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Fantasy The Un-natural Powers

The Unamed Character

Queen of the Damned
In 2020, the government started tesing Serums 98 - 695 On human subjects. They were supposed to cure diseases, and they did.... but they did more than that.... now, in 2198, These subjects, still the age they were when injected, Are the ones who will be good or evil. Because normal society and order has been rejected. Few humans survive. Now, Young adventurer, which side will you choose?
Kiro wakes up in the middle of a clearing in the woods "ugh... my head hurts..." she says as she sits up

Kiro starts to stand up. "Ugh... what happened.." she says groggily
Vocoome awoke with a slight shout from his harsh nightmare. He was lying in the hollow of an old tree that he had taken shelter in. With a sigh, he sat up and slipped his headband into his hair (after picking it up from where it was lying next to him) and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Another nightmare. He was rather used to nightmares since the accident that caused him to loose his leg. But he shook his head free of those thoughts before his mind wandered down paths he thought best left unexplored. He cautiously peered out of the hollow tree. He really was quite unsure where he was.
Vocoome worked his way slowly out of the hollow tree and looked around, taking in his surroundings. It appeared that he was in some sort of forest. He took a few steps out and spotted a clearing along with a young girl. Quickly he shrank behind the closest tree, for he didn't know who this girl was but most people that he had encountered were not very friendly, especially not to a boy with purple skin.
Lila awoke, face down in the dirt and grass. She sat up and spit the dirt and grass out of her mouth. She looked around her, and saw a clearing near by. With the help of her spear, which was acting as a cane sort of thing as of right now, she headed into the clearing. Her keen eyes quickly scanned the area, and saw a girl in the clearing, and a purple skinned boy, behind a tree. Her dark red eyes watched the girl, with a gaze that would feel like her eyes were boring two holes in the back of your neck. All that could be seen of her, for anyone that looked however, were her eyes.
Vocoome muttered a curse under his breath. That was one thing that was definitely NOT helpful about his prosthetic leg. It made it nearly impossible to be stealthy. He drew his wave swords out from underneath his maroon colored robes but he did not move and held his breath. He could feel that someone else was watching him too and it did nothing to calm his already racing heart.
Kiro quickly let's go of her bow, it dissapating, and throws an orb of light at the direction she felt she was being watched

"Are you robbers... cause I swear I don't have anything...." she yells
Naturally, Vocoome's first response would have been to shout out that he was no robber. However, that would have given away his placement... and he really was in no mood to die today. While he knew nothing of this girl, or whether or not she was friendly or not, he didn't want to take any risks. The last time he had taken a risk, he had been played as a fool... he wasn't going to let that happen again.
Lila licked her lips. She had a strange need for blood. She could smell the blood in the people. She tried to contain herself, but she was so hungry. It had been years since she had last eaten, and she want to eat, right now. She ran at the boy behind the tree, and before he could respond, she had him head locked. She then noticed a dear in the clearing, and let go of him. She grabbed on to the deer, sank in her teeth, and drank her fill from it, which killed it.
Vocoome yelped when the strange girl was suddenly upon him, dropping his wave swords as his blood red eyes twisted in terror before he shut them tightly. However, he stumbled back when she released him, falling out from behind the tree in clear sight where he watched his attacker latch onto a deer that had been innocently standing in the clearing fall victim to her. His eyes were wide as he realized that that could have quite easily been him... she was a vampire, he knew her type.
Kiro flys towards vocoome's spot and turns to normal size as she summons her bow and draws it back "You have ten seconds to tell me who you are..."
Lila fell to the ground next to the slaughtered deer. What did I do? That poor animal. She yelled out in frustration, not understanding the situation. She looked up at the boy again, her eye's showing her true emotions, which were fear, confusion, and horror. She got up quickly, and moved at light speed over to the boy and the girl. She pulled out her razor tipped spear, just in case. She looked from the boy to the girl, and finally settled on the boy. "What are you?" She asked, her eyes full of fear, and confusion, but mostly curiosity.
Vocoome scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Sheesh, I just almost got eaten by a vampire would ya give me a little slack!" He growled at the girl who was pointing the bow at him, baring his sharp almost wolf-like canines.

"How do I know you aren't just going to kill me anyway?" He challenged. He figured he may as well ask since his odds weren't looking real good at this point and he wasn't about to disclose his identity if he was to die anyhow. He could at least die with his name....

Vocoome's eyes shifted to the girl that he had almost fallen prey to at her question. He was sure that he looked something like a cornered dog at this point and he looked deafeatedly down at the ground closing his eyes.

"What should it matter.... just get it over with...."
Vocoome looked up at that with confusion before looking at her hand cautiously, as though he wasn't sure if it could be dripping with poison or something.

"Finish you? Are you kidding, I have no plan to finish anyone."

He politely declined her hand and carefully began to stand, his normal leg pushing him up before he allowed his prosthetic to support his weight and balance him. It creaked slightly as he did so. He really needed to oil it.

"My name is Vocoome." He said simply. "Vocoome Kacela."

Vocoome then looked over at the vampire girl warily.

"And... you aren't still planning to eat me are you?"
Vocoome kept a cautious eye on the Vampire girl as he bent over to retrieve his wave swords, sliding them back into their sheaths hidden under his robes as he waited on the girl's reply.
Vocoome wasn't really quite sure of what to say as he continued to eye the mystery girl warily.

"I ask that you please try to control your hunger urges...." He said dryly. "And to answer your earlier question about what I am... I am unsure. All I know is that I'm different and that scares people, so I try to avoid them..."
Kiro shrugs "you do what you gotta do" she smiles "I guess eating another living being isn't right.... yet again... you are technically undead.... does that make it right?" She asks now confused
Vocoome looked over at Kiro as though she were crazy for asking such a question, however he didn't comment, only taking a step back from the two.

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