The Terror in The Skies


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Have fun.

Character Sheet



Age: (no lower than 18 or higher than 100)


Equipment: (this will be you weapons and set of armor, nothing more)

Magic: (if pursuing magic, remove technology from cs. state what type of magic and describe your spells)

Technology: (if pursuing technology, remove magic from cs. describe your gadgets and what kind you are using)

Bio: (put your significant backstory here)

Appearance: (appearance or description)
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Name: Vincent Goldbird

Race: Human

Age: 27

Gender: Male


Technology: Vincent uses Automatry, preffering his own method of using clockwork based technology to "create life" over the steam powered method, sometimes making the creations difficult to become fully functional. Some of his creations are:


Axicia- His first sucessfull creation and Vincent's pet. Axicia is a clockwork powered Mantis that Vincent made with the help of his father as a way of learning automatry. Although useless in battle, Axicia can be used to scout territory.


Arachne- Vincent's way of improving medicine. Arachne is a clockwork powered spider whose abdomen was filled with medicine, injecting it as it bites the person or creature.

Faust- Faust is a human-sized tin soldier whose sole objective is to keep Vincent out of danger. His original creator is Richard, Vincent's father.

Bio: Vincent was born and raised by a family of mechanics. Due to this, Vincent became attached to technology in a very early age and started practicing Automatry with his father as his tutor and at the age of 15 his father created Faust as a gift to Vincent. As he grew older and the number of creations grew bigger, he decided to venture around the world to show his masterpieces.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.0503577c515189b4744b2e68b8b82801.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.0503577c515189b4744b2e68b8b82801.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Eirika Reinhardt

Race: Human

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Equipment: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.fbff1c9d44ab7db0901c2711eaa60021.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.fbff1c9d44ab7db0901c2711eaa60021.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Eirika wears a white fireproof coat, which allows her to light herself ablaze without taking any consequences. She is also equipped with a black sword, which can also be lit ablaze. This sword is made of black steel, which slightly enhances the heat of her pyrotechnics.

Magic: Eirika practices anima magic, though only focusing in the element of fire.

Burning Heart - She is able to generate and manipulate fire, regardless of her location. The strength and heat of these fires depends on her will and emotions.

Fire Armor - She sets her coat on fire, providing heat and burning enemies on contact. Flames last only for a few minutes.

Fire Enchant - She sets her sword ablaze, allowing her attacks to move faster and hit harder, as well as burning enemies in contact. Flames last only for a few minutes.

Wall of Flames - Eirika creates a wall of raging fire, serving as a giant blockade against creatures that are not immune to fire.

Blazing Wyrm - Eirika launches a wrym shaped projectile of fire. Upon contact, it explodes and spreads fire.

Bio: Ever since she was a child, Eirika had always been intrigued by the flames. She would usually go near it and feel its warmth. Upon learning the basics of anima magic, she had already set her mind to focusing on fire based magic. And so, she studied and studied. After years of magical study and combat practices, she had gained enough recognition to be given the surname Reinhardt, a surname which once belonged to a legend. But then, one horrid incident happened - some huge creature slaughtered her whole town, only leaving a few survivors traumatized by its wrath or seeking for vengeance. Assuming that what creature that was plaguing the flying city is the same creature that wrecked havoc upon her town, she set off to the city for vengeance.



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Basic Information:

Sequoia Nyx

"Just call me 'Buck'."

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10

Weight: 150lbs

Body Build: Tall and thin; athlete's build

Race: Deer Elf


Appearance: *see image* Sequoia is a decently tall female, with a slender yet somewhat lanky figure. She possesses quite a bit of muscle all over her body. She has quite the length of appendages, with long, thin fingers and feet. With relatively straight red hair (not even orange or ginger, actually red). She has bright sky blue eyes and long crimson eyelashes that fan out over her glistening eyes. Sequoia's standard stature usually consists of her shoulders back, hips forward, and arms crossed (somewhat like in the picture).

Elf Traits: Sequoia possesses large brown antlers that in which protrude from her skull (hence the nickname "Buck"). They begin at the upper sections of her forehead and extend out, adding two feet of thick, branching carapaces. She also has dark splotchy deer-like markings that cover her upper back and the beginning of her arms, as well as a small brown and white striped deer tail sprouting from her tail bone.


Weaponry Information:

(this will be you weapons and set of armor, nothing more)

Magic: Sequoia possesses Rune Magics and has many latent and hidden prowess that she decides never reveal but are actually full of power and contain great potential.

Despite being a Rune user, her biggest and most practiced ability is Electrical Manipulation.

Brief Description: The ability to manipulate electricity through ones body and arc it into other beings or items.

Strengths: Allows user to withstand with amounts of electricity with little to no harm, can be used to incapacitate enemies, and even power or weld items. Electricity can be fused/merged into the user's weapon to create more power and knock back.

Weaknesses: The user need to charge up, storing the electricity in the body, and if it is above the users limit, the become passed out having the energy leak from their body until they wake up. If high enough charge, the person may not enter large bodies of water, this will cause all the power to surge into the water and could kill the user.

Extra: In Sequoia's case, her antlers tend to conduct and store electricity, but can be seen crackling between the carapaces when she begins to lose control via her hotheadedness.

  • Jurisdiction of Blood: A pretty witchery-based ability, whereas Sequoia can use loss and dispersed blood as a weapon, creating and fabricating crimson masses into weaponry, flying/pinning needles, shadow-like walls/protectors, etc. This is her second-most used combat ability.
  • Teleportation: Pretty self explanatory.
  • Suspension: Sequoia can use a powerful rune to stop beings dead in their tracks. Victims are able to speak and move their eyes, but any other body part cannot be moved by the subject.
  • Healing and Regeneration: Sequoia can heal both herself and others, to even a far extent of what the supposed injury is. Detached limbs cannot be re-attached, however, and massive blood loss cannot be substituted.
  • Fundamental Runes: Sequoia can create very temporary standard runes with powers such as fearlessness, strength, speed, etc. These basic runes can be placed on others as well. All Rune Magic users can use this skill.

Because Rune Magic is used, all spells are performed after symbols are written in the air, the magic then actually releasing. The spells then can take anywhere from a couple minutes to mere seconds to fabricate.


Sequoia is mainly a magic user, but does have a small knack for Automatry, so she had, with much assistance from people she knows/used to know, created herself a mecha dog. Other than that, she does not mess with anything pertaining technology. Her dog is her pet/guardian, and will protect her at all costs. He is practically Buck's best and only friend. (WIP)


Personal Information:

Sequoia is a relatively calm individual, with her own values and virtues. She knows when to talk, when to communicate, and when to share her own wisdom, thus marking her as one to keep remarkable silence. She can be brutally honest, and won't hesitate from telling someone the truth. She never sugar-coats things. Sequoia can be a loose cannon when angered. It can be very difficult to calm her down, but she often finds her release in destroying things. She doesn't favor working with others, but will do it if she has to. Sequoia is a loner, and will often be seen doing things by herself. She loves to train and make herself better, because she believes that there's always room for improvement. She's not one for confrontation, because she knows her temper must be controlled at all costs. She can be quite stubborn, and does find combat to settle most things, but Sequoia tends to force herself to agree that peace-talking is the best way to go. Sequoia is a very steadfast and stolid person. Much like a buck, she is also very strong and loyal.

Strengths: Sequoia is a lithe runner and has very high endurance to do so. She has great hearing and sight, as well as stealth in her movement. She can jump high and is very acrobatic and in tune with her surroundings. She is very strategic, as well as strong and fit in both mind and body. She is very experienced in creating battle plans in her head, so if questions in combat arise, Sequoia is the best for assistance.

Weaknesses: Sequoia, despite being very elastic and flexible, does not have the best balance. Her electrical ability can also be very fatal her health if not handled properly, causing electrocution or even death to her person. She is very hotheaded and can get quite physical in confrontation when her more animal instincts unearth.

Fears: Sequoia often fears that she will lose her connection with her human counterpart via her hotheadedness, and being an animal Elf will be all that she will be known for because of her animal-like temper.

Biography: (WIP)

Other: Sequoia isn't quite sure of her sexuality. She also finds great interest in nature and its inhabitants.

Theme Song:

Stronger Than You Think — Fireflight[media]
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Name: Ivan Gear

Race: Human

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Equipment: Triple barreled grenade launcher, retractable sword, metal helmet and leather armor

Technology: Gadgetry

Night vision goggles: Besides providing protection and a steady supply of oxygen, his helmet is equipped with vision enhancing lenses which allow Ivan to see better in the dark.

Hard leather armor: A protective layer of armor on his body protects him from burns and debris.

Nightmare: Ivan's grenade launcher uses steam pressure to launch explosives over medium distances. Each barrel launches a different sized grenade that ranges from small to big. He can also set a quality to the explosive such as smoke, incendiary, flash and shock.

Razer: A collapsible single edged sword. It is incredibly light and sharp making it a formidable tool in close quarter combat.

Pressure boots: Ivan's boots are loaded with a spring mechanism which allows him to leap long distances.

Bio: Ivan lived a simple life in his workshop discovering the power that technology could offer. He would spend his days tinkering with gears and other contraptions. While magic was abundant in the world, he did not pursue it because he viewed it as subordinate to technology. Why spend so much time studying magic when you could create it with your own hands. He invented a variety of machines in which he sold to the public. He is a rather secluded person where most of his companions are his inventions. Contray to this, he presents a sarcastic attitude in which he sees dangerous situations as simple challenges. When the call went out for people to take down the terror of the sky which Ivan had heard so much of, he thought that this was his chance to prove the strength of technology and to show the world that he was one of the best inventors in the world.
Name: Lan al'Mandragoran.

Race: Vix

Age: Well, he has three tales so I would say around thirty.

Gender: Male

Equipment: Has at least three swords on him at all times, one handed, hand and a half, and two handed. Armor he wears is much like that of a traditional Japanese samurai's. Also a long bow with arrows.

Technology: Smoke bombs, self explanatory. He throws them at his feet, or his opponents, and with a flash and a bang, as well as a cloud of smoke, it detonates. Very common now a days and is easily found if you don't mind searching for them.

Pistols: Not exactly the most refined of weapons, being slow to reload and not worth it unless you have another one ready in case you miss. But it's the wow factor that get's people more often then not. Bullets are made by professionals as well as the gunpowder.

Grapple: Less like the more conventional ones, where there is a three pronged hook at one end and tied to a rope, and more like a shurikan. Can't really penetrate anything, such as stone or bricks. But wood, crumbling mortar, flesh, and bones are a different matter. Can even reel it in afterwards if it a thing of flesh and bones.

Bio: He's a vix, so he has everything that accompanies being a vix. Not many people trust him, he can sense magic, and he is trusting to a fault. Now, since he can sense magic, you'd think he would take up using magic, right? Nope, the opposite really. He did learn to use some magic, but refused to use any of it. He said that the sent was just to powerful, like when you put to much pepper on something and you can't help but sneeze. Instead, he turned more towards technology, and eventually used nothing but technology, forgetting any training in magic he had. Now, he is a hunter of sorts. Yes, he goes looking for rarer creatures, yes he does occasionally find them. But he has never killed one. Something comes over him, and refuses to let him kill that majestic creature. He also hunts for bounties, a bounty hunter if you will. More often then not, he let's the guy or girl go because of how trusting he is.


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er war hammer



er leg guards count as weapons, but also equipment



rm guards









hrust |

Thrust allows Rose to slide, no matter the texture of the floor. She can slide on her behind, her knees, hell, even her face, without damage. She uses this to travel mostly, along with

Strength pulse


Warrior's shriek


The lower her energy becomes, the super armor wears off and she gets scratched, bloody knees. The super armor only applies to the body part she is sliding on, so you can most certainly still smack her in the face if she is sliding on her knees.


arrior's Shriek |

Warrior's shriek is a shriek varying in length, the stronger it is is dependant on how much energy she has or how frustrated she is currently. Often slips into her yells in arguments. Can also be used to escape spikes or avoid her falling from grand heights and dying. No super armor.


rag |

After performing T


, or any other type of long distance movement, she has the ability to drag herself back. Just imagine an invisible rubber band as she moves forward, drag allows her to rocket back. This is more easier to perform when the enemy is weakened, since it takes a few extra seconds for her to bungee back for a second hit. It can leave her open and vulnerable since there is no type of super armor for this move, so very seldom she uses it until she can get it to be faster. She can also use drag on another person, but let's be real, that'll slice her energy in half if she's in the middle of a battle.


ance |


slams her limb down and causes a square shaped statue to raise from the ground. Can travel, the farther the target, the more the energy. Not too energy sucking. No super armor.


trength pulse

| Strength pulse is basically warrior's shriek, but used with her limbs or body parts instead of her voice. It casts a light shadow and depending on the strength or energy, forces dizzying pressure on the enemy. The closer it is, the bigger the impact. She does have the option to stay still instead of being propelled back , but it chops her energy greatly. No super armor. Tiring if she performing more moves in a row.


uck |

Opposite of Warriors shriek, which she's basically Kirby for a few seconds and can suck the opponent towards her. Tiring, however. A nice option besides using


on someone else. No super armor. Can leave her out of breath.


ticky fingers |

She can cling to something with great strength, she can be thrown around and battered, but will not feel much unless her energy is low. Cannot use if the opponent is liquid or a gelatin like substance, or a spiky surface. Ouch. If used for too long, she may have difficulty in deactivating the skill. Limited super armor.



fter fighting, Rose must eat. Eat copious amounts of food, drink, alcohol, whatever it may be, she just needs to eat and she'll gain back her energy. If she faints from lack of energy, she will sleep for long hours and will starve, so she has to be fed during her sleeping crash.







Rose was born into a large family. In that family, there was predominantly all males. Rose just so happened to be a girl in a family of 7 other siblings who were all male except the eldest. She was born kicking and screaming, getting into fist fights with her brothers and only had the other girl in the family to teach her things she appealed to, which was feminine things and girl power.

She never really liked her mother, and her mother never really liked her, so having her older sister was a gigantic part of her life. If anything, her mother wished she'd either be a lady like her sister or just not be a female at all. This made their relationship nonexistent and almost even full of hatred.

Rose soon grew up to be a fighter more than a lady, but still kept certain traits and ideas in her heart learned by her elegant sister. There wasn't a day she had to fight and either lose or win. It was eat or be eaten out there. Literally. They all eat in large amounts except the eldest, you either got there on time to make a fat plate or you were going to sleep hungry tonight, unless you wanna knock one of the knuckleheads out and steal their grub.

-Rose may seem all cute and small and harmless, but she is super fiery.-







5'1 - 173 lbs - Wears a lot of red. - Since she is a fiern, she is equipped with cat ears and a tail.
Name: Benjamin "Benji" Lewin

Race: Fiern

Age: 23

Gender: Male


  • Toolbelt: Pouches attached to a belt around his waist contain just about anything he'd need to make a quick repair. Wrenches, hammers, spanners, screwdrivers, duct tape, everything. The only downside is that it has to be properly fastened or it drags his pants down.
  • Spyglass: A spiffy spyglass he made himself. Can magnify far-off objects and collapse to the size of a thimble.
  • Protective Clothes: Thick fireproof gloves, tinted goggles, and tall boots provide a small amount of protection from any sharp edges.


  • Gadgetry: Technically. Benji's focus lies in really big gadgets, but he can create basic smaller ones, as well.
  • Pistol: A thick clockwork revolver that's prone to malfunctions, purely for self-defense. Gunpowder and bullets kept in his toolbelt, while the pistol hangs in a holster at his side.


Benji grew up in a bustling port town that existed only to serve as a manufacturing hub for Averion. Materials were melted, fused, hooked-together, and shipped off to the great city in the sky, leaving the town covered in an eternal smog from the dirty coal it was powered by. His mother carried on the grand Fiern tradition of having as many kits as possible to ensure that at least one made it to adulthood, but, after giving birth to triplets, her body couldn't take it any more, and she stopped. It was a good idea, too; Benjamin, Edwin, and Colten proved to be a handful. While his brothers messed with their sisters' magic supplies, Benji found his oldest brother's (and eldest sibling's) screwdriver and took apart everything he could. It wasn't long before the aging Mrs. Lewin sent them off to busy themselves with something other than causing havoc.

At the age of 8, Benji followed his father to work, and was allowed to help out with minor tasks at the factory. Stacking boxes, fetching tools, and ringing the lunch bell were fine, but what really caught his attention were the massive airships at the loading docks. He didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and assemble mass-produced pieces. He wanted to make one of those beauties.

He worked hard from then on. For 8 more years, he worked with his father during the day, and read every book about technology he could get his hands on at night. His siblings found work in the military, or families to marry off to; he found a love of dirty clothes and sweat on his brow. Once he'd saved up enough money, Benji said goodbye to his family, and moved to the great city to pursue his craft.

A Fiern in hand-me-down clothes with calloused hands and terrible manners was something of a novelty in the shiny city. He found an apprenticeship soon enough at the hands of a crotchety old dwarf mechanic named Adelbert. He had to live at his master's house and endure a year of being a personal servant rather than a student, but he got the instruction he needed in the end. Benji studied for years under the elder, soaking up every morsel of information. He repaired airships and land vehicles til he could take apart and reassemble them without a missing screw.

Within the last year, he has served as a contractor for different companies, performing in-flight repairs and giving suggestions on how to improve efficiency. Though he knew of it before, his interest in the terror in the sky was piqued when he was presented with the remains of a ship he personally designed after it came in contact with the beast: a scrap of the sail's membrane.

Appearance: Something like this.

A little short for his age, Benji has choppy white hair and pale skin. His ears are long and tufted at the end, like a lynx's, and his tail isn't even long enough to touch the ground. He always wears a belt full of tools, and his clothes are typically thick to protect him from his work and the elements.
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Name: Gaius Kalazad

Race: Human

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Equipment: Large 2-Handed blade, Leather Armor, Cloak

Magic: Gaius is trained in Anima Magic, although he is only proficient in using the element of Electricity.

-Lighting Strike: Gaius charges his blade with electricity and swings it fiercely, damaging and shocking the enemy upon contact.

-Shocking Touch: Gaius sends a current of electricity through his body and channels it through his hands, paralyzing the next person he touches.

-Heaven's Bolt: Gaius calls to the gods of thunder, and sends a bolt of lightning down to the earth, striking enemies at a distance. (Only usable outdoors)

Bio: Gaius grew up in a trade port, where merchants were constantly coming and going with new goods and services. His family was always pushing him and his younger brother to become great blacksmith, that would travel the land and be famous for the quality of their weaponry. While his brother went on to study at the schools of blacksmithing, Gaius was always more interested in playing with the weaponry over crafting it. Gaius would spend his days practicing swordplay in the fields, and his parents disapproved of him abandoning his studies.

As Gaius grew older, his family paid more attention to his brother, who was becoming a more and more renowned blacksmith around the port. Gaius felt rage towards his brother, who had always treated Gaius like the younger sibling despite being 2 years younger himself. This rage was fueled by jealousy, and before long Gaius had left his home to try and find work on his own. He struggled to find work as a swordsman, but ended up joining a merchant caravan as a guard. He spent the next couple years of his life as a caravan guard, travelling between cities and getting to see the world. As the merchants grew older, they became ill, and the caravan shut down it's services. Gaius was out of work, and left with nothing. He decided that it was time to set out on his own. He wanted to see parts of the world he had never seen before. Leaving the caravan for good, Gaius set out in to the plains, waiting only for whatever challenges the world threw his way.


About 5'11, Medium Length black hair. Usually seen in a black cloak that he wears over his leather armor.

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