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Fantasy The Summits

Wraps whips around, his shirt covered in blood. 
He stands in a defensive position, "Who are you?" 
He glares at the person.
Vi approached, showing no fear and... no care what so ever for what his actions may be. "Please.. I don't respect being talked to like that. I apologize for my lack of patience however I usually have a lot." She said smiling without batting an eye. She looked at the blood, the stench already quite evident on his body. "I am a experimental reject, albino, and emotional manipulator extraordinaire. Consider me Vi."

She stated the emotions part in a joking tone, to lighten the mood. However, somehow it seemed people gravitated towards her when distressed. "Any other questions before you would like to get acquainted with a shelter, or maybe patched up?"
Wraps mutters, "I'm Wraps, and yes I would like to get patched up." He lowers his defenses.
8 saw a man who looked very injured, the rain slowly came to a stop.

A girl came t his aid but things quickly got hostile. She stayed sitting in the puddle, tears dripping down her face.

She quickly went invisible, but it was only slightly successful, her body flickered in and out of view of the other two people.
Wraps walks inside, his head hanging as he contemplates everything that's happened today.
Back to normal temperature, Feuer notices something coming again, the bird is back. Feuer looks out towards the ocean for a second, then looks back at the bird to realize that it is bigger than he first thought, and more human shaped. Feuer said something in German resembling a swear word. He starts to reach for his fishing rod, before remembering that it was in the ocean. Instead, he started to heat up, his skin turning slightly red.
Wraps sits inside and pulls down the cover over his bottom half of his face, his lower half of his face is decomposed, black flesh seem molded into his gums, his teeth are baring.
The man leaves and hasn't seen her, she stands and hold back her tears to follow him.

At the shelter he walked into, there is another man asleep on the ground, a girl asleep on the bed, and the man covered in bandages standing, removing his bandages. She remains slightly invisible.

She wants to cry and she doesn't know why.
Luna landed on the sand in front of the figure. She left her wings out for a second before closing them back in. "Hello." She said, looking at him. She noticed his glowing skin. "Woah there partner, no need to get all hot headed in here." She said. "Welcome to the island of misfits. Name's Luna, the bird/ sound freak." She said.
Wraps quickly whips around with a scared look on his face, "H-Huh?! Who's there?!" 
He quickly slides the cover back over his mouth.
Vi nodded to the skittish man. "We aren't alone on this island, but at night its best to keep a safe distance. Come." She offered with a warm look. The man was about as white as she was. At first it wa shocking, then she realized her was a living zombie. She brought him into an empty shelter out of the three she made. "Lay down.. I have no supplies but my abilities make treating open wounds easy."
Wraps nods, " Oh, well that's very nice of you." He lays down,once he does he winces slightly.
Feuer smiles at the hot headed joke. his skin starting to become normal again. "Feuer." He says with a very slight German accent. He gestures around him "I'm glad to finally see someone that is so cheery here. Like I said, I'm Feuer, local hot plate."
Vi looked him up and down. "Show me where you are injured? I'll do what I can." She offered. Pigmentless red eyes not seeming so threatening as she examined his body. She tried to keep in mind.. his special condition. It made it hard to know where he needed the immediate fixes and she only had so much energy she could use up.
Wraps has a concerned look on his face, "Do I need to lift my shirt or take off my face mask?" 
He points at his torso, "some thing clawed me here."
Luna snorted. "You have any idea how hard this is. If it wasn't for being so tired I would be a lot more hostile. I yelled at the entire camp, almost bowing our only shelter over." She said. "We have others but there just overly cheery." She said. She smiled. "Now do you want to come with us? If the answer is yes then you have two options of transportation. You can walk, or I can fly you there."
Nyx walked back to the shelter for she had left it to walk around on her own. She had also gotten lost on her way back to the shelter until she saw a few different orbs of energy from those of the plants. Once she was back to the shelter she saw a faded type of energy. She felt around the shelter until finding the oGoing back into the shelter slowly she would speak a bit silently. "Vi, I'm back. How many people are in this shelter now?" She was a bit confused looking outside of the shelter seeing a faded type of energy.
Wraps suddenly remembers something and goes to sit up but sits up too quick and the pain subdues him.
Vi nodded solemnly. "It would be useful to see the exposed skin, so please do. I will pay no mind to what I see, as we all have.. circumstances." She tried to explain, knowing she would see blood and decay and feel nothing.

"Oh Nyx! This is a new guest here. A male, not too old, but white hair. I have yet to get a name from him, but he's friendly." She said, knowing to verbally announce a presence for the girl who cant tell. "Oh, easy. Whats the matter?" She asked, quietly.
His face contorts and remembers all the things people said when they saw him in public, "O-Ok, I will lift my shirt....But please.....Don't say anything about it, will you?" His face has a look of sadness and despair.
"Hm... I guess by flying you mean with you being my 'wings'." He looks up at the sky, he always wondered. "If it wouldn't be too much work for you, I saw your passenger earlier, and if your tired..."
Vi smiled, in an understanding way. Her scars were never to be seen, so she wouldn't mind even if somebody is much much worse. As long as it was for the sake of healing. Anyways, Nyx was blind. "No judgement, verbalized or otherwise love. Go on.. I want to get you patched up." She tried to turn up the kindness key in her voice. Her facial expressions and reactions were built from a life times amount of caging herself up and perfection as to what is seen and perceived. Now her mind mainly reflects her happy facial expressions.. except for one scary part the rest of her cannot shun without showing glimpses.
Luna shook her head. "I was stuck in a cage at some point and I had never really flown around." She said. "Now if your to afraid I will drop you then I can carry you like a princess, but if that's not manly enough then just hold my hand." She said, extending her hand to him. She had already done this before today, but she didn't mind at all, as long as they tried not to provoke her.
"Oh, I see. Our group is growing it seems." She tilted her head ignoring the faded energy. "Welcome to the shelter." She said towards the male that was described to her. She had placed her hand in her pocket grabbing a rose made of ice. She touched it lightly with a small smile feeling the ice. "Do you need help, Vi?" she had a wide smile curved at the edges of her mouth.
Wraps nods and lifts his shirt, his body is decomposed badly, there are small holes in his body and the flesh around them has turned dark, the large claw mark where the thing clawed him was slanted across his chest.

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