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Fantasy The Tower of Trials OOC



Cuddly enby auntcle
After a raid by a tribe of orcs on a town, the handful of survivors are taken captive and taken to a tower to face almost certain death. They must survive the enemies that await them. Often entire groups that get put in the tower are killed within the first two days, but anyone who survives the tower and proves themselves is accepted as a warrior among the orcs. They are given the chance to join the orcs or die. So far only one person made it that far and joined the orcs.

Some of the survivors of the raid have special abilities that help them survive the harsh trials. But others wont survive a night. The tower generally has a safe zone with traders who can trade trophies for food and equipment, but trying to stick around the safe zone will eventually lead to starvation as there are no rations given to the survivors. Sometimes survivors must eat fallen enemies to survive. Attacking traders in the safe room will result in death.

This group shows promise as there are some who are quite intelligent, some who have fighting experience and some who are not what they seem to be at first glance. Additionally one must ask whether once you survive if you could even kill off enough orcs to escape and live.

Land: The land doesn't have a specific name. All that is known is that humans are at constant war with orcs and that orcs aren't necessarily barbarians, but that most of them are. The current state of the world seems to be an admixture of modern and medieval fantasy settings. Many things are sort of modern such as architecture, clothing, some aspects of life. But weapons don't consist of guns but rather medieval weaponry and magic and motor vehicles don't exist and appliances are mostly powered by mana crystals.

Orcs: Orcs are a barbarian species of humanoids originating from the same common ancestor as elves. The orcs have constantly been at war with other species for thousands of years, nearly wiping out elves and drove the rest off to live on a remote island far from the reach of orcs. The orcs have probably been at continuous war with humans for the better part of a thousand years, often with stalemates lasting decades. The orcs usually capture the survivors of raid to either enslave them or put them in the tower of trials to prove their worth.

Humans: Despite the constant war with orcs, humans have managed to thrive far away from the frontlines, winning land in one place and losing it in another. It probably has been 900 years since the last war humans had with each other. The war with orcs has united them. In some places, orc turncoats are tolerated in turn for their services, especially orc scholars and weaponsmiths who have sided with humans are given protections as long as they support the fight against hostile orcs. The amount of humans in the world is roughly equal to that of the orcs.

The Tower of Trials: A massive tower within orc territory. It has fifty floors, ten below ground and fourty above ground. Each second floor has a small safe room while on the ground floor there is a large safe room with basic bedding. Each small safe room has two traders and two guards. The large safe room has a dozen guards and about ten traders. Food is not guaranteed for those locked in the tower of trials. They have to collect resources or trophies to trade for food and equipment or eat from those who they kill. Those stuck in the tower remain there until the clear the top floor which contains the most difficult opponents, creatures that even orc champions are afraid of such as hydras and demons. Afterwards they are given the choice to join the ranks of the orcs or to die. In the two thousand years the tower has existed, only one human survived the entire tower and joined the orcs and that just was fairly recent, about twenty years ago. But even then, some would normally wonder if someone who could clear the tower could just fight their way through a horde of orcs to their freedom.


Don't make posts too short. At least 100 words per post.
Don't make your character too overpowered. You are a potentially powerful warrior and not a deity.

Character sheet:

Clothing (at least that at the beginning, could be the last worn clothes during the raid or can be rags given to you by the orcs)
Original occupation (if known)
Abilities (can be fighting ability or a special ability that helps your character get a hand of fighting)
Weakness (at least one weakness that actually influences chances at survival, such as a cowardly personality or a weak body)
Likes/Dislikes (optional)
question, Does magic exist, and what kind of magic.

As in like, is it Harry Potter magic where magic is like a specific combination of words and movements, or is it like D&D magic where casting is spontaneous as long as you memorize it?
If you look at the first post, it says that magic exists. In regards to your second question, lesser magic doesn't need words but greater magic needs words, however spellwords can be shortened.

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