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Fantasy The Terror in The Skies


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Have fun.


The story begins in a small port. In this port, are the adventurers who have taken the call of the city of Averion. This port, though may seem just like an ordinary one, was actually very unusual. First of all, it was located at the edge of a cliff. Second, it contained nothing but broken machine parts and rusty tools. On it was a crest of the city of Averion, proof as one of its landing and departing stations.
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Eirika waited patiently for the arrival of whoever was escorting them to the flying city. It was not that late, just a few hours before evening starts. The sky was going from the bright blue to the slightly darker orange color. Every once in a while, a gentle breeze would go through the port, granting the adventurers a slight chill when it does. However, the atmosphere was silent. No one has tried to break the ice and communicate so far. They were all in their own comfortable spaces.
Vincent was looking at the sky, waiting for the people that were taking him to Averion, his boredom starting to get the best of him. "Why are they taking so long? Couldn't they have just waited for us in the port. I bet that way we could be in Averion right now..." he thought to himself, looking at Faust which was standing next to him, copying his master's action. Vincent then looked at Axicia and tapped on the metallic manti's head "... Don't you think so, little guy?" he said to Axicia as if it was listening to his rambling, who in response twitched, producing a small clicking sound produced by the gears on his body. Vincent smiled and looked back to the sky "Maybe I can wait a little longer." he said to himself. After a while, he began feeling a slight relief on his shoulder where Axicia was, as if it had jumped off, and the thought of it made him quickly look at his shoulder, shocked as he saw Axicia running towards one of the adventurers, a red haired girl wearing a white coat. "Axicia, get back here!" he yelled as he tried to catch the mantis, Faust following behind him.
Ivan paced around the port silently while brushing his hand against various machine parts. "A lot of this old junk would be of good use if I had my tools. I could probably build an entire flight suit or something similar but I don't have my tools on me." Ivan sat down at a nearby bench and observed his grenade launcher. He detached it from his arm and laid it on his lap while checking for loose parts and other abnormalities. He had to be certain that all parts were secured properly or else it could blow up in his face.

Ivan leaned his head back and looked up at the sky. He had never been to the flying city before. He probably wouldn't have time to sight see because of the job he was called to do. He reattached the launcher to his arm and stretched his neck. The equipment he wore wasn't very heavy but it did tend to bear down on him after extended periods of time. Ivan yawned as he awaited some sort of signal telling him it was time to go.
Lan tried to hold it in, but it was having none of it. Magic was being manipulated nearby, and there was a sneeze coming. "Ah." it began, there was no going back now. "Ah." there was the second one, only one to go, and people better clear out before he let it rip. "Achoo!" It blew out of him, snot and spit flying from his mouth. This place was so interesting, if only not as much magic was used.

Sniffelin and wiping what he could away with his handy hankercheif, he observes everyone around him. 'Automaton. Automaton.' he droned on in his head, seeing the wide display of metal given life. 'Antlers.' he thought drowsily, head already starting to feel like there is cotton stuffed in it, perhaps he was coming down with a cold. 'Oh, red hair.' he thinks out loud, spotting a woman with brilliantly red hair.
Rose felt particularly energetic currently!

It was going to be a big day for her. She made sure to eat extra healthily and get more than a generous few hours to sleep prior to today, resulting in her constantly wanting to go-go-go. She could fight anything. She could punch an old lady. She could punch herself.

Rose traveled towards the area where she was going to depart. She was using one of her skills so she'd get there easily, thrust, sliding along on her two feet. Her war hammer tied to her back and her arms falling to her sides as she rocketted along, her surroundings blurred around her, her apparel and her hair flying behind her. Humming, she leaned forward, her speed increasing as she arrived in the port. ... Time to slow down Rose. Time to slow down Ro-

With a loud mixture of unpleasant noises, she plowed through countless rusted parts and found herself upside down.

There was no floor beneath her.

Flipping, she squeaked as she plummeted. She was going to die! Time to say her prayers, reflect on her life.

Gasping, a light bulb went off over her head. Oh right, she had magic! Rose twisted towards the ground, then used a nice short warrior's shriek to shove her back upwards. She clumsily unstrapped her hammer from her back, holding it horizontally. Once she was high enough, she did another shriek forwards to push her back onto the cliff, tucking the hammer into her stomach and curled up into a little kitty ball, rolling back onto sweet land. She kept rolling and rolling, slowing to a stop on the front of her shins.

Rose raised her head, her tail letting her waist go as she raised both hands silently into the air as if she was some Olympic Athlete. She made a small little humph noise. Good job, self.
Benji couldn't quite wrap his head around the town. It was clean, busy, and his pocket, amazingly, had yet to be picked! What a strange place to summon a group of strangers! He just wanted to walk around and sightsee, but he also didn't want to miss the ship. The warmly-dressed cat wanders towards the port, watching the clouds and ships above float by.


Of course, he wasn't looking where he was going. He stumbled to avoid a tiny automaton underfoot, only to twirl around and crash into a large man with a cannon instead of an arm. Not the best person to run into.

"S-sorry, sir!" Benji put two feet between him and the giant before even daring to apologize, nervous of that arm cannon smacking him on the head.
Ivan's eyes went wide as he felt someone crash into him. He watched as the person stepped away nervously. Ivan stood up revealing just how tall he was. His face still masked by his helmet gave off steam naturally making him seem more imposing. He walked over to the terrified man and stood in front of him. He bent down till he was face to face with him before he spoke.

"Be careful next time, fallen any harder and you would have triggered Nightmare." He said while cocking his weapon. "Or even worse, you would have been skewered by Razer if I was holding it." Ivan pulled out his collapsible sword with his left hand and waved it in front of the cat's face. It was time for Ivan to let the poor soul off the hook. "I'm just joking pal, I'm not gonna hurt you." He retracted his sword and patted the cat on the shoulder with his launcher. "Are you here for that job too?"
Eirika was looking around, trying to observe everybody while she and the others waited for the arrival of the people who would escort them to the flying city. She then glanced at the sky, with nothing but only clouds to see. Clearly, the escorts would be arriving at a much later date.

Then, she laid her eyes on the ground as a sign of impatience and disappointment. After all, most of them arrived very early for this job, or quest, or whatever it may be called. As she looked down, she saw a little metallic critter rushing towards her. She, then stopped it with her feet and picked it up. "What a weird bug.", she said in her mind. Then came a man approaching her, who seemed to be the owner of such a creature. "Is this little critter yours?", she asked the man.
Lan gave an almost joking clap, very quick and trying to make up for people not clapping, at what the Fiern had done. "Yay!" he yelled, no sneeze yet coming. "That was amazing! You were like, woosh. And then you were like, ahh! But then, you hooked onto the thingie with your hammer. Then you pulled yourself up. And now we are here!" he said excitedly.

Then the sneeze arrived, and it was worse then many before. With a tremendous "ACHOO!!", it came out. Perhaps it was so bad because of how close magic had been used to him. Or perhaps today just wasn't his day. But either way, it was a big one. And with most large sneezes, stuff tends to go with it. And after recovering and wiping his nose with the side of his sleeve, he looks at what he has done and says very meekly "Sorry."
Gaius sat in the plains outside of the port, not knowing what to expect of the group that awaited. He had heard of this bounty set on the creature that terrorized the skies, and was immediately captivated by the thought of money and fame. As the sky began to turn orange, he gathered his blade and stood up, looking towards the city in the sky. He understood the dangerous journey that lied ahead, but remained confident. Strapping his sword to his back, he set out for the port ahead.

"I wonder what kind of people are going to be there," he thought to himself as he wandered the city. Not sure if the group had formed, Gaius headed for the area of departure, thinking he might be one of the last there. As he neared the end of the port, Gaius stopped himself. "I don't know what to expect up ahead, I better be ready for anything.."


Gaius's attention was quickly brought to the sound of a loud sneeze around the corner of the building he was standing near. As he rounded the corner, he was met with a small group of people, all standing around in their own respective areas. Some of them were already making acquaintances, and some seemed just as lost as Gaius. Looking from person to person, Gaius didn't recognize a single face. Not knowing where to begin, he kept his head down as he made his way to the other side of the group, sitting at a nearby bench. Gaius glanced around the area, trying to assess the different people he would be working with, but decided it would be best to not be the one to make a scene.
Vincent looked at Axicia with a slightly annoyed look as the girl asked him that question "Yes. Sorry if Axicia caused you any trouble, it's just that it has some difficulty staying in one place so it tends to wander off when I least expect it." his answer was automatic, as if Vincent had to say this everytime Axicia was found by someone when it tried to wander off away from it's owner. "And by the way, it's a mantis, not a critter." he corrected the girl as he put his hand next to hers so that Axicia could climb back to Vincent's shoulder. Once it did, Vincent looked back at the sky. "They're taking so long to arrive... do you think they forgot about us?" he asked the girl.
The man answered back, telling her some details on what that little thing was. A mantis, huh. Wonder what it does.", she said in her mind. Eirika then saw the little machine crawl up back to its owner. "Axicia, huh. Cool name.", she said, trying to throw off a safe compliment.

Then, hearing the man's words as he glanced at the sky, she answered back, trying to reassure the man as well as herself. "I'm pretty sure there is a reason for them to be late. After all, they were the ones who said will pick us up."

Just a few moments later, a medium-sized airship flew down from a cloud, dispersing its soft cotton-like body. It seemed to be in good condition, no smoking engines, no malfunctioning switches, everything was in order. That made Eirika wonder why they were late.

The airship soon got close to the small port and docked to it. Its wooden flooring was now available to be stepped on by the passengers. A man then went to the port from the ship. He wore some bronze goggles, a vest, and of course, trousers and shoes. He had newly-trimmed hair, which seem to compliment his brown eyes.

The man looked at all the waiting people. He then said, "Sorry for the long wait folks, we had a few problems back at Averion." He then, gestured towards the docked ship. "You may go ahead and board the ship.", he said, "I'll just have a word with the owner of this port."

Eirika then assumed that this man had business with whoever was this port's owner. She, then, said to the Axicia's owner, "Well, then. I'll be hopping aboard." Gesturing a small, 'see you later' sign, she headed off for the ship.

Upon crossing the bridge to it, one would see the wonders of technology that has made this thing. With the giant balloon not losing air, the moving exposed gears, randomly placed machineries. This was just the deck, what could be in the quarters are yet to be found, for the doors were locked. The captain's chambers, containing the main controls were also locked.

Seeing all these, Eirika said in awe, "Wow. So this is an airship, huh. Pretty grand."

Sent from my GT-S5830
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Rose got to her feet, looking over at a cheering vix who was clapping. The way he spoke was almost child-like. She nodded and smiled, secretly embarrassed to hell. Good thing no one cared. She flipped her hair. "Thank you very much!" She flinched when he sneezed. tilting her head back and eyes widening. Her ears flattened.

"I like your... Sneeze." If she didn't know any better she wouldn't notice her ears were irritated by the noise- oh look there's the ship. Cool.
"Oh." Lan said, not expecting her to respond to what he said. Look at him strange, yes, but not respond. And about his sneeze, no less. "Well, glad you like it. Magic makes me sneeze if it's to close."

Then the airship arrived. The magic of technology, grander them the usual stuff if you ask him. When it got close, he practically skipped aboard, looking at this and nearly touching that. Nearly, because the crew members were keeping a close eye on the tricksy vix that was on board their ship, and slapping away questioning fingers heading tkwards moving gears and cogs.
Oh no. He was dead. He ran into the wrong guy, and he was so dead. Benji, eyes wide yet ears folded back in an attempt to look intimidating, leaned away from the bigger man. Once it was revealed that he was just joking, the fiern lets out a sigh of relief. His journey hadn't ended before it began.

"Y-yeah, I'm here for the job," he replied, as he cast a glance at the owner of the bug automaton, "The tech to bring down that thing might not exist yet, so I'm here to help with that. Also to help with the ship." Mostly the ship.

Speaking of which, it sailed right to the dock in an impressive glide. Balloon propulsion. A bit outdated, if you asked Benji, but it was still a beauty.

"Ahh~!" His eyes widened, practically sparkling. He stepped toward the captain, mouth opened, ready to introduce himself--but the captain said he had to speak to the man in charge. Benji knew better than to interrupt an important person. He shut his mouth, and boarded with the rest of them.
Gaius sat quietly as the other members of the group all mingled, and he wondered if any more people were going to show. "I should probably introduce myself," he thought as he stood off the bench. Gaius made his way towards the odd tattoo covered figure standing on the other side of the group. Cautiously approaching the man, his train of though was broken by the sound of a loud whirring noise. The airship was floating to the port, and all group members were intrigued immediately.

Gaius stopped where he was, and the entire group's attention was on the ship, lowering it's mass to ground. Gaius made his way on to the large airship before him, and looked back toward the port. He waited for the other members of the group to board the ship, and prepared himself for the adventure that lied ahead.
Vincent waved at the girl as she entered the ship and he headed off to the ship right after. As he was entering, he looked back, making sure that Faust could enter the ship on it's own, and once it did Vincent finnaly entered, his eyes widening has he saw the interior of the ship. The gears moving, the machines blowing steam, the fact that nothing was malfunctioning was something that Vincent thought to be impossible in something created in such a large scale.

"I seriously need to think about bringing father to one of these ships someday..." he said to himself, starting to think the waiting was actually worthwhile just to see such masterpiece.
The ship soon came down to the dock. Ivan marveled at its beauty. As a man of technology, the ship was a work of art. His arms drop to his sides as he slowly walked toward the ship. He boarded it quickly and walked around the ship. Mentally Ivan examined every piece of machinery within the hull. Although some of the technology was outdated, it was still built like a dream. "I see they understand that technology is the way to go." He mumbled to himself.

As he looked around he spotted a couple magic users among the ranks. He took a seat near the edge of the deck and observed the crowd. A small chuckle escaped him as he observed the weaponry of the magic users. "Old outdated junk. Wait till they see the strength of nightmare." He said as he adjusted his launcher.
~ Sequoia Nyx ~

A woman with red hair and notable buck horns awaited at the dock for the ship that was supposed to arrive and bring her, along with a couple others, to their destination. A man in a distinctive steampunk uniform was driving the airship, with bronze goggles atop his head. She had waited long enough for this, and it was quite the entrance indeed. The sky vessel was beyond impressive, and the red-haired individual couldn't help but gaze at such glorious handiwork. It was beyond magnificent of a vehicle, as it finally slowed to a stop, steam whistling from the pipes located at the stern of the vessel. She heard the voices of others, voices of both males and females, as a group of individuals relatively close to her age but obviously older, made their way into her view and began to board. Her, herself, followed promptly without a word.

A strong and silent type was what she was often referred to as, and it was as true as dogs being born with tails. She rose a hand from her black jacket pocket and touched at the edges of one of her horns, worried about how others would view her because of this very animal trait that was increasingly rare among anyone, even elves as that being what she is. She stepped onto the ship, it lowering by the centimeters as everyone boarded it. Her mechanical dog followed. Instinctively, she made her way to the furthest corner away from everyone, looking to her side out at the bright horizon.
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