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One x One The Survey


The one true mistake
A survey went out to 10,000 people around the world that had only one question: "Can you kill someone to save hundreds and at the same time kill hundreds by killing one?" Despite answering yes or no you are in the game. Make up your own persona or risk people going after your family. All 10,000 were abducted and the entire city of New York was cleared out. All of the taken people are left unconscious and put into boxes around the city, this is where you're character starts. Waking up inside a box, they must quickly decide who they are going to be or just go off their own looks and make their own name notorious. 
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A warm sky covers the city of New York. And for once it's...quiet. Immediately, that's a bad sign to anyone who knows a thing about New York. It's never quiet. Soon, the figure (your character) opens their eyes to see a warm morning sky behind plexiglas and heard the screams of seagulls. They would notice that they were near the docks, the room was 10 feet wide and 15 feet long while the sides of the box were covered. In the corner was a tv that was tuned into a show. A man in an all black suit appears, sitting in a red chair. His glasses were Aviators as he stared down the camera, "Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome. To my experiment. You have all been chosen to partake in this event to see what a person will do to survive. The entire city of New York has been cleared out as you know. You have free reign to do whatever you please. Even Kill others... if your heart desires. You will all have you're own channel in which you will be monitored by the outside world. Impress them, you will receive sponsorship's from whoever wishes to truly sponsor you. But if you wish to try and lead a normal life, then you will just have to survive on your own wits and strengths, no matter what, you all will have taken one life that will take millions. Which is another matter that must be addressed, if you kill one person, you will, in turn, kill that persons entire family, that name will be eradicated from this world. You currently have a 10,000 In currency from where ever you are originally from.  You have 5 minutes to create a mask for yourself, or make your name and face notorious to all, but be warned, people may attack your family if you do happen to travel down this road. Your five minutes begin now, at the end of that an alarm will go off signaling the beginning of this experiment. You may exit your box at any time. Good luck to all of you and Godspeed." The tv turned off and a hud popped up in front of them, (think sword art online) they would see a menu and 10,000 dollars in the corner of the menu. Upon the menu they would see a notice that read, "Masks are teleported immediately. If you have bought weapons, they will be located in Times Square. The figure would see that the weapons went insane. Pistols to assault rifles, even untested weapons and plasma weapons. The cheapest were of course pistols and melee weapons. They would also notices that as for equipment there were quick health packs, speed boosts, shields, active camouflages, grenades, smoke grenades, flash bangs and teleportation grenades.
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The figure sat in the box for a while, waiting for something to happen, WANTING for something to happen. For someone to pop out of a closet or from under that bed and be "It's just a prank bro!" Kind of situation, but once again that though was shattered from the (seemingly) never ending silence. The person stared at the screen and looked at the tiny number box in the corner that stood for their currency. "How exactly am I supposed to do anything with this? It's all in pounds..." It being America, it should make sense that you would have to use dollars instead of pounds but what would it matter in this situation now. The figure got up and looked at it's own shadow, it was very feminine looking; not too slender but just the right kind of thickness that she felt comfortable in. The lady got out of the box she was in and looked around the room the balcony window looking out to the docks was open making the seagulls screeches even more exasperating; she looked to the other end of the room to see it was hotel if sorts, but it's as if someone was living here before everything happened. Taking cautious steps out of the box she made her way over to the coffee maker and started to brew. She made herself comfortable on the bed while she was waiting and looked through the disguises, it seemed a bit strange that this situation didn't seem to faze her; but then again it could just be the shock trying to make it's way through her brain.

After another few extended minutes she decided on a disguise and a melee weapon (katana), she took her coffee and poured some milk in it to dim down the smell and made her way outside costume equipped.
There was a light knock on the door. "Uh excuse me! I uh...I don't know where I am and I need help." Said a voice sounding to which belonged to a teenager or at least a prepubescent one. The time left on the clock was exactly 3:34. "I could really use some help! I lost my friends...and I'm really scared."
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The lady rested her and on the door handle listening to the boy yell from outside. 'How does he know I'm in here? Who is this kid? Is he out to kill me?' Her thoughts swarmed and expanded, there was only one logical thing to do in this now dog eat dog word. She quitely set the blazing hot coffee in a place so if anybody tried to enter through the main door, they would have a bad time.

After, she snuck out through a window and circled her way back to see the person knocking on the door.

She would spot a bulky man, looking somewhat menising and no where fitting the description of the voice she had heard prior. His mask covered his face and he seemed to have been wearing somesort of morphsuit covering his skin to show throw off people about his ethnicity.  The masked figure sighed, "Welp." His voice suddenly turning into an adult voice. "Looks like shes smarter than I thought. No need to help her then." he said outloud, "I know I heard something up here but maybe shes just smart enough to look through the peephole..." he looks to side, directly at the woman, "or just spy on me like a creeper. Morning." He waved at her, it seemed he genuinely had no ill will towards her...or anyone at all for that matter. He just tucked his hands into his jacket pockets. "So...whats your edgy name?" he said simply.
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She squinted at the man, "No peep hole would be able to see the extent on your bulky body. But I appreciate the morning wake up." She stepped out from the corridor making sure to keep her distance. "You can call me TBK. Although a name like Anadell will suit as well." 

She shifted her weight and looked at the man, someone like him would be able to grand slam her across the hall with only his pinky finger. But like she would let that happen, "And who are you?"
"TBK? Alright...but I would advise to keep your name to yourself. Especially now in this contest of survival. If people find out about your name? Your family is as good as worm food." he shrugged, "That's the main reason why I kept my real name secret." He said as he walked towards the window, "Listen, we're running out of time, we need to get out of here. Especially if you bought something. I've got some things waiting for me. So lets make friends and get going. The first step to be my next great pal is to get out of the window, Spider-Woman." he stopped in front of the window. He just stood there with his hands in his pockets, "What do you say?"
UPDATE: The Rp will be moving over to a group RP. If you are genuinely interested please come over and message me.

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