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Fantasy The Sunder Star CS

Verena Cardia

Basic Info

CHARACTER: Verena Cardia

Player: Verena Verena

Role: Assassin/Ganger/Guide/Rogue

Patron God: ?

Weapon(s): Throwing knives (D3 DMG), Saber (12 DMG+1) and a Curved Dagger (D6 DMG)


Physical Fitness 5/10

Weapons skill 6/10

Ballistics skill 4/10

Intelligence 1/10

Stealth 6/10

Toughness 3/10


Languages- Trade speak (English), Kvassian (Latin)

Old Foes:
Verena has fought the Lesser Daemons of The Doom Legion more times than many have seen Sunderings. (Gains a reroll on hitting and damage against lesser daemons)

Daughter of The Serpents:
Verena has the favor of many high ranking Serpents. (Gains a reroll on any roll involving this faction)

Duel Wielder:
Verena has been trained by Lucius to use both saber and dagger. (+2 to hit, +5 DMG on crits)


Sons of the Serpents= 17(+1)
Seth= 0(0)
Seth has neither good will or ill will on his wayward daughter


Jurgen= 7(0)
Jurgen is nice enough towards Verena but won't do anything to help her

Amrag= 12(+1)
Amrag always sought to be her friend unfortunately was too shy to speak with her.

Kekogaard= -21(-2)
Kekogaard has a strong distaste for Verena due to her actions in Tyros.

House of Vyriss 31 (+3)
Your service in the fight against the doom legion has caused them to like you immensely and recognize you.

Clan Rveti 33 (=33)
Your service in the fight against the doom legion has caused them to like you immensely and recognize you.

Black Shields 27 (+2)
Your service in the fight against the doom legion has caused them to like you immensely and recognize you.

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Calista Snow

Basic Info

CHARACTER: Calista Snow

Player:@Meme Machine

Role: Mage/Necromancer/Exorcist

Patron God: ?

Weapon(s): 2x Sickles Each (D12+1)


Physical Fitness 7/10

Weapons skill 1/10

Ballistics skill 3/10

Intelligence 0/10

Stealth 0/10

Toughness 6/10

Magic Strength: 8


Languages- Latin(Kvassian), English(Trade Speak), and some Draconic (?)

Dark Child-
Any dark artifact or blood based magic is reduced in effectiveness. (Roll a D3. Only on a 1 will the full effect on you)

Orphan of the Kilthin-
You can immediately tell whenever you are near a dark cult.


Seth= 0(0)
Seth has little to no interest in Calista

Kekogaard= -21(-2)
Kekogaard has a strong distaste for Verena, and in effect Calista, due to her actions in Tyros.

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Leon Baxter

Basic Info

CHARACTER: Leon Baxter


Role: Seafarer/Fighter/Captain

Patron God: ?

Weapon(s): Dirk (D12 DMG+1)


Physical Fitness 6/10

Weapons skill 6/10

Ballistics skill 0/10

Intelligence 2/10

Stealth 3/10

Energy 4/10

Toughness 4/10

Magic Strength: 0/10


Languages- Latin (Kvassian) , German (Venn'darian) can understand some English (Trade Speak)

Sailing Legend
Sailors have heard tales about you and you almost killing a lesser kraken and will be more easily influenced (Roll a D6 and on 5's or above)

Able Captain
Any sailors under your command are 2X efficient. (Reroll any sailing check once per day)

Long War Veteran
Due to your long service in the Great Sundering Fleets a noble will recognize you and respect you for the countries of Venn'dar and Kvass (roll a D12 and on 9+ it will be successful)


Kekogaard= 11 (+1)
Kekogaard has a working relationship with you and understands your value

Marguerite Dubois

Basic Info

CHARACTER: Marguerite Dubois


Role: Scholar

Patron God: ?

Weapon(s): Throwing Knife (3 DMG)


Physical Fitness 3/10

Weapons skill 1/10

Ballistics skill 4/10

Intelligence 3+2= 5/10
Due A Scholar's Tale increase of 2 points

Stealth 2/10

Magic Strength 6/10

Energy 4/10

Toughness 2/10


Languages- French (?) , English (Trade Speak) , Latin (Kvassian) , Ancient Greek (?)

A Scholar's Tale-
Force to drudge through an interesting tale, but academically dismissed the rough collection of scrolls, books and verbal tradition that was eventually collected into a book called "Historia De Occulta". This was secretly a hodgepodge of tales that is relevant to Savos. Many seek to read these stories, and it provides insight to many of the cultures, traditions and curiosities of this new world.

Recognized Scholar-
Due to reading the "Historia de Occulta", the mere fact she even touched it has bestowed the equivalent to a Doctorate, Noble status and much more to her. She is apart of the .01% that has read what is possibly considered holy texts on Savos.


Seth= 14 (+1)
Seth views Marguerite as an academic equal. Thus garnering his own intellectual interest.

Kekogaard= -21 (+1)
Kekogaard has a strong distaste for Verena, and in effect Marguerite , due to her actions in Tyros.

Combat System
Combat will be divided into these 3 basic phases for fighting
Normal Combat
Movement ===> hitting ===> damage ===> Repeat
Magic System
Movement ===> Summoning Magic ===> hitting ===> Damage ===> Repeat

Action Points
For simplicity sake 100% your call but any substantial movement (Any movement farther than lets say 5 steps) will cost 1 action point. If you feel that the distance is too far, please be fair and add that extra action point. I think in forum RP the simpler the better but the element of dice helps enhance the narrative and add a certain amount of risk you cannot create out of a purely narrative standpoint with a GM as inexperienced as me. In the event you miss you can use an action point to "Continue the fight" meaning you could theoretically spend all your action points on one foe.

(I feel like this is fair if you disagree please speak up)
Verena 3 Action points
Marguerite 1 Action points and 2 Magic points
Calista 2 Action points and 1 Magic point

Phase 1 Hitting
D20 to hit + WS or BS
Marguerite- 16 up
Verena- 12 up
Calista - 14 up

Roll D6 for body part (Speeds up narrative completely optional)
D6= Head
D5= Arms
D2-4= Torso
D1= Legs
Critical hit (20) = double your damage/ you have full control over the fight if DMG exceeds enemy HP THIS IS YOUR MOMENT OF COOL!!!!

Phase 2 Damage
Weapon DMG + PF if melee to simulate strength

Calista rolls a 13 but has 1 WS so she hits. She rolls a D6 hitting the foes head which has no armor. She rolls a D12+1 to determine damage rolling a 7 dealing 14 (after adding Physical Fitness) Damage to her foe’s head.

D20 +WS/BS ===> 13(Roll) + 1 WS = 14 (End Result)
D6 ===> 6 (Roll)
Weapon DMG +PF = 6+1 (Weapon DMG) + 7 (Stat) = 14 DMG (End Result)

Magical Points
D20 +/- intelligence
Summoning magic is a task upon itself. Mages are worth their weight in gold due to this and its inherent dangers. You will roll to see if you can control the magic in any meaningful amount that can be controlled. Some spells require dozens of magical points before they can be used meaning your powerful battle ending battle mage may be useless for turns without the ability to defend themselves.

Calista 16 up
Marguerite 8 up

What if I roll over a 20?

Magic is a violent force in Savos. When one gathers more than the required magical energy required one immediately suffers consequences.

(D12- Energy) divided by 3 is unavoidable damage done to you.

Phase 1 Hitting
Same as above this is skipped if the spell is AOE

Phase 2 Damage
Same as above, but you make a single substitution with PF (Physical Fitness) replaced with MS (Magical Strength)

Spell DMG +Magical Strength plus additional effects specified by spell

Full Spell Example
Eg. Fireball does D12 DMG if it hits the target receives 4 burning damage for 3 turns. This spell requires 2 Magic actions in order to use.

Marguerite uses a fireball. She rolls a 20! Thankfully, her intelligence is 5 and decides to reduce the roll by 5 instead of increasing the roll by 5. She rolls a 14 to hit plus 4 BS = 18 and rolls a D6 and gets a 6 to hit her foe’s head. She dishes out 12 (Spell) +6 (Magical Strength) +4B (Spell Effects)

By the Numbers Example
D20 +/- intelligence ===> 20 (roll) +/- 5 (Stat) =15 (End Result)
D20 + BS ===> 14 (roll)+ 4 (Stat) = 18 (End Result)
D6 ===> 6 (Roll)
D12+MS+4B ===> 12 (Spell DMG) +6 (Magical Strength) +4B (Spell effect)= 22 (End Result)

Rituals require a precise amount of magic. Some rituals will begin at a predetermined amount of "excess magic" that require you to decrease/ guide in order to make it work without exploding or to power in order to make it work. Technically it falls into combat as some mages uses solely rituals to reap a bloody toll upon their foe.

Phase 1 The Ritual
Above is an example. The 1d20 represents you the player collecting your natural magic that comes as you "trigger" the start of a ritual. The "?" is the inherent power needed (if it is negative) or the inherent power needed to be controlled.

Ritual Example
A famous ritual known as a ritual of protection that helps protect one against all threats naturally requires much power to be formed.

17-100 = -83

Wow! that doesn't have nearly enough power to spell this ritual into being! How does one change this? By adding more spell casters, artifacts and etc to help "Power" such a powerful ritual. This of course is easier to do outside of combat and as such is frequently done by those outside of combat. Those who can do it in combat have been known to single handedly destroy armies. The last great "Battle Mage" or the Great Dwarven Ritual Incorporated such rituals into his own fighting style.

Vice versa

17+100= 117

Wow! that's a hard ritual to control. Like above, you need to find a way to help guide the power into the form you need it to be. Imagine holding molten metal in your hands. It's only going to hurt you unless you guide the metal into a more useful structure such as a sword. It's impossible to do with your bare hands so you gather the tools required to craft this sword. Once you do, it's an arduous process, but you have created a permanent tool to use.

This is more or less a ritual.

Phase 2 The Result

Some rituals will result in GM consequences that will never be told ahead of time due to the rarity of such rituals being performed. You can only learn about them after the fact. When this is the case I will warn you ahead of time that there is a consequence, but it won't be revealed until you toss a coin. The coin determining if you flawlessly performed the ritual or if somehow someway something affected it. For most openly taught rituals Phase 2 will serve no purpose.

Raise the Dead (enmass)
There will be consequences
Hidden Consequence-
The Seeker can smell the dark magic and that it is yours roll 1d3 to see how much closer he gets and then roll 1d100 to see if he finds you.

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