planet in half, though he may have been indulging in hyperbole. In the Age of Apocalypse dimension, his beams can cut through Adamantium, a previously indestructible metal. In the mainstream continuity of the Marvel Universe, it has also been implied that Cyclops only utilizes a fraction of the energies at his disposal. During the Civil War: X-Men story arc, Cyclops is controlled by another mutant to use his powers at their full magnitude. When directed at the energy-absorbing mutant Bishop, Cyclops was able to overload Bishop's powers in a matter of seconds. When Iron Man measured Cyclops's power while he was powering Bishop, he found the energy output was well over 2 gigawatts, larger than a large nuclear reactor. It is also stated that Cyclops does not use his powers at such a level due to the preoccupation he has regarding his control (or lack thereof) of his abilities.

Cyclops once fought The Hulk,[184] using a beam blast to stop him, refusing to let the Hulk take Professor Xavier. While it peels off some of the Hulk's skin, he was able to walk towards Cyclops and clench his entire face, effectively containing the blast.

Spatial Awareness: Cyclops possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Cyclops has been observed causing beams to reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit his intended target accurately. It is his sense of superhumanly enhanced spatial awareness that allows him to perform these feats as well.

Energy Resistance: Cyclops is resistant to the effects of his own powers. This is linked to him being capable of withstanding his brother's ability with no ill effects. This is a result of their close genetics, a quirk of mutant genetics that is common among siblings.

Other: (Miscellaneous info)

Hope it's okay! I'm leaving a lot of stuff open with his backstory since I'm not sure if Mr. Sinister is gonna be in this! I'm excited regardless!
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Eventually hopefully we will. I'd like to start with Xavier training the first class and them being somehow revealed to the world via a battle with Magneto and the brotherhood
Alrighty! Woo! Now, let's all stand for the X-Men national anthem...



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Name: Grigoriy Sivakov
Code Name: Golem
Age: 17
Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/10/59/37/105937911ff3ad1a83aaf1ba1060d271.jpg
Personality: Grigoriy Sivakov is often described as a risk taking, brash, but well-meaning young man. Grigoriy, after spending years being restricted by his strict, over-protective Father has a zeal for life in general and wants to experience all life has to offer before he dies. Grigoriy is also very spiritual, often following the tenants of his religion to a tee, but knows when to put it aside in order to get a job done. Unfortunate, he inherited his Father's stubbornness and will be completely unwilling to change his mind on anything he does, even if the advice given to him is for the better.
Bio: Grigoriy Sivakov was born in New York City in 2002 to Maria and Bogdan Sivakov. Unfortunately, his life began with tragedy when his mother died after giving birth to him, leaving his Father to raise him alone. Grigoriy grew up in the lap of luxury due to the face that his Father was chairman and CEO of Shiva, a firm that developed Electronics, and had access to the best education money could buy. Unfortunately, he lived under the tight thumb of his father, who limited him on what he could do, who he could hang out with, and micromanaged other aspects of his life. This made Grigoriy somewhat resent his Father and he would often sneak out of the house at night and explore the city with his friends, often taking risks his friends wouldn't. This would inevitably lead to him discovering his mutant trait.

When Grigoriy was 16, He sneaked out of his Father's house as usual and ended exploring a rather dreary part of town. He eventually ended up wandering into a alleyway where he was cornered by a mugger who demanded his money. After a brief scuffle, the mugger managed to get the best of Grigoriy and tried to stab him in the stomach. However, instead of piercing flesh, the mugger ended up breaking his knife on hard clay. Grigoriy's latent mutant trait had triggered due to the adrenaline caused by the confrontation. Grigoriy, who was both surprised and scared as hell about this new development, defeated the mugger with this new power and fled home, telling is Father what happened. His Father took this surprisingly well and told his son that he was a mutant. However, what his Father did would forever make Grigoriy resent him. His Father ended up dropping him out of high-school in his senior year and refused to let him leave the house, stating that he was trying to protect him from the persecution he would now face as a mutant.

One day, a man by the name of Charles Xavier arrived at the Sivakov household and talked to him and his Father. He explained that he came from a special academy and wanted to enroll Grigoriy in it to "give him a brighter future." Grigoriy was all for the idea, seeing it as a way to finally get out of his old life and into a new one. To his dismay however, his Father completely refused to let his son go, sending Xavier away with a flurry of Russian curse words. This was the final straw for Grigoriy and that night, he ran away from home, not even leaving a note for his Father. After a week of travel, he managed to track down the school Xavier ran and manged to convince him to enroll him.
Powers: Grigoriy has the ability to encase his body in a hard, clay-like substance. This enhances his strength and durability, allowing him to lift over 100 time his own body-weight and take hits most men couldn't survive.
Other: (Miscellaneous info) N/A
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Upon escaping, Scott was adopted by the Mutant criminal Jack Winters, aka Jack O'Diamonds. The man abused Scott when he refused to follow his orders, but Scott was luckily saved by Charles Xavier not long after, becoming one of the first students at the Institute.

It's curious how you mentioned him because I was toying with the idea of being...



Impossible, kid? That word don't exist anymore -- not for me!
Jack Winters
Jack Winters
Code Name:
Jack O'Diamonds/The Living Diamond
Winters believes mutants were born to rule and is completely obsessed with power and profit. He will do anything and risk everything to achieve his goals. He will lie, steal, manipulate, threaten, kill, and even risk his own life, if there is chance he can gain more power.
Jack Winters was a worker at the Blenheim-Gilboa Nuclear Facility. Not making enough money to pay off his gambling debts, he decided to steal some of his boss' radioactive materials and sell them back to him. One of the flasks he was attempting to steal exploded and Winters escaped without getting caught, after which he spent a couple of weeks in hospital. Several nights later he began to detect brainwaves and he found that his hands had transformed into flexible diamond.

Winters decided that a more powerful dose of radiation would turn his whole body into diamond and possible increase his psychic powers as well. He plotted to recruit another mutant to help him.
As Scott Summers fled from his pursuers after first using his powers in public, he came upon the shack of Jack who sensed his presence and psychically summoned him into the shack as well. When Scott entered, Winters told him that he, too, was a mutant, and that they were born to rule

Winters explained what mutants were to Summers, after which he sensed approaching police and teleported Summers and then himself somewhere outside Westchester County. New York. Winters threatened to kill Summers if he refused to assist him in increasing his powers, but Professor X, having been tracking Summers mentally tried to convince Winters to abandon his quest for power. Professor X confronted Winters who ordered Summers to blast him, but Summers refused, not wishing to kill the man. Professor X found that Winter's mental powers protected him from psychic attack, and Winters moved forward to destroy him.

Unable to overcome Xavier's powers completely, Winters could not grab Xavier himself, so he again ordered Summers to blast him, and Summers again refused. Winters then smashed a support girder and hurled it at Xavier, but this caused the roof to cave in, and they fled. Winters led Summers to the plant before rushing inside and exposing himself to the energies of the cyclotron. Professor X arrived outside the plant and subdued the other guards attacking Summers, and Winters continued to increase his power until he burst through the wall of the plant, now a Living Diamond.

Winters confronted Summers and Professor X, ignoring the latter's efforts to convince him to give up so he could help him. Professor X's mental bolts could not penetrate the Living Diamond's body, and Winters prepared to smash Xavier until Summers blasted Winters back. Summers and Professor X fled into the facility and located an Ultrasonic Vibration-Inducer just seconds before Winters smashed the door down. With Xavier's guidance, Summers trained the Vibration-Inducer on Winters, which made it harder for him to move. Winters resisted fiercely and his struggle against the vibrations caused his body to explode, leaving nothing behind. At least, that is what Summers and Xavier believed. In actuality, Winters used his teleportation power to separate his atoms and reassemble himself elsewhere, to plot and scheme once again.

  • Radiation Resistance: This seems to be his true mutant power, since his other abilities came from exposure to radiation. Since he was able to survive the radiation, he mutated and gained further powers.
    • Diamond body: After being exposed to radioactive isotopes in a lab accident, Jack's skin was mutated to become a diamond-like substance. This granted him a degree of superhuman strength and resistance, allowing him to break steel beams with his diamond hands. After further exposure to radiation his entire body became flexible diamond alloy, allowing him to withstand optic blasts from a young Cyclops.
    • Telepathy: Jack has a mild form of telepathy in which he is able to sense people's presences, as well as send out mental suggestions to others to bend their will. He can also use this ability to block other telepathic assaults against him.
    • Teleportation: Jack can teleport himself and others short distances by separating the atoms in their bodies and recombining them at their destination.
It's curious how you mentioned him because I was toying with the idea of being...



Impossible, kid? That word don't exist anymore -- not for me!
Jack Winters
Jack Winters
Code Name:
Jack O'Diamonds/The Living Diamond
Winters believes mutants were born to rule and is completely obsessed with power and profit. He will do anything and risk everything to achieve his goals. He will lie, steal, manipulate, threaten, kill, and even risk his own life, if there is chance he can gain more power.
Jack Winters was a worker at the Blenheim-Gilboa Nuclear Facility. Not making enough money to pay off his gambling debts, he decided to steal some of his boss' radioactive materials and sell them back to him. One of the flasks he was attempting to steal exploded and Winters escaped without getting caught, after which he spent a couple of weeks in hospital. Several nights later he began to detect brainwaves and he found that his hands had transformed into flexible diamond.

Winters decided that a more powerful dose of radiation would turn his whole body into diamond and possible increase his psychic powers as well. He plotted to recruit another mutant to help him.
As Scott Summers fled from his pursuers after first using his powers in public, he came upon the shack of Jack who sensed his presence and psychically summoned him into the shack as well. When Scott entered, Winters told him that he, too, was a mutant, and that they were born to rule

Winters explained what mutants were to Summers, after which he sensed approaching police and teleported Summers and then himself somewhere outside Westchester County. New York. Winters threatened to kill Summers if he refused to assist him in increasing his powers, but Professor X, having been tracking Summers mentally tried to convince Winters to abandon his quest for power. Professor X confronted Winters who ordered Summers to blast him, but Summers refused, not wishing to kill the man. Professor X found that Winter's mental powers protected him from psychic attack, and Winters moved forward to destroy him.

Unable to overcome Xavier's powers completely, Winters could not grab Xavier himself, so he again ordered Summers to blast him, and Summers again refused. Winters then smashed a support girder and hurled it at Xavier, but this caused the roof to cave in, and they fled. Winters led Summers to the plant before rushing inside and exposing himself to the energies of the cyclotron. Professor X arrived outside the plant and subdued the other guards attacking Summers, and Winters continued to increase his power until he burst through the wall of the plant, now a Living Diamond.

Winters confronted Summers and Professor X, ignoring the latter's efforts to convince him to give up so he could help him. Professor X's mental bolts could not penetrate the Living Diamond's body, and Winters prepared to smash Xavier until Summers blasted Winters back. Summers and Professor X fled into the facility and located an Ultrasonic Vibration-Inducer just seconds before Winters smashed the door down. With Xavier's guidance, Summers trained the Vibration-Inducer on Winters, which made it harder for him to move. Winters resisted fiercely and his struggle against the vibrations caused his body to explode, leaving nothing behind. At least, that is what Summers and Xavier believed. In actuality, Winters used his teleportation power to separate his atoms and reassemble himself elsewhere, to plot and scheme once again.

  • Radiation Resistance: This seems to be his true mutant power, since his other abilities came from exposure to radiation. Since he was able to survive the radiation, he mutated and gained further powers.
    • Diamond body: After being exposed to radioactive isotopes in a lab accident, Jack's skin was mutated to become a diamond-like substance. This granted him a degree of superhuman strength and resistance, allowing him to break steel beams with his diamond hands. After further exposure to radiation his entire body became flexible diamond alloy, allowing him to withstand optic blasts from a young Cyclops.
    • Telepathy: Jack has a mild form of telepathy in which he is able to sense people's presences, as well as send out mental suggestions to others to bend their will. He can also use this ability to block other telepathic assaults against him.
    • Teleportation: Jack can teleport himself and others short distances by separating the atoms in their bodies and recombining them at their destination.
Nice! It'll be great to have Scott meet Jack again!
Name: Jean Grey
Code Name: Phoenix
Age: 20
Personality: Jean Grey is a caring and nurturing person who tends to take Charles Xavier's word to heart, believing him to be a good leader.
She is strong and compassionate. Under the phoenix force she is malevolent and chaotic, not knowing how to control herself emotionally.

Bio:Jean Grey was the younger daughter of Professor John Grey of the History Department of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and his wife Elaine Grey. When Jean was ten years old she was playing with her best friend, Annie Richardson when Annie was hit by a car. The emotion that Jean felt as she held her dying friend awakened her own latent telepathic powers and she experienced Annie's own emotions as she died. This traumatic event left Jean in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Moreover, Jean could not control her newly awakened telepathic abilities and had to isolate herself from other people to hold on to her sanity. When Jean was eleven, a psychiatrist recommended to her parents that they consult a colleague of his, Professor Charles Xavier, who was secretly a mutant with telepathic abilities of his own. Prof. Xavier explained to Jean, but not to her parents, that she was a mutant and he treated her for several years. The Professor taught Jean how to levitate and manipulate objects through psionic force when she developed telekinesis at the age of thirteen.[9] Xavier even used young Jean to calibrate his Cerebro machine.During one particular session, an aspect of young Jean's mind reached out in the form of a Phoenix flamebird to touch young orphan Scott Summers' mind as he slept Prof. Xavier erected psychic barriers in Jean's mind so that she would not be able to use her telepathic abilities until she had developed the maturity necessary to deal with them.
Powers: (if applicable)

Telepathy: Jean can detect and read the minds of others easily knowing what other people are thinking, even at long distances, she is able to plant herself into others being able to control them. Jean is able to resist other telekinetics to a degree aswell. She is able to link together minds which is useful for commucation in groups. She is also able to mess with minds, healing or supplanting trauma or thoughts. She is also able to cloak minds from other telepaths.

Telekinesis: Jean possess high level telekinesis, allowing her to manipulate matter by shaping or lifting it, or even moving it around, allowing her to lift heavy objects. She can use her telekinesis to simulate flight through levitation, send it as concussive force or create forcefields out of energy.

Phoenix Force: When Jean was younger, she unlocked a darker side of her powers which is referred to the Phoenix Force, a malevolent chaotic force which resides inside her, Xavier suppressed this force, however with this power she is far more capable. Resulting in cosmic powers giving her total control over matter and generating and manipulating energy, even being able to suck the lifeforce of others.

Other: (Miscellaneous info)

I'm just gonna copy shit from Wikipedia. if I need to change things, i'll do so.
Alright, now that we have Jean, let's do the sounds of the X-Men!
Cyclops goes: "JEAN!"
Jean goes: "SCOTT!" and/or "UGHH!"
Professor X goes: "AGHH!"

Now we just need Magneto so we can get him laughing maniacally.

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