[The Tavern] [The Tavern] Willa Syndermane

Willow Blackthorn

C.o.D Girl
Weapon Power: 1

Physical Strength: 3

Defense: 3

Agility: 2

Armor: 1


Willa Syndermane



Appearance Age:






This is a race of humanoid beings that can change their shape into a single animal. They came into being long ago. According to ancient tales, the earth goddess fell in love with the god of animals. They consummated their love, and soon had a child. The child was human, but when it became older, the earth goddess noticed that the child had a strange ability to change into an animal. Any records containing further information have been lost over time. But, many say that the child grew and mated with another human, leading to the creation of Morphites. The Morphites are taller than the average human being.They have no other noticeable differences in them besides their heat and height. Morphites can change at will. There are few set times that the body will refuse the will to change. Most of these occurring when it is mating season. The only animals that the Morphites can not morph into are cold blooded animals. The drastic change in temperature would surely kill them. As Morphites run hotter then the average human. The animal that one morphs into is already within the child. Some say that the animal also plays part in the personality traits of the child. Morphites are born with the ability to change.

Appearance Notes:

Willow is short for her age, only reaching approx. 5 feet 4 inches tall. The average height of a girl her age of her race is approx. 5'11". A full adult reaching about 6' 3".

She is round of stomach, with blue eyes that shine with a deep and innate intelligence. Her hair is as red as the fur of the very animal she becomes. It is cut shorter in the back to keep it off her neck and kept longer in the front, so as to frame her face. Her hair is thick and straight, with a soft texture.

She has a round face with oval eyes, a small nose and plump lips. She has smooth, creamy skin the color of ivory.

She wears mid thigh length black shorts, a black t-shirt, and black sneakers with ankle high socks. She has no piercings, and she wears no jewelery. She doe have a birthmark on her left hip, in the shape of an eye. On her hands she wears black fingerless, fishnet gloves. She has a single tattoo on the inside of her right wrist. It is the symbol of tranquility.

Her animal is a fox. It is about a head taller than the typical fox. Her fur color is a deep, rich red. Almost reminiscent of freshly drawn blood. It has light undertones of gold that show in sun light. She has a marking on the left side of her hip in the shape of, what appears to be an eye.



Standard Clothing:

Black tunic of a rough material. Black leather pants. And riding boots of worn leather and riding gloves.


Raw hide armor.


She is a very intelligent girl. Her father having taught her everything he had learned on his travels. She is loud and outspoken, and acts like one of the boys. She has some of the characteristics of her animal, the fox. She is mischievous, but also careful when in new situations. She is confident about herself, and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her at all. The way she looks at it, She is who and what she is, there is no changing that. Though, sometimes she does wish she was smaller in the stomach region. Her personality makes her different from the other girls around her, which are constantly worried about impressing other with their looks. She is callous when it comes to most people, well younger people anyway. She can get along with the elders in her village, she feels at ease with them.


She enjoys reading books that might test the average persons intelligence, she likes the mental work out provided by some authors. She likes complex tasting foods that excite and enrich her palate. She enjoys spending time with animals, as she thinks no human can ever really understand her. She has a secret love of singing, and can be head from time to time practicing that love.


She dislikes bland food that leaves her mouth washed out and dry. She doesn't like people who are only concerned about looks, she thinks they are shallow and pigheaded.


Willow was born 19 years ago in a small village to a Morphite trader and her husband.

Yulaa Black was a small, dainty woman, with hair the color of copper. She had a small frame and hard eyes the color of honey. She was thin and had a sharp face. She was stern in looks and manners. For the first 7 years of Willow's life, Yulaa was harsh and stern. She felt she was to busy to look after a child and left most of the child rearing up to Willow's father. After Willow turned seven, Yulaa decided that seven years was long enough to be saddled with the child. Not wishing to waste another moment of her time pretending to tolerate her child, she left. Willow has not seen or heard from her since.

Keegan Black was a short, stubby man, from which Willow gets her looks.

He has a round face, with soft oval eyes, a small nose and a soft mouth that has seen many smiles. He was kind and gentle towards his only daughter. He was the main care provider for Wilow, choosing to ignore his wife's callous pleas to send her with his parents. He raised Willow by himself after her mother left. He was a kind man, and did what he could to protect his daughter from her mother, as best he could. He died when she turned 15, due to a snake bite he got while in the woods with Willow. Before his death, he left Willow his bow, a beautiful birch wood bow, polished to perfection. That is why she uses a bow, in honor of her father.

Willow Black is the child of Yulaa and Keegan Black. Her father loved her very much and spent most of his time teaching her to hunt in the woods by their village. For the first seven years of her life being scolded by her mother, and doted on by her father. She was torn apart when her father dies shortly after her 15th birthday. Her mother leaving, she had hardly noticed. She gained much of her looks from her father, but she has the personality of her mother. Though under certain circumstances she can be much like her father. Her name comes from the tree her mother gave birth to her under. Her father named her this because he believed the tree was strong but had a gentle spirit within. Willow became a strong and quite girl, not reaching out to others. Not willing to let herself be swept up in the tide of the other girls her age. She is intelligent due to her father teaching her everything he had come to know as a trader. She now lives alone in a small house left to her by her father.


She can morph into a fox at will.

Role: Healer/Trader
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Approved. Unless the owner of this roleplay, Akihito, decides to veto my decision, your character, Willa Syndermane, is from here on accepted into The Tavern.

She seems to be a well balanced character and I cannot wait to see what you decide to do with her in this roleplay.

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