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Fantasy The Supernatrals' Safe Haven

"Quite an odd girl..." Aria spoke under her breath as she moved through the kitchen, taking out a bowl of eggs, a pair of pans and beginning on a pair of omelettes. "Kill you?" Feigning offense at Lila's statement, deciding to tease the girl a bit "Oh yes, I'm going to stab you in the chest and use your soul to burn this place down! But alas, you've caught me and my plan is ruined. Oh woe with me..." Giggling at the end of her little monologue to make sure Lila understood she was joking before returning her attention to the meal, dumping the bowls of egg into the now boiling pans.
"Very funny." Lila said, sarcastically, "Look at how I laugh at your witty repartee." She gestured towards the annoyed expression on her face. She wasn't laughing.

"If you carry on like this, I am afraid that I will be forced to kill you." she said, "What would it take to kill you, I wonder? I imagine it would be easier to kill Homoura and you rely on her body for survival, don't you? If I killed her, you would have no human left to be your vessel." She looked over Aria again, waiting for her reaction, "I'm correct, aren't I?" Lila knew her mythology and she reckoned that Aria was not a human. She was something greater, a demon perhaps, that had borrowed Homoura's body. If so, she would need the body to survive and without it, she would hopefully wither and die... Not that Lila was planning to kill her anytime soon.
"Humorless and Rude. Noted" Seemingly unphased by Lila's threats as she continued cooking.

Finishing the meals she placed then on the table, gesturing for Lila to take a seat. After she had done so Aria began to speak, her tone shifting to a far more serious one. "Now, you are correct. If Homoura should die... I'm fairly confident I would too. But. I swear if you lay a finger on that girl, I will make you regret it. I'm not sure how powerful you think you are, but trust me, we'd be far better off as friends than enemies. Don't you think?, Now eat your food before it gets cold" Her expression shifting back to a smile as she finished speaking, starting to eat her own meal as it did.
Endo had made his way inside after finishing with a few stragglers, his movement and sense of direction unhindered by the fog. The field had bodies strewn about, something Endo would clean up later. He noticed Homoura change into Aria, and follow the rarely seen Lila inside. They began making a meal, despite the trouble recently outside. Endo thought it was nice that they can calm back down so quickly. The threats on each others' lives brought Endo out from the shadows and into the Kitchen. "Ah, hello there, glad to see you are both unharmed, let's keep it that way, shall we?" A smile crept across Endo's face, filling it with an easy to read expression of joy. Sadly, there have been death threats before, and fights to back them up. Fortunately for Endo, he has yet to see something he can't handle, ensuring the Safe Haven stays as such, safe.
Aria gave Endo a bored look as he entered the kitchen, setting down her fork and turning her attention to him. She'd met him a few days ago and mistook him for the owner of this place and had explained her situation to him. He seemed far too overconfident in his own abilities for her liking, she'd heard of how deadly a Naga's venom could be but as far as she was concerned he was no more threatening than a garden snake.

"No need to worry dear, I'm not sure about Lila here but I'd much rather prefer to keep things civil" Returning Endo's smile as she spoke, Aria may not have been too worried about him as a threat, and he seemed friendly enough, but she still thought it would be best not to risk pissing him off.
"I didn't say I was going to kill Homoura. I simply questioned if killing her would kill you also. So, now I know." Lila smirked, sitting down at the table. That was when... The thing came in. She couldn't think of a better word to use than thing. She was pretty sure that they hadn't been introduced so she couldn't call him- she assumed it was a him- by his name.

"Civil." Lila repeated, "Civil means we don't kill each other... Right?" She poked at her food suspiciously. How would she even know if it was poisoned? She was hungry by now, so after staring at it for a few minutes, she ate it anyway.

"Not that I'm planning to kill anyone." Lila said, quickly. Because she wasn't. She just liked thinking about death, okay?!
After Endo seemingly from nowhere informed Kalmia the attack was over. She turned toward his voice reaching out towards the direction of his sound but nothing was caught in her grasp. She re-positioned Peter after his first slip. "Let's get you inside and take that bullet out." She swallowed hard at her own sentence, knowing she'd be the one who would most likely preform the removal. Anisis lead the way back to the house in the thick fog as the pair Kalmia and Peter made their way inside. Kalmia seeing the kitchen occupied brought Peter into the living room. Only ounce had the thought 'I hope his blood doesn't stain the couch.' crossed her mind. "Try not to move you arm much. I'll be right back." She left the room and returned with the first aid box that was still in the front door way.



Nick dusted off his feet on the welcome mat, examining a few scrapes which decorated his knuckles from the punch up before. Unlike the others, Nick has sent his opponents off, still breathing, with a few bloody noses and black eyes as a reminder. He disagreed with killing anyone, not when the people were just kids who were just following someone on something they didn't really understand, like the many he has ran into during the fight.

"Simply afraid of what they don't understand." Nick sighed, as he stopped and eyed a few unfortunate victims which now lay lifeless behind him, feeling the cinders of rage ignite within him. He knew that everyone here needed protecting, but was it necessary to bury knives into their faces? Like they really needed an actual reason to hunt down their kind.

Sniffing stiffly, Nick returned to the kitchen and promptly shoved his bloody knuckles under a tap. The cold stung at first but the sensation only lasted a few, teeth clenching seconds before it faded. Nick, however, barely felt this, too focused on the cold pit which had formed within his stomach. He could hear the casual conversation behind him Continue to bubble like nothing had happened and that bugged the boy. It was as If they hadn't even flinched at the lives some of them had just taken.

Monsters. Nick thought with a chilly chuckle. "Maybe they have a point."

Here Nick turned and left the room, his happy demure dropped.
I lugged my suitcase to the front door before knocking. I never really had much experience with fighting but being who I was even being a human meant I was looked at with some scorn. I never asked for this but it was a way to protect my remaining family.

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