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Fantasy the Tyrant King reboot

It might take me a while to repost my character. And I don't believe he had a bio in the first place. Oh well, I can work on it now.
Hey everyone, is this still open? I'm definitely interested in participating in this RP, so I'll waste no time in starting the character sheet :P
Arvios said:
Hey everyone, is this still open? I'm definitely interested in participating in this RP, so I'll waste no time in starting the character sheet :P
Yes this is open.
I'm chomping at the bit here dear. We have 10 people interested and all necessary slots filled out.

Do you want to gather together and like make a secret origination? Like some people can be the spies and some people can be the Warriors and diplomats and we can have meetings to see what our next plan against the king is while the king/his council have meetings about seeing who the spies are



@Kirito Kei


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Actually @Kirito Kei is already the leader of the rebels. So I think that would be the group you guys join.

@Scylla does your character have a human form? If not that's totally fine. If she does I need a image of her.
I did mean time lol, sorry, I guess I should've actually said time. I was just asking because I'm taking a trip tomorrow that'll be until the afternoon, so I won't be in front of my laptop all day. I'll still reply, but it'll be from my phone and I wanted to be sure what time I should start paying attention to it.
animegirl20 said:
Actually @Kirito Kei is already the leader of the rebels. So I think that would be the group you guys join.
@Scylla does your character have a human form? If not that's totally fine. If she does I need a image of her.
Oh cool I didn't know who was the leader! I just wanted to be more organized about the society and like make sure people wanted to be all together because you can be against the king and NOT be part of a society you can go like solo and stuff. So I wanted to clear that out!
Chinoma Yamagata]Oh cool I didn't know who was the leader! I just wanted to be more organized about the society and like make sure people wanted to be all together because you can be against the king and NOT be part of a society you can go like solo and stuff. So I wanted to clear that out! [/QUOTE] Well I told @shortyshot8 @Bullet Tooth Tony [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15456-mr-swiftshots/ said:
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]



@Kirito Kei



@Thinslayer hey can you make her just slightly younger
The age of 25-26 is when the human brain is fully developed, which is why I picked that age. How much younger would you like her to be? 20-21 is about the youngest I can afford to make her (since she needs to be old enough to drink by U.S. standards).

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