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Fantasy the Tyrant King reboot

Footsteps were heard as they clacked to the corner of the balcony. A scowl on a mans face, his eyes could light flames and his smile could scare the devil himself. He took a DEEP breath and looked upon the city. He saw it as it was. Beautiful. "I will concur this world... kill all Creature...(He spoke in terms of the magical creature in and beyond the walls)." He looked down at his two feet. The man with a pen spoke "I see sir..." The king smiled at the old man patting him on the head and laying in bed. Over the course of a few hours the kings author left out the room locking it behind him.He was the only man with a key to the bed room, and so it was. written in paper. The new arrangement for the kingdom.
Mighty legion

Conquered region

Marching unto glory

Run and see

The soldiers three

Lived to tell the story

A golden pen clattered to the table, punctuating the rhythmic beating of the clock. Birds chirped and twittered outside, adding music to the easy silence of the morning. Lina pushed back her chair to stretch.

She remained seated for a few moments longer, closing her eyes to enjoy the tranquility.

"Well then. That's that." she told herself. Lina stood, closed her poetry book, and left the room. Her boots clacked against marble tiles as she marched for the throne room. Servants and courtiers bade her cheery good mornings, and she returned the greetings. Upon entering the throne room, she kissed the foot of the throne and took a position at its side to await the king's instructions for morning business.
"I feel like a rat." Gareth said. He was in the head quarters, if you could call it that, of the rebels. And it was more or less a hole in the ground. It was a cave he and Katsuo had more or less stumbled across that their brave, at that time, band decided to explore. It isn't everyday that you go spelunking in a cave. But what they found was marvelous. Tunnels, seemingly carved from the rock itself, led to rooms. And there were tunnels leading off from those rooms to yet more rooms. Torch brackets were already there as well, either installed by a bandit leader or by a previous king thinking it would be something far greater then what it turned out to be. Either way, he didn't like it. Strategically speaking, it was a miracle. But he felt like the whole system was constantly about to cave in on him. He was currently standing in what they have decided to call the "Meeting Room." It was, as far as he knew, the only room with a source of natural light, a hole in the ceiling and covered by an iron grate. And a circular stone table naturally eroded, originally, by the elements and carved to be a perfect circle. He was also currently standing next to the chair Katsuo was sitting (or supposed to sit, either or.) at.
"I feel right at home, myself," Aichos chuckled with a sort of distracted tone. It was a true-enough statement. The cavern would be a decent place for a dragon. There were plenty of side rooms for treasure and the like and a thin ceiling that could be broken through for an escape. He was sitting with his head propped in one hand and his elbow resting on the table. He was holding rumpled piece of paper with near-illegible writing on it in his free hand that he was currently reading, his eyes darting quickly back and forth across the page as he examined it. It was nothing of much importance, only a short letter describing the last altercation with the King's knights.
"Don't worry my friends. All in good time..."

Katsuo was sat in his chair, staring at the hole in the ceiling. "Soon, we will be welcomed on the streets, just like we were four years ago. But for now, we must lurk in the shadows; so that we may one day we may return to the light."

"So tell me everyone, what have you all been up to?"
"What would we be up too? We've nothing to do; hiding from the cowardly King's Knights... we're waiting for a day that we will be accepted, once more but we do nothing to make it happen." He snarled, stomping around.

Noximyl Vesper

_ __ ___ _________________________________________ ___ __ _

The sound of village chatter and vendor shouts penetrate through the walls of Noximyl's room at a local inn. He rubs his stinging eyes and steadily sits at the edge of his bed, waiting for a minute before he finally lets out a stretch as if to imply he has officially woken up. The Silver Vanguard, as the establishment was dubbed, mainly housed military units, all ranging from knights to generals and assassins on their "off" days from their armed services, either to catch up on rest, enjoy the pub with some comrades, or invite some of the more.... refined locals for after hour retreats. Regardless, he never felt safe here; his body was trained to avoid looking suspicious, but his mind would constantly betray him by planting fear of being found out as an enemy of the Kingdom. He wouldn't want to face the same executioner, or feel the same blade that his master felt just a short four years ago. He quickly shakes the thought out with a series of shrugs and climbs out from his bed.

Noximyl quickly dresses in his formal out-of-military attire and steps out to the hallway with only a long dagger holstered on his left hip. Less than twenty steps downstairs, he finds himself at the entrance lounge, where a dozen other military personnel were enjoying their breakfast, spanning from cooked ham and eggs to mead with liver and onions. The young assassin subtly yawns to himself as he eyes an empty booth by the window, placing his belongings on the table and promptly taking note of everyone's behaviors.

_ __ ___ _________________________________________ ___ __ _


Lia was doing her usual morning rounds. She would go to all the posts to make sure the knights were doing there jobs and also abiding them new posts or letting them rest and having someone else take a turn. She did this every morning with out fail. She took her jobs seriously. This was something she always wanted but she didn't feel like she thought she would. She still felt lost more then ever. After she was down with her rounds she went to the thorn room for any orders the king had but when she got there she only saw the princess, his sister. She walked up to the throne and bowed. "Morning princess is the king still in his room?"

Jake awoke in his manor, the curtains closed momentarily as one of the household maids quickly opened them, allowing the sunlighg to invade the room. Jake smiled at the maid as she quickly nodded back and hastily made her way out of the room.

"Ah, the weather seems nice today.." He sighed, and quickly got out of bed and put his clothes on, as well as his usual medium armoured plating over the top. He looked at his bow which was sat on a table. Jake picked it up and clipped it onto his back, along with the quiver of arrows.

He then looked at a few papers which were sat on his desk, he hastily went over to inspect them. Reading through them he chuckled, "It seems my spies have managed to extract key information from the courts.. Excellent." He picked up the papers and hid them in a secret compartment underneath his desk and then made his way out of the manor and into the streets.

Another day in this place.. The quicker I can leave the better.

Considering his line of work he had to be careful, if he was found out that wouldn't bode well. Luckily there are never any traces to lead back to him, and that no evidence has been found to even suggest him being a spy for the Rebels. Jake continued to walk up to the castle calmly. "I wonder what today will bring.." He said quietly to himself
"Morning princess! Is the king still in his room?" Lia asked. Madeline folded her arms and nodded. "Indeed. He has been holed up in there since this morning. Were he more prompt, we might have had time for a full report. But enough complaining. How are you today, Lady Lia? I hear you suffered some consternation over his Majesty's recent behaviors."
Lia stood attentive and was slightly stuns by the question. "I a.......I've been fine and well I think I'm use to it by now." She glanced around the room noticing the two guards in place. She then looked back at the princess. Lia had hated what had been going on but she didn't open her mouth about it. Sometimes it was better to keep quiet then talk. "I can fetch him for you if you like?"
Interesting. She did not flat-out deny it, but rather dodged the question. She clearly has concerns over his new personality, but she doesn't wish for it to be known. I shall have to confirm this.

Lina proceeded with, "Very well. When you get there, inform him that his campaign has met with a problem. He's always been a good man, so I'm sure he will thank you for giving him the news."

She watched carefully for Lia's reaction.
Leyra Fylken

She was looking at the blood on her gauntlet. "Duvarr, what is the first rule of boxing?" She asked. "Protect your face..." Duvarr replied whilst he was sitting on a bench whilst Lyanna did her best to stop the bleeding. "Then next time you might want to actually do that when you're participating in gauntlet boxing!" Leyra said with a stern voice. How long would she have to deal with this kind of bullshit? Incompetent guardsmen, knights who spend too much time thinking that she would be honorable in battle. "Clean yourself up and get a physician to look at your face Duvarr. Come Lyanna." She said and walked with her cousin towards the throne room whilst cleaning her gauntlets with a spare cloth. "Let's see what the king has planned for today." She said to her cousin whilst they stopped before the throne room's doors.
"It's hard to do much of anything when we struggle to gain even the simplest of things. The other supernaturals are currently one of three things. Don't know about us and are hiding. Dead. Or here. Sympathizers are also hard to come by. They hide just as much as supernaturals are, and might cross us for a nice bag of coins." he said, disgusted with what they had to work with. "The best that we can do is keep our armies moving, only fighting when the terrain is in our favor, and then quickly disappearing again. Limited casualties, maximum affect. But casualties are casualties. And that leaves us with finding, and then training, more troops. Which leads us to a supply shortage. We cannot run this rebellion just by ourselves." he finished, hand in a white knuckled grip on the back of Katsou's chair. "That is, unless you plan on raiding whole villages for needed supplies such as food, tents, weapons and armor."
Aichos put the parchment he was reading onto the stone surface of the table and looked up, his expression neutral. "Raiding villages for supplies would simply turn the rest of the kingdom against us. Those who do sympathize with us or are conflicted over sides will likely come to see us as the same brutish creatures the King wishes them to see. I'm not a fan of the situation much myself, really, but that's rebellion. We didn't expect to win overnight." His eyes moved upward to the hole in the ceiling and glazed over as he slipped into thought. How he missed the sky. The wind in his wings, the cool brush of clouds over his scales. He'd trade every last treasure he owned if it meant their freedom. If it were only that simple.
"You don't say? I've only fought in a wars myself. They always felt like they took a week at most." Gareth said, voice dripping with sarcasm. But once that was said, his face grew very serious. "And raiding villages is not my idea of 'problem solved'. But it's the only one I see. Our hunters can only bring in so much without making the forest barren. We can only cut down so many trees to make the bows and arrows we use before all that will be left are stumps. Candle stubs can be melted down again, but even that has a limit. And don't get me started on sword blades, arrow and spear heads, and metal armor. That is a headache all in it's own for me."
Seraphina La Fontaine

“Oh my prince what am I to do with you?” Seraphina mumbled as she hurried down the lustrous hallways of the palace. Her job was to make sure things was running smoothly and that meant to make sure the prince way up before midday so he could go to his studies, and knight training. However it was a difficult task waking the prince up let alone forcing him out of bed. The young man was eighteen! As a prince her should be up at the same time as the rest of his sibling. ‘I am a royal advisor. Not his mother.’ She thought as she quicken her pace towards the king’s room.

And if it wasn’t enough that the prince gave her hardship, the whole caste was in disarray today. Her normal round took her much longer than normal, and she had to take care of a few political issues on the king’s behalf due to him locking himself up in his room all morning. “I am in need of some rest. Why does the king and prince give me such hardships.” She said to herself turning to corner to the royal wing of the palace. Strolling up to the King’s bedroom door, she knocked softly on the wooden door.

“My King, you are needed in the throne room for the daily report.” She said softly hoping the King would actually answered her.


((I hope that was ok.))
Gregor sat at a lone table in a bar outside of Avalon. He watched as the waiter took the tampered with beer to his target. The waiter was so money hungry he didn't even think twice. Gregor had spent a little bit of time making a poison for this low level target. He looked towards the back of the bar where the waiter stupidly left the money. Gregor used his magic to pull the money towards him. He caught it in his hand and placed it in the pocket of his hood. Gregor stood up soundlessly and quickly left behind a man who threw the door open. He walked away continuing the seconds down in his head. A loud screech rang through the air and Gregor put his hood up. Time to head home.
"Come on guys, life isn't so bad. Be grateful that your aren't dead or in a prison somewhere."

Katsuo crossed his arms. "However, you are correct. Supplies are a big problem...." Katsuo looked as of he was deep in thought. "Hmm, there may be a way to... acquire some supplies without turning the overall public against us. Any of you know of any royal supply routes? Any depots that they use for storage?"
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"Please do come in...-" the rest of his sentence was muffled and seemed to be insulting if you listened closely.As ussual the kind on his bed with a book. Like always it was the best place to do work in his excuse and it favored a quiet area for thinking to be established. He was seen with reading glasses. IF the door was to open he'd have a brief look up as he spoke "you must be?" he looked not even shocked.

Hida had sneaked outside of her place as a noble. She had tied her purple hair up in a low ponytail and had a hood and cape over her shoulders. Underneath she was wearing the filthiest clothing she could find, which weren't many as she had to keep up appearances.

Her yellow eyes gave off a soft glow at the darkness of the hood, anyone who looked at her too closely could see it and those smart enough would automatically recognize her as a witch.

She wouldn't let herself get this carried away with her more "human" form but having a staff to walk with and a hood to cover her soft face made her feel more excited about her mission than anything.

She decided to attend the meeting as soon as she knew about it. She had to make it late however, simply to make sure she wasn't caught in any bad situations or even made suspicious. She didn't take long to reach the place where Katsuo was.

As soon as she arrived she looked at everyone present and took off her hood, revealing her almost supernatural features.

She gave out a small smile before she became more serious.

"Excuse my tardiness. I had... Matters to attend to before coming here."

She felt powerful and right in place in this hideout. She payed close attention to each member to see how they looked like and to see how many humans there were present.
Lia nodded to the princess with a thought running through her mind. 'I hardly think so.' She then straighten up and left the room. But before leaving she noticed Leyra and Lyanna. She gave them both a quick smile and left the room and headed towards the king's chambers. While walking there she hoped he wouldn't be in a bad mood. "Great with my luck her probably is." When she made it to his room she opened the door. "My king? Are you busy at the moment? I have a message." She stood at the entrance waiting for a response.


@Duke the Impossible

"Robbing them might not make the public think so highly of us; but I do know how we could find their routs, it would take a few nights of recon, though. They store things under and around the castle, so it's likely their storage is guarded." He sighed, thinking aloud.

"Not all of us need supplies though, I would say, after figuring their routs, we should send a small party of the ones' of us that are supplied... ...We get some supplies to supply more of us, and with more of us supplied we could start thinking about plans on how to end the Tyranny."

@Kirito Kei



"I guess no interesting people today"
, mumbled the assassin with a short chuckle as he finally stood up from his unattended table. He turns back subtly, pretending to check as if he had forgotten something on his seat, but in reality looked over his shoulder to scan for spies, or anyone who might possibly have the intention of following him. Now feeling certain that he was on his own, Noximyl steps out to the stone pavement streets of the Capital, crowded with travelers and peasants hard at work earning their daily trifles in coin.

Eventually some minutes of walking later, the shifter makes a pass through the center of the city, where most of the private homes and manors of nobles and royalty were located. The towering castle of the king had a series of barracks surrounding it for those whose sole purpose in existing was to serve under him. Whether it was for his protection or for his cause, Noximyl was one of thousands under rank of the King, and despised that fact alone. But if he was to have his revenge, working on the inside of the system was the best angle that he could muster for the moment. He sighs and looks at the sky in resentment. "I wish this would have been easier when I signed up for this", he murmurs to himself in a near empty intersection.

While he was lost in thought, he makes an abrupt turn and collides into someone's shoulder. The impact echoed a soft metallic thud, alongside the sound of a rustled bowstring. "Hey, watch where you're--" was all the shifter could muster. Upon looking up, he saw it was Jake Searl, an exceptional character in Noximyl's notes who stood out as exemplary within the royal court. His exact profile he could not remember, but the fact that he was royalty was enough to send a cold shiver running up his spine. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dazed off", he corrects himself, letting out a nervous laugh. He felt odd having a sense of fear of someone who was notably younger than himself, but he couldn't help but feel cornered by someone who was so close to the king's bloodline.

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