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Fantasy The tale of the Bomba pirates:: one piece rp



The one who made Aerth
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The tale of the Bomba pirates started in the South blue on the island of Soarsea. A young man named Lalo rallied a mob to help him fight the pirate captain who has ruled over his homeland and its people for decades, Patrick Ape-man Gordie. The battle was fierce taking lives and damaging the city in the process... But on that night the ape pirates were defeated! All of Soarsea saw or heard of the heroes who bravely fought the monster form of Patrick Gordie. In fact most celebrated them with a feast made from whatever could be salvaged or hunted in short notice.

Lalo who recently became a bomb human after eating the bomb bomb fruit,
Gamba the fishman pirate with two swords,
Ramsey who is a goat mink with a large hammer,
Merrick Crowler a doctor who recently became a hive human after eating the hive hive fruit,
Asher a man who fell from the skies and learned to travel the blue seas,

Many helped defeat the ape pirates but Richard Lott felt indebted to Lalo especially for giving Soarsea the chance it needed and for giving him a devil frut so useful so willingly. Richard used the power of the Oak Oak fruit to rebuild the city in wood rather quickly. Afterwards he created a ship, much like the ship he created for the howler pirates in the past, but this is the finest sloop ever created by the veteran shipwright. This ship is known as the Soaring Heights.

Lalo was given the Heights in thanks for his good deeds, he quickly invited all who had fought with him that fateful night and for whatever reason some of them decided that sailing the seas sounded better than staying here.
That is how the Bomba pirates formed, however they did not set out on a adventure with the intention of piracy.
It was a sly marine on the island who was able to snap pictures of the people to slay Gordie, to cover up years of bribery and crooked deeds the few marines on the island spun a story that painted the heroes of Soarsea as vicious pirates who destroyed the city and plundered the island.

A navy ship led by a marine captain by the name of G. Haars Chase was leaving Soarsea at this moment in search of the supposed Bomb pirates.

Our crew however had left four days earlier. They sail the South blue in the Soaring Heights and have faced good weather for the most part. Despite being the captain by way of owning the ship, Lalo was happy to take orders while learning how to operate and work on a ship. His absolute favorite thing about the Heights was the steel room...
A steel closet big enough to swing your arms in connected to a cannon at the back of the ship, it was made for the howler pirates with Bart Bomba in mind.

Explode to thrust the ship forward at tremendous speeds. One can even change the trajectory if they want to skip along the water or soar in the air for a tad. They have used this noisy but effective way to travel most of yesterday and Karate island was now in sight. While they were given a ship and supplies, those supplies were running very low... Like squish cheese and moldy bread together on a hook and try and catch a fish sort of low. They would need to stop at this island but even if they had months worth of food Lalo was visiting this exciting new place.

"that's karate island! I've heard about it lots of times... always thought it would take longer to sail to though"
Lalo stood at the very front of the Heights pointing out a distinctive island. Tropical in a totally different way to Soarsea.
"I heard you can fight for everything here, they say everyone on karate island practice a fighting style... Even kids an old folks... makes me wanna enter a tournament and visit a dojo"
A bit of shadow boxing and playful kicking in what Lalo imagined was martial arts occurred in excited anticipation. Even with a growling stomach the call to adventure was answered with a large eager smile.
ThePrime ThePrime EbonChevalier EbonChevalier PlusUltra PlusUltra Cheesemick Cheesemick
Y'all joined at Soarsea and helped in the battle agaisnt the ape pirates and Gordie. If anyone wants to have a NPC of a character literally for the point of helping sail the ship and skeleton crew your right to have one.
Any players who join later on will be recruited at whatever island they are currently on or sailing to
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It was honestly quite a surprise, the whiplash of saving the Soarsea, rebuilding effect, feast and than sailing out to sea. Asher as always been a fast pace kind of person so he liked how quickly things were moving. The whole island was calling them hero's! Asher didn't feel much like a hero, he helped out in the battle of course but he didn't do nearly as much as some of the other on the crew. He happened to be in the right place at the right time for once in his life.

The ship was something else, the best Asher has ever sailed on. The way Soaring Heights could glide and leap from the sea, it reminded him of being on the White Sea, if only just a little. Soaring Heights was a mighty fine vessel and Asher would have joined up with the crew for the chance to sail on it alone.

Asher stood by the helmsman checking the measuring the distance to the island with a sextant. "Not much longer now Lalo. Will be arriving within the day, the seas have been good to us lately." Asher shouted out towards him in the front of the ship.

Lelo was the youngest captain Asher has severed under but from the few days Asher has known he can tell he's got spirit. For the rest of the crew he hasn't gotten to know them very well yet but he likes them so far. He's never seen a Mink before on account of them being quite rare away from the Grand Line, but Asher himself being a Shandian was extremely rare in of itself, Captain Lelo must have some sort of knack for attracting only the exceptionally rare. Fishman on the other hand are rare but not alien to Asher, he had worked with on before and was glad to have one on the crew they tend to be extremely resourceful. The doctor was also a devil fruit eater just like the captain another rarity. This by far as been the most diverse crew Asher had ever been a part of.

Karate island was a unfamiliar place to Asher, he never heard of it himself. "With your devil fruit and this ship Lelo, will be able to reach even the Red Line in record time." Lelo then spoke of wanting to enter a tournament. "We should stock on supplies first I think, don't wanna fight in a tournament on a empty stomach, if even the old here fight, they would be enough to give us a run for our money right now."
Suddenly something large and heavy jumped on to the ship with a very wet landed on the ships deck. Dripping wet and with two massive Tuna's on each shoulder Gamba had temporarily solved there food problems. He'd jumped ship a few hours earlier to do some up and close fishing. Being able to breath underwater made it easier but not by a lot. That and he was hunting with only a makeshift harpoon tied to some rope.

"I'm back." He made his way towards the ships kitchen. "These two should last us a long enough til we can restock. Too bad we don't have any limes or fruit in stock. I coulda made a lot of ceviche with these two. Looks like we're having tuna chunks on a stick then."
Ramsey's expression had remained neutral if somewhat grumpy following the fallout of the fight, her mood perhaps not particularly being helped by a fractured leg, bruises, burns, picking several dozen shards of wood and glass out, and the whole outfit thing. The Ship had not improved it that much, sure it was a basic thing and out of respect for the mayor, she had kept silent but for the longer they traveled on it the more issues they had come across.

Ideally, she would have liked to stick around and make something with the mass amount of materials available from both the cleared damage and fallen monkey pirates but Lalo was adamant about not turning down the gift it seemed.

Knocking against the side she grumbled somewhat at the uniform design, not only was she going to have to deal with the eventual rot and termites but any repairs were going to be a pain in the ass as well, and that was even before the whole fact it would steer like a fatman on a unicycle if not for the bomb room..

Speaking of which that was the first thing she had been working on fixing, it was a relatively easier job that could be done while moving if not in use. Part of her had debated leaving it as is and letting them find out the hard way, which might have been funny, but then again it would have left them potentially in trouble depending on how dire the situation was. The main issue had been obvious to her really, the entire room was sealed to prevent damage to the rest of the ship and direct all the force in one direction, but the thing about explosions her Captain might have forgotten was they consumed the air and made smoke. In an open area that would have been fine, but in an enclosed space? burning through your oxygen, filling it with smoke, and exerting yourself at the same time tended to cause issues.

To fix this she had been at work adding a ventilation system to the box linked up to a few compressors she had managed to put together, her hammering echoing around the ship for a good duration of the ship. The idea was to flood the room with expelling the smoke and flood the room with more air, and if she could pressurize the room itself? well, then the eventual explosion was going to have a much bigger bang when used.

Craning her head up at the shouting from up above Ramsey would raise her goggles and emerge from the ship's hold, her form covered in various patches of black soot and ash as she did.

"Every dumbass can fight and has a style, only difference is how well and having the stomach for it" Peering over the edge to get a better look at the land itself "Speaking of Stomach i need to add some hydropony, Hydraponni...grr a plant growing room to this ship, whoever's doing the shopping make sure you add seeds to the list. Hmm, do these guys count guns as a martial art? might be able to get some parts as well here if not, only so much i can do with those looted pirate swords" Sure there was that staff too, but she kinda had kept that as a trophy from that lanky guy.
Lalo laughed as Asher implied the elderly could be able to take them out "I'd need to be missing limbs and starving to lose a fight to some geezers, I'll punch for lunch and stick a kick quick if it means free stuff"
One wouldn't need to enact violence for food however as Gamba was proving how useful a fishman is in the water.
"Fine work Gamba, we all thank you for the brilliant effort"
It was rather sad to think that swimming in the ocean was something he couldn't enjoy anymore but Lalo regretted nothing about eating a devil fruit.

Ramsey had been banging about the Heights as if it was some busted up dingy as opposed to the finest ship ever created by a veteran, at the mention of buying seeds to make a "plant growing room"
Lalo had to ask "how the hell are you adding rooms to the Heights? This wasn't the largest ship to begin with?"

Spirits were high for the Heights crew,
almost as tall as the impossible orders given by the bounty hunter Tondae "Steel grip"
"I don't care if they fall exhausted!! Whip them if need be we are not losing sight of that ship!!"
"Aye captain Tondae" the man went below deck and gave the news that they would not be stopping.
If someone is unable to pedal then replace them.
"But Barrie, we'll end up using our own men instead of the pirates!"
Barrie shook his head a tad before bring his voice to a shout.
Tondae's ship had caught sight of a suspicious ship the other day, as one of the best bounty hunter crews in the South blue Tondae demanded they catch up even if they need to peddle the paddles of their ship clean off the side.
None escape Tondae's steel grip...

After a few hours the Heights arrives at karate island, Lalo gave the order to dock at the port and assigned a crew to keep watch of the ship. With the sails raised and Heights secure Lalo jumped from the ship onto port to be greeted by a man in a uniform.... Kiyo.png
"Hail travellers, my name is Lin Foon. To dock here in town one must pay two hundred and fifty beli. Alternatively if one from your ship can defeat me in hand to hand combat your ship can remain there freely for a single day. What say you?"

Lalo burst into baffled laughter. It was BETTER than what he had heard... "aha we shall fight and win brave karate man!..."
Turning back towards the Heights Lalo shouted at the others
"...Which one of you wants to taste the local talent?"
Lalo's grin grew before adding
"if your afraid I'm happy to face this worthy warrior myself..."
Lin foon bows with a polite smile, unable to recognise sarcasm or simply ignoring it. The man didn't look weak or frail, but he didn't look particularly strong either.
PlusUltra PlusUltra Cheesemick Cheesemick EbonChevalier EbonChevalier ThePrime ThePrime
First battle of karate island! Everyone gets a chance to fight if they want. As this is a named enemy I will control his actions, reactions, etc

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