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Fantasy The Summits

"Well, let's just say after bits of the plane fell off, the shooting stopped and I then blacked out. Of course, I fell out of my large cage and landed into a tree, which thankfully had leaves gathered together like a large nest," she replied.
Wraps nods, "That sounds pretty interesting. I'm nothing to bat an eyelash at, I just got tossed out of a boat." They entered the camp.
"Want to sit by the fire?" He asks nicely, not trying to be creepy, "I think there might be a fish or two left." He says. Wraps walks over to the fire and picks up 2 sticks with uncooked fish on them, "They're like marshmallows......Well, kinda. Close enough."
XY laughed a little, picking herself up and walking to the fire. She carefully took one stick and laid it over the fire. "Better than nothing."
Wraps sits and starts cooking the fish with XY, "So, what are your powers again?" He looks over at XY.
"Hmm? Oh, I have Telepathic Communication. Meaning I'm able to communicate with people by their minds, or just allowing me to hear their thoughts/plans for war/the future," she says this like it's nothing, even though she knows it's valuable information. "I also have a split personality, my number is X-Y5C3, most of the others called me XY. 'X' means the good side of me and 'Y' being the aggressive side."

OOC: Gonna be away on here, playing a few games! ^^
Wraps nods, "I can see into the future, you can probably understand my freak out earlier. I sorry for acting like that." Wraps looks down and sighs, "I just had a bad vision..." He looks back up. "I'm not one to speak, but I would say that I've been through a lot, I think we've all been through a lot at some point in our life."
The Third was taken back by Tatt's response. Being interested in fish when there was a much, much closer body? Then again, she didn't have much direct knowledge of Tatt's dietary habits. Only rumors from the few others she kept in contact with. Maybe she wasn't a crazy cannibal monster of the island.

Maybe she was just trying to lure the Third into her cave.

"Had would be the correct term. This little wench tried to stick a knife in me and I had to leave the stuff behind."

She didn't bother snapping that Tatt was taking stuff from her kill, the Third was happy enough that the damn skulking light-bending girl wasn't breathing anymore.

"But, how about this. I could forage enough for the both of us, you help me out?"
"What do you need help with? I make excellent bait if that's what you need."

If she could only see the look on her face. Her words were harsh, angry at having to kill someone for something stupid. And a hint of disbelief too. The third and Tatt had quite an interesting relationship, something bordering on respect for each other maybe? Both had been on the island too long and while Tatt died and would come back stronger, the Third only had one life to live. Something in her was more powerful than Tatt could ever hope to be. In a thousand years, Tatt didn't know who'd she be but the Third would live on as the drive inside her. While Tatt was immortal, the Third would always be a better story to tell.
Wraps finally cooks the fish and looks at XY, he looks tired, as if he hasn't slept in a while. He yawns, "I need some sleep, but I think I'll eat first. I'll go to bed later." He takes the fish off the stick.
Babble slowly but steadily made his way back to the shelter and started giving it a good look-over. "We need to move this." He thought out loud. He wondered where everyone else got to, he paid it no mind, he knew they'd be okay on their own.
"Jesus, no. No." She emphasized again. Even if Tatt could get over being dead like other people got over a cold, the idea of using a comrade (even a monster of one) as bait was repellant to the Third.

"For now I want to find out why Cassius has taken such a lethal interest in me. He was made when I told him his idea of waiting for rescue was full of shit, but he could've just had his little merry band of marauders mobbed me down there if he wanted me dead. What changed is what's really bothering me."

She didn't say anything about her aspirations after dealing with the current conflict she found herself in. It wasn't that she didn't trust Tatt, it was that she didn't count on Doctor Eckhert being so grossly incompetent not to be watching what was going on this island. Although counting on the blind girl not to stab her in the back was closer to blind faith than anything, but she did seem sincere enough.

Struggling to survive an island wasn't good for the psyche was a lesson she had witnessed too many times.
8 got to the ocean and a wave knocked her down.

She stood up and started trying to wipe herself off.

She began crying because she was alone again.

"Why me?" She asked herself.

"I wanna die..." She said as she plopped herself back down into the water.
AmpersandBLIX said:
8 got to the ocean and a wave knocked her down.
She stood up and started trying to wipe herself off.

She began crying because she was alone again.

"Why me?" She asked herself.

"I wanna die..." She said as she plopped herself back down into the water.
(Did you kill your chatecter?)

Constance grabbed her by the neck collar, and pulled her to shore. No one was going to die daily. No one..... He couldn't handle it. His bones hurt, every inch as he saved her
gogojojo331 said:
(Did you kill your chatecter?)
Constance grabbed her by the neck collar, and pulled her to shore. No one was going to die daily. No one..... He couldn't handle it. His bones hurt, every inch as he saved her
<Not yet, I might>

8 screamed as loud as she could before becoming completely invisible.

"Why would you touch me?" She yelled at the boy.

"Don't touch me!" She charged the boy and tackled him to the ground.

She pulled out her knife from her belt and cocked her arm back.

She realized very quickly what she was doing, tears soon followed, then the dropping of the knife.

She crawled off the boy, "I'm sorry..." She began balling.
(He's in fox form.)

He whimpers at her pain, knowing how dire her situation must be. Pain grips his side, and he moans in pain. He licks he side to know that she is loved by someone... Even though he is in pain himself....

She punches the ground a few times, blood erupts from the surface of her knuckles.

"God damn-" her emotions stopped her from finishing the sentence.

"Are you okay?" She asked through sniffles.
He tried to fake it, but no use. He couldn't stand up straight, wobbling as his bones were against him. He toppled down, yelping in pain.
"Maybe Cassius is trying to confirm his power? His group isn't like the ones by the beach, They've killed me a few times. Noose trap and they built a pyre under me. He's been expanding his base."

Tatt shivers out of respect. Other than the possibility of being eaten alive again, fire licking over her body was really not something she wanted to experience again. She'd seen what Cassius had down, the eager little pyro in their group had just recent flooded a cave full of fresh failures like the ones nearby with enough heat to cook them through the walls. She didn't see it but could smell the flesh cracking and could almost taste the fat rolling off their teen aged bodies.

"I was good at starting fires before all this anyways. I was a scout you know..." Tatt closes her eyes, a fresh spurt of the fluid rolling down her cheeks. "So how did you want to go about this?"
AmpersandBLIX said:
She punches the ground a few times, blood erupts from the surface of her knuckles.

"God damn-" her emotions stopped her from finishing the sentence.

"Are you okay?" She asked through sniffles.
(He's not dead, just so you know)
That Cassius and his crew had come all the way out to Tatt's territory was an unpleasant surprise. Ever since she had known him, he led his group with the fervent belief that if they survived and waited on the island they would be forgiven their failures. With a static belief like that, they hadn't been given to any kind of aggressive expansion. Just what the hell was lighting a fire under his ass? (OOC: Pun totally intended =])

"No, I didn't." She didn't, but it was certainly an interesting role for a person who couldn't see.

"Ideally this is just to find out what is going on, I was hoping that girl was acting on her own orders but from you told me it sounds like Cassius is done being a patient, benevolent ruler. We've got to declaw him at least, if not just for our own sake then for any others on this godforsaken island. He's got numbers, but with this new ambition I'd say we get close and look for an opening to knock his numerical advantage down some."

Her stomach made a roiling noise, now that she wasn't locked in desperate combat with an assassin and trying to fend off a cannibalistic monster her bodily functions were starting to reaffirm their needs. Her smile was more exasperated than anything, only to vanish quickly once she realized Tatt couldn't even see it.

"First thing, lets get some food. With your help I think we could bag something good."
"I can't pick you up, or I'll kill you." She sniffled and looked around for anyone else who could help.

"Where are all of those people?" She asked him as if he knew something.

"What hurt you?"
AmpersandBLIX said:
"I can't pick you up, or I'll kill you." She sniffled and looked around for anyone else who could help.
"Where are all of those people?" She asked him as if he knew something.

"What hurt you?"
He scratched 'VI' crudely on the ground. He whimpered for her to help him up, so he could direct her.
Wraps new he couldn't show XY his, "condition" He didn't want to show a nice lady how disgusting he looked under his bandages, "I think I'll go down to the beach." He says aloud, he walks down to the beach with the cooked fish. He makes sure no one is around and pulls down the bandages covering his face, he then proceeds to eat.

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