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Fantasy The technomancy class

The first chapter consists Of introductory spells, sigils and amateur ways to cast one's will on the internet. It also tells the reader about the physics behind mixing magic and technology: It tells of the body's electricity system and how Ammonia gas, whitch is the soul's material reacts with the copper and gold wiring and solder in the computer itself. There are even a couple of paragraphs on the history of technomancy from wizards in the 1800's connecting themselves to telegraph wire to wizards now who are nourished by nothing, but their mainframe supercomputers as well as their Mercury rich environment, making them the most powerful people in the world.
Ilina would open the second chapter on a third tab. the stuff fascinated her. she technically specialized in Shamanistic Magic, but Technomancy seemed rather similar to her. she thought of comparisons between the two, comparing the concentration and dedication required for both of them.
"Now open your etext to page 13 and let's go over some basic spells that I expect you to know by the end of the week" said a textbox in Illinia's head as well as every other student.
Ilina proceeded to read the spells. she was already making it rain inside a virtual world. so she had to figure out what she was expected to know. she wanted to learn about what these spells were.
"This first spell is to put whatever manifestation you have into the campus client server to create a virtual world of (partially) your own design.
Ilina nodded and accepted. she created a rather advanced urban setting that seemed to appear to rain, she created six other faeries as key inhabitants before creating the rest of the inhabitants. she gave herself an alchemist's shop, and proceeded to create an overcast sky, and as she created the world, most of the inhabitants were small and cute females she imagined in her head from various fictional works, she gave depth and political intrigue to her imaginary world,
A message was sent to Illinia saying on screen "Illinia, you seem like you know this craft well, why don't you help others who's worlds border yours."
A message was sent to Illinia saying on screen "Illinia, you seem like you know this craft well, why don't you help others who's worlds border yours."

Ilina nodded happily with a smile. Magic was about Concentration, and she was a Shaman with quite potent mental capacity, she would assist the others, helping some of the nearest other students with this stuff. if one could learn to use a complicated school of magic like illusions or shamanism for example, one could probably pick up more specialized forms like technomancy a bit faster. she was not only confident in her ability to pass the class, but she considered herself assured to pass it. she did well at mental tasks, if not at physical ones.

she would help the first group of students in a clockwise pattern. starting with the nearest

((Ilina, it if spelled in call capitals would be I, L, I, N, A. but it looks prettier in lowercase))

The nearest world was plain white save for a medival castle and a large patch of grass, though a human irl, his avatar was a muscular green ork in formal attire. The other student looked around in confusion not knowing what to build with a more well groomed version of his WOW character as his soul's avatar. "Excuse me" said his accompanying text box "Can you help me out here?"

The nearest world was plain white save for a medival castle and a large patch of grass, though a human irl, his avatar was a muscular green ork in formal attire. The other student looked around in confusion not knowing what to build with a more well groomed version of his WOW character as his soul's avatar. "Excuse me" said his accompanying text box "Can you help me out here?"

Ilina nodded reassuringly with a smile on her face. "may i ask the kind of world you are trying to build?" she curiously ask.
"I have no idea" said the student "I was never really all that creative so I don't know what to build with this character other than a medieval type world and I don't even know how to get my imagination onto this server!"
"I have no idea" said the student "I was never really all that creative so I don't know what to build with this character other than a medieval type world and I don't even know how to get my imagination onto this server!"

Ilina gave a nod. "so you are trying to build a medieval fantasy world?" she curiously asked. "start step by step. a world needs people, a diverse lot of people. it also needs diverse terrain. i can assume based on your avatar that you play World of Warcraft, so if we use Azeroth as a guideline, i can send you the Azeroth Wiki with key bits of lore to use as a baseline." -Ilina sent the student a bunch of documents from the Azeroth Wiki ranging from a brief summary to the war of the ancients to the founding of the Illidari.-
"Thanks" said the student now trying his best to recreate azoth, but with his own artistic liberties, the medical palace now had a city going around it and the back end of several medival buildings now blocked parts of Ilinia's border, all sorts of people from orcs and taurens to dwarves and goblins began spawning in on the stone streets, he even alloud several acres of farmland to spawn in with buildings and holy centers untill it reached another student's border "Don't know what I could've done without you" said the student causing a golden crown to grace his head making him fit in in spite his suit and tie being mildly out of place.
Ilina looked pretty out of place as well, her avatar was a fey youth wearing an oversized sweatshirt as an improvised short dress with a pair of thighsocks, and a pair of sneakers, rubber snakes spiraling to hold her hair in twintails, with rubber snakes spiraling outside the exterior of her sleeves as bracelets. a satchel across her shoulder bearing some obvious straw snake totems. well, based on the snake totem dolls, she was a Shaman, she would curtsey and head across the border to help the next student. not only having created a world of her own, but currently assisting with the help of a second in addition to the one she created, proceeding to earn as much extra credit as she could, already having got a good grasp of the power of researching Wikia as well as performing file transmission.

the code inside this virtual world was merely electrical impulses at its core, much akin to the human brain, and as a Shamaness of the Elements, whom also practiced Shamanistic Healing Magic, which operated on the principle of reconstructing damaged cells and replacing missing ones, she knew too much about shaping electrical impulses, let alone shaping other elements. not a master, merely a prodigy. the compensation for the weakness that was her perpetually childlike physiology.
The next world was east to Ilinia's world in an under rendered section of town, the neighboring world was by contrast fully rendered and in anime style from the sky to the people walking around who uncannily resembled Anime drawings, The avatar a female Neko (Is a Dwarven male irl) looked at the fae avatar of the neighboring world "How do you render kanji symbols?" Asked the other student "I'm sick of seeing billboards, newspapers and other things having the word 'Unrendered' scrawled on it!" The avatar, also momentarily possessed a red pattern on its forehead for its akin to what happens when characters in anime get angry.
the female faerie, who was a female fae irl gave a nod as she looked up a series of Kanji and definitions on Wikia and sent the links to the Neko avatar. "you highlight the Kanji you wish to click with the mouse, you right click, select copy, click the section you wish to enter the text, right click it and select paste." she gave a smile on her face she explained it, "simple copy and paste."
"Thank you" said the student with the symbol going away from his avastar's forehead looking up the Kanji wiktionary on his own and linking every text in his little Tokyo to those on the wicktionary "I know how to link stuff, but thanks for the help otherwise." To demonstrate his brain coding prowess he even altered his permissions to let his NPCs wanted onto Illia's city as a textbox popped up in front of Illia's screen "Senpai99 wants to open your border" as well as two buttons beneath the message reading "Yes" "No" and "remind me later"
Ilina smiled as she clicked the Yes button to open her border. "Keeper_of_Order" "has opened her border." she proceeded to head to help the next world. showing her desire to help and maintain order, much as her mother did before her. she felt a bit like she was Saint Nikolai, which made her feel a bit warm and fuzzy. helping people and assisting with maintaining order. she headed to the next world on the clockwise rotation.
The next world whitch was still on Illia's east side and was barran and white. The student had modeled his avatar to be a likeness of himself, but as a low-poly character model akin to an old PS1 title and now he was regretting making his avatar this way, he didn't know what old game to model his world out of as he sat by Ilinia's border with his low poly hands (more like mits shaped like hands) caressing his faceted prism face.
Ilina approached the male with a smile on her face and a curtsey. "i see you need an old game to base your world off of. and with PS1 Graphics, i assume you would probably enjoy Xenogears or Suikoden." -she sent the student youtube links to Samples of footage from various Suikoden and Xenogears games to use for inspiration-
"Both games I've never heard of" said the student "But I'll try something" The student then proceeded to make a polyganal looking suburb with the nearest building being a record shop modeled after Megaman Legends, The suburb merged into a city with skyscrapers (That aren't seen from Illinia's point of view) as well as the recreation of the "Quake zone rumble" map from twisted metal 2 at his south east border, everywhere else is unrendered white stuff. NPCs of low poly construction started to wander out of the record shop And cars modeled after gran tourism are seen filling up at a gas station "Solidman8917 wants to open your border" says another pop up as well as the acompanying buttons "yes" "No" "remind me later"
Ilina opened up the Borders and smiled after clicking yes. "Keeper_of_Order has opened her borders." but she headed off to the next World. to help out there, so far, she assisted with 3 worlds besides her own. but it seemed her old game footage, seemed to inspire other old games.
This next world witch ran perpendicular to her north and east borders and seemed to be a realization urban world as a Sharply dressed minotaur king (though a female lycan irl) avatar stood tall at Iliana's border "Welp" said the student's avatar "I've created an abomination of the world out of my indecision, I don't know where my coding and permissions menus are and My world is an abomination caught between Ancient Greece and present day greece!"
Ilina would explain to the Student. seeming to do her best, "Try pressing the Escape Key on the upper left of the keyboard. it will let you access the default menu for things like Aborting or Undoing Actions. or you can Press the F1 Key to find help.."

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