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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Tea is Warm






[tab=General Information]

Ethnicity: (Caucasian, African American, Asian, Hispanic)


Post your picture here. We're going for a Victorian-esque look, so please keep it that way.

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Defining Features: (Scars, Tattoos, etc)


[tab=Other Information]





(6-8 sentences minimum)

(6-8 sentences minimum)


If I or

@Ithinkalot like your character post, then you are accepted!
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  • Pixiv.Id.5517907.600.1665666.jpg

    Name: Helena Fay Ailey

    Nickname: Hope

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 28

    Gender: Female


  • While being utterly vain and conceited, Helena likes to think she has a good heart. When not pampering herself or reading a book, she takes pride in helping her friends. She doesn't like anyone helping her, though. It would shatter her to pieces if anyone pointed out her biggest flaws, such as her self-centered view on life. Helena believes that if she isn't happy, then no one should be. But, she knows best when she should stop looking at herself and pay attention to her friends and the situations that arise.

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  • Name: Nama Curo

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male


  • Ever since Nama was a young man he was always a gentleman. He'd treat women and men with the upmost care. Sometimes he's even a slight bit too friendly to men but he makes it up by treating women with his charm. However due to his lack of sleep and anxious mind sometimes he can't be the best to be around. Whenever the bags under his eyes become prevalent it's better to stay away from him or else nothing good could come out of it. He loves the life of luxury but feels rather empty when kept in it for too long. Regardless of his family's state he can't stand racism and isn't too fund of sexism. He'd call out a racist but never a sexist person due to the society they live in.

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  • Name: Alexander Naverio

    Nickname: Alex

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male


  • Calm and well mannered, he's every woman's dream. At least on the surface. Deeper, he is obsessive, easily bored with uninteresting topics, and uneasy with women. Deeper than that is a man trying to forget a darker past.

    Most of the time, he is good natured and friendly. He loves to converse about topics he finds interesting. While he doesn't form friendships easily, those he does are very important. To those friends, he is deeply loyal and happy to help in anyway he can.

    When alone, he delves deep into his work, tinkering and inventing. Simple things, complex things, things that tend to explode, whatever he finds interesting will eventually find itself on his table.




  • Name: Lysander Bertholdt

    Nickname: Pierrot

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male


  • Lysander is a bit of an awkward individual. From when he was younger to now, he had learned to bottle up his feelings in order to perform well within the circus. He never truly found any friendships that lasted; they were all simply temporary. No matter what, he brings forth a joyful facade, where in actuality, he is far from happy. He's miserable. Pointing out every flaw he has no matter what, which brings in his mask. Everything he does in which he is happy with himself is always surrounding the mask. Every accomplishment, every inch of glee he could fathom, came from the mask and nothing more. With out it, he feels like he is a ghost, wandering with out a cause. With people, Lysander does not deal with out the mask, for if he did not have it, he'd get himself killed or even worse.

    He is quiet, silence being his closest friend.

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  • Name: Theodore Brewer

    Nickname: Theo

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male


  • Theodore has usually been depicted as a very friendly but calm person by those who are familiar with him. Due to this, he spends a substantial amount of his time at his local coffee shop, enjoying some time with his friends and getting to know new people.

    Under this sociable surface of his, laid his diligence and studiousness. Theodore thoroughly enjoys socializing with others but he also loves to learn, primarily from art and literature. Often times he will blaze through a book in a matter of a few hours, while still grasping all the important details and concepts. His amount of concentration also applies to art. He sometimes may spend even hours studying just one piece of art, deciphering the messages and implications that the artist tried to convey. He considers himself a scholar and an intelligent individual that seeks to learn.

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(Side note: Though the rp has already started, we are still open to accepting two more members: pref female maybe another male is okay too tho)



  • Name: Clara Blackwood

    Nickname: Claire

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female


  • Most people would consider Clara to be soft-spoken, well-behaved, and meek. And she would agree with them, of course. She prefers to go with the current and create as little waves as possible, even if that peace comes at her own expense. She is still young, and not yet comfortable in her own skin. She has a poor sense of humor and finds it hard to make new friends. The few that she has had in the past considered her to be 'too serious'.

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  • ...Heroth Wisp...

    Nickname: The Dictator

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male


  • The man is in his prime. The man is intelligent, yet defined. The man is quite wealthy. These are phrases that are commonly coined when Heroth Wisp is mentioned. Among his fellow aristocrats he a dignified man that caters much respect for his intelligence and mannerism. His silver tongue affords him the ability to sway many things in his direction and molded him into a fierce debater. The effigy of grace is how the higher circles view him, but step down the social hierarchy and something different is reviled. To peasants and the like he rightfully derives his respect from fear. Like most aristocrats he taxes those below him, but weekly witch burnings and the butchery of petty thieves in public squares is Mr.Wisp's special fashion of exerting himself as the one in power among those he better views as rats. Actions such as this help to show his dominance and fulfill something deeper in being the catalyst of such disaster.

    Spending some time with this man you'll either earn his true respect or his apparent respect. For him he finds greater respect in the pages of books rather then his fellow man. Though do not be confused as he does see a purpose in humans. They are tools for his curiosity, tools to advance himself, and tools to play his innate pleasures upon.


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