The Terror in The Skies

Bravest said:
I have deleted Kassandra. But, as I have read your new cs, I have found that you have included both magic and technology. I believe that I have cleared out on the cs template that one can only pursue one field, either magic or tech. It would be unfair for the others who had chosen only one, so I suggest you do the same.
I have included that people had made it for her to be a pet. Is that not alright? She specializes in magic but has a mechanical pet.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
I have included that people had made it for her to be a pet. Is that not alright? She specializes in magic but has a mechanical pet.
If that's the case, then it would be clear that she did not make it, right? Then it's, fine.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Pff that's pretty important.
I know I know

I'll do what I can on my Ipod.

There. It isn't pretty or overly good, but at least it's something.
@obie your character is accepted.

Sorry for not being able to fix the IC guys, I'll do it tomorrow. I hope you don't mind waiting in the OOC till then.
Actually, I'm not sure if I like how he is set up. Not only is it hideously terrible by my standards, and I've done some bad character sheets, but I'm just not sure about the character as a whole. I'm going to be a dwarf, that's for bloody sure.
Alrighty, on my computer. Now, to completely overhaul the CS while listening to some thinking music.

Yep, completely changing him. Might switch him for a vix. Ditching the rune magic, me thinks there is already enough of those. Changing mentality and background completely. Over all changing my character completely.

There we go. Completely changed my character. Now he is Lan al'Mandragoran, vix hunter of misc. stuff and hasn't killed a thing.
Well, way to pop my bubble. And this one was much better then the dwarf before, in my opinion anyway.
Yep. Accepted. Also, I'll be sure to post by tomorrow, having tough days sucks.

Sent from my GT-S5830

So sorry guys, I can't post. My PC's been crashing and my connection is really slow on my other devices. I'll post probably tomorrow morning when it's fixed. Again, sorry. >.<

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