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Fantasy The Tea is Warm



When she was finally able to breathe normally again, everything had gone to hell. The screeching wail that emitted from Virgilia terrified her, and when her eyes glanced over to the witch's atrocious body, she nearly fainted. Now, she didn't even care about her family name anymore. Her ancestors were right to try to defy the witch. Nothing meant more to her than her life. With her quick thinking, she pulled the umbrella she had stuffed underneath her chair and covered herself well from the acid and other liquids. Her protection would't last long, though. The acid began to burn through it rather quickly. All that was left of the parasol was just the limbs. By then, the attack had stopped, and the wicked witch had fell from the ceiling and was skewered on the candelabra. The chandelier crashing down on her as well. Helena felt like bawling, but she wouldn't let anyone see that, even in this time of horror.

"Yes, I intend to kill you."

Helena didn't want to die. She had too much to do. She was horrified and feared that soon she would lose all that she had worked for, like the house she lived in and. Her eyes took a glimpse of the other guests, and then back to Virgilia. Helena hesitated, she held her breath. Her mind raked for an answer. If she tried to run towards the ballroom now, would the witch catch up to her? Would everyone else follow her? She needed to leave. She had no purpose here anymore, that's for sure. Helena did not intend to die. When she heard Alexander's fight or die talk, she rolled her eyes and inched towards the doorway, and instantly made a run for the entrance. She was nearly there. A few more strides, and she was able to reach the door. It didn't seem like Virgilia was persuing her, almost as if she wanted her to leave.

Helena flung open the doors, and stumbled outside, out of breath. When she thought she had found herself in the safety of the outdoors, she just ended up back inside the tearoom.

"W-why can't I leave? Why can't we leave?!"

She managed to sputter out in between her heavy breathing.

"What do you want from us?"

@Fallout Bandit

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13141-seraph-darkfire/@Seraph Darkfire


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20087-chinoma-yamagata/@Chinoma Yamagata








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no slide

The eccentric hostess spectated as Helena attempted (albeit in vain) to escape fate. She took this time to mend her tea gown. The spectacle she preformed prior had left her dress in tatters, blotched with the malodorous blemish of her vital fluids. Her sinistral hand shifted to her abdomen, precipitating another vile stream to course from her wound. Her expression grew increasingly grim. As the pressure of her hand increased, Virgilia's facial muscles articulated the immense volume of pain the witch had to endure. Virgilia's dominant hand snapped, a serpent-like glimmer rebounded from finger to finger until it coiled gingerly over and throughout her centre finger. What was previously air had been replaced with a wooden rod. It was plain and uninvolved, unlike the rest of Virgilia's attire. With a flashy gesture, the grimace on her face erased itself along with her wound.

Relieved of that burden, the enchantress relocated her attention to the scattering woman.
"Why can't we leave?" she inquires. The question satisfied Virgilia, she had been waiting for the opportunity to answer for generations. As her wand vaporized, she placed her hands on her hips and preformed the gaudiest pose ever witnessed by human eyes. "Any witch knows that weak ones can't leave their territory." she gesticulates humorously. "Oh... but you don't look very much like a witch do you?" Virgilia paced forwards. At this point she was uncomfortably close, perhaps a few inches away from Helena. They could feel each other's body heat, almost discern the sweat accumulating on each other's bodies. Virgilia cackled unlike she ever had done before. There was no sense of hostility, no sense of danger. Her laugh conveyed a sense of jubilation and euphoria that was so apparent it paved it's way deep into the hearts of those that heard it.

Virgilia gestures at Helena's stomach.
"You look like you could eat a horse, you didn't happen to eat a witch too did you? at this point the sorceress was simply mocking her guests, a feat inelegant for any other hostess. "Was it these sugar cubes that made you so girthy?" She further pried. Helena in all actuality didn't even look an inch thicker than before. "I wonder where these came from! A commoner like you could never afford something so FATTENING!" she accentuated the final word. "You" Helena cringed at these words, holding her tears back. Virgilia paused for a moment. Stunned by the sheer and utter audacity that Helena would dare stand defying her face. It took her a few moments to compose herself once more. Grabbing a butter knife from the floor, she began lacerating the wound she had just closed. "You're right in more ways than one." Virgilia grinned. The open crevasse displayed her innards. She took extra caution to show all of her quivering spectators. Both hands occupied holding her organs in place. For a normal human this would be an impossible feat. However, unlike an ordinary girl, where her womb sat was a maimed cord. Yes, the black cubes contained her womb.

Sorry I had to double post because it kept breaking my accordion

@Fallout Bandit @Techno paradox
Heroth Wisp


The man's mental composition was returning as he studied the scene The room no longer looked prim as it appeared as a murder scene with crimson blood now decorating the flooring. According to the witch before them all it may as well have been a murder scene if she planned to send them to death. Thoughts of escape wrapped around his mind, though Ms.Ailey's attempt to run showed that wasn't in their cards. Tentatively he listened to the venomous words of their hostess. If her attempt to suffocate them didn't dismantle his perception of Virgilia then her snobbish attitude certainly did.

At first her words seemed to be a riddle but as she exposed her body cavity it became crystal clear. Her beating heart, intestines, and other organs all seemed to sit quite cozy, but he knew what was missing. Following his mother's death his habits were in no way profound. With a broken heart and a childish curiosity his hobbies at that time eventually lead to an understanding of a woman's body, inside and out. During this revelation his face remained composed, but his eyes widened with shock. In no way would a dismantled corpse dare shake his mind, but the idea that a piece of her was in them left him stunned. Ideas of escape now felt fleeting as her words were no longer a riddle, but fact. "So, why would you want to turn us or a part of us into something like you ma'am?" he stated firmly, but his tone sounded like one of curiosity. Knowledge was his goal at this moment as he knew it would be needed to survive. "Certainly if we are stuck here we can trade words rather then blood." he asked. He doubted attacking was smart if the creature could shamelessly butcher itself as a fear tactic.

@Fallout Bandit @Omigosh01 @Seraph Darkfire @Chinoma Yamagata @Techno paradox @Ithinkalot
Nama was shivering. He had looked away from the scene as soon as the butter knife was picked up.

He couldn't stand it and wouldn't keep on sitting and drinking tea.

Not to mention his stomach was very upset already.

He closed his arms to fists and chocked in a panic attack. He couldn't afford being driven by panic right now regardless of how much he missed his family and how much he wanted to go home.

He looked at Heroth as he spoke and wondered how could he stay so calm in a situation like this.

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