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Fantasy The Supernatrals' Safe Haven

Sugar and Spice

Village Party
Humans have officially known that supernaturals walk among them for over a decade but that also means a rise in Monks, Priestess, Exorcist, Assassins etc. etc. Though being supernatural is not a crime, The human world has not fully excepted us. A Safe Haven created by a Priestess and, her lover, an Underworld Gatekeeper. The home is located on the side of a mountain just above a metropolis. Though their lives have gone, they left their daughter Kalmia. 10 Supernaturals will gather at the Safe Haven, They will create friendships, possibly enemies, and maybe even some romance? But that's what makes living interesting.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/house.jpg.4d0499e60ce7dd0e2a98769b88e0b63c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/house.jpg.4d0499e60ce7dd0e2a98769b88e0b63c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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It's midsummer and streaks of shimmering sunlight filtered through a emerald canopy of trees, casting elegant shadows to dance across the mossy verdure. The lush grass was invested with crickets that made a harmonious song that echoed throughout the forest, almost in sync with the repetitive calls of animals that were crawling through shrubbery and soaring high in the leafy giants. Leathery leaves brushed against each other in the feeble breeze, almost as if they were whispering in hushed tones whilst squirrels ran and frolicked in the bushes. A balmy smell lingered in the humid air, mixing with the scent of damp earth. Flowers were dotted across the luscious forest floor; their enticing fragrance leaving an odd taste in their wake. Vines twisted up the trees, reaching magnificent heights though some hung down like curtains, hiding parts of the forest away in sun-spot darkness.


Kalmia stood on the front porch drawing in the morning. She sighed heavily before making her way back inside. She stopped as her eyes fell upon a picture hanging beside the door

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/tuxpi.com.1408023346.jpg.8ab73d79e758a59b392f485a727477fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/tuxpi.com.1408023346.jpg.8ab73d79e758a59b392f485a727477fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It was a picture of her parents. She breathed in deeper holding herself back from crying today. Today more people were to come and stay at the Safe Heaven. Some of them were already in the house sleeping in their beds. Kalmia opened the door and turned to the kitchen. She sat down patiently waiting for the morning to begin.



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It was unpleasantly light in Lila's room and she hated it that. What time was it? It couldn't be time to get up already. She literally just gotten to sleep. She groaned and buried her face further into her pillow. She was not in the mood to talk to anybody today. She'd arrived very late last night and had so far avoided talking to anyone. Unfortunately, the sunlight streaming through the window refused to go away so Lila got up grudgingly and got dressed. She didn't even attempt to tame her hair. She almost fell down the stairs. Everything was so bright and alive. Ugh.
Homoura sighed, she still wasn't used to waking up to her new room. She'd awoken here for the first time only a few days ago, Aria had been gracious enough to leave her enough memories to explain the situation so she'd managed to avoid panicking. Kicking off her blankets, which also had been provided courtesy of Aria, along with the rest of the decor splayed throughout the room.

Homoura hadn't left her room since she'd woken up here, somewhat afraid of the other residents, unlike Aria she had no method of self defense and if one of them decided to off her she had a pretty low chance of survival unless Aria popped out. Neither of the two were exactly tempting situations to be in. Now though, she was running low on the food Aria had left her and would have to go looking for some. Sighing once again she pushed open the door to her room, setting on her way down the stairs towards what, from Arias memories, seemed to be a kitchen.
A wonderful new day. The Sun is shining and breeze is cool. What better time for breakfast? Endo always seemed to be awake, no matter the time of day. Did he ever sleep? Well, for now he didn't. Endo is in the Kitchen, preparing breakfast. Nothing special, just a small sandwhich and some OJ. After this, he had plans! He heard there are a few new guests, and he was excited to meet them! Most of the time people turn away from him in disgust, but was he really that bad looking? No, he wasn't, behind a counter you couldn't even tell he was different. Sure he wears a jacket in the Summer, but that's for other's safety, and sure he talks like a cowboy, but he's hardly different from anyone else.

What a wonderful choice you've made Endo! A ham and egg sandwich, fantastic! Now it's time to sit down and eat this creation concoction. He waves to Kalmia as he settles in at the table, not known for talking during a meal. There's just something about food, words shouldn't be spoken during the consumption of delectable cuisine, even if it is a silly sandwich. The eggs are fluffy, still moist, and the ham was hand cut, by Endo of course, right off the giant ham itself. They always have a great selection of food here, to satisfy all the different people. That's right, people, not creatures, or monsters. Those can be hurtful terms, Endo certainly doesn't like it. He thinks about all the names he's been called as he happily chews away at his meal, wondering how the day will begin.
Kalmia watched as Endo prepared himself breakfast. She found herself smile after a while, I don't think I've seen anyone other than Endo cook so seriously and happily at the same time. Kalmia could hear someone coming down the stairs, she turned her head but no one entered the kitchen. She shrugged thinking, Someone must have decided to go in a different room. As Endo sat down to eat Kalmia smiled and gave a small wave back. Seeing Endo eating made her feel like cooking, more like baking. She began to pull utensils out of the cupboards to make cupcakes. She knew Endo was much of a talking while eating but she decided to ask anyways, even if he wouldn't reply. "I'm making cupcakes Endo, want anything special?"
Ryan looked around not sure of where he was, he was on a sidewalk facing a giant house. Who lives here? Do I live here? He thought to himself. Nothing seemed familiar to him, he didn't even recognize his clothes or his necklace. He looked at the symbol at the bottom of the necklace, half a rams-skull and half a cross, so half the symbol of the demons and half a symbol of heaven. It made no sense.

He Shook his head in frustration and saw something out of the corner of his eye, so he looked. There was a wing there, it was attached to him. Panic started to set in, Maybe I can get some answers in the house. He started walking to the door, frantically checking his pockets for anything he might remember, he found nothing in his coat or trousers. Fear was starting to couple with his panic now and tears began to form in his eyes.

He made it to the door, found the buzzer bell, and rang it. He stood there waiting for an answer, a tear ran down his cheek. Please, somebody help me!
Gray had awoken sometime before dawn. She's taken the last hour or so to take a shower, get dressed, and stuff various throwing knives and daggers into inconspicuous areas such as sheaths in her boots, tucked into the area between her skirt and her leggings, and extra blades were put into her hidden arm blade-holders. Once it was actually light enough for any normal person to see, she silently creeper out of her room to check if she was the only one awake. Sure enough, she could hear sizzling from what she guessed was the kitchen. Gray hadn't spoked to any of her housemates yet except for the pink-haired girl that was generous enough to offer her a room to stay in (she accepted after some snooping into private profiles to check if this Kalmia girl was anyone she or someone she knew knew in order to know whether or not she wouldnt kill Gray in her sleep).
Before Kalmia had a chance to hear if Endo would answer or not she heard the door bell Ah one of the new people must be here! Kalmia left the baking supplies out as she went to answer the door. She opened and to her surprise it was a guy with two different colored wings. She'd never seen a supernatural with those kinds of wings yet. Then again these kinds of things never bothered her before.

"Hello, can I help you?"
Though she wasn't looking, Endo simply gave a slight nod of his head. One useful feature of having an incredibly long tail was that you didn't need a chair. He sat there, in a small coil, comfortably while he ate. The doorbell rang, alerting the two of them in the kitchen to someone's arrival. Kalmia usually handled newcomers, though Endo sometimes helped out when she was busy, or not there, having been there a while himself. Endo might have moved on by now, as many do, but he's not the kind that can fit in in many places. Endo always thought of opening up a shop though, somewhere he can just hang out behind a tall counter to hide his true form. It's always nice when people aren't afraid of you. While Kalmia left to go check out the door Endo kept on eating, though he kept an ear open. We've gotten hunters sometimes, people who live to track down and either kill or capture people who are not human. No one's ever gotten past Endo though, and he's proud to defend his fellow comrades, this was a safe place, and Endo made sure it stayed that way.

Endo has killed, a lot of people. This fact leads many to believe he's a professional killer, though the fact remains that his strength is on a level most can't handle, and his poison still hasn't been beaten, though that's a blessing and a curse, Endo can never be held by anyone, can never be intimate, and he's settled for the cold reality of the situation, and has resided to being known as someone with a smile, who may just kill you if you upset him. As long as he knows the truth, he's happy. Mmmmm, these eggs are really tasty!
Gray adjusted her collar before creeping down the stairs. She was light on her feet so that the stairs didn't creak. Nearing the middle of the stairs, she heard the doorbell ring and saw Kalmia opening the door to... An angel-thing? She couldn't tell from her angle and the fact that Kalmia was in the way. Heading into the kitchen, she saw the naga guy and nodded a greeting to him. She was informed that she wouldn't be killed by any other members, but she always brought her weapons just in case. She opened a cupboard and got out a box of generic-brand cereal, checked the expiration date, got out a bowl, poured in some cereal and milk she grabbed out of the fridge one-handed, put away everything, then took a spoon and ate standing up against the counter. She saw baking supplies and wondered who was baking what. She ate her breakfast quickly then cleaned up. She then went into the living room and searched the bookcase for any good novels.
Ryan, wiped the tear from his face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to see that" he said forcing a smile "hi, my name is Ryan". He extended a hand in greeting, it was trembling "I was hoping you could help me, I have no idea where I am or what happened to me". His eyes were still glistening, and his wings were drooped, but he managed to force the tears to stop rolling.
The light shone into my window disturbing my slumber. I yawned and put on my clothes. An ordinary day in safe haven. Walking down the stairs I stopped half way.

People, lots of people.

A fear rumbled my stomach. I wasn't good at socialising, putting lessons into practise is harder than reading about the material. I knew I had to go down the stairs to reach a safe place.

"Hi" I said walking down the rest of the stairs "What's for breakfast?"

"Ahh! Peter, m'boy! We have new guests, freshly moved in, and Kalmia is at the door with a visitor, I sure hope it's none of them mean hunters again." It's been a while since the last incident, and it feels almost too quiet. Endo had already finished his sandwich and OJ, and has moved on to cleaning the dishes, his and the others he's found in the sink. A lot of people may look up to him as a sort of nanny or house caretaker. Endo's been here for a while. Being a giant poisonous snake man, it's hard to stay concealed, and Kalmia was the first person in a long time to be kind and inviting towards him.

Endo gave a smile and a tip of his hat before slithering away gracefully. He has learned gentle movements since he's been here, so he doesn't knock things over or touch people and poison them. Sometimes people become sad, and a few have even tried to suicide by touching his tail, so Endo's developed a quick reaction, and a few have even made a game out of it, though Endo doesn't appreciate it. Now it's time to see who our guest is, hopefully a new member, it's always exciting to meet new people. Here, in the Safe Haven, people tend to not be too freaked out by him, though he can still be intimidating, silly broom attached to his tail and all. Endo makes his way to the door to greet the visitor, friendly or not. Other than caretaker, he's also been known as the house guardian by most of the residents, at least the older ones, when the attacks used to be frequent.
Reaching her destination Homoura walked in the kitchen, freezing as she saw a giant snake person slithering it's way out of the room. Jesus Christ just what kind of people lived here? Couldn't Aria have left her those memories too? She sighed, thinking to herself as she did Just... Relax Homoura, none of these monst-people aren't going to hurt you. Regardless of this she still tried to stay unseen, keeping to the edge of the kitchen she headed towards what looked like a pantry, hoping to find something that she'd be able to keep in her room without it going bad.
"A visitor?!" I ask in shock. But it's too late Endo already moved away. I look to Kalmia at the door.

I don't want to know what's at the door I just want to eat and read. I don't want to make new friends it only ends badly.

I panic! Out of the corner of my eye I see more people. I move closer to the cupboards jump to the table while turning into a fruit bowl.

People probably thought it was just the bowl getting knocked. Nobody saw a thing. BREATHE

My body feels squished by invisible walls. I relax my breathing and steady my heat rate, if I get too nervous I'll loose my shape. I concentrate on the stove, something still. I breathe out and relax, let the invisible walls take hold of me. If someone else is coming into this house I want to know a lot about them before I make a move.
Kalmia looked at him with a bit of pity, "Well hello Ryan, my name is Mia and I am the owner of this place. And where you are is Safe Haven -A place for people who happen to not be like others." She smiled hoping some of her explanation didn't scare him away. Endo slithered elegantly beside her. "Ah, and this is Endo..." She gestured, "Endo this man's name is Ryan. Please come in and have a seat." She smiled before heading into the kitchen and continue her making of cupcakes. "Anyone want to make a request?"
And with that quick introduction Ryans' forced smile became more real. "Safe? Not like others? I'm sorry, but thank you for inviting me into your home. I'm a little confused right now and need to not be on the streets."

Ryan looked over at Endo, he had never seen anything like him before, although that's not entirely a fair statement as Ryan didn't really know what he's seen up till about 5 minutes ago.

Endo greets the unusual guest with an attitude he may have found odd. Endo never treats anyone differently, because he knows how it feels, so with a hearty smile on his face he greets the newcomer. "Ahh! Hello Ryan and welcome! We can help take care of you, come in, come in!" Endo followed the others to the Kitchen, as meeting new people was more exciting than anything he had planned today.

Endo was fairly certain no one would treat this newcomer with disdain. In fact, in all his time here, Endo has only seen three fights, and only one was bad enough for him to intervene. Luckily for Endo his poison effects even stone Gargoyles. Also luckily for him, he always carries the anti-venom. The venom can take anywhere from days to months to kill it's victim, depending on what it is, though he's never found anyone immune to it. Endo is on the search to find a way to neutralize the poison, but that's secondary to looking after the house's guests.
Ryan heard the offer for cupcake requests and asked Mia "Chocolate with vanilla frosting please?" he didn't really know what inspired him to request that but it sounded good. And then to Endo "Thank you Endo" he said while offering his hand for the traditional handshake greeting. He looked around, everything seemed so new and intriguing.

Being with these people definitely cheered Ryan up and made him feel a lot better

Ahh, this was the exact reason why Endo wears gloves. Shaking hands is a popular greeting between most people, though not among Naga, because a handshake could kill, and is often seen as a threat, though Endo's learned to adjust his culture, taking the winged man's hand in reply, offering a smile while wondering what people's obsession with sweets is all about.
Kalmia nodded to Ryan. She began reaching for her supplies as she couldn't find a small enough bowl to mix the eggs and cocoa baking powder. She picked up the bowl from the kitchen table, knowing it wasn't meant for what she was going to use it for. She set in down on the counter, opening a cupboard, "Well, we're out of cocoa powder, I guess I'm making a trip into town today." She returned the eggs to the fridge.
No! No! No!

I break my form quickly, otherwise I'll look like a mess. I try not to show my annoyance and pass a smile while sliding off the bench. My face is full of sweat. I grab a tea towel and wipe my forehead.

"You sure we don't have any cocoa powder?" I ask. "I'm sure I saw some brown powder thing in the fridge a couple of days ago"

I take a seat, If I'm in my natural form now why be scared? Everyone's already seen me.
Stretching to the loud crackle of bones, Nick unfurled himself from his napping position next to the creek. The sun had emerged a few hours ago and in the cool heat of dawn, Nick had found a pleasant spot in which to rest, the ache of the change still burning in every muscle. Sitting up, he glanced around the area with a long, lazy lop-sided grin. His lips pulling back over perfect white teeth, before they parted in a yawn.

A few hours rest was all he needed, that, and a fresh set of clothes. Standing, the man half walked, half staggered towards a thick cluster of rocks, where, hidden in a deep and rather damp nook, lay his clothes, wrapped tightly in his belt.

Retrieving them, he quickly changed, shuddering slightly at the cold, moist sensation which clung to the fabric of his jeans and shirt, before moving back to the nook to find his shoes, one of which, was not there.

“Aww come on…” Nick grunted, fatigue clinging to his usually jovial tone. It was just his luck to have one shoe missing though admittedly it had nothing to do with his good fortune or lack of thereof.

Glancing up towards the trees, the familiar shimmer of faint cloak darted out of view, Nick’s eyes narrowing to two thin slits before grimacing and running a large hand through his short locks of blonde hair.

“Bloody Fae.” He growled as he bent down and grabbed his one shoe, briefly brandishing it at the vanishing spot of the small woodland spirit. “I want my shoe back, you hear?” He called, pausing for a short second before adding quickly “And my pants from last week!”

A faint chuckle sounded from all around, just quiet enough to missed by the normals, but within the hearing range of a waning wolf.

Yeah. Ha.ha. A bitter voice sounded in his head, before he then relaxed and gave a grin, shrugging his shoulders slightly before turning on the spot. Walking through the forest with bare feet wasn’t so bad…after all he had done so for just over half his life, though perhaps a wolf’s thick pads were slightly different to a human’s soft sole.

“Nah. Forget it, keep’em.” He chuckled, spotted a few eyes regarding him quietly from behind various leaves. “Vermin.” He grinned this last bit, his eyebrows buckling down a little in a mischievous smile. About him the bushes rustled with sounds of utter disgust before quiet insults were thrown back, but they fell on deaf ears this time, as Nick had already began to move off, back towards his new home.


The safe haven was a good place and one which Nick had easily grown attached too. Just like his own family’s house, the grounds were large, set back into the wilderness and it was both spacious, inside and out so home sickness was not really a problem. He had the woods to run through and housemates to look after though a little side of him missed his brothers and sister, as well as cousins and pretty much every other family member.

Not that he had lost contact though. Back in his room, his phone was already going off with three unread messages, two of which were from George, 20 year old cousin.

The trip back to the house was short, Nick’s feet carrying him back without much thought and before long he was pushing open the front door and stumbling in, shirt damp and cleaning to his chest while his thick blonde hair stuck out at odd angles.

“Good morning all!” He called, the faint smell of breakfast altering Nick to his housemates’ whereabouts.

“Good night? And do I smell breakfast?” Nick asked, practically bounding into the kitchen to the soft pad of his bare feet brushing over the wooden floor boards, until he stood in the large archway which lead him to the others.

Peter and Endo where sat at the table, Peter somewhat uncomfortable, while Mia, who was currently busy, bent over a mixing bowl as worked on cupcake mix, shouted out for any special requests. The scent of Grey in the air too but taking from her absence in the kitchen, Nick gathered she wished to be left alone.

Nodding to each in turn, Nick leaned against the archway before allowing his eyes to settle on a new face, regarding him with a warm smile as his eyebrows arched in intrigue. It was not every day that you saw a boy with wings.

“Ah, new face I see.” He beamed, walking in and dropping his one shoe onto the floor before pulling a seat up at the table. “Nice to meet ya, mate! I’m Nick. Guard dog.” He winked then held out his hand in offer of a handshake.
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They were all in the kitchen as evident by the murmur of voices. Obviously, Lila avoided the kitchen and went searching for somewhere else to sit. She was not in the mood to face anyone today- except perhaps a few lost souls if she could find a graveyard. She wasn't hungry or anything because she wasn't a morning person. The thought of eating breakfast after just waking up made her feel physically ill. So, narrowly avoiding people on the stairs, she went back to her room and shut herself in. She'd be fine in here... At least until she got hungry. And then, she would have to take food from the kitchen and return to her room- that could be tricky. But for now, she just lay back on her bed and stared up. She wanted to go home.

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