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Fantasy the Tyrant King reboot


Ten Thousand Club
Character Sheet: (May adjust order of cs to your liking and leave out whatever you don't need.)


Species: (only for supernaturals)




For the king or against: (this can change as the rp goes on) (please tell why)


Appearance:( you can put appearance where ever you want)






Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along)
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Name:Alexander Stahl

Species: (only for supernaturals)

Role: King



For the king or against: (this can change as the rp goes on) (please tell why)


Appearance:( you can put appearance where ever you want)

Family:He has a brother and sister named Leon and Vera, respectively

Friends:(Closet thing is his royal court)

Personality:"He was a cold, cruel, greedy and selfish tyrant who hated supernatural creatures. He wanted them all killed and capture. He was un easy to read cold and very stern when it came to what he wanted.

Alexander is highly intelligent and charismatic, but also cunning, manipulative and ruthless. He firmly believes that people must be hardened in order to survive in the world, going so far as to murder people whom he deems a threat to the herd. He identifies himself as a leader, and frequently alludes to Darwinism when discussing the role of leaders to guide less capable people whose nature it is to follow others. He frequently attempts to sow mistrust and enmity among potential enemies, such as when he attempts to advise himself and watch out for those he deans that could not be trusted.

Alexander's charisma and intelligence hide an extremely violent streak as well.


Bio:Alexander was born as a twin with his sister, so they shared a bunch of memories together. As they got older, however, they began to spend more time apart. He was to become king someday, after all, so his father decided he couldn't spend his days clinging onto his sister. He had poor social skills even as a child although was a lot less arrogant than what he grew up into, and his father did his best to try and teach him the personality a king should have. All he accomplished was managing to make Alexander push his sister away and become quite self-centered. He also had a younger brother back then, though would mostly ignore him too no matter how much the smaller child craved attention. Still, as years passed, Alexander started to revel in his brother's idolization. That was even the only reason he'd talk to him. He was that selfish and arrogant, and the feelings even bloomed into his later years. Lia Evermore one of the closest friends until age grew them, He still feels a passion for her in his heart but promises not to show weakness. His hate for the supernatural came from a young age seeing how dependent people where on them and how people saw them much powerful and stronger than human. He always saw humans as the strongest creature in the worlds and relms...these "Things" were show to show the humans they had a superior and he didn't like it!...

Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along)
Name: Gareth Bryne

Species: Werewolf

Role: Rebel Knight.

Age: 27 but looks far older. War does that to a man.

Gender: Male

For the king or against: He's a super natural, so against.

Powers/Skills: Swordsman of the Old Ways. The knights now a days are being taught something inferior. They are being taught about things such as honor and a code of conduct while in battle. What a load of rubbish. In battle, there is no code, and there certainly isn't any honor. And while they are taught their rigid forms, he flows across the battlefield like water or the wind. And thanks to his superior strength compared to humans, the heavy armor of a knight and two handed sword of a Knight of the Old Ways does not slow him down drastically.

Decent tactician. He knows how a battlefield works, don't expose your flanks, keep the archers in the back, and make sure that the pike line does not break. He is an inspiring sight to the men following him, seemingly unruffled by even the worst of strategically disasters. He will calmly work to fix that problem, and knows that no plan goes as expected. As his master told him, "A plan is good until the first sword is drawn. Then it'll need to be changed."


Family: But of course. His mom died due to old age, but his father is still kicking, old fart.

Friends: He has a group he usually hangs around with.

Personality: He's a nice guy. If you need help with something, odds are he'll help you. But he does have his episodes. Often during these flashbacks to battles gone by, he gets rather violent, and often screams orders to nonexistent underlings.

Occupation: Officer in the Rebel army.

Bio: There is nothing much about him. He's a werewolf that became a knight under the rule of the old king. He was happy. His father was proud and his loved ones were safe. Then wars started, as they do between countries. And he, as a knight, fought in them. He survived many campaigns, and retired shortly after his fifth one or so. He returned to his home a hero, and a good story teller to boot. But that was not to last. Soon, the prince was crowned king, and the prosecution of super naturals began. He could not stand by and let that happen.

Married/lover/crush: Buisness first. Love life second. N/A
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"I'm a knight built for battle and what not, not some damsel in need of a knight!" ~Leyra Fylken



Leyra Fylken







For the king or against:

Is for the king since he pushes a strong agenda against the supernaturals who have caused her great grief in the past.


- Master at the way of the sword, bow and warhammer.

- Can use both the sword and the bow from horseback.

- Excellent horserider.

- Inspiring courage into comrades.

- Planting fear into hearts of her enemies.


She was born to peasant parents, but lost them when still a toddler to a non-human raid. Also had an uncle and aunt but they died as well. Also a cousin who's still alive, Lyanna Fylken.


- Lyanna Fylken


Leyra is a stubborn girl who never gives up when she takes up a goal even when it seems impossible. She can be quite a sweetheart and kind person especially to children, but she can become a mean wrothful person when dealing with non-humans or humans who belittle her. Also she values her independance as a individual and will never give up until her goals are accomplished. Although most knights learn that you have to keep to the code of honour Leyra doesn't care for it.


The King's Knight


Leyra Fylken was born to simple peasants and had a relative safe home until a non-human raid killed her parents when she was two. Somehow she managed to get out of there and landed in the care of her uncle Tivarr and his wife. She learned that her parents were butchered and vowed revenge. She started her training at the age of 9 and whatever her uncle and aunt tried, she couldn't be brought to reason to stop with it. At the age of 16 her uncle and aunt died and she became responsible for her cousin Lyanna. By this time Leyra had already become a master with weapons and made her cousin her squire. She then almost literally started fighting her way up until she started to attract the attention of the king who knighted her at the age of 19 because of her prowess, courage and most importantly her seemingly unwavering loyalty.


-none as of yet-



Lyanna Fylken







For the king or against:

For the king, because she is inspired by her cousin's devotion to the king. She doesn't share the anti non-human sentiment of the king though.


- Can decently fight with sword and a shield.

- Is good at helping with armor and maintaining it.

- Can read and write like a proper person.

- Learned how to deal with pushy men from her cousin.


Her uncle and aunt died before she was born. Her parents died as well. Her cousin Leyra Fylken is still alive.


- Leyra Fylken.


Lyanna is a brave young girl who isn't afraid to get a bit bloody thanks to her cousin. She's very shy though, especially when she likes the person in question. She also has a thing for strong people who stand for their morals. Although her cousin hates non-humans she doesn't feel the same, she thinks some of them aren't that bad but keeps quiet about it because otherwise her cousin would get angry and start ranting again. Although she is a warrior and a squire, she is a very gentle person who loves helping people.


Squire to Leyra Fylken


She was born and raised by her parents until they died shortly before her 11th birthday. After that it was her cousin Leyra who raised her and made her a squire and taught her how to fight instead of teaching her to be a proper future wife for somebody. When Leyra became a knight it was like paradise for Lyanna as there were good looking knights aplenty.


-None as of yet.

Name: Ace

Role: Assassin

Age: 21

Gender: Female

For the king or against: Ace is fighting For the king at the moment.Ace has always worked for the king, she never met her family, she was trained to be an assassin since she was the age of four.Ace was recently sent to assassinate a family but when she returned to the king he informed her that she had just killed her own family, Ever since that day Ace has started to see the error in her ways.

Powers/Skills: Ace is extremely skilled for a human due to experiments she underwent during her training.Ace's katana Murasame : Murasame is a poisonous blade that can kill a person with only one cut. Once the sword pierces skin, it injects a lethal poison into the victim, killing them within seconds.

Family: Deceased


Personality: Cold,distant,merciless and emotionless


Bio: Ace was taken as a child and trained to be the kingdoms top assassin. The training she went through was extremely though and left her emotionally and mentally scared . In order to become the strongest and most effective assassin she had many experiments done on her increasing her agility,stamina,stealth and swordsmanship beyond that of a normal human.She completed the training after five years and began executing assassination assignments at the age of nine.Ace was recently sent to assassinate a family but when she returned to the king he informed her that she had just killed her own family, Ever since that day Ace has started to see the error in her ways.

crush: none yet

"I don't care if I am woman. I'll prove to you that I can be as strong and cunning as man!"

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Lia Evermore


Knight: 1st in command

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For the king or against:

She is struggle between both sides abut for now she is for the king. Mostly because he was someone that she believed in and looked up to whole hardly. Plus she doesn't want to lose her position she has come to far to risk it now.

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Sword fighting

Battle Commander



Father (Dead)

Mother (lives in town)


Leyra Fylken

Lyanna Fylken


Lia is a adventurous, tomboyish, and free spirited girl who looks up to her father and wants to become a knight. She has very pure heart and just wants to do whats right and help other people. Lia is also courageous and believes anything is possible and lets that guide her whenever she faces any challenge. She is independent, very determine and will never give up or let anything get in her way.

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The King's Knight


When Lia was young her father was one of the king's knights and was very well respected. For a time she and her mother lived a noble lifestyle until one day her father was killed during battle. Lia was 7 at the time. Then her life took a drastic change. Her mother ended up having to work as a servant in the castle because the money that use to come in from her father had stopped. Lia was very hurt by her father's death she had looked up to her father a lot and wanted to be just like him. Lia had worked with her mother in the castle as a servant girl. The friends she had when she was a noble all ignored her now so she had to make new ones. But is was hard for her because some of the servants girls didn't like playing with her. They said she played ruff like a boy. Then boys wouldn't play with her much either because she was girl. But she did end up becoming friends with Prince Julian. Julian had noticed that she was always alone and started hanging out and playing with her. Soon enough she became attached to him and looked up to him a lot. Lia's dream to become a knight was slowly fading as she started to learn that women and men had certain roles and that women couldn't become knights. But Julian encouraged her to dot it anyway and prove them wrong. So she went for it. It just got harder from there. She trained really hard and got a lot of backlash for it. During that time Julian was distancing himself from everyone and was starting to change and during that time she was completely alone. After everything she went through they could not deny how good she was. She was beating all the boys at combat and sword fighting. When Julian finally became king she became a knight. Some int went by and the king was starting to get death threats and one night a highly trained assassin snuck into the castle and Lia happened to be on duty. Right before the assassin could get to Julian Lia fought him and then and captured him single handed. King Julian ended up putting her as 1st in command. She was happy that her old friend was the one granting her this but as she looked at him she didn't see the old friend she once knew she saw someone different. When she got the position the men weren't happy and the worn talked about her behind her back. She didn't care she had gotten a great honor but for some reason it didn't feel very fulfilling. But luckily she did happen to meet girl named Leyra Fylken who like her struggled to become a knight. They became friends and Lia wasn't alone anymore. She also Lyanna Fylken, Leyra's cousin who seems shy. She is now in confusion in what to do. Will she stay with the Tyrant king or betray him?


She's not sure of her feelings



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NAME: Katsuo Anselet


SPECIES: Half Raiju/Half Human

ROLE: Leader of the Rebel Army

AGE: 22



POWERS/SKILLS: Due to his training, Katsuo is an exceptional swordsmen. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, and perception. Katsuo is very charismatic, and is also a novice

tactician. On occasion, Katsuo's eyes turn red from anger, this is a side affect of his half Raiju Psychology. He also has night-vision, and partial control over electricity.

APPEARANCE: Katsuo always wears a black cloak, which he received from his mother before her death. He wears a thick layer of chain-mail under his black clothing for protection. The sword on his back is named 'Arthurus'. He received it from his mother on his 15th birthday.

FAMILY: Mother (Deceased), Father (Location Unknown)



PERSONALITY: At times, Katsuo can seem cold and calculating. He has no qualms with manipulating anyone to reach his goal. The death of his family has left him emotionally scared, and he is hesitant when it comes to making friends. However, when he does make friends, he's usually easy-going around them.

OCCUPATION: Leader of the Rebels

BIO: A Raiju is a mythical creature that is normally in the form of a fox or wolf, but are able to take the form of a human. They are also able to control electricity, and can travel in a giant ball of electricity. His mother fell in love with a Raiju, and from this, Katsuo was born. Soon after Katsuo was born, his father seemingly disappeared, never to be heard of again. Katsuo's mother was a expert swordsmen and a knight of the king. She trained him in the ways of the blade and is the reason Katsuo is so skilled with a blade.

At the age of five, Katsuo began to exhibit weird abilities. He could run exceptionally fast, and was able to carry his mother with little-to-no effort. His mother suspected that he was supernatural. This was reassured when he was struck by lightning, and was seemingly fine!

At the age of 18, Katsuo's house was invaded by knights of the King. They killed his mother because she was suspected of 'harboring a supernatural being'. They would've killed Katsuo too, hadn't he used his super human strength and speed to kill the knights.

Motherless and heartbroken, Katsuo swore revenge on the King and went into hiding. He felt as if it was because of his abilities, that his mother was killed. Because if this, he only shows his abilities when he is in extreme danger.

With his new-found hatred for the King, he started the Rebel army.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3baf33a7_EvilHoodedMan.jpg.f27c4e6c4c5b63602ca9e5d3e01f3954.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3baf33a7_EvilHoodedMan.jpg.f27c4e6c4c5b63602ca9e5d3e01f3954.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Gregorivitch (Prefers to be called Gregor)

Role: Warlock

Age: 19

Gender: Male

For the king or against: (please tell why) For the King. He does mercenary work for sleazy nobles and his experiences with supernatural has made him neutral to their suffering.

Powers/Skills: Gregor is a powerful warlock. He's great at casting spells and making potions. His Achilles heel is that he is below average in every other weapon. Magic will always be his bread and butter.

Appearance: Gregor's face is rarely seen but the few who have seen it, describe him as a handsome stranger. He is always wearing a white shirt with a black hooded shirt over it, black pants, and black sandals. His eyes are a chocolaty brown and his hair is black.

Family: Gregor is an orphan. Although it is unknown if he has any family members.

Friends: Gregor tends not to have many friends. He did have a best friend who was killed.

Personality: Gregor is a man who gets things done. He does what he needs to do to finish the job. Gregor also has a soft spot for children and sometimes goes out of his way to defend them. He is an understanding person yet gets uncomfortable comforting people.

Occupation: Mercenary

Bio: Gregor was left at an orphanage and taken in by Norman Jacobson, who discovered his magic. He was taught from the time he could walk to fear his magic and that it was evil. However, Gregor made quick friends with a new boy named Isaac Jono. Through their friendship Gregor began to question whether or not his teachings were right. With Isaac's help, he began to train his magic in secret. This went on for years until Gregor was 15. Norman discovered what they were doing and hired a vampire to kill Gregor. Instead the vampire slaughtered the children in the orphanage and burnt it to the ground in the middle of the night. Gregor managed to escape with Isaac and face of against the creature. He was beaten down and the vampire bit Isaac. Capitalizing Gregor killed the vampire and carried Isaac to a clearing. There he killed his best friend in an act of mercy, for he did not want to be a vampire. Norman escaped and Gregor left to Avalon to find work. He continues to train his magic and get stronger. Rumor has it he's still looking for Norman to this day...

Married/lover/crush: N/A



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"The less you reveal, the more people can wonder"

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Name: Jake Searl

Role: Noble

Age: 18

Gender: Male

For the king or against: Against the king, Jake feels that the king has been consumed by the idea of power, and that the hunger for said power has been the fuel to his acts. He disagrees completely with the kings ideals and feels that he should treat the supernaturals fairly as they are his subjects like everyone else. However, although he doesn't hate the king, he is just saddened by what he has become.


Archery- Jake is incredibly skilled with the bow, specialising in ranged combat, he excells in this field.

Deception- He is great at deceiving people and has even managed to deceive the entire royal court, and everyone else that follows the king, they think that his allegiance lies with the king, but in truth it's quite the opposite.

Stealth- He is a master of staying hidden, and specialises in 'blending in', although not an assassin, he would probably make an incredible one. But the noble side of him permits him from doing so.

Tactician- Jakes most renowned skill, and skill that the royal court knows him for is his ability to devise plans and what not. The only other thing that they know about is his skill with the bow.

Family: He is cousins with the king and his siblings.

Friends: He has a mixture of both supernaturals and humans that he calls friends.

Personality: Jake is a very kind person, who enjoys helping those in need as well as doing good overall, he is a strong believer in "fairness" and thinks that everyone should be treated fairly, equally, and with kindness. If they are deserving of it. However, due to his line of work he is also deceitful and very sly, he also has a bit of a silver tongue and can literally talk himself out of most matters without raising suspicion. He is very well educated due to his noble upbringing and thus is very intellectual and quick-witted, which makes him an excellent tactician. Jake is an exceptional lier and takes his... 'Job' very seriously. He has many agents under his command and shows them the utmost kindness.

Jake has a slight temper, and although he keeps a calm an composed demeanour 24/7, he is something to be feared when angered. He treats his agents like his family and will do anything for them. He may be young, but he is incredibly skilled at what he does, and knows exactly what he is doing, by every page of the book.

Occupation: Spymaster

Bio: Born into the noble house of the Searl family, Jake was brought up in a life of luxury. He had everything a child could have ever wanted and more. Being the only child, he had a sort of lonely upbringing as there was hardly ever any children for him to play with, but this didn't matter to Jake, he preferred the quiet. In fact, he marvelled in it.

As he grew older his mother became ill and died at the age of 31, Jake was 7 at the time. His father then became distant and was at 'work' more often. One night his father decided that he would come clean, and thus told Jake the history of his family, explaining that they come from a long line of spymasters that served the kingdom till the bitter end. Jake detested the idea at first but soon grew into it, so then at the young age of 8, Jakes father trained him in everything he needed to know and more, over the years however Jake trained himself in the ways of the bow and became a master of it, as well as his other skills.

When the Kings tyrant rule began, Jake knew straight away that he wouldn't align himself with such horror, he was ashamed at the king and horrified at the way he treated supernaturals. So since then he focussed all his duties not in the diolomatic matters of his house, which came second, but intead he focuses solely on his work as a spymaster, an agent of the stealth and shadows, he has agents in pretty much every town and every building of importance. He even hands out assassination contracts to his agents for them to go and complete. And the best part, his agents ensure that he is always protected and ensure that no leads ever trace back to him. He does what he does to give a better future to the supernaturals, who are treated like dirt in their own lands.

Jake is literally, the master of deception.

Married/lover/crush: No one as of yet



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Name: Alanion Calentin

Species: (only for supernaturals)




For the king or against: (this can change as the rp goes on) (please tell why) For the king....Al is a man who only is seeking peace for the ones he cares for he never wants others to witness the tragedy he has seen

Powers/Skills: A master with the sword and shield and very skilled in tactical combat

Appearance:( you can put appearance where ever you want) With armor

Without armor <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-6_15-33-54.jpeg.d5ac72557c1cab148f506f2de1fdafd8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-6_15-33-54.jpeg.d5ac72557c1cab148f506f2de1fdafd8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Friends:Not at the moment as he keeps to himself most of the time

Personality:Al is a cunning knight who tends to keep to himself in fear of having others get close to him as he believes that a knight should always focus at the task at hand...And witnessing one he cares for die would only get in the way

Occupation: The King's knight

Bio:Not much is known about him as stated before he doesn't talk much and keeps to himself all that is known is that he joined up to fight those who would threaten his home land

Married/lover/crush: (Can change as rp goes along) None at the moment

"Be you alive or dead....Strong or weak....There is no way to survive at the hands of me" ~Alanion Calentin~



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Name: Unknown but people call him X

Species: Unknown

Role: Assassin

Age: Unknown


For the king or against: Against the king look in bio

Powers/Skills: Blade skills as well as a blink skill allowing for teleportation and able to throw knives and kunai with expert precision


Family: Unknown

Friends: Unknown

Personality: Quiet, Merciless, hateful,


Bio: X was born in a village off the coast and from a young age was trained with sword skills, throwing skills, and the art of being stealthy and never being seen. One day as he was walking back to his village he saw smoke, he went into a sprint to find his village in the process of being pillaged he was going to step in when suddenly a blow to the back of his head knocked him out and when he woke up the captain of the guard tortured him and beat him for days as the captain cut his throat and he was bleeding out a voice seemingly from nowhere made him a deal, LIFE For MURDER and to this day he has developed spiritual powers that enhance his stealth and sword skills exponentially but as for his deal his neck was healed but not completely there was some damage to the vocal chords making his voice very low and barely usable and that's why he barely uses it anyway cause anyone who knows he is there is most likely dead before they can speak any words to him.

Married/lover/crush: None

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Seraphina Vivienne La Fontaine

  • Name:

    Seraphina Vivienne La Fontaine


    Royal Advisor





    For the king or against?

    While she doesn’t agree with the Kings viewpoint, she serve him faithfully none the less as a promise to the pervious King.



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Name: Hida Mandrell

Real Name: Hiddenzell

Species: Witch

Role: Nobel in disguise

Age: 22

Gender: Female

For the king or against:

Against him, she wants to abolish his political views about killing all the supernatural beings. Pretty much uses her human looks and privilege to help out the ones in need and wants to have a revolution.


Controls Light sources.

Can create flash grenades (Blinding foe for up to 30 seconds)

Is skilled at knife play and keeps a knife strapped to her thigh whenever she needs it

However she can become very weak when in a dark place for a very long time. She needs to see the sunlight once every 48 hours. Or else she can become useless and after up to a week of complete darkness could potentially die.


Hida gave up all of her previous life to Khalisan. Although before this she did have a Mother who for most part of her life pretended to be her sister in order to protect her.

Friends: Allies with Katsuo and X(?)


She is religious, intelligent, and persuasive. She believes in a goddess called Khalisan, the one who gave her the power of light instead of being a normal witch. She talks with high authority even if she has it or not. However when threatened with her life or away from sunlight she becomes very meek and humble. She'll completely agree to anything in these types of situations. Otherwise, she's very hardheaded and will get what she wants (If not tortured).


Shes trying to pass by as a completely human noble and avoiding Gregor as much as possible. She wants to help the supernatural species and spies and plans on seducing the king into giving her information.


Hida was the only child of a Witch and a supernatural creature. In a turn of events her father was killed and for people to not realize she was a mixed being her mother (a pure blooded witch) pretended to be her sister. She didn't know the truth for many many years. Her mother eventually told her once she started reaching adult hood and shortly after she joined Khalisan's holy army. From now on she doesn't look into the past and pretends that she's always been part of her goddess. She doesn't want to let her down and will do anything to create serenity and purity back into the kingdom.


Has a business like interest in the King.​
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Name: robin goodfellow

age: 27

Species: human noble

role: would very much like to become the kings personal guard.

bio: has been gaining and perfecting his skills with a Saber since age six, plus he gains more advantages in swordplay from left handedness, making him nearly unbeatable with his sword. But still he remains unsatisfied, and is constantly practising. A noble in every way, especially blood, and quite proud Of it.

Family. No siblings and 2 deceased parents.

occupation: he tries to learn as much as possible about the kings current guard, and get in a position to get that role. He feels he has to prove he is the best.

married, lover, crush,

: too busy to bother

personality; has a superiority complex that makes him feel he has to outperform everyone else, and even when he does, it's still not enough for him. On the outside, he is very closed and busy
Name: Carlyle Wallis

Species: Human

Role: Knight

Age: 23

Gender: Male

For the king or against: For the King, albeit grudgingly. While he disagrees with the Kings policies and agenda, he believes that should the king be killed, anarchy would sweep through the kingdom and cause it to fall to its enemies to the east.

Powers/Skills: -Sword skills

-Skilled horseman

-Brute, due to his physical size, he can charge at an enemy and stagger them.

-He is also skilled in usage of a shield.

Appearance:He stands at 6'4

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Goodknight.jpg.f85df0aac070ac9d8935afc0575d67fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Goodknight.jpg.f85df0aac070ac9d8935afc0575d67fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: Sir Stewart Collins (Deceased)

Sir Roger Allens (Adoptive father)

Lady Elizabeth Wallis


Personality: Carlyle is sympathetic to those who have grown up in adversity due to his own childhood. He is softly spoken and expresses his regret for the things he has done to supernaturals through the rants he will spew once drunk. He is also loyal to those who he deems friends and acquaintances, no matter where they stand on the brewing civil war.

Occupation:The Kings Knight

Bio:Carlyle was born the product of an affair from a nobleman and a maid. His father left him to his mother, and by age three his father died during a hunt in the northern part of the Kingdom. His mother who was destitute moved to the capital, becoming a prostitute and ended up the occasional lover of one of the kings royal guard. The guard, in return for sex would teach the young Carlyle how to use a sword. For seven years Carlyle would live with this arrangement for eight years, sleeping and eating in the brothels attic. This happened until Carlyle was fifteen when the guard became knighted for his services to the king and married his mother. The knight then took Carlyle as his adoptive son and had him admitted to train as a knight and at age seventeen his squire. For the next three years he would hunt down supernaturals, which eventually ended up with his knighting on his twentieth birthday. Since then he has been slowly watching the kingdom descending into civil war, and the kings growing decadence. He had to say goodbye to several friends who left to fight against his tyrannical rule.

Married/lover/crush: Crushing hard on Leyra



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Aichos Velren




Spy in the guise of a human noble





For the king or against:

Against the king. Aichos lived long before him in a world where he and his kind were not persecuted, and hates the fact that the king is causing so much pain for the supernaturals.


Pyromancy: His draconic nature gives him great control over the element fire. He can eat or touch most fire without being harmed, and gains strength from it, even in his human form.

Dragon Form: He has the ability to transform into a huge crimson dragon. He only uses this form when in great need, as it limits his ability to move quickly on the ground, but it increases the power of his fire attacks.




He has a few close friends, including a few unwitting members of the Royal Court who share gossip and the like with him.


He’s very studious and chivalrous. He’s devoted a large portion of his life to learning and has studied with some of the world’s best minds. He’s respectful, even in a battle, and never resorts to trash talk or mudslinging, as he finds them both to be classless. He doesn’t back down from a fight, however, especially when his honor is in question, and he can be a bit quick to anger sometimes. He’s a collector, like all dragons, and has amassed quite a few treasures that he keeps in his home.




Aichos was born, or hatched, in his case, several centuries ago. After he reached maturity, he led an adventurous life: travelling, collecting, meeting new people. This continued for several centuries, until the Tyrant King came to power. At the time, Aichos was living a quiet life as a "human" noble, and when the king revealed his hatred of supernatural creatures, Aichos saw an opportunity and vowed to help those who would oppose him. So, instead of leaving and joining the fight, he remains close to the King's center of power and relays information to the rebels in the hopes that the information will help them defeat the King, or at the very least avoid dying by the hands of his knights.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Bismuth_Phoenix.png.223ac6f32abb7e08a7e6ad89ac9e71c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Bismuth_Phoenix.png.223ac6f32abb7e08a7e6ad89ac9e71c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Veela

Species: Crystal Phoenix

Role: Spy

Age: Claims to be at least 100.

Gender: Female

For the king or against: Against, she feels that beings like her are heavily discriminated against now thanks to the king.

Powers/Skills: Phoenix Physiology, charisma, Illusion manipulation

Family: She has parents and a couple siblings, but it has been a long time since she has last seen them.

Friends: Over the years, friends and came and went for her.

Personality: Veela is quite social with other supernaturals and is mainly friendly to them. Ever since the king rose to power, she has gotten more wary of humans thanks to the king seeking out the supernaturals to kill them.

Occupation: Spy for the people against the king

Bio: Crystal Phoenixes are a more uncommon subspecies of Phoenix, but they're not the rarest. They naturally come with the abilities of enhanced charisma and Illusion manipulation to disguise themselves as birds of prey. Veela was hatched a long time ago. Currently she lives in a nearby forest, sometimes coming to the nearby areas disguised as a bird of prey via illusions.

Married/lover/crush: N/A



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Name: Noximyl Vesper

Species: Shifter Vampire

Role: Assassin

Age: 23

Gender: Male

For the king or against: Against the King.


-- Vigor: Noximyl's vampire form provides an increase in strength alongside dexterity, as well as minute bursts of speed, and very short-lived flight capability (with a higher level for gliding). However, extended periods of time in this form inflates exhaustion and a drive to feed, driving Noximyl in a frenzy state. As he is still a novice in controlling his powers, none of these abilities, apart from strength, are provided as "passive" in human form. While in human form, the drinking of human blood allows him minor boosts in speed and refuels his vampire form maintenance energy.

-- Knight's Training: Noximyl is decently trained in the way of Knighthood, though is far from excelling in it. This gives him partial knowledge in both tactics and weaponry to anticipate offensive attacks.

-- Assassin's Sleight: Noximyil is versed well in the use of speed, stealth, and dexterity to incapacitate targets, with a specialty in using a pair of retractable arm blades . Because of his previous path, poison is something that Noxymil does not partake in, as he finds it cowardly and contradicts the idea of honor.

Appearance: Noximyl is 5'8" tall with a hyposthenic build and typically dresses in flexible clothing with minimal armor, usually consisting of leather materials so as to maintain his stealth at its highest capability. Upon shifting to his vampire form, Noximyl's physical shape increments in size, with his total height settling at 6'1" with additional muscle gain, though his attire tends to remain undamaged and even goes far beyond adapting thanks to bewitched clothing.



Family: Noximyl has a family consisting of his two parents (Desmond and Lissa Vesper), and a younger brother (Corvis Vesper) who is currently enlisted as a ranger hunting down supernaturals. Both Noximyl and his father are the only supernaturals in the family, and while they both detest the new king, the remaining family members admire Alexander's exemplar against the arcane. Their abilities are hidden from the rest of the family in order to prevent any unneeded attention.

Friends: One close friend of his by the name of Mary Alice D'elouge, a master duelist and assassin within the Royal Ranks of the King, became his personal trainer after the "tragic death" of Sir Vallus of Lastor, the knight he followed. Although she disagrees with the king's agenda, she has a high sense of respect for the royal bloodline, and therefore does not object to his ideals. To date, apart from his father, she is the only known person who is aware of Noximyl's shifting capability, though does not act upon it due to their relationship.

Personality: Noximyl is the opposite of what a serious individual is; just as his previous teacher, this young shifter approaches many situations in a cheerful manner for most, witty for those who are stern, and sarcastic for those filled with disdain. His history as being excessively frugal is another odd characteristic; he will often find ways to save or gain coin, and will go to extremes in order to do so.

Occupation: Assassin / Mercenary

Bio: Noximyl was born into a wealthy noble family, filled with aristocrats and entrepreneurs, who partook in the business of providing security measures for other wealthy families who could afford bodyguards and mercenaries. However, Noximyl yearned for the open world, and his dreams of adventure manifested as he grew older. At the age of 7, to his surprise, his parents agreed to his pleading and enlisted him as a page under Sir Vallum of Lestor, a renowned knight (and friend of his father) within the royal rankings of the Past King.

Everything went well, as the young boy transcended into a squire, and learned the ways of chivalry and of honor through the kind and modest ways of Sir Vallum. At the age of 19, however, Noximyil began awaking to splitting headaches, only to notice odd scratch marks, remnants of short, white shaggy fur, and damaged furniture in his room. Sir Vallum didn't take long to deduce that his disciple was inflicted with the curse of his father; while his brother was spared, Noximyl was torn between two forms thanks to a set of vampire genetics that affected the living, allowing them to shift into a bat-like creature, similar to that of a werewolf, though with slight differing attributes. Capable of advanced strength, agility, flight, and even abilities like detecting heat sources, this class of vampire was not dependent on the blood of the living, like the undead variety.

Unfortunately, the new King usurped the throne earlier that year. While the old King allowed such beings from being a part of the armed forces for the defense of the kingdom, Alexander's ambitions were far from similar. Upon hearing the rumors of having a potential supernatural being within the Knight's Order, Sir Vallum was interrogated heavily. At first he denied any such possibility; when torture was implemented, the knight soon realized that both Noximyl would be burned alive, and he executed to serve as an example to those aiding any supernaturals, as innocent as they may be. In an attempt to save at least one soul from this injustice, Vallum framed himself as the shapeshifter. He was then beheaded on the next day in a public showing.

A depression gripped Noximyl to his core, and this phase influenced him to drop his quest to become a knight. Still haunted by the tragic death, in an attempt to right this horrible wrong, he vowed to destroy this newly formed oppressive rule by joining the assassin's branch of the kingdom, and then using this position to his utmost advantage against the king. After all, getting in was easy, thanks to the instructor by the name of Mary Alice D'elouge, who was very good friends with Vallum. It's been four years since all of these events took place, with Noximyl now being 23 and a devoted assassin under the kingdom's rule.

Married/lover/crush: A very slight crush with his most trusted adviser, the duelist Mary Alice D'elougue.

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Leon Noctus Stahl

  • Name:

    Leon Noctus Stahl







    For the King or against:

    For the King, but his idolization of his brother is slowly ebbing away

((Sorry it took so long to get him out!))
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/15130212421_9e6f859f88_b.jpg.d970e285fdfc12fa4acf0f531d4344d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/15130212421_9e6f859f88_b.jpg.d970e285fdfc12fa4acf0f531d4344d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Madeline Stahl

Role: King's Sister/princess

Age: 21

Gender: female

For the king or against: Works on his behalf, but has not publicly avowed loyalty to him.


  • Interrogation
  • Poetry
  • Debate
  • Intermediate swordsmanship
  • Management

Appearance: Trimmed golden brown hair flanks her brilliant hazel eyes, which gaze unflinchingly into death's maw and seem to pierce the darkness with otherworldly light. A lightly decorated crimson gown covers her seemingly frail frame, adorned only with a silver cross on a silver chain around her neck.

Family: Alexander Stahl (brother), Leon Noctus Stahl (brother)

Friends: none yet

Occupation: Director of Internal Affairs (spy master)

Personality & Bio: Madeline (or Lina as she likes to be called) is nothing short of a powerful woman. With confidence in her stride and authority in her voice, she is every bit the model of a queen. But unlike the other nobles beneath her, there is substance to her grandstanding. From birth, she was raised to be the kingdom's future queen, and ever since her teenage years, she acquainted herself with every corner of her future domain.

Out of the public eye, she is a bit more reserved, demure, even shy to a degree, and her kindness surprises both nobles and peasants alike. She strives to be honest, and some say she is honest to a fault. Most people don't realize that being honest is difficult for her, since her upbringing emphasized deceit and secrecy as a means of surviving the political world.

Married/lover/crush: none yet



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  • Name: Maikeru

    Species: Draconian

    Role: Supernatural creature

    Age: 102

    Gender: Male

    For the king or against: Against

    Family: None

    Friends: His foe's foe.

    Personality: Bold, daring, cocky.

    Occupation: Roamer

    Married/lover/crush: None

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