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Realistic or Modern The Sun & Moon


eyebrow queen
Oasis submitted a new role play:

? The Sun & Moon ? - I love you to the moon and back

"Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon

so much he died every night to let her breathe."


They couldn't be more different; like night and day.

She spends her night awake dreaming and staring up at the stars. Her free

spirit and sense of adventure make it nearly impossible for...

Read more about this role play...


"Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon

so much he died every night to let her breathe."


They couldn't be more different; like night and day.

She spends her night awake dreaming and staring up at the stars. Her free

spirit and sense of adventure make it nearly impossible for her to grow up.

He spends his days muttling around, planning for his future. He is goal

oriented and wants nothing more to be a full fledged adult.

When the two of them meet at a small gathering to see the wonder that is Hailey's

Comet, sparks fly. But the fact that they truly polar opposites is bound to cause friction.

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