• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

The Thinning Lore


Caffeine Freak

Two Thousand Club
Alright, so in case it's gone right over your head, this RP is one big Jake Paul metaphor.

Jex Perol - Jake Paul

Lonavan Perol - Logan Paul

Legion 10 - Team 10

Angel City - Los Angeles

Calixia - California

Sacaras - Sacramento

King of Calixia - Donald Trump

...You get the picture. Despite the ridiculous premise, regular RP rules still apply. No godmodding or such shenanigans. References to Youtubers and what meme have you is fair game as long as you apply some creativity.

There are no set locations. Your character can hail from whatever plausible distortion of the real world you want.

One more note, please don't bash real life people in this RP. I know this thing's mere existence is taking the piss out of JP, but lets try and keep things subtle pls.

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